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Everything posted by NSWP

  1. This may interest you, link to NSW Health. I hope it all works out for you, you are flying in and out of Sydney I presume? Then doing the B2B's? 297055132_CruisingandCOVID-19_NSWGovernment.html
  2. Yep mask 😷 up the ships are in town, lol.
  3. Are you selling tickets Geoff? I want a front row seat at the 🤡 🎪 cruise circus. 🍿🍿🍿 That was my summation of my 36 yrs in the NSWP👮‍♂️A front row seat at the circus nearly every day watching the 🤡
  4. For you mob doing some far south coast travel in NSW the Bega cheese visitor Centre has reopened after a two year closure. Good opportunity to visit also for cruise ship pax at Eden.
  5. It will be Geoff, the first laden ship will be the case study for the rest, lurgy wise.
  6. I think NSW Health will demand testing of pax on the ships coming from North America before disembarkation, like has been done with Coral Princess and Pacific Explorer recently. It is a long voyage from USA to OZ with several ports where the lurgy is about. Time will tell what protocols are implemented for the American ships arriving here in the next few months. These are my opinions anyway.
  7. Is Majestic Princess carrying pax across from USA to here?
  8. Sir Geoffrey enlighten me if you would...what are the numbers or percentages required for red alert on the ships?
  9. My son and family are in London currently, he sent me a message...'The Poms are dropping like flies in the 37C heat. lol. In the regional areas of UK the natives are driving around 24/7 in their motors (Brit name for cars) with the a/c on full blast. Few houses, hotels and shopping centres have a/c.
  10. The ships arriving from the USA, HAL, RCI, NCL etc, and loaded with pax will have to comply with Federal and State protocols here though, surely. Which might shock a few North Americans if they disembark in Sydney positive and have to go into quarantine, not beyond the realms of possibility come October/November when they sail in.
  11. I thought Karl was a mate of yours? Lol. He certainly is anti cruise ship. Kochie is much the same. Cannot stand either, I prefer the Abc bods.
  12. But it might change again even, what a nightmare for those who cannot get the extra days of work etc..
  13. Avoid those 'Flying Petri Dishes,' lol. They sneak into Sydney Airport under cover of Cloud.'🤣
  14. Thank you most sincerely Brandee and Linda Mareblu. Got a few bruises and still sore, hard to get into car. But thank goodness for Woolworths and Coles home deliveries. They even bring me my medicine. Cheers.
  15. After the current issues on board with lurgy, 12 night cruises might be curtailed for a while.. We shall see. The Kiwis may not want the ship in.😢
  16. England beat the Wallabies. Sad. 🏈 No Waltzing Matilda at the end.😮😢
  17. But will PE slip into Sydney Habour..Under Cover of Darkness? 😯😯
  18. As usual Sir Geoffrey Arxcards you are to be commended for your articulate and accurate comment. I award thee the Carnival Corporation Gold Medallion with honours.🏅
  19. Protocols require pos pax to go into hotel quarantine if travelling home by public transport, paid for by cruiseline. I fear some pos pax will swear they are travelling home by private transport to avoid quarantine. Am I correct re this, do not wish to get crucified again by the CC disciples.lol.
  20. Just watching headline news on Ch7, a number of covid cases on Pacific Explorer. What say ye? Fair dinkum or more media hype?
  21. Not unfair at all Julie, they just keep topping up those coffee dispensers in the Horizon Court, seen them do it, so it is like stewed coffee. Made to American taste? The Americans were the first to complain about the HC coffee and still do. Yep, install the coffee machines like they have in airport lounges and some hotels, like push the button for espresso, latte, cappucino etc.
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