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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. LOL....I love MSC at sea....I don't trust MSC on land! But suppose I don't want to use the TA????? What a mess that would be!!!!!
  2. Hmmm....my TA gives me a bit over (at least he did in the past) 10% reduction. I guess I'll book with him. Thanks for the replies..........
  3. What are the benefits of booking a cruise while onboard a ship? Any additional OBC? I'm looking at a YC interior for Jan 2025...and cabins are going quickly. My next cruise is in April, so I'm not sure if it's worth it to wait.
  4. Now that's funny (I didn't understand your previous description).... At least the butler was creative!
  5. Thanks....we'll probaby do the direct entrance with our carry-ons. A few extra "undies" won't be hard to pack. As a NYC native...I wear a lot of black (easy to recycle) and change th jewelry!
  6. Interesting....was the May cruise "gen pop" luggage or YC tent? We're going on an 11 day cruise in May, and since there is no "laundry perk" I was thinking of bringing a regular suitcase (it's normally just a carry-on each). I'm not concerned about late delivery...but of luggage getting lost. How long is the walk from the tent to the YC entrance? In terms of minutes...not miles...lol
  7. I can read the review without any problems. I agree...I'd be unhappy about some of those things but it sounds like there were "housekeeping issues" rather than ship issues. How did you find the entertainment? Is the theatre "a theatre" or just changed rearraged for the event?
  8. Even in YC....pizza was my main food! Even before I converted to a YC sailor....MSC was my favorite line. My only negative was dealing with customer service, pre-cruise.
  9. But you have to "cash out" to your card on Carnival. Othewise it stays in the machine. (Unless they changed it recently)
  10. I was thinking this was a joke (table for 18), but I guess not.
  11. @burdcatsI hope your son is feeling better now.......
  12. Wow...he's certainly not a diplomat. I imagine it's hard to travel when there are food sensitivites, especially a child with sensativities. It doesn't matter what the age of the child (or adult for that matter) is; in YC I'd assume there's better communications than the MDR. On the first post, you were going to decide if you're "a cruising family". About the movement of the ship....it's a ship, it moves. As I said earlier, YC is located in the worst part of the ship if the ocean is rough. Next time, if there is a next time....book the lowest cabin in the middle for a smoother sail.
  13. Just have to ask...what did he do that made you cry? Anyway, glad you made the decision to abort......rolling around isn't fun. Been there....done that...don't like it.
  14. Back to the theatre issue: I'm just a natural klutz (and I have neurology tests to prove this) but DH is not as coordianated as he used to be. What we do (even on Mera, when in YC...because DH likes to sit in the front row) is go over to the side of the theatre and use the wall to balance. Works great.......
  15. Upfront and high deck.....the worst part of the ship as far as movement. I can't understand why YC and Haven (NCL) are there. I guess, the view! Pre becoming a loyal YCer....I always went "mid deck and low".
  16. I'm on the Jan 14th sailing. Looking forward to it....wasn't too concerned about stains on the carpets or furniture.
  17. Hmmm....as a 74 year old Queens native, who spent a couple of years in Bklyn, and now lives in Manhattan....I found my Mera pizza delivered to the YC....just as good. Different, but just as good. I think NYC pizza is thicker and more cheese. I had it a couple of days on the pool deck...and skipped YC dinner (except for dessert of course).
  18. The initial reviews of this ship were pretty bad. I was considering to cancel, based a couple of things specific to us (slippery floors and crowded buffet)...but people on the ship reported back, and we decided to keep the reservation. After that....reviews were quite favorable and I was happy that I didn't cancel. I don't like a crowded casino...I generally do my thing there while DH is still sleeping (ok...probably the entire ship is still sleeping)....so I think I'll be ok...as long as I don't inhale. But, stained chairs and soiled rugs....oh my, how will I last the week????(lol)
  19. As a person who rarely drinks....is one expected to tip in the casino with the DOU (I know people are going to say "I give a few dollars")? I'd probably take one or two sips of something at most.....
  20. You absolutely should be together and your TA should be doing more. Maybe she needs a push....like if she can't correct it....you'll cancel. Escalate........
  21. Is the second cabin they gave you a studio? Another question: (sorry if it sounds callous) Is it absolutely necessary that the 5 of you are together? Sometimes one person may want space...and it may not be a big deal (assuming that an adult was booked as the studio occupant). But...if it was booked as one booking for a "family cabin" it should have been changed as a family cabin. The TA should not accept the "72 hour" answer.
  22. Was it all booked under one booking number? The problem is....if "that cabin" is no longer available, what is? Does their website show it open?
  23. Sadly, I think the TA is covering himself. Sounds like 2 independent bookings. Would it be possible (you don't say when the sailing is) to cancel and rebook directly with MSC?
  24. Yes....I noticed I paid double for the water I ordered for the room. As far as the buffet....I was never a fan. Maybe a panini from the deli...or a slice of cake....otherwise...not good. Speaking about cake...do they still have those nice cakes at the lunch buffet?
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