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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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Hi folks, JP, I am going back to the Dr Tuesday morning.......going to have a chat about everything.....the meds, numbers,

etc......and if I need to go see a Specialist........will post what the results are when I find out something......

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Good Morning Coolers!


Another lovely few hours with another immersion into the full Sopranos! One never tires!


L, may I suggest that when you see the Doc next you write all your questions in advance and don't be shy, refer to your notes and questions without feeling silly. I suggest you make your last question something along the lines of "Look,, I'm extremely anxious about this situation and when I'm anxious it affects me badly. I promise I won't be a pest, but if I have questions, how best can I make contact and seek clarity? Can I email or do you prefer the telephone?" Just make sure you don't leave without knowing how you can engage. I'm in no way speaking for JP, but I think most people in JP's situation might feel a little uncomfortable when asked by a mate to become involved with remote advice, because everyone is a complex individual, and a reading in one situation may have different relevance for someon in another. Also they wouldn't like other medics "doing it to them" ie providing info that may confuse.. Your doc will understand if you chat to them .. .... if not get someone else.


I fear that we have been de-engaged by Mark and SS. It is a shame because I though it was an opportunity for them to engage, but in retrospect it seems that it was an opportunity to simply market positive messages and not engage with reasonable questions. It seems. :(


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Hi folks, JP, I am going back to the Dr Tuesday morning.......going to have a chat about everything.....the meds, numbers,

etc......and if I need to go see a Specialist........will post what the results are when I find out something......


With you for the journey Lois. Back in the mode here with a lot of struggles for my friends. :)

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Greetings Coolers! Our unseasonable heat wave has disappeared and the furnace is on this morning to take the chill out of the house.


Lois....I hope you get some useful info from your doctor. And hopefully everything will work out just fine!


Spins....How is the packing going? You must be getting excited about your cruise. We visited many of the ports on your itinerary and they were interesting. Enjoy!


J...Are you enjoying the food at seaside? Hope the curry dishes are wonderful!


Miss S. Safe travels home!


It sounds like things are moving forward on getting aid to PR. The situation is sounding desperate at this point.


Have a great day all!

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With you for the journey Lois. Back in the mode here with a lot of struggles for my friends. :)


Realize in reading my own post this morning I probably wasn’t making much sense last night. A little background probably would help.


As I type this we’re 44 days away from wheels up to fly to Rome to catch the Spirit for an 18-day cruise Rome to Dubai. The big draw of the cruise being the chance to see many of the wonders of Ancient Egypt. We’ve been cruising with the same couple now some four years and they are, for the time being, on the upcoming cruise.



I say time being as their 32-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and as I type this she is undergoing her second major round of chemotherapy at Emory in Atlanta. Obviously and understandably they most probably will drop out of the cruise though the daughter is right now insisting they go. Luckily they bought travel insurance so they’re covered but that doesn’t really make up for the fact that their child is seriously ill with a potentially deadly disease.



Unfortunately as much as we consider them family and that I’ve been involved as a clinical psychologist, we’ve got no choice but to go in the cruise. This cruise fulfills a life long Number 1 bucket list dream for us but won’t be quite the same if they can’t go.

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Hi friends.........Terry, it is all BS (in my opinion).......it is part of America and they need HELP NOW:eek: The hospitals still have no electric:mad: and patients could DIE.........what is the administration's PROBLEM???


Am catching up this morning and I had noticed my name closely associated with the phrase "it is all BS". Hopefully, it was not me as "all BS". I had noted clearly that Jones Act is a very "tangled and twisted" situation in many different ways. AND, best wishes to Lois for solving her medical challenges. Don's have any expertise in these areas. Glad that others have offered good tips and suggestions.


Since our three-day visit to San Juan in early 2015, I have researched and followed lots of the unique history and "tangles" for the "Commonwealth" of Puerto Rico. It is not an easy or simple situation!!! AND, that was before the damages inflicted by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Now, it is much worse. PR is not a State, independent country or U.S. Territory. Lots of twists and turns in the "relationship" with the mainland U.S. Plus, a tangled mess governmentally locally and financially with their huge debt/poor economy.


Bloomberg News is not a right-wing media source and has covered much in-depth on these various most recent issues. Clearly getting the electricity service restored is vital. Bloomberg and others have reported that there have been plenty of supplies landed at the port in San Juan. The problem has been getting it distribute to those in need through out this island. There has been a lack of "local connection", including having open roads, drivers, etc. Then, there is the electricity question??


From Bloomberg News yesterday, they had this headline on an editorial: How to Get Power to the People of Puerto Rico with these highlights: “Restoring electricity as soon as possible is vital to averting a humanitarian disaster. The island's long-term recovery, however, will depend not only on repairing its battered grid but on reforming its feckless power company. The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, the biggest public utility in the U.S., is notorious for its mismanagement and is currently bankrupt, with $9 billion in debt. Puerto Ricans pay more for electricity than nearly all of their fellow Americans (except Hawaiians). They get most of it from dirty oil-fired plants -- many of them decades old -- on a system prone to outages and blackouts. By some accounts, the system loses as much as 12 percent of its revenues to power theft and faulty billing, three times the U.S. average.


Whether re-building their electric grid or getting their economy going again, it is a big challenge. It cannot be done in a week or two. It's very sad! Just thought I would share a little more background as to how tall is the mountain that needs to be scaled. Sadly some media sources do just "surface coverage" and engage in finger pointing, etc. It is good to read deeper as the why and how for these issues related to Puerto Rico, etc.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 187,868 views for this posting.

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Good Afternoon Coolers,


Hi M, ... no we headed back on Wednesday lunch time because it was predicting rain on my normal return timings ie 1am and I couldn't face getting wet whilst packing Helga. As usual a nasty trip back. Was making good progress until two opposing lorries decided to say Hi to each other on a narrow dual lane bit ...... 30 seconds and we would have been in front of it but instead we were behind and so I did a swift U turn and headed across country in Helga complaining all the way that "you are going the wrong way .....". It transpired later hearing the news that we did the right thing because the road was blocked for hours. But we made it back :):(


Randy and Carey, sorry to hear the edge has been taken off your November cruise - it's always nasty when something happens to take the shine off. Push on. Onwards and Upwards, You'll enjoy that trip and you are experienced travellers and I know it isn't far away. With that itenerary and the particular places you are going, you only have one life and I suggest you do all your best to ensure you do as much as you can each day really early before crowds. If it means a $ or two more to do it privately that iteneray is the one to spend on. Getting to all the places on that trip BEFORE the coach trips arrive will pay real dividends and add a disproportionate amount to the enrichment and your precious memories. Feel what it might have been thousands of years ago rather than 2017. It is all about "atmosphere" in all those places and you do not get atomosphere with a crowd around you making a noiuse and taking selfies. You might not be able to - but if you were thinking of it let me nudge you over the edge and push you into private early start visits. And don't forget Ostia Antica in Rome if time allows. Please remember to take us with you. :)


Today was a Tandoori Chicken Shashlick Pilaf.



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J...that meal looks scrumptious! Glad you made it home safely. Smart move to turn around while you could. When we visit our daughter we take a 4 lane highway with a grass median. It is an extremely busy roadway very popular with transport trucks as it runs from Windsor up to Cornwall (the Ontario cities not the UK ones :)). At least once a week there are serious accidents which result in traffic tie-ups lasting for hours. Once on the highway there is no exit other than the exit ramps. It is a nightmare!


And on another note...I wish the news agencies would cease and desist with the publishing of DT's tweets! Just do not report them! Don't feed his need to be in the news.

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That meal looks delicious, Jeff!

Good point about Trump's tweets, Mysty.

I have to say, that I feel insulted when it is insinuated that we/I rely on cable networks to get the news. Not so, I read the Washington Post, New York Times and the Globe and Mail. I also watch BBC World news and PBS.

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Today was a Tandoori Chicken Shashlick Pilaf.


Nice to have the latest food visual from Jeff. Below are a couple of dining delights from my perspective. Did not cook and prepare them. BUT, I was smart in ordering them and enjoying the tasty treats. Like the lima beans?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 227,685 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



From last night, dining outside on a lovely fall evening, I had this dish at a popular local dining star called "Barcelona". Nice name! This dinner is called Vieiras. It has pan-seared sea scallops; bacon, mushrooms, baby lima beans, dates, chile flakes, cream. Wonderful!!:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)



Last Friday night, this was their evening special of lobster tail and "seafood boil". Fun and tasty, too!!:


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Penny...your approach to news gathering is necessary these days. It is not a wise idea to rely on a single source of information. Not all news sources are created equal especially with what is considered "news" these days. A blanket assumption that everyone relies on cable news is not an accurate one. I think a good many wise Coolers and non-Coolers research further on issues that are important. It used to be that the most questionable "stories" were found in the National Enquirer. Now it seems there are many news sources vying for that "distinction".

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It used to be that the most questionable "stories" were found in the National Enquirer. Now it seems there are many news sources vying for that "distinction".


YES, agree strongly that you/we need to check our sources carefully. Having worked in and with many various news media people going back to the 1960's, having attended journalism school, I have seen first-hand that many in this field these days do not always want to just report "who, what, when, where, etc.". They want to be "writers" and offer their personal concerns, analysis, etc. That's fine, but such speculation and theories, on BOTH sides, should be labeled as such. That is not "reporting" of verified facts. Many media owners have either personal political philosophies and/or economic agendas to drive and serve their view/shaping of events. Many or most experienced journalist with whom I have worked over these decades have a personal opinion, but work hard to keep that potential bias from slipping too much into their reporting. Others (or a few) do not let that little "detail" bother them.


Check your sourcing!! Know their history and agendas. Just like in the UK where there is a big difference of the Guardian versus the Telegraph, etc. Read from a wide range of media platforms. Personally, I am a regular with both the NY Times and Washington Post, but also balanced with the Wall Street Journal and various other international/U.S. media. All "journalism" is not created equal.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:


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Penny...your approach to news gathering is necessary these days. It is not a wise idea to rely on a single source of information. Not all news sources are created equal especially with what is considered "news" these days. A blanket assumption that everyone relies on cable news is not an accurate one. I think a good many wise Coolers and non-Coolers research further on issues that are important. It used to be that the most questionable "stories" were found in the National Enquirer. Now it seems there are many news sources vying for that "distinction".



So right, you are Mysty!

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I still have high heels, and try to think I do well in in them. Like Imelda Marcos...I have this thing for shoes...


Me, too but I have given up on the stilettos! I am in awe of Latinas who walk on cobblestones, broken concrete etc. and never even wobble. I do remember fondly, my first ones....a pair of Amalfis......Back in the day when flight attendants were known as stews.....I was based in Miami.

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I still have high heels, and try to think I do well in in them. Like Imelda Marcos...I have this thing for shoes...


Sorry!! Gave up trying to wear high heels long, long ago. At 6' 2", I would not look good trying to be like Imelda Marcos. Also, don't have that much of a "thing" for shoes. Apparently, I have failed in these categories.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 69,955 views.


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I flew for National. My uncle worked for Eastern. I wanted to fly cross country as I was from So. Calif. We had the first transcontinental jet route. We also shared routing with PanAm. They would fly people to New York and Miami and we would carry them within the US. That was back in the day when flying was fun, and passengers were well treated. Stews in stilettos wearing white gloves!!!

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