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What happens if you share a drink package? Is there a drink limit?

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The OP asked her original question a little after 5pm yesterday. And an hour later she posted the followup comments you quoted. The question was asked, answered and issue settled long ago. Why on earth would the OP be reading all these soap box diatribes like yours so far after the fact? Of course it's stealing. That was said many times yesterday. You saying it again doesn't add anything to the issue. I.E. By now your 2 cents is not worth anything so save it next time. :rolleyes:



Thank you for your opinion too.




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Americans (USA!) make me laugh!!


Have a drink on someone else's drinks package? My God, surely not, what a heinous crime. Thief - you'll be disembarked, thrown in jail, disembowelled etc etc


Take an iron onboard? WHAT! Starting a fire and sinking the ship, electricity overload. Never allowed to sail again.


Allow anyone to carry a gun (not on the ship!)? Yeah no problem, it's "our" right.


Ha ha.

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Well I just got off the phone with an rccl rep and they are bringing back the plank just in time for my cruise (7/2 on Liberty).

It will be unveiled by the end of the month and is for everyone in this thread that doesn't have a sense of humor!

It's just cruising people.

Let's move on and enjoy how lucky we all are to go on these wonderful ships even with their quirks.

24 days until my cruise and I'm getting the ultimate drink package as part of the rumored promotion starting 6/15 that will give my wife the royal replenish package for free. Absolutely perfect for my situation.

Happy Cruising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



When we went on our first cruise around 7 years ago, my gf bought the drinks package (she doesn't drink alcoholic drinks where as I do) and sometimes when I was really thirsty, even though I had bought a beer, I would drink some of the Coke out of her special container and then she would get it filled up again :eek:


Will I have to walk the plank on our next cruise on Explorer? Will I even be allowed on?


After that cruise we decided it wasn't worth it anyway, so have just bought drinks as we go.

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Well I just got off the phone with an rccl rep and they are bringing back the plank just in time for my cruise (7/2 on Liberty).

It will be unveiled by the end of the month


Can I prebook the plank online? When does the booking window open up? We're not sure when we want to go to a watery grave; can we just have the concierge make a reservation for us? Do you think the plank staffer would mind 8 quarters instead of 2 dollar bills? Hey, do you think they'll like $2 bills instead? I can order them at the bank since they're never in stock (must be popular!).

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But the other side is if there was no sharing, and margins are met, maybe prices won't go up.


Some times no price increase is as good as we get. For darn sure if Royal isn't making the margin on the package they will increase the price, impose limits, police the users more carefully, or change the rules to be more restrictive.


Prices go up? Maybe. But Royal does some pretty extensive market research to determine at what point people will stop buying the package and price it accordingly. Raise the price and there's a certain number of people who will no longer buy it or take a look at other lines to cruise b


I'm not advocating sharing the package. We never buy it; the bar bill for the two of us has never come close to half the price if one package. If we did buy it, we and wouldn't share; that's not consistent with my value system. But I don't buy the idea that sharing causes a financial increase for other passengers.

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This thread was worth a laugh this morning. Put you off the ship? Press charges? Pretty hilarious.


Revocation of package and no refund? That's definitely in the realm of possibility.


I've never had a drink package on Royal Caribbean, just buy 'em a la carte or get the Diamond drinks, but just my honest thought on it; if someone were to get one or two drinks for a spouse during the cruise and throw the bartender $5, they'd get the drink, no one would be fired, no one would be banned from the cruise line. The bartender would pocket the $5 and every one involved (minus the company) makes out.


It's really theft by the guest, and theft by the employee against the company. No, I don't think it is a capital crime. No, I also do not think it is being honest. Just sharing my opinion what I think would happen in reality.


I was just thinking the same thing.

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Definitely no coins though. They get stuck in the engines propellers.

I do believe suite guests are the first to go!



Can I prebook the plank online? When does the booking window open up? We're not sure when we want to go to a watery grave; can we just have the concierge make a reservation for us? Do you think the plank staffer would mind 8 quarters instead of 2 dollar bills? Hey, do you think they'll like $2 bills instead? I can order them at the bank since they're never in stock (must be popular!).
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This thread was worth a laugh this morning. Put you off the ship? Press charges? Pretty hilarious.



you can be put off for any reason. and copping an attitude, causing a huge scene and generally being disruptive when told your package has been canceled with no refund is DEFINITELY grounds to be put off the ship. get physical with the bartender who cuts you off? oh hells yeah. get on the security officers face? yeap.


the option is always there to press charges. are you willing to be the first one they actually DO press charges on in an effort to make it known that they are serious about this and that all actions have consequences?


just how lucky do you feel?

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you can be put off for any reason. and copping an attitude, causing a huge scene and generally being disruptive when told your package has been canceled with no refund is DEFINITELY grounds to be put off the ship.


Maybe I need to re read the thread but as far as I know no one here said ANYTHING about getting disruptive. That is only you assuming it would happen. Who said anything about getting physical with a bartender or getting in the face of security? LOL! Violators who share a drink package should expect their package to be cancelled with no refund if caught. That is the very first step they will take if they take any step at all besides a warning. Its all a matter of how much chance someone is willing to take.


I dont condone it but Im certainly not gonna jump to conclusions and start calling someone a thief for asking a simple question :rolleyes: This place is getting beyond pathetic when it comes to that.



Edited by ryano
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you can be put off for any reason. and copping an attitude, causing a huge scene and generally being disruptive when told your package has been canceled with no refund is DEFINITELY grounds to be put off the ship. get physical with the bartender who cuts you off? oh hells yeah. get on the security officers face? yeap.


the option is always there to press charges. are you willing to be the first one they actually DO press charges on in an effort to make it known that they are serious about this and that all actions have consequences?


just how lucky do you feel?


I believe they'd just revoke the package unless you are being belligerent and disorderly. If you are belligerent and disorderly for any reason of course you risk being put off the ship.

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he will NOT be allowed to get more than one drink at a time, and furthermore they are well trained to spot peopel trying work the system.( going form bar to bar in an effort to 'stock up)


the first time he tries it, he gets a warning. the second time the package gets canceled with no refund and he may be put off the ship entirely


buy your drinks a la carte.


you can be put off for any reason. and copping an attitude, causing a huge scene and generally being disruptive when told your package has been canceled with no refund is DEFINITELY grounds to be put off the ship. get physical with the bartender who cuts you off? oh hells yeah. get on the security officers face? yeap.


the option is always there to press charges. are you willing to be the first one they actually DO press charges on in an effort to make it known that they are serious about this and that all actions have consequences?


just how lucky do you feel?


Why don't you provide a link showing that these are the procedures the cruise line follows? You make up these fairy tale scenarios and never have anything from the cruise line that supports what you say. There is no need to try to scare people anytime they ask a simple question.

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Thanks everyone for your responses...even the directly stern ones (but not the one calling me a theif....that was really unnecessary). I'll just ala carte my drink. I only ever get one drink on vacation because I'm not a drinker. I'd rather pay for my drink than to have any issues.


I'm the same way. I might have a drink or two a day on vacation but that's about it. On my most recent cruise I enjoyed the free champagne at the Captain's Toast but never paid for a drink on the ship. I was tempted to have a glass of wine with dinner in the MDR but decided against it. Just me personally but I enjoyed just having a drink or two on land at each port. I was able to try the local beers and just enjoyed having a margarita more there than if I was on the ship. Again just a personal choice. I just don't enjoy a drink enough to pay the prices they are asking on the ship, much like I'll have a beer at a bar outside the stadium before going to a baseball game but won't pay the elevated stadium prices.

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Really everyone?


You buy a package that says "unlimited" yet the system will flag you if you are going from one bar to another? And then you will get put off the ship? And maybe pigs will fly.


I am just of Allure. I bought a drink package. My wife did not as she does not drink very much. She had some sips of my drinks on occasion so according to this group of wannabe lawyers, we are thiefs that ought to have been removed from the ship at the next port. Give me a break.


I am sure all of you who jumped all over this person for asking a reasonable question never cheat on your taxes either.

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Really everyone?


You buy a package that says "unlimited" yet the system will flag you if you are going from one bar to another? And then you will get put off the ship? And maybe pigs will fly.


I am just of Allure. I bought a drink package. My wife did not as she does not drink very much. She had some sips of my drinks on occasion so according to this group of wannabe lawyers, we are thiefs that ought to have been removed from the ship at the next port. Give me a break.


I am sure all of you who jumped all over this person for asking a reasonable question never cheat on your taxes either.


I have never cheated on my taxes or stole anything. I seem to be in the minority according to some posts. I think it's just the way I was raised.

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Really everyone?



I am sure all of you who jumped all over this person for asking a reasonable question never cheat on your taxes either.


Nope, never have and never will. Also, never stolen anything.


We had a neighbor once who said basically the same thing about cheating on taxes, the rest of the group, about 20 people just stared at him and said, Nope, never have.


People who think like you do are the reason there are rules.


As I said previously, PER PERSON is pretty self-explanatory. Unlimited, PER PERSON who has a package, not unlimited for all. Reading comprehension anyone?

Edited by BND
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Nope. Don't cheat on my taxes or anything else.


And there is a big difference between a few sips of a drink and entire drinks.


Theres a big difference between giving someone a drink off your drink package and cheating on taxes too :D I dont think the IRS offers warnings to offenders ;) lol

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Nope, never have and never will. Also, never stolen anything.




We had a neighbor once who said basically the same thing about cheating on taxes, the rest of the group, about 20 people just stared at him and said, Nope, never have.




People who think like you do are the reason there are rules.




As I said previously, PER PERSON is pretty self-explanatory. Unlimited, PER PERSON who has a package, not unlimited for all. Reading comprehension anyone?



With the understanding that most of the cruisers on RCI are really decent folks, the numerous "nothing wrong with it" posters on these types of "how can I cheat the cruise company" threads are one of the reasons I prefer premium lines.

Go over to the premium/luxury boards: few (if any) discussions of "rum runners," sneaking food off ships, crashing invited gatherings, stealing drinks, etc.

Sorry - just don't need those types on my vacation.

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I don't drink alcohol because of medical reasons -- interact with medications. I like juices, some diet soft drinks (again can not have too much sugar) and occasionally a frozen drink as a rare treat. What I do need in hot weather are so called "sports" drinks that help hydrate. If I don't have these, it seems that leg cramps and muscle contractions that are very painful take much longer to recover from. Any chance I could bring my own Propel on! I drink 3 a day!

Soda card won't work in that sodas for me just make me thirstier.


Anybody have tips on RCCL -- how can I fill my own water bottle. It is my measuring system to keep from flipping out do to dehydration.:p

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Maybe I need to re read the thread but as far as I know no one here said ANYTHING about getting disruptive. That is only you assuming it would happen. Who said anything about getting physical with a bartender or getting in the face of security? LOL! Violators who share a drink package should expect their package to be cancelled with no refund if caught. That is the very first step they will take if they take any step at all besides a warning. Its all a matter of how much chance someone is willing to take.


I dont condone it but Im certainly not gonna jump to conclusions and start calling someone a thief for asking a simple question :rolleyes: This place is getting beyond pathetic when it comes to that.






Question for those that are calling the op a thief, do you smuggle booze? Do you go in every thread about smuggling booze and berate that person for breaking the rules? Just curious being they are very clear that bringing your own alcohol is not allowed. Or is it only the no sharing rule that matters? Do we get to pick what rules we want to follow and what rules we want to yell at other people for breaking?

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I don't drink alcohol because of medical reasons -- interact with medications. I like juices, some diet soft drinks (again can not have too much sugar) and occasionally a frozen drink as a rare treat. What I do need in hot weather are so called "sports" drinks that help hydrate. If I don't have these, it seems that leg cramps and muscle contractions that are very painful take much longer to recover from. Any chance I could bring my own Propel on! I drink 3 a day!

Soda card won't work in that sodas for me just make me thirstier.


Anybody have tips on RCCL -- how can I fill my own water bottle. It is my measuring system to keep from flipping out do to dehydration.:p

You can fill your water bottle from your stateroom sink. You can also use multiple glasses of water from Windjammer.

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Theres a big difference between giving someone a drink off your drink package and cheating on taxes too :D I dont think the IRS offers warnings to offenders ;) lol


Well, very true.


But the poster who posed the question seemed to think that a few sips here and there equal getting entire drinks for someone else.

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How's this for murky water.

"I want to buy my wife a drink" and hand the card over. I have had some bartenders run it on the package even when it was declared as not mine. Others charged me as I indicated. Out of my hands

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