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Voyager - Singapore-Hong Kong, 2/20-3/7/17 - Wes, Rachel & Rumor, LIVE!

Mr Rumor

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We are now mid way through our Kota Kinabalu ship excursion and visiting the beautiful Shangrl-la resort.

Did visit the Sabah Enterprise (fund government projects), Sabah Foundation building (spend government money) and the almost complete Sabah Administration building. We also visited the city or Blue Mosque where up to 13000 people worship, most on Friday. Please enjoy some pics:






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February 26, 2017--Kota Kinabalu on the island of Borneo


Yet another quiet smooth night's sailing. Is this getting repetitious? No complaints here.


When we awoke, the sun was coming up and revealed a totally different landscape than we have previously encountered on this voyage. There were tree covered hill sides all around with a large mountain in the distance. That mountain, Mt. Kinabalu, 13,431 feet above sea level, is our destination for the day. Scattered around in the bay were smaller islands, some with water villages jutting out.


On the pier, we were greeted by local singers and dancers. They were colorful and entertaining. We boarded our bus for the 2 hour drive to the mountain.


I am going to have several rants today, so anyone who doesn't want to hear them should stop reading now. (BTW, totally OT but everyone is going OT-I agree with Wes about the useless salt and pepper shakers, a long term pet peeve of mine.)


Rant 1: the bus we were assigned was definitely past its use by date. The shocks were non existent, the gears didn't shift, the microphone didn't work, and half the seats were broken. So even though we ad a perfectly good road, it was a miserable journey.


We climbed higher and higher through the foothills to the mountain with great views all around. Eventually we arrived at small village for a bathroom break.


Rant 2: I don't mind having to pay for using the bathroom. I totally get that, but if I am paying, the bathroom should be clean. This bathroom was just nasty and gross. I was really worried about catching a disease, and I am not a germophobe. There was no reason to stop at this place as we were at the park with reasonably clean bathroom in 20 minutes.


Once at the park, we went on a stroll though a really nice tropical botanical garden with lots of orchids, ferns, and flesh eating plants.


Now for rant 3: after the garden, we were to go on a hike through the rainforest. A bunch of people said that it was too hard, that they couldn't do it and needed to go back to the bus. Now, this is an excursion rated strenuous (which is an over statement as it was not difficult at all). It had the 3 little walking man rating. The description clearly stated what was required, so why do people who clearly aren't able to do it insist on signing up then complain when it is difficult.


Anyway, those of us who were fit enough went on while the guide took the others back to the bus. Poor guy, then he had to run to catch us. It was a nice if too short little hike. We did not see any wildlife but did see lots of cool plants. We ended up at the restaurant where the others had been taken by bus.


Now for rant 4: lunch was terrible. It reminded me of the worst meals we had in China. Lamb that was nothing but bones, chicken korma with the skin still on, some nasty looking fish, dried out rice, and over cooked veggies. Only drinks were tap water, hot tea, and coffee. To get anything else, you had to pay extra. We would have been much better off if regent had just given us packed lunches to take.


After lunch, it was another miserable 2 hour ride back to the ship. We arrived just in time for trivia. We only missed 2 questions but came in 3rd.


Having dinner tonight with Ginny and Rich in CR then David Niven is doing his show. I have seen it before and it is quite good.

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Rachel, so sorry to hear about your bus/tour and lunch thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, OT but absolutely agree that the LV salt and pepper shakers are exceptionally problematic--and each guest probably uses them up to a minute daily. Have even seen guests pull the plugs on the bottom of this flimsy shakers to get the amount of salt or pepper. Fred, am also a "pepper maniac" and have found William Sonoma has exceptional grinders (thanks Texaslady)


Beautiful afternoon run along the Likas Bay in KK (Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia). The city government funded a spectacular 21k pedestrian and cycleway on the coast of the Bay. Was able to observe the unique technique that individual fisherman waded in the bay with their net manipulating it until they caught fish and plopped their catch in their floating cooler. It is Sunday in KK so families and lots of children were enjoying the park along the bike trail. A group of friends barbecuing fish and playing the guitar posed for a photo. All in all, a wonderful afternoon run in this beautiful port.


Alas, Tapatalk not allowing me to download the pics--will post later.


Btw...Host Dan suggested I download the cruise critic app to post...will try but using the ship's internet makes downloading this app difficult.



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<<A bunch of people said that it was too hard, that they couldn't do it and needed to go back to the bus. Now, this is an excursion rated strenuous (which is an over statement as it was not difficult at all). It had the 3 little walking man rating. The description clearly stated what was required, so why do people who clearly aren't able to do it insist on signing up then complain when it is difficult.>>


Rachel, we did that very same tour and the pre-tour description made me anxious about my ability to manage (and we always take the three-man-walking tours!) though as you say, it wasn't really as strenuous as it had been described. I can't imagine why anyone with mobility issues would not only choose to take such a tour, but would also make such a fuss when they found they had made a mistake. I'd have been ranting too - I can't bear it when some little cohort gets vocal like that, especially when it was as a result of their own choices.


I think we might have been luckier than you with the quality of our bus, but I agree, it wasn't the best of days and we got a clearer understanding of the cloud forest from the new Botanic Gardens in Singapore, where there's a grand, seven storey reconstruction of a similar landscape based on Mount Kinabalu! Oh well, some we win....

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Another great Rachel excursion account, and I echo her rants about the Majestic Kinabalu Park tour. However, just for the record, this excursion was rated two walking men instead of three (I double-checked the description when we got back to the room). I swore it was a three. It should have been a three. I really don't blame the seven or eight who passed on the nature trail hike (it was not a walk) after taking one look at its winding, steeply uphill route, with one uneven step after another.


Nelson, our guide, told me that the tour company only uses its buses for a maximum of ten years, after which they are relegated for city use. Well, our bus must have been on its last tour of tour duty, due to the issues Rachel detailed. What saved the day for Ginny and me was our tour guide, Nelson, going the extra mile for us. Nelson probably walked an extra mile up and down the aisle giving commentary to, and asking for questions from, a few cruisers at a time, after the PA failed. He was a gem.


Another positive: We had glorious weather conditions for the park visit, dry and party sunny with temps in the low 70s. Never had to reach into my daypack for my windbreaker or umbrella.













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Nelson, our tour guide, abandoned his seat up front when the PA failed and spent much of the drive to and from Kinabalu Park bringing his commentary to us.



Our first good look at Mount Kinabalu came from our rest stop at Nabulu Market.



George spots a pitcher plant (carnivorous) at the botanical garden.



The nature hike finish line.




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Prompted to revisit our day in KK by reading my blog about it, I discovered that Nelson was our guide too - unless all guides are using the same alias? ;) How strange it was labelled a 2 walking man tour. Surely an error, I agree.


I'm really enjoying all the team's reports and finding it fun to read different 'voices'. Thanks!

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Good Morning as we cruise along the South China Sea towards our next destination, Borocay Island the Phillippines.

We will arrive in the Philippines on Tuesday.


Last nite we enjoyed an outstanding dinner in the Regent Seven Seas Voyager main restaurant, Compass Rose with the company of cruise director Margaret Lynn, and new cruise friends from the United Kingdom, Chris and Rose Marie. For desert we surprised Margaret by having the pastry chef make a special chocolate (her fav) cake that said "Best CD" on it--very few times have I observed Margaret speechless and as she said with tears, she has a smile as big as a hanger.


Today, we have a sea day chock full of delightful activities but start with a Philippines Quarantine and Helath inspection this morning. Smithsonian lecturer, Lew Simons then gives a. Lecture about the Philippines: One step forward, two steps back. Late morning we will enjoy a cooking demonstration by the Restaurant manager, David and Executive Chef Dino. Ida will be coveting more points for competing in games (Baggo, Shuffleboard, and skittles). The restaurant team is featuring a Mongolian BBQ for lunch. And tonight is another Regent production show, Broadway in Concert.


First photos from yesterday afternoon's 10 km run in Kota Kinabalu:





Photos of our delicious dinner with CD Margaret:





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Good morning from the Voyager on sea day No. 3 of five. Have already been to the gym (where I saw Wes, of course!) and downed a delicious blended drink made to order (banana, carrot, cantaloupe and watermelon) out here on the Pool Deck. This is the scene at the moment.




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I stand corrected on the number of walking men. I was looking at the descriptions on my I pad on the rssc website. It is two walking men with the additional symbol for lunch which my brain interpreted as 3 men. However, the description clearly states that there will be 75 minutes of walking over uneven and slippery ground and may be muddy.

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I stand corrected on the number of walking men. I was looking at the descriptions on my I pad on the rssc website. It is two walking men with the additional symbol for lunch which my brain interpreted as 3 men. However, the description clearly states that there will be 75 minutes of walking over uneven and slippery ground and may be muddy.



Rachel - think that I missed something. What designation would you have given the excursion? Were the surfaces uneven or slippery (or do you think they would have been slippery or muddy if it had rained). We will be doing this part of the world next year and want to make sure that we book excursions that are not slippery or muddy (something that we will be putting up with in the Amazon later this year):D

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Short post using cruise critic app (very similar to using Tapatalk) checking download speed. Here are photo of cooking demo prep as Margaret introduces the Executive Chef Dino and the Voyager Restaurant Manager, David enthusiastically explained that his Moqueca is his original recipe whereas Chef Dino just reads a textbook recipe.








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Tomorrow is our first stop in the Philippines, Boracay Island. But it's safe to say that it's Manila, Wednesday's port, that is on the minds of the 160 Filipino crew members spanning housekeeping, dining room, bar and deck/engine. We know that home is where their hearts are.


That day many will be hosting family members aboard the ship; 600 are expected. Regent's policy is to accommodate crew families on very special occasions such as this one by allowing one-hour visits spaced throughout the day. Many reunions will also include time together off the ship, according to individual crew members' schedules.


In honor of our Filipino crew, whose dedication to their work we appreciate so much (along with their smiles), I'd like to spotlight several who have been counting down the days to Manila:


Jennilyn, housekeeping

First Regent contract (previously worked for AIDA for 10 years)

Present Contract: Onboard since December 22, 2016

Visiting: mother, Remy; son, John



Cyndy, bar (and Krew Kapers veteran)

Fifth Regent contract

Present Contract: Onboard since December 2, 2016

Visiting: mother, Cynthia; dad, Ernesto; brother, E.R.; brother, Ernesto, Jr.; sister-in-law, Ross



Mark Anthony, restaurant (LEFT)

Eighth Regent contract

Present Contract: Onboard since May 13, 2016 (he goes on holiday in Manila!)

Visiting: wife, Perlita; son, Paul; daughter, Patricia; brother-in-law, Steve; nephew, Copper


Sherwin, restaurant

Eighteenth (!) Regent contract

Present Contract: Onboard since November 4, 2016

Visiting: wife, Malou









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February 27, 2017--at sea enough to the Philippines


Another quiet night's sailing. We woke up to sunshine and heat. I had a massage booked first thing, but afterward, when I went out to walk, it was just impossible. Even with a good strong breeze, it was so hot and humid that you couldn't breath.


There were lectures as well as a cooking demo in he morning. Lunch on the pool deck was Mongolian BBQ, so I just had a big salad.


George put a movie on in the afternoon, so he watched that while I took a nap. It seems this healing thing is requiring extra rest.


Trivia was very well attended, and we came in number 3 again. After that, it had cooled a little, so I did my walking. The sunset was absolutely beautiful with pinks and blues coming through the clouds.


The Seven Seas Party was tonight. I think almost everyone on this cruise is a member.


Dinner in CR was delicious. I really like the concept of being able to order off an always available menu and have the specials as well. You can mix and match to your heart's content. I have the Indian veggie patties appetizer, a Greek salad, and salmon with asparagus. All were perfect.


The show tonight was a cabaret show of Broadway tunes, very well executed by our talented performers. No dancing, just singing, but a great performance.


The excitement on the ship is building as we near the Philippines. A large majority of the staff are Filipino, and they are excited to be home and hopefully also be able to visit family. The ship is allowing family onboard on the day we are in Manila, and I can't wait to see all the happy smiles.

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At today's Guest vs Officer match up, Rich and Ida competed well too as the guests smacked the officers 6-4. The photo shows Rich concentrating as he prepares his shot.


We enjoyed another fabulous dinner in Compass Rose hosted by the Voyager GM Franck, who like Rich said above will host 600+ Regent crew member families when we visit Manila on Wednesday. Franck told Ida an I we would love Borocay Island for the snorkeling. Pls enjoy some pix below. We also had the miso-glazed sea bass paired with a delightful French Chardonnay.


During the evening workout running on the Voyager track, there was the trooper Rachel walking with her arm in her sling. Rachel is one tough lady and a fitness example for all whether healthy or if inured.


Darn internet will not download photos, will post tomorrow early a.m.





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I am having the best time following your blog. Great descriptions and great photos too. Rachel, you are amazing and I think all of you should be commended on your dedication to health and fitness. Very inspiring! One question....I would love to know what the ingredients are in Ida's Mimosa Salad. Thanks to all!

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Tomorrow is our first stop in the Philippines, Boracay Island. But it's safe to say that it's Manila, Wednesday's port, that is on the minds of the 160 Filipino crew members spanning housekeeping, dining room, bar and deck/engine. We know that home is where their hearts are.


That day many will be hosting family members aboard the ship; 600 are expected. Regent's policy is to accommodate crew families on very special occasions such as this one by allowing one-hour visits spaced throughout the day. Many reunions will also include time together off the ship, according to individual crew members' schedules.


In honor of our Filipino crew, whose dedication to their work we appreciate so much (along with their smiles), I'd like to spotlight several who have been counting down the days to Manila:


Jennilyn, housekeeping

First Regent contract (previously worked for AIDA for 10 years)

Present Contract: Onboard since December 22, 2016

Visiting: mother, Remy; son, John



Cyndy, bar (and Krew Kapers veteran)

Fifth Regent contract

Present Contract: Onboard since December 2, 2016

Visiting: mother, Cynthia; dad, Ernesto; brother, E.R.; brother, Ernesto, Jr.; sister-in-law, Ross



Mark Anthony, restaurant (LEFT)

Eighth Regent contract

Present Contract: Onboard since May 13, 2016 (he goes on holiday in Manila!)

Visiting: wife, Perlita; son, Paul; daughter, Patricia; brother-in-law, Steve; nephew, Copper


Sherwin, restaurant

Eighteenth (!) Regent contract

Present Contract: Onboard since November 4, 2016

Visiting: wife, Malou









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Rich - thank you so much for taking the time to learn about the families that these wonderful crew members will be visiting. This was this was the most meaningful post that I've seen in all of my years on Cruise Critic. You are an angel:halo:

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Good Morning Boracay Island!


We arrive soon to this beautiful Philippine Island, world renown for its drop dead gorgeous white sugar and powdery beaches--often accaimed as the best in the world. This island is small (about315km) and just 196 miles south of Manila (where we visit tomorrow). Today, Ida and I have a near five hour beach island tour where we will snorkel at three different islands.


Last nite we enjoyed another outstanding dinner in Regent Seven Please enjoy another picture from last nite's delish dinner as Executive Chef Dino and Restaurant Mgr, David came by our table.






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