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Everything posted by VMax1700

  1. There is 6 hour difference between Mainland Europe (CET) and East Coast USA. Europe is +1 hour ahead of us in Ireland and it is currently: Ireland 10.03 am Malaga 11.03am Fort Lauderdale 5.03 am So there will be a further hour lost. Our clocks, including Europe, went forward one hour on 31st March. Perhaps the cheat sheet was prepared just before the time change.
  2. Have a great cruise Ann and Pat. See you in Cobh on Wednesday 17th! @Overhead Fred You also have a great cruise and see you in Rotterdam on April 21st.
  3. They will be open from 12.30pm until 11pm. Will that be enought time for him? I know a couple of 'late houses' if he needs a few more (and the ship is still in port 😉)
  4. There are several thread currently on the first couple of pages of the forum from WC's posted by experienced WC cruisers.
  5. It is possible that they will do a recalculation. I do remember several years ago when on a Back 2 Back that we were credited for the first cruise correctly, but the second cruise was credited correctly for the days, but the spend credit was for the spend totalled over both cruises. Sometime later it was corrected.
  6. I don't believe that casino spending counted in past. It is listed as a no-no!
  7. You can view your accrued points on the website.... log into 'my account' and select 'My Cruise History'. example:
  8. Did you have HIA (Have it All?). Did you have a suite? Both count towards Mariner Days
  9. We are a couple that are currently booked in a quad on Nieuw Statendam due to sail in two weeks time. I booked a specific Obstructed Verandah as it has a very protected (from wind) verandah and our cruise is heading to a windy area. The cruise has been sold out for many weeks and so far (15 days 10 hours 12 minutes to go, according to Navigator) we are still in the booked cabin. As we are now reaching the window for allocation guarantee bookings, it will be interesting to see if we stay where we booked or if we are moved.
  10. Agree so much, but is it costing HAL money or is it an income stream? Do they receive a commission on renewals? To me, this is a bit like the Oprah connection. Good idea for someone, but not for HAL.
  11. We had an exciting one in Livorno a few years ago. After the usual paging a ship's whistling, we let go of the lines about 30 minutes late and were about 50 metres from the pier when a taxi four wheel drifted round the corner of the terminal and screetched to a halt! An Asian couple alighted complete with shopping bags and stood there, arms slightly from their sides (with shopping bag in each hand) and mouths open. Lucky for them, the Captain held the ship in position and they were 'tendered' to the ship on the pilot boat, to the amusement and applause of those on their balconies.
  12. As one of the great unwashed who does not like caviar, but loves to eat fish, I will admit to a 'sharp intake of breath' when I saw the 'Caviar Russe' label, but after 10 minutes of gooooogle and discovering the Ukrainian orgins of 'Caviar Russe' and its Michelin star accreditation, I will confess to my blood pressure almost returning to normal now. Loving the review, but honestly Brian, how about an occasional smile 🙂in the pics? Just pretent that you are enjoying yourself and its not all unrelenting research 😁
  13. Just noticed your location and would say that I have seen quite a few men wearing their 'formal' kilts
  14. Is it not on the TV? Is the 'Sport 24' channel still listed? They will be showing the Masters.
  15. No it is not compulsory, neither is wearing a tie. Neither is it necessary to have the collar of the shirt buttoned down. OP is on a Med cruise (September/Nieuw Statendam) and there tends to be less shorts and Hawaiian shirts heading to the MDR.
  16. It's in between. For males there are very few tuxedos, a few suits, mostly jacket and shirt, sometimes a tie. For females - I have not seen a formal gown worn in years, usually a bit of glam and glitz and sparklies. (written as a male and fully expect to be hammered for this).
  17. Yes, from the bathroom tap (faucet). Perfectly good to drink. Or available in Lido 24 hours (ice optional) along with tea/coffee. Bottled water is chargeable.
  18. We hang our lanyards on the door stop so that they hit us in the face when we open the door. 🙄 Handy for when we need to order doubles in the bar! 😉
  19. Usually we get emails from HAL asking us to review excursions within a few weeks of returning home.
  20. It can be activated in Android, but I don't know if it will function or not. Settings > Apps > Navigator > Notifications/Permissions.
  21. The taxi stand is located on Marine Road, just slightly uphill from the pier. The cab will take 4 persons of regular size as it is a standard european saloon car. 3 seated on back seat and one up front beside driver (driver will be on right hand side of vehicle!!) We drive on the left side of the road in Ireland. I would reckon the cost on being closer to €40/€45. Time taken will depend greatly on the time of year and time of day. June, July & August will be quicker as schools and colleges are into summer break. Up to 9.30am in the morning will be slower due to morning commuter traffic. Day return ticket for the train is €5 per person and a Visitor Leap card (valid on train and Dublin Bus) is €8 for 24 hours ticket.
  22. There is a bank just across the road from the Titanic Experience in the centre of town. Very close to the 'terminal'. There is no terminal building so you will need to walk a couple of hundred yards
  23. I really doubt the port authorities would permit tendering in the Piraeus area. It is just too busy to be safe.
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