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Everything posted by NSWP

  1. A bit mean charging for the print out, I know it is only 35 cents but it is the principle. I don't possess a smart phone or i phone, just ye olde flip phone, no data, Aldi card job. I also do not possess a credit card, used my debit card. Ship accepted that debit card, although having $350 obc for a 9 night cruise recently on Coral I had no bill to pay, burnt just about every cent of the OBC.
  2. But then you would have the silver bracelets snapped on tight and would end up in the Big House, lol. And no more cruises for a while, lol.
  3. In Australia you have to produce a vaccination certificate from Medicare (Federal Government Health) certifying you are fully vaccinated, otherwise no embarkation.
  4. Temperature Testing 100 at breakfast? They could only do that on the expedition ships, not on the big ones carrying 3000 plus.
  5. I booked our P&O UK cruises via an Aussie on line T/A. As you say you cannot book direct with P&O UK from OZ, but through TA or P&O Australia. I found the pricing competitive.
  6. The machine is on the deck where guest services are, Deck 5 - Plaza, midships. I printed out my a/c 3 times, no charge, maybe an Elite perk, lol.
  7. Malt Vinegar on chips, ketchup or Brown Sauce (HP etc) on pies and pasties, etc.
  8. They are on Regal Princess out of Barcelona. Don't think I will watch any more episodes, lol. I don't want to get too excited, lol. BTW I did not see their Princess medallions around their necks, maybe they hid them, lol.
  9. Yall watching Ch10…The Real Love Boat on Regal Princess in the Med. Rivetting stuff, wish I was 40 years younger, lol.
  10. Happy birthday Chez. Enjoy. You dont look a day over 38 lol. Nice cake Geoff baked for you.
  11. Why tip the Porters? They are well paid. No way would we tip porters embarking ships in Oz, they are on about $40 an hour.
  12. In Australia we also have Princess standard fare which has gratuities rolled into the fare price. We also have plus and Premier plus which also has wifi, a speciality dinner, drinks etc. Thus no need to fork out any more in tips. I booked Princess Standard fare for my recent Coral cruise, did not want wi fi and paid for my drinks.
  13. No full English Linda? Heavy rain and 9c here, colder than Cornwall, lol.
  14. I thought you were a pre 88 retiree like me, Chez. I exited at 55 in 2003.
  15. Enjoy, but I trust you have a house somewhere to live out your twilight years when you cannot drive around this sunburnt land any more.
  16. Thanks Stu, any more Covid news? Enjoy the crossing, mostly Americans and Canadians on board?
  17. Correct, down then across, quite commercial in some places, a pleasant drive from memory.
  18. Dare I say it, P&O UK compares well with Princess Cruises. Just more formal and more British cuisine, kippers, pork pies, Brit beers. Real English bacon not that nuked, cremated streaky American stuff. On board currency is the GBP, but drink prices are reasonable all the same, but been about 5 years since last P&O UK cruises. I believe like Princess here, on board gratuities are 'rolled into fare.
  19. Southern route, stopped at some village, long time ago mate. Drive quite safe, just slow, no M1 motorway, lol.
  20. More than a notch. P&O UK follow British cruising traditions, dress standards are pretty close to Cunard's. On formal nights if no jacket and tie, you are tipped out of some bars and lounges, i.e. Crows Nest. Tuxedos abound. Kippers for breakfast. You often see ship's officers dining in the MDR's and they are personable. Most service crew are Indian. Some great curries. For comparison I have done half a dozen cruises on P&O, Arcadia, Aurora and Oriana and a couple of P&O Australia, Pacific Sun and Pacific Dawn. Like chalk and cheese.
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