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Everything posted by VMax1700

  1. Our flight was intra europe, so different parameters. Also we were flying Ryanair, which was based on South west (?) and is pretty strict on checkin times and baggage weights. Our flight was 2pm so they did not open checkin until 12 noon. We were at the airport from 10am! If you have a USA direct flight then it is a different checkin area and different security area, so it may not apply to you. You will probably have a completely different experience.
  2. I experienced this in June and here is a copy of my posting at that time. The time taken from being called to disembark to arriving at Marco Polo Airport was 2h 25m. Then the security queue was over 1 hour. I would be quite stressed with a 10.25am flight. Quote: So, just to report on the disembarkation and the transfer to VCE Marco Polo Airport. Bear in mind that we docked in Trieste yesterday lunchtime, so HAL logistics had a lot of time to get it arranged properly, which may not happen with cruises which arrive the morning of disembarkation. First group was scheduled for 6am disembarkation, and at 6am they were called on to disembark. Here is the line of buses that were outside the terminal at 6.30am We were scheduled for 7.30 am disembarkation and at 7.30 am we were called. A few minutes later we were in the terminal building collecting our bags (there were trollies and porters available) and headed down to the quayside where buses were waiting. There were numbers on the buses to correspond to the baggage/disembarkation ticket (we were Black 3) and we put the bags into the bus (the driver was helping others put their bags in) and a few minutes later we were on our way. The bus had 51 seats and only 20 pax were onboard. We arrived at the Bus park at the airport at 9.55am, so in total from start to finish 2h 25 minutes. Pretty, pretty good. We were happy with the transfer and would do it again. Our personal troubles just started then, as we were 2 hours too early to check in and when we returned to the check in counters it seemed that everyone else on the flight was ahead of us in the queue. Then there was a monstrous queue at security. 😭 Then the aircraft was held at the gate for an hour because of air traffic problems. It has been a long day and I really don't care if there is a pillow chocolate tonight or not, I just want to get my head down and close my eyes.
  3. Maybe, maybe not! That $10.64 is the calculated cost per day for the 31 day cruise. It does not say that you can add the final 3 days for that cost. Perhaps the cost will be the 3 day sailing of $59.99. I don't know, just saying that I wouldn't presume to extend at the per diem rate. Perhaps someone who has extended over 31 days will know for sure.
  4. Can you book transfers through HAL? It is probably the only way to use Excursion credit, if you don't want to book excursions. You could always go on the waiting list for the excursion you want.
  5. At the end of the Panama Canal, it is left hand down for San Antonio/Santiago and then South America until April.
  6. We have 'Had it All' 😉 several times and we were always credited the number of days. So a 7 day cruise in Verandah was 7 + 7. In a suite it was 7+7+7.
  7. that is a bit sexist, no? What happened to 'Women and children first.....'? 😱
  8. What is the 'performance' of the connection like?
  9. They are not 'duelling pianos'. They are just two pianists who play a limited set list and try to sing along, sometimes ok, but mostly poorly.🙄
  10. Rented, as in temporary. (and the British Government is paying through the nose for it! 🤣), but this veers toward political comment, even though it is spoken in jest.
  11. I have a Baltic cruise booked for next year. When I booked it (two weeks ago) St Petersburg was on the itinerary, but I received an email 48 hours later with a revised itinerary. We are sailing out of Amsterdam.
  12. Really? As we board next Sunday, I have been watching the menus and have them all listed (sad I know!). According to the menus that are on my Navigator, last week on Sunday (day 1) was Spaghetti Aglio, Top Sirloin with button mushrooms, Cod with endive, Rudi's Chicken Cordon Bleu, etc Yesterday (day 1 again) was Bucatini, Haddock, Pork Medallions, Short Rib with olives, Rudi's Spiced Chicken etc. Last week on Monday (day 2) was Blue Gala - Filet Mignon with green peppercorn sauce, Lamb Chops and Today (day 2) is Silver Gala - Filet Mignon Oscar, Rack of Lamb. So my question really is if these are the menus you actually have onboard or is it just sample menus posted to the Navigator if not onboard?
  13. $15.50/pp/per day for standard staterooms and $17/pp/per day for Suites (anything that has suite in its title on HAL website!)
  14. I just read this link on another thread. I think it gives excellent advice for Netherlands and could be applied to the rest of Europe. https://dutchreview.com/culture/a-guide-to-the-tipping-culture-in-the-netherlands/
  15. I think those guidelines could be applied to most of Europe.
  16. It will probably be mentioned by airlines much the same as we are notified of requirements of ESTA and eTAs
  17. That is exactly what is being said to you! At least you have done the courtesy of realising that Euros are required, but please follow our cultural norms when you are the visitor, just as we follow your cultural norms when in USA.
  18. As soon as there is a definitive start date, I will post the information (if not already posted!).
  19. Belfast is not owned by England (it is only rented by them 😉). Belfast and the rest of Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and N. Ireland. Just the same as Edinburgh is not owned by England, or I dare you to go into a pub in Glasgow and tell the customers that Glasgow is owned by England 😱🤣🤣. p.s. If you happen to have a British or Irish passport you would be able to rejoin in Belfast because of the Common Travel Agreement between UK and Ireland (one of the reasons that Ireland in not in the Schengen Zone). I agree with the others on requesting a 'Deviation' from HAL, but I believe it should be possible, as, if you were to unintentionally miss the ship in Cobh, would they stop you rejoining at the next port (in the same country) i.e. Dublin?
  20. It was $50 for a 12 day cruise (in Europe if it makes any difference, but I doubt it!) The price does drop during the cruise, but not significantly. Best value is on first day.
  21. Mostly because the final details are yet to be published. The commencement date has yet to be decided, but it will probably be towards the end of 2023. Maybe even November. I will not be in effect by January 2023. The notice on the itinerary about "visa required by some nationalities" is just HAL doing a bit of 'A$$ covering'. It is standard on every itinerary in the past few years, AFAIK.
  22. Interesting! I looked at the itinerary and it does mention both Trieste and Venice, however Venice is listed as a tender port. Maybe they are going to anchor somewhere close to Venice and tender people in and out. I have not heard of this before, but suppose it is possible as the ban on shipping in Venice only relates to specific areas.
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