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Everything posted by NSWP

  1. They want to stay because of Harrys pie cart nearby and perhaps also the availability of Cougars. 🤣
  2. Haydens Pies are about 45 minutes north of me. Always busy. When I go past I buy a few gf ones, but expensive @ $8. I have read the story of Haydens Pies., legendary. Top pies.
  3. Direct to P and O or to a T/A ? If the latter they might be hanging on to your $$$$$$.
  4. Can he fight if laundry rage erupts, lol.🤼‍♀️
  5. She needs a few 🥧 though Linda, fatten her up a bit and make her sing even better. Remember the old saying…It is not over until the fat lady sings? 😬
  6. If there is evidence a smoker caused the fire then I would hope they would be barred from all Carnival stable ships.👹
  7. Crikey Barry, you have gone from cruising with Cunard Toffs in your tuxedo dinner suit to cruising with….I had better stop there, lol.
  8. I was on Coral Princess last September, skipped first formal, went to second one, I wore black jeans and a black long sleeved shirt, no tie. Quite acceptable.
  9. Bit early for me, but the ships sail past here 20 miles out, hard to see. On the trackers she looked to be around Eden this morning, probably turn around soon and head back to Sydney on the booze cruise.
  10. Sounds like we who are stuck on land for various reasons will have some great blogs to read re the 2023 WC. I appreciate your efforts anyway as I am sure many others will do.
  11. Like last night 4C. Today it got to 17C. We get frosts, but rarely. It can get down to -2C overnight in June/July.
  12. Where is Rod? Did he walk the CC gang plank?🤣
  13. Feeling rough, like I have a hangover every day. Side effects of drugs are not good.
  14. Having embarked Princess ships in Hawaii, LA and San Francisco, hectic, busy places. Take my advice have a couple of nights pre and post and relax.
  15. Well after all this time, Premier Minns said Proposed cruise terminal at Yarra Bay on Botany Bay is canned. State Govt going to negotiate further with Federal Govt re Garden Island Facilities. Good luck 🤣 Rod will be happy, lol.🤣
  16. But it might be 'Pacific Mary' (ex QM2 in 2040, lol.)
  17. Cruising could become the rich person's hobby again Geoff, like the old days. Outrageous prices.
  18. He has stepped down as CEO of the Foundation but still on the board and still runs the Festival. He is flat out working for Albatros now as Chief Commercial Officer.
  19. Yes bi annual. It was held in August 2022, next one is August 2024.. Mawson's Hut Foundation run it. My son was Director of the event last year.
  20. Bon Voyage to all on Coral Princess for the Worldie. An adventure awaits.
  21. I have been on board the red one when I was in Hobart a few years ago at the Australian Antarctic Festival. She performed sterling service.
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