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No More Mazatlan It's Official


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One more thought....Phoenix is not a "Border Town" either. :p


Noooo but it is in the States so must the rest of the world stop going to Disneyland/Napa Valley/NYC because of a shooting in Phoenix?? Kinda the same mentality for Mexico port cities .....


BTW?? Mazatlan is not my favourite city at all.....


Not sure why you are sticking your tongue out at me?

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Oh, Ok. I will take that back, then. :o But maintaining that Mexican ports are safe, when in fact several cruise lines are cancelling stops at Mazatlan confuses me. I doubt the cruise lines are willing to risk passenger safety. They would not make a decision to skip Mazatlan based only on a hunch or rumors of violence. I don't think Mazatlan being a favorite port or otherwise is at issue.


Mexican drug cartel turf wars are constant, and ever evolving. Government warnings for tourist travel, even into tourist specific areas are posted based on intelligence gathered of current cartel activities and violence. When Mazatlan is deemed safe for tourism, I would estimate that the cruise lines will begin visiting that port again. However, there is always a possibility that a different Mexican port will be bypassed in the future, as happened previously in Acapulco. It may even be Puerto Vallarta.


Whatever the case may be, I still would not recommend renting a car and traveling the highways or roads between cities and towns in Mexico for safety reasons. Just my two cents.

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Last time I checked no cruise ship makes a stop at any of the border towns that have all the violence, until then I maintain that Mexico Ports are a safe (use your common sense and stay in tourist areas) way to see a lovely part of the world.
Even when we were there on the same cruise with you in January, there were trucks loaded with soldiers and machine guns in the port area. We saw them. Since then, tourists have been shot at only a block away from the main shopping street and there were killings near the cruise dock. This is far too close for comfort for the cruiselines and it's probably only a matter of time before passengers are caught in crossfire. The risk has greatly increased, particularly since the Mexican government and local police seem unable to do anything about it.


I just learned officially this morning that my HAL cruise in three weeks is not going to Mazatlan. We'll be overnighting in Cabo instead.

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Even when we were there on the same cruise with you in January, there were trucks loaded with soldiers and machine guns in the port area. We saw them. Since then, tourists have been shot at only a block away from the main shopping street and there were killings near the cruise dock. This is far too close for comfort for the cruiselines and it's probably only a matter of time before passengers are caught in crossfire. The risk has greatly increased, particularly since the Mexican government and local police seem unable to do anything about it.


I just learned officially this morning that my HAL cruise in three weeks is not going to Mazatlan. We'll be overnighting in Cabo instead.


I remember seeing them and in Acapulco as well.


I remember going down to Mazatlan even as a child and not really liking it as much as Puerto Vallarta. Mazatlan to me has always been a industralized port city and those type of cities, up here in Canada even, have always had their fair share of drugs and crime.


I did like Old Mazatlan to walk through for a morning (around the chruch and market) but I do understand the need to put customer's safety first and honestly?? I would prefer an overnighter in PV or Cabo rather then a stop in Maztlan anyday :)

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I've been to Mexico probably 30 times, and this is the first time that

I am starting to feel scared.

It seems as if certain posters have their head in the sand. I too kept

the attitude of "violence happens in America too" but you can't deny

there's a larger problem when tourists in the Golden Zone tourist area

had to hit the floor to avoid being shot by AK-47's on Feb 28th.

You can't deny that there was a shootout at the Las Flores Hotel

in broad daylight. You can't deny that there was a discoteque

ambush in Mazatlan approx 6 nights ago, a disco that tourist also

go to, where 6 were killed and 20 more were injured.

You can't deny that a Canadian tourist was shot in the foot or leg

near the cruiseport.


Even though crime happens in America, at least we have a judicial

system that deals with the crime once the culprits are caught.

Sometimes they're not caught. It's one thing if I as an American

citizen have a crime perpetrated upon me, but I also know there

is a recourse, to call the police, give physical descriptions of

the defendant...

In Mexico, I don't have recourse. The government makes up their own

rules. It's a foreign country with different laws, and at the moment,

certain parts of the country sound like the Wild West with nothing

but scofflaws at large. That is what Mazatlan represents to me right now.

If the goverment officials get a hold on what is going on and if

the massacres abate, then I will consider going back,

but I don't want a violent atmosphere when I'm on vacation.

Why should I go to Mexico when I could go anywhere?

So, to me, that is the fundamental difference when people say

that "crime happens in other places." If you live in those places,

you don't have a choice because you live there.

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I've been to Mexico probably 30 times, and this is the first time that

I am starting to feel scared.

It seems as if certain posters have their head in the sand. I too kept

the attitude of "violence happens in America too" but you can't deny

there's a larger problem when tourists in the Golden Zone tourist area

had to hit the floor to avoid being shot by AK-47's on Feb 28th.

You can't deny that there was a shootout at the Las Flores Hotel

in broad daylight. You can't deny that there was a discoteque

ambush in Mazatlan approx 6 nights ago, a disco that tourist also

go to, where 6 were killed and 20 more were injured.

You can't deny that a Canadian tourist was shot in the foot or leg

near the cruiseport.


Even though crime happens in America, at least we have a judicial

system that deals with the crime once the culprits are caught.

Sometimes they're not caught. It's one thing if I as an American

citizen have a crime perpetrated upon me, but I also know there

is a recourse, to call the police, give physical descriptions of

the defendant...

In Mexico, I don't have recourse. The government makes up their own

rules. It's a foreign country with different laws, and at the moment,

certain parts of the country sound like the Wild West with nothing

but scofflaws at large. That is what Mazatlan represents to me right now.

If the goverment officials get a hold on what is going on and if

the massacres abate, then I will consider going back,

but I don't want a violent atmosphere when I'm on vacation.

Why should I go to Mexico when I could go anywhere?

So, to me, that is the fundamental difference when people say

that "crime happens in other places." If you live in those places,

you don't have a choice because you live there.


Very well said, we think alike!

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Yes, I just received an email from my TA today (we are sailing the 9th of April), and she said we were staying over in Cabo San Lucas.


Someone mentioned the word/name Cabo Wabo. What is that or etc?


Does anyone have any suggestions of what to see/do, other than renting a car, snorkling that we don't want to do, that doesn't cost too much money?

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Someone mentioned the word/name Cabo Wabo. What is that or etc?


Musician Sammy Hagar owns the "Cabo Wabo" which is a restaurant/bar and he also has his own tequila of the same name. Here is a link to the website.http://www.cabowabocantina.com/

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Well, y'know... I'm certainly not denying that Mexico can be a violent place, but I'm betting that at least as many tourists will get killed on the California freeways this year as will get killed South of the Border. Tourists get killed - sometimes targeted specifically, it seems - in San Francisco, and bystanders get shot up here in gang-related violence, too. Still, nobody is losing sleep over of port stops in SF or LA.


I'm sure some folks would think I'm foolhardy, but I've traveled through some dicey parts of the world: Sri Lanka just post-civil-war, when there were soldiers on every streetcorner, Syria, where there were soldiers on every streetcorner, Burma, where there were, etc... And hey, I'm still here. The most violence I've been subjected to in the past 20 years has been 2 blocks from my home.


No, I'm not planning a trip to beautiful Baghdad anytime soon, and yes, I love cruising. But a number of posts on CC remind me that cruisers seem to be a particularly risk-averse bunch. E.g., "I felt threatened because someone offered to sell me marijuana." Well, good lord, better stay out of the Haight Ashbury.


Cruise lines are in the business of making money. People are staying away from Mexico partly out of good sense, but, given the actual odds, out of exaggerated fears, too. And Princess isn't going to sell cruises that cruisers will avoid. Simple as that.

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Does anyone have any suggestions of what to see/do, other than renting a car, snorkling that we don't want to do, that doesn't cost too much money?


When asking for advice like that, it would be mighty helpful to know what your interests are. Beaches? ATVs? Parasailing? Zip lining? Touring the desert? Seeing nearby villages? Shopping and getting drunk?


And, come to think of it, how you'd define "too much money."

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LOL we all know how unrelible, biased, one sided and corrupt Faux news is...:rolleyes:


I am planning my 5th trip in less then two years down to PV and despite what certain fear mongers report not all parts of Mexico are corrupt. That is like saying all Americans are bullies in the sand box or that all Canadians like Tim Hortons coffee and say, "Eh" ....gheez.....:eek:


<-----hates Timmy's coffee and never says, "Eh"


Despite all of your vast Mexico knowledge if you think that all parts of Mexico aren't corrupt then you need to pull your head from the sand, sure there may be different levels of corruption in different areas but its ALWAYS there all over Mexico, its just the way 3rd world countries work and Mexico is one of the worst, always has been and probably always will be.I too still don't have much problem traveling in Mexico but to think there are parts of the country that aren't corrupt is laughable.

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Despite all of your vast Mexico knowledge if you think that all parts of Mexico aren't corrupt then you need to pull your head from the sand, sure there may be different levels of corruption in different areas but its ALWAYS there all over Mexico, its just the way 3rd world countries work and Mexico is one of the worst, always has been and probably always will be.I too still don't have much problem traveling in Mexico but to think there are parts of the country that aren't corrupt is laughable.


Before sprouting off you need to check your facts....Mexico is not considered to be a third world country anymore. Mexico is under Napoleonic code of laws, different from us I know but that is not to say that every single person living there is corrupt, saying that all of Mexico is corrupt is what is laughable.


I can not believe some of the racist bigoted posts that have been allowed to stay up on this board. I am so done here.

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Shepp, sorry about that.



We are a couple ladies in our early 60's, but can get around good. We do like the beach, as well as sight seeing, and shopping. I just want someone to tell me what they have "discovered" in PV, and CSL, pertaining to beaches, sight seeing, and shopping. We like good bargains in jewelry.


As for "reasonable" cost in what we want to do, I would say if it was a tour, probably $50 or less for a couple hours or so.

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I know there's crime everywhere, in NYC, LA, DC, etc. But some crime hits closer to home and presents a greater danger to us, as tourists and cruise passengers. Here's a bit of information from a cruise news source yesterday:


"In Mazatlan's latest violent incident, last Tuesday, before Oosterdam arrived for its weekly visit, two SUV's pulled up outside a popular local bar - where a well-known band had been playing - and sprayed the parking lot with bullets. Six people were killed and 21 were wounded, two seriously. Authorities recovered more than 100 assault-rifle shell casings from the parking lot."


This is just one of a series of violent crimes that have occured in tourist areas in Mazatlan during the last couple of months. Some have made the news, most haven't. This didn't take place in the seedy part of town or on the outskirts where few tourists go. And, it's happening more and more frequently, escalating to who knows what level. This is why the cruiselines have pulled out.

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I know there's crime everywhere, in NYC, LA, DC, etc. But some crime hits closer to home and presents a greater danger to us, as tourists and cruise passengers. Here's a bit of information from a cruise news source yesterday:


"In Mazatlan's latest violent incident, last Tuesday, before Oosterdam arrived for its weekly visit, two SUV's pulled up outside a popular local bar - where a well-known band had been playing - and sprayed the parking lot with bullets. Six people were killed and 21 were wounded, two seriously. Authorities recovered more than 100 assault-rifle shell casings from the parking lot."


This is just one of a series of violent crimes that have occured in tourist areas in Mazatlan during the last couple of months. Some have made the news, most haven't. This didn't take place in the seedy part of town or on the outskirts where few tourists go. And, it's happening more and more frequently, escalating to who knows what level. This is why the cruiselines have pulled out.


OMG...:eek: Well, it looks like the cruise lines were wise in their decision to pull their ships away from Mazatlan. Think of the uproar if any cruise passengers would have been killed. The Mexican government needs to take back their country from the drug cartels...

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There is obviously a reason that they have canceled the cruises there and have not canceled stops in American cities. I have enjoyed the times I spent in Mexico but to say that it is safer than a lot of american cities is ludicrous.

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I know there's crime everywhere, in NYC, LA, DC, etc. But some crime hits closer to home and presents a greater danger to us, as tourists and cruise passengers. Here's a bit of information from a cruise news source yesterday:


"In Mazatlan's latest violent incident, last Tuesday, before Oosterdam arrived for its weekly visit, two SUV's pulled up outside a popular local bar - where a well-known band had been playing - and sprayed the parking lot with bullets. Six people were killed and 21 were wounded, two seriously. Authorities recovered more than 100 assault-rifle shell casings from the parking lot."


This is just one of a series of violent crimes that have occured in tourist areas in Mazatlan during the last couple of months. Some have made the news, most haven't. This didn't take place in the seedy part of town or on the outskirts where few tourists go. And, it's happening more and more frequently, escalating to who knows what level. This is why the cruiselines have pulled out.


Pam in CA, thanks so much for the information. That is indeed a very sad incident of violence. It is unfortunate that the violence is so negatively impacting what is potentially a very profitable tourist industry for Mexico.

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I know there's crime everywhere, in NYC, LA, DC, etc. But some crime hits closer to home and presents a greater danger to us, as tourists and cruise passengers. Here's a bit of information from a cruise news source yesterday:


"In Mazatlan's latest violent incident, last Tuesday, before Oosterdam arrived for its weekly visit, two SUV's pulled up outside a popular local bar - where a well-known band had been playing - and sprayed the parking lot with bullets. Six people were killed and 21 were wounded, two seriously. Authorities recovered more than 100 assault-rifle shell casings from the parking lot."


This is just one of a series of violent crimes that have occured in tourist areas in Mazatlan during the last couple of months. Some have made the news, most haven't. This didn't take place in the seedy part of town or on the outskirts where few tourists go. And, it's happening more and more frequently, escalating to who knows what level. This is why the cruiselines have pulled out.


Thank you for corroborating what I referred to in yesterday's posting.

I inadvertently used the word disco, because that is how the story

was related when I heard it a few days ago, but now it seems as if

it was a bar.


I am amazed at the people who are in such denial on this board

that they're turning it into a racial issue? Nothing could be further

than the truth. We are talking about a foreign country that is akin

to what Columbia used to be. There have and always will be drug

cartels. I just don't want to be caught in the cross-fire when

things go wrong. How is that racial? I also don't want to be caught

in gang gunfire whether it's east Oakland, CA, Vallejo, CA or Hunter's point,San Francisco, CA, so I choose to stay clear of those areas too,

at all costs, but it's not because it's racial; it's because I value

my life. Good for those of you who have traveled to dangerous

countries and lived to tell, but I would hazard a guess if you

took a survey of, "Hey everybody, how many of you want an

all-expense paid trip to Afghanistan or Somalia," I

would guess 99 out of 99 would decline, even our brave souls on this

thread. Why would you knowingly put yourselves in danger?

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Your comments make me nervous to even consider a ship's excursion. We signed up for Todos Santos & Hotel California, now I'm worried that a bus full of tourists would be an easy target. What are your thoughts on that?


We did this excursion on our last cruise over New Years and I was nervous the whole bus ride over and back which is a total of about 3 to 3 1/2 hours. The tour was OK but I have seen so many churches and hotels in Mexico and this was just another tour like that. The lunch at Hotel California was very good but not enough seats for everyone so we had to sit in the patio area which had lots of bees. My 10 yo daughter was freaking out and couldn't eat.


I think you will be just fine if you decide to go but if you are going to be nervous the whole time, it's not a fun way to spend your vacation which is how I felt.


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Before sprouting off you need to check your facts....Mexico is not considered to be a third world country anymore. Mexico is under Napoleonic code of laws, different from us I know but that is not to say that every single person living there is corrupt, saying that all of Mexico is corrupt is what is laughable.


I can not believe some of the racist bigoted posts that have been allowed to stay up on this board. I am so done here.


Mexico NOT a third world country???? LMAO!!!!! ummmm...OK.....maybe you need to take your blinds off and venture out from the tourist areas in PV you say you have been to so many times, MILLIONS of people living in poverty and trying to escape over the border, not to mention drug cartels that operate openly killing dozens of people every day in masacres and forcing entire cities police forces to quit or be murdered. Last time I checked these are all signs of a third world country! And for further clarification here you go!........................................................... The First World is the developed world - US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand. The Second World was the Communist world led by the USSR. With the demise of the USSR and the communist block, there is no longer an official Second World designation, although Russia, China, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia have "communist" governments. The Third World is the underdeveloped world - agrarian, rural and poor. Many Third World countries have one or more developed cities, but the rest of the country is poor, rural and agrarian. Eastern Europe should probably be considered Third World. Russia should also be considered a Third World country with nuclear weapons. China, has always been considered part of the Third World, although it is industrializing, has nuclear weapons, and has urban centers of intense development. In general, Latin America, Mexico, Africa, and most of Asia are still considered Third World. The Asian tigers - South Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand, except for their big cities, their maquiladora-type production facilities, a small middle class and a much smaller ruling elite should probably be considered Third World countries as well, since their populations are overwhelmingly rural, agrarian and poor.

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We did this excursion on our last cruise over New Years and I was nervous the whole bus ride over and back which is a total of about 3 to 3 1/2 hours. The tour was OK but I have seen so many churches and hotels in Mexico and this was just another tour like that. The lunch at Hotel California was very good but not enough seats for everyone so we had to sit in the patio area which had lots of bees. My 10 yo daughter was freaking out and couldn't eat.


I think you will be just fine if you decide to go but if you are going to be nervous the whole time, it's not a fun way to spend your vacation which is how I felt.



I wouldn't hesitate to go on any tour in Cabo as it is probably the safest area in Mexico right now. If you look at a map (most people don't realize its on a 1,000 mile long peninsula, the longest in the world in fact) you can see that Baja California is not on the drug smuggling route in Mexico and these types of killings etc aren't happening in Cabo as it is at the very southern tip of the peninsula and that is far from the south to north route through Mexico.

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