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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. And what do you think that type of Pax is? Most of OPs disappointments (food, entertainment, lack of service) have nothing to do with "that type of Pax".
  2. I'm not sure if this is still true, but we used to eat breakfast there on multiple ships. They made omelets to order and had a small buffet. The staff brought the food to your table. If you wanted traditional buffet food..you just had to go a few steps away. Also....not croweded, never had trouble finding a seat!
  3. Seriously....a psychiatirst is on staff? Is he by appt only....or just wanders around and mingles? Enjoy your trip...I'll be following
  4. I'm actually glad this came up. I was looking at 10 or 11 day cruises on the Mera out of NYC for Jan 2024. I book YC...a highlight being the breakfast/lunch buffet by the pool. Even in the best weather....at least 2 days each way would be too cold for that. And if we rerouted to Canada....maybe ice skating in the pool. No thank......
  5. Due to the fact that DH is not a gambler, gives me bad karma when he stands behind me and if I win $1 he tells me I should quit while ahead....I do my gambling early in the morning, while he's sleeping. Thanks for the info.........
  6. Are there a decent amount of machines in the nonsmoking casino?
  7. I've sailed out of NYC in the winter multiple times (15 minute cab ride to dock). By day 3 the weather is warm....and the kids are back in school. I don't expect ideal beach weather....but I don't expect snow and frigid wind chills.
  8. @thesmithsI was commenting on the OPs obvious racist attitude. LOL...I'd love to see you handle Grand Central during rush hour! And see you tell all those rude people "where to go".......
  9. Seriously....what bubble are you living in?
  10. Uh oh....talking about the chocolate chip cookies?
  11. I misread my source....they were offered the FCC, but not happy about it. As we all have said....you can't predict the weather....and ports aren't guaranteed.
  12. Good to know.....I got my info from a site that could be mentioned.
  13. The Mera is headed north instead of south....Boston/Canada due to bad weather. I don't know much more, other than "no fault cancellations" weren't offered, but there should be some sort of credit. Brrrr.....
  14. Watch out for me on the Venezia next month....as I'm a rude NYer. Our "subway and elevator etiquette" involves "keep to your right getting off and keep to your right getting on". That way there's a flow of traffic. Also...when on a bus...first one to stand up is the first one to get off. This may not be how things are done in the Midwest or in small towns or cities....but if we didn't do it this way, we'd be left on the platform waiting for the next train...or the bus would start moving before we reached the door.
  15. Other things....breakfast and lunch buffets at the pool, customized pizza delivery, restaurant open on port days, butlers work as a team..so if yours isn't available...there'll be another one who can help, snacks put out all day (chocolate from their chocolate factory), evening entertainment in the Top Sail Lounge. As I said...it's a no brainer. According to DH...the freshly grilled fish at the lunch buffet was worth the cost alone.
  16. I jumped ship too.....tried the YC once and I have 2 more booked. I never did the Haven...but when you compare the price and the benefits of YC, it's a no brainer.
  17. Not to me...but I've heard of people leaving things in their carts (excursions etc) and then having the trip cancelled because they owed money. Make sure your cart is empty.......
  18. I used a Citicard that doesn't waive the foreign transaction fee....but I didn't get charged a fee on the Meraviglia.
  19. Did you come up with a solution? MSC is not flexible....rules and regulaltions about everything
  20. My Jan Venezia cruise will probably be my last Carnival cruise. We discovered MSC Yacht Club...and converted. Yes, more money...but when you get to be our ages (74 and DH is 89), it's all about comfort and convenience.
  21. Not specific to Carnival...but I love going to the casino early in the am...before 7 am....and I have all machines to myself.
  22. @KittyCruzExactly how dressed up were people for dinner?
  23. I have a feeling that they will be pre-made omelets....in a tray. DH won't be a happy camper.
  24. My husband is a big fan of "everything omelet made with fresh eggs" in the buffet. If it's not there next month on the Venezia, he's not gonna be happy.
  25. @gmbhardyFor reasons like this....miscommunication....is why I'm reluctant to book onboard. However, I contacted my TA...and he said that if the booking is transferred to him, I'd still get his price reduction. So, with that and the additional obc...I'm gonna just monitor my "intended" and book only beforehand if only 2 or less cabins are available. He did tell me to let him know my plans...so he could give me the price...and make sure that the Future Cruise desk doesn't bump it up.
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