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Everything posted by wolft927

  1. One model shows it heading more toward the north west part of Florida, another one has it making landfall in the Tampa area or fort Meyer. We should have a better idea tomorrow. I drive down to port Canaveral Wednesday from Charlotte for my cruise Thursday unless NCL changes it to Friday,
  2. I worked on board NCL ships from 2002 to 2007, I can absolutely say back then there where many offficers from Norway
  3. We are driving in. We planned on arriving Wednesday afternoon, but we may come a day earlier as I do not want to drive during the landfall.
  4. Well, waking up this morning it is looking more and more likely our 9 night cruise will end up being an 8 or even only a 7 day cruise as the storm is set to make landfall on Wednesday the 28th. As we are scheduled to arrive Wednesday we are hoping by Tuesday NCL will advise everyone there plan for the getaway so everyone can adjust plans. There is always a risk cruising during this time of year but I always take things as they come and will make the best of it. Once I hear anything will be sure to update, if anyone has an opinion on when you feel the getaway will arrive in port Canaveral I would love to hear them
  5. We are driving into port Canaveral Wednesday lol, have a feeling our ship the getaway will be leaving a day later instead of Thursday leaving Friday
  6. If it makes landfall on the west coast maybe we have a shot! anyways will begin making preperations in the event it is delayed a day
  7. Maybe just optimistic, the Getaway is traveling from New york with no passengers from new york leaving Tuesday and arriving into port Canaveral Thursday at 10am. If the storm arrives coming from the west on tuesday around 2am as predicted hopeful thinking would be by thursday afternoon it will be far enough north. But who knows, i am not a Atmospheric Science professional, Just lonely Casino Executive.
  8. Well 5 days out and woke up to what i did not want to happen. Tropical Storm 9 as of this morning is scheduled to make landfall in Florida on Wednesday the day my wife and arrive for our pre-cruise stay. I know it is to early to tell but hope that it stays west. Pretty confidant that the Getaway will be able to arrive and depart Safely on Thursday the 29th, but may need to adjust out precruise stay. Anyone else thinking about adjusting there stays the night before?
  9. Well good news is all ports in San Juan are back open as of today and Cruises will be returning starting Saturday the 24th. I got this information from the San Juan tourism website. So glad we will be able to go to Puerto Rico and support local businesses
  10. Well, if we couldn’t go to Puerto Rico the port before that is St Maarten! How about an overnight there? We have a boarding time of 11:30am! See you at the country Inn and suites
  11. 100% me lol…. We leave on the 29th for eastern Caribbean, as of now looks good, but as long as we get on I really don’t care where we go!
  12. So, We are now 6 days out, and looks there my be possibility of some port changes for this cruise. Looks as if Puerto Rico will not be ready for Cruise Ships by the time we are scheduled to arrive and also looks like Puerto Plata may have pier damage that may effect an arrival as well. We will wait and see. So officially broke out the luggage and have all my clothes laid out ready for packing. My wife has laid out her dresses and also her 8 bikinis (yes I said 8 lol). I contacted Country inn and suites in port Canaveral to schedule our shuttle to the Ship (Included with the park and cruise rate) i So does anyone else when you get this close to your Cruise find it almost impossible to work in the office without always being on CruisCritic or even simply watching videos or looking at pictures of your ship? I swear I am almost checked out of work about 2 weeks out lol. But I do have to get some work done. I am so excited to do this live review and pictures will begin the morning of our Drive to Port Canaveral with, some more information on the route, Hotel, places we will eat and drink the night prior. I can't wait to bring everyone along on our Journey!
  13. I received My Haven luggage Tags about a month out for my September 29th cruise out of Port Canaveral on the Getaway
  14. I have a scheduled stop in 2 weeks, not sure it will be ready by then
  15. So waking up this morning 9 days out, loooking at what hurricane Fiona has done to Puerto Rico and puerto Plato. Have a feeling we will be having an itinerary change as I don’t believe those ports may not be ready to receive ships. Pray for the folks there!
  16. So, The night before traveling my wife and I will get all packed up ready to go! bags staged at door so its wake up shower and on the road. When we get to the port we try and get there early enough to watch the outgoing ships leave, enjoying a bite and some drinks at one of the restaurants along the marina in port Canaveral. Unfortunately this cruise, no ships leaving on the 28th. Oh and i also check to make sure I have all my documents about 1k times lol
  17. So, We are down to 10 days out now...and trying to compose my excitement. Everything that my wife and I ordered for the cruise has arrived and now its about time to break out the suitcases and start to pack. Watching Hurricane Fiona carefully, praying for the people that are going to be affected. Last full week of work for me, as we will be leaving Wednesday the 28th driving to Port Canaveral. So hear is a question for fun, The day before you leave to head to either the ship or the port for a 1 night stayover before your cruise, what do you do the night before?
  18. Also Served Every night if you are staying in the Haven and have access to the Haven Restaurant.
  19. Reservations are simple most of the time, yes there is assigned Haven seating in theater
  20. This is a very hot topic, so I will let you know what my wife and I do. We typically will tip our butler $100 upon meeting, we don’t ustilize the butler all that much and honestly as long as the butler meets our very easy needs we will tip another $100 at end. The concierge we only utilize to make dinner reservations the first day and meet to get off the ship before other passengers. We tip them $50 for this.
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