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Everything posted by NSWP

  1. Thanks stu. Was on her as Star Princess in March 2004, Sydney to Darwin, she was new then. She attracted heaps of interest at opt, largest ship to berth there, back then @ 109,000 tonnes.
  2. Good night for a few glasses of port🍷to watch a few 🥇 being sought at the big sporting carnival in Brum. I may have a real late night and stay up until 9.30pm, lol.
  3. You may need the pouch and lanyard to stay warm tonight mic, with your minus 6c. Balmy minus 1 here, lol.
  4. Are you ok for TP ? 🤭were you the bloke with 99,000 rolls, lol.
  5. Cheap as chips compared to extreme cost of climbing SHB. Did someone say it is $600? Holy moly.
  6. Probably why the medallion was invented to track those in the Briny.
  7. Jean C how is the cruise going? Happy with it all?
  8. The pair probably did it very often, walk into a hotel and give a number and get away with it. Takes me back to a shonky bloke I used to work with years ago, him and his wife were sort of trendoids, you know up themselves a trifle and their favourite entertainment was on a weekend head into one or two of the big flash hotels in Sydney where Americans and the like stayed. And in the bars and foyers, lounges intermingle with that type of guest, giving them recommendations where to visit, eat, etc and of course being shouted a few drinks. Of course many of the Americans loved to talk to Aussies even if some of it was BS, lol. Bizarre sort of entertainment, but each to their own.
  9. Must have been the crew Julie, like the photographers, entertainment artistes etc.😂
  10. But Sir Geoffrey...thou art famous in the cruise world, in fact a cruise guru, you need to be on filum.😁
  11. That is why many Tasweigans, Hobartians in particular have 3 fingers and 3 toes, tis the air.🤣
  12. Frightened of the lurgy Chilli. Fair chance in 3 or 4 weeks from USA to Straya there will be a more than a few succumb. Plus potentially some of the ports entroute being closed.
  13. I thought you would say Smiths Chips and Nobbys Nuts, Don. I had the Coles 'version of Pringles' the other day, half the price and just as good IMO.
  14. I am over 70 Geoff, so I have to be in bed by 9pm, lol. Yes HAL had/has a reputation as a 'Floating Nursing Home.' Even the Yanks used that term. Princess is second, lol.
  15. Like they gave the bar/restaurant your room number, rather than theirs. Would be easy to do that and get away with it unless it was room service, lol.
  16. And 9pm for HAL pax, lol. Princess pax can stay up until 9.15pm, lol.
  17. This new phrase you hear all the time...'Moving Forward.' Bugs me.
  18. I thought singing and dancing was banned on the ships these days? Everybody has to be secured in their cabins by 9pm.😂
  19. The seating configuration differs according to the airline.
  20. Load of snowflakes those Manly players, their contracts should have been terminated. Now they have changed their mnds and will wear them. Perhaps they are getting a 'wear the pride' uniform bonus $$$?
  21. Not blaming the flight attendants for running out of coffee etc that is for the catering mob. But cleaning of toilets inflight is a cabin crew responsibility, well in my experience with international and domestic flights it has.
  22. Said it before, say it again all these issues I read about this cursed medallion. Pax are stressed out with it. One place for it...Davy Jones Locker. Standby for incoming from the Medallion Brigade, 🥈
  23. They need to be fed a couple of lurgy cases and see a dozen ambulances at the wharf, lol. Then they will go beserk again.
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