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Everything posted by NSWP

  1. I only raised the subject as some pax currently reporting from Majestic on other social media are worried they might be refused entry at Tauranga. LOTR, not heard of that One, lol.
  2. Drambuie is a members special at the moment at Dans. I bought a bottle this arvo, $58, normally $72. But by the time I bought a bottle of Beenleigh Rum and a few bottles of Hardys Stamp vino, my wallet was $202 lighter, lol.
  3. Some restaurants here have provision on the bill for gratuities and many have the big glass cookie jar on the counter for tips.
  4. But what if a ship rolls in with 300 Covid pax? What will Jacinta do?
  5. Try Drambuie Lyle, I always have a bottle in my cabinet. Lubbly Jubbly.
  6. We only get 63 US Cents for the Aussie Dollar, horrible.
  7. Agree, more elbow and body room in the mini suit bath/shower combo. The shower cubicles in the ordinary cabins are horrible. I still have bruises on my elbow from C333 on Coral lol.
  8. You will miss the embarkation lunch today then, Horizon Court for you, good food in there plenty of variety....Enjoy.
  9. Maybe but with the package the money is in the till, if you know what I mean Mic.🤑
  10. And hopefully not Red, otherwise it will be a Government forced U turn back to Seattle, whence she came.🤐 Her reception from the NZ Government when she reaches Tauranga on 14 October will be an indicator as to her Covid state.😐
  11. AAAgh, no hot water !! When I was on Coral 13/9 to 22/9, I was in Cabin C333, one morning no hot water, plumber arrived that evening, thermostat in shower taps was kaput, so he put a new one in. Perhaps that was the problem with yours. Plumber told me he sometimes replaces a dozen shower thermostats a day on the ship, wear and tear.
  12. $100 to $150 is average now for a degustation menu, I think the one I had at the golf club a couple of months ago was $150, but included a quality wine with each of the 6 courses.
  13. For those who checked her blogs out, did you note almost zero mask wearing from her congregation as they lined up entering the wheelhouse bar for the function? Not good enough.
  14. Just saw her blogs on Coral, dont think I will cruise with 🍯.She is a bit out there.
  15. Honey must be a Blogger come travel writer who books block cabins for her groups, de facto TA, or a tour operator.Never heard of her until now, I just did a background check, lol.
  16. Normal price range from $75 to $95 depending on time of year and whether 2 or 3 Hour cruise.
  17. 9000 pax, omg, tendering would be impossible. Imagine the scrum down at the buffet, one would lose an arm or a leg in the melee.
  18. So the P and O booze cruisers have migrated to Princess. Nooooo. We do not want them.
  19. Bon Voyage, you are in for an adventure. We did the same one on ye olde Sun Princess in 2009.
  20. It is normally about $70 but probably a bit more as a Princess Shorex. Princess would have booked the boat out todaywith a few sailings.
  21. I went to a couple of the chaps talks on the 13th to 22nd Sept cruise. Dont you know the Americans won the war, lol.
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