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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. I didn't want to waste this clip art since I used it on another thread. Sometimes when someone asks you a question it is polite to say you go first. \\\\\\\\\\ Speaking of first one of my all-time favorites since it involves Baseball is: And while they don't ask you to go first they do know who is one first. And that's all folks. Keith
  2. The itineraries IMHO reflect the evolution we have seen over the last many years. When we sailed Crystal early on there was usually one or two seven day cruises and the rest were longer. Heck before we took World Cruises there was the World Cruise and the segments were something like 25 to 35+ days. Even the seven days cruises often had three sea days. Back then crossings varied and I remember our first crossing had a good amount of port stops. I remember meeting some guests who said they actually selected the crossing that Crystal had because they wanted port stops. We were on our fourth or so Crystal Cruise and felt the same way. At the same time there were some crossing with plenty of sea days and we've done both types with Crystal as many of you have over the years. Then it evolved to starting with an overnight which some here liked and some detested. I remember those discussions several years ago. Also, some overnights in the middle of the cruise and some at the end. Some liked that and some didn't. Today you have several itineraries of shorter length but many that are very easily combinable which we did and this was a great attraction for us either because we wanted a longer cruise, didn't want to get off from the first cruise or get on just from the second cruise as getting to the port via air was more difficult. The combination worked out well. We are very happy with our selections visiting familiar ports, some we've only been to one or two times and some for the first time. The overnights are in places we like and would prefer the extra time so we don't have to rush back to the ship. But in the end what one person thinks is a good itinerary another person doesn't care for. This is a constant which has not changed in all my years sailing Crystal. I am reminded of World Cruise 2010 which included two segments of the Middle East including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait along with Israel, Egypt and several other countries. Some were very critical of some of these ports and other aspects of the itinerary. For us this was the most extraordinary world cruise we have ever sailed and I am so glad we had the opportunity to visit some of these places and see them through our own eyes because today it would not be safe nor practical to visit some of them. Bottom line for myself, Anne Marie and I have selected itineraries which we are very happy with and if we don't like a place we can make it a sea day. We sailed three seven day Mediterranean back to back cruises right before Serenity went into dry dock in late 2018 and even all those Bahama voyages and had a great time. Keith
  3. Agreed. While some changes were made the other day more are needed for the rooms. In short, the deck plan should have a way of showing which are the classic and which are new and for rooms with two types of categories they need renderings for each specific style. Not everyone is going to know what rooms used to be on the deck and which ones are new when choosing a room and same goes for agents who might not be familiar with ships or product. This way it will confirm for the Crystal Society folks who are familiar with the rooms what they are getting when they choose a room (eg., bathtub or no bathtub) and when booking open to the general pubic who never sailed Crystal this is also important. For some people a bathtub is a requirement so knowing which ones have or do not have these is important and prevent disappointment or even anger down the road. It's good the photos have been updated but many people will not understand which go with which or many might not even click on the photos but simply the rendering. Keith
  4. The invoices provided that information. Full deposit due less $500.00 within 7 days of booking. Final payment 120 days prior to sailing. UNTIL121 DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FIXED RATE $250.00FROM 120 TO 91 DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE 25% FROM 90 TO 76 DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE 50%FROM 75 TO 51 DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE 75% FROM 50 TO 0 DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE 100% It lists the amounts in real dollars on the invoice as well. Keith
  5. I suspect the Casino is gone. The good news is for many people they will save some money. Regardless of what anyone thinks pro or con the new owner made the decision and people either agree or disagree, keep their business with Crystal or leave. It's no different than any other change past, present or future. Keith
  6. 15% deposit less the $500.00 is due 7 days after the booking was made. We made them today for all voyages booked. Final payment due 120 days prior to the sailing. Yes all the revised invoices should show $250.00 per person up to $500.00 per suite. Keith
  7. Thank you Vince for your logical posts. As you correctly note, the new company bought the name rights and other customer information. They did not for the reason you mentioned get information on those owed money. For anyone tired of reading certain -posts, don't read them. No one forces anyone to read posts they don't want to read. Vince welcome to the world of being accused of being a cheerleader just because you express a view that someone disagrees with. Keith
  8. Lots of cruises have been added including Miami. Check out the website. Keith
  9. 59 years ago four lads arrived to JFK and two days later would be on The Ed Sullivan Show. So wish I was alive to have watched them on Ed Sullivan. Well, I guess I was. I just can't remember. LOL. I do and to think they were performing only 27 miles from my home. And when they had their final performance at the former Shea Stadium only 18 miles from home. Now if I was older at the time, who knows. Maybe it would have been Meet The Beatles or With The Beatles. Keith
  10. I’ve used many words over the past month about former crew returning. While I never said all because all are not returning, I know for sure whether we say, a lot, many, majority, lots that each of these descriptions applies. I expect it will be like it was in the past where if you didn’t sail for a year or two you would still know most of the crew. This makes me happy because one of the major reasons we cruised with Crystal all these years is the crew. I know many feel the same way. I think crew returning say a lot about their view of the new Crystal. As to time will tell. Of course, time will tell who returns because none of us know precisely who every person is who will return, but I don’t need time to tell me that we will know so many of the crew when Crystal restarts. As to the new Crystal, time will tell what that is like. Those of us returning will decide for ourselves. What I do know is every year I sailed Crystal it always evolved and there were many changes over those years. In fact, literally 100’s. I expect that there will be many things I like about the new Crystal and some things I may not. That's not different than the old Crystal. I also expect there will be some things I like even more. One of them seems to have gotten lost. With less guests and the same amount of space inside and outside the ship, there will be more space per guest than ever before. I am reminded capacity on both ships has declined in the past and this is another decline in overall guest capacity. One thing I am certain of, the new Crystal won't be perfect. They never were. They will make mistakes as they did last week. The old Crystal was not perfect either having made a number of mistakes. And of course, none of us is perfect either. What didn’t change IMHO was the uniqueness of the crew from all the other lines we ever sailed. Sure, the actual members changed with some being there from the first time we sailed while many newcomers over the years. Even with the changes in people the attributes of the crew and the things that made them so special to many of us never changed. For me, like a fine wine it got better over time. For those who are skeptical I would only hope you would be happy for those who are excited to return as I am for whatever choices you make with Crystal. In the end, choice is great and each person can make their own choices without being told that they are right or wrong. I am very happy with the choices we make and hope you are too. Bags are packed. Ready to go. Can’t wait. And life is good as for me there are many other things, I am spending my time doing which also makes me very happy. I am not missing out on one thing. Cheers, Keith
  11. There will be an excellent ratio of crew to guests but there will be less crew.
  12. In the end the only opinion that matters is our own. If we all thought the same way it would be boring. The key is find what you like and go with it and that applies to pretty much everything.
  13. Looking forward to dining at Tastes again. I can just "taste" the cuisine as I think about it. Oh and before I forget. Bags are packet. Ready to go. Can't wait. Keith
  14. Got it, and I knew that. When you said security I didn't realize you were speaking about security near the ship. I thought you were talking about security being an issue in Bordeaux which I thought was surprising. Thanks, Keith
  15. We know and the same is true for places such as Italy. However, at the end of the day we are very happy and that is what is most important. We are pretty seasoned travelers and I had the opportunity when I worked to travel very extensively both inside and outside the USA. Happiness is number 1 in my book. Keith
  16. I have wonderful memories of our time in Bordeaux and also visiting chateau's on another visit. There is so much to enjoy in this region. Question. Are you saying there is a security issue or that they have addressed it? Keith
  17. Excellent point. This is what I do know. They have already reached out to all members of the crew i to find out if they want to return and timing. Some are needed now. Others not until closer to sailings. For most contracts should not be an issue as they have long lead times before when they would be needed before the actual saplings begin. It should time out well for the vast majority of those who want to return. Should timing not work out for those who eventually want to return turnover would allow opening to occur as they have in the past. Keith
  18. Rarely does not fit my experience of close to 120 sailings with Crystal. I sailed on many more where occupancy was at 90 to 100 percent versus those where occupancy was low. And with a third birth some of those high occupancy cruises during the holidays and spring break/summer were above a full ship with double occupancy. Keith
  19. So the way it works is the fees are included in the cruise fare. On the invoice they also list how much it is just so you know but it is part of the cruise fare. Keith
  20. Claudia the other one is you get a 5% discount for back to backs. Some has asked about the tax and port fees. The cruise fare includes them and on the invoice they do note what they are and that they are included in the cruise fare. Keith
  21. The quality of Silversea dining does not compare to what the old Crystal offered in terms of quality or service. I would rather have quality rather than quantity. My opinion. by the way no one starves on Carnival or for that matter any cruise line. You can always find something to feed one’s face.
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