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Chill full. playful. Sinful. I say offensive.


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No need to feel stupid. Chill full isn't a real term. It's just a fake marketing term created by X to rhyme with playful and sinful. this is all targeted at millennials. but to millennials, it is a wrong use of the term by old fogies that are trying to reach out to my generation and seem cool. rather than appreciate the....um....culture?...they misappropriate "trendy" lingo, which of course comes off as disingenuous and i suspect that many millennials will not fall for it and actually just roll our eyes at X.


I am not offended at all. I am just joking and being sarcastic as it is such a ridiculous idea to be offended by fake words.


Thanks for the clarification - I was feeling very old reading some of this - LOL!

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Why would anyone want to use the buggy Celebrity website with good alternatives? So no frustration regarding Celebrity's web site from me. Just amusement at the people who keep doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting a different result.


Seems there are tons of people that will only book directly through Celebrity for whatever reason, so would definitely prefer to use their site. After booking many, many people like to browse through the site to see what excursions are offered, etc., and do additional planning.To many, much of the fun of cruising is the planning, & anticipation of sailing. You, and others like Bo1953, think that its no big deal that their website is the pits. Good if that works for you. How about if Celebrity just puts a blurb on their home page; Frustrated? just go to the "good alternatives", and list them?

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I usually enjoy your posts Bo, but sometimes they remind me of the Black Knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail when he says as his limbs are hacked off, "come on, fight! Its only a flesh wound!"

You certainly are a glass half full guy!


Thank you Rich. :D


I like to figure out the issue, approach and resolution to get the job completed, to my satisfaction. I do not do well or look good whining about something over which I can control or ignore! LOL


I look to sail with you soon....


bon voyage

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Seems there are tons of people that will only book directly through Celebrity for whatever reason, so would definitely prefer to use their site. After booking many, many people like to browse through the site to see what excursions are offered, etc., and do additional planning.To many, much of the fun of cruising is the planning, & anticipation of sailing. You, and others like Bo1953, think that its no big deal that their website is the pits. Good if that works for you. How about if Celebrity just puts a blurb on their home page; Frustrated? just go to the "good alternatives", and list them?


r - methinks you are correct, to a great degree. I book onboard for the next sailing desired then transfer to a TA.



I have yet to find that illusive TA who has deep discounted prices and I choose not to spend a great deal of time looking for them either. Although I must say, that once or twice a month I will do a search for a few moments to see what comes up and nothing appears that makes me want to switch, yet. But I do get some decent OBC from my agent.


I, too, enjoy looking for excursions at the website, yet I usually print them out so I have a definitive list to pass around or copy to friends sailing with us. That way I, nor they, have to go back on the website to research, it is right there in front of them. I know you know that there are several websites out there which offer the same excursions sometimes for a more 'economical' price, rather that be $1.00 or up to 15% price difference.


I agree, planning for excitement on the next sailing can be fun, yet how much planning can one do and still enjoy the sailing? This answer I do not know, yet I do know that some passengers are obsessed about the website to a degree that I believe is unhealthy or is it I, who is unhealthy because it does not bother me?


LOL Never mind, rhetorical! :evilsmile:


Thank you everyone for your input, regardless and bon voyage!

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. There's no easy way of saying it just looked like one giant queue of pensioners lining up at the Post Office to collect their pension. .


They need to get up to date. All of my income sources are direct deposit. Don't have the time to stand in a line as I am too busy doing nothing all day.


And don't know where you are from but our postal service delivers our mail directly to our house. It is mostly junk mail that goes directly into the circular file or shredder.


Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌞

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They need to get up to date. All of my income sources are direct deposit. Don't have the time to stand in a line as I am too busy doing nothing all day.


And don't know where you are from but our postal service delivers our mail directly to our house. It is mostly junk mail that goes directly into the circular file or shredder.


Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌞


You really shouldn't make cross cultural assumptions. Of course mail is delivered to U.K. homes. But post offices also offer many banking facilities and traditionally government payments such as pensions were collected from post offices. Most pensioners are directly credited, but the facility to receive cash remains popular among many older ones.

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So true.






No. Chill full is wrong. It's like saying I am playing the Pokemen or going to the chill in. It's just a wrong use of the word and it almost feels like a grammatical error.




Chill full is not on urbandictionary either.




I am a millennial and it rubs me the wrong way.


If a millennial thinks it's used wrong and it doesn't work to grab their attention, is it possible it's not meant to?


After all, genx was all about "dude, you must chill". Not you guys. You guys were barely being born at that time.


So maybe it's not about you at all.




While they probably have the ability to figure out the work around, I thought they would be more likely to not bother and move on. Are the millennials or the Gen X'ers the first generation with so much A.D.D.?



If we did we weren't being diagnosed en masse. Not like now. :)


I agree, words have meaning and are not just advertising incentives. Another word used inappropriately is decadent. Sorry, I don't want anything decadent.



not even chocolate?:confused:




Exactly what I was going to ask. I hear decadent, I think homemade from scratch chocolate cake!

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If a millennial thinks it's used wrong and it doesn't work to grab their attention, is it possible it's not meant to?


After all, genx was all about "dude, you must chill". Not you guys. You guys were barely being born at that time.


So maybe it's not about you at all.







If we did we weren't being diagnosed en masse. Not like now. :)









Exactly what I was going to ask. I hear decadent, I think homemade from scratch chocolate cake!

Interesting thought. Although I doubt it since most gen x'ers don't use the word, chill, as often as millennials.


Millennials created more (garbage) terms with chill in them, like:

netflix n chill, chill-hang, chillax, and etc.

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I am certain many will not feel as I do about Celebrity’s latest promotion about the Edge and the area called Eden. However, as an Elite Plus (translate LOYAL) Customer onboard 56 days this year alone, I believe promoting their product as sinful in an effort to appeal to people is just incredibly sad and indicative of a marketing ploy gone wrong. Maybe my Celebrity is fading away into oblivion considering their target audience based on conceptual drawings also includes nobody over the age of 30. I am a huge proponent of raising the bar, setting high standards, growth, and innovation. That said, I simply don’t consider “sinful” to be something I seek or strive for when vacationing or otherwise.


"SINFUL?" That has a specific religious connotation and should not be mentioned on CC. I'm sure all those "sinners" on every cruise; drinking alcohol, enjoying "relations," and in general having fun must be really upsetting. Note that those things likely occurred in your very cabin... Be careful what you touch!

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At least this thread got me to look at the new ships. :D Sinfull? I doubt it will be any more sinful than your local church social, ours anyway. :)


As for Chill full, Celebrity really needs to hire a different marketing team. While they are at it, they can get a new IT team as well. I'm just glad they contracted out the actual ship building, at least the new ships should float.(yn)

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At least this thread got me to look at the new ships. :D Sinfull? I doubt it will be any more sinful than your local church social, ours anyway. :)


As for Chill full, Celebrity really needs to hire a different marketing team. While they are at it, they can get a new IT team as well. I'm just glad they contracted out the actual ship building, at least the new ships should float.(yn)

Dang, I'd love to go to your church parties. Drinking, gambling, banging, gorging, etc.


and lol at floating ships

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There's a tricky balancing act between altering your product to attract new customers but at the same time not losing too many of your existing customers.


A good example I can think of is a leading UK high-street clothes retailer that has decided to target a new customer base. For years it had regular sales but at the same time definitely reduced quality - resulting in complaints that although the price was good, the quality wasn't. Recently they have publicly said they will be doing significantly less discounting, but haven't improved quality - (one of their premium ranges is an italian inspired range of clothing .... made in Mexico.). At the same time they have changed the tailoring to many of its clothing to "tailored, slim fit and extra slim fit" - less material! You now see their traditional customers wandering around saying "nothing fits". The shop still has't attracted the younger customers. Result - deserted shops.

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There's a tricky balancing act between altering your product to attract new customers but at the same time not losing too many of your existing customers.


A good example I can think of is a leading UK high-street clothes retailer that has decided to target a new customer base. For years it had regular sales but at the same time definitely reduced quality - resulting in complaints that although the price was good, the quality wasn't. Recently they have publicly said they will be doing significantly less discounting, but haven't improved quality - (one of their premium ranges is an italian inspired range of clothing .... made in Mexico.). At the same time they have changed the tailoring to many of its clothing to "tailored, slim fit and extra slim fit" - less material! You now see their traditional customers wandering around saying "nothing fits". The shop still has't attracted the younger customers. Result - deserted shops.


Personally, I do not believe that X's adverts are trying to attract non-U.S. residents or for all that matters, non-North American residents, which is just fine. They are targeting, for the most part, the current passengers on the party ships who are ready for a different type of experience in cruising and clearly will be able to afford it based on their current spending habits.


I agree and understand, that X needs to do what it needs to do to insure its' long term viability in the market place. We, as the current passengers on their ships, can either go with the flow or go to a line more to our liking and desires. Thus allowing those who like the product and all that goes with it to fill the vacated spaces... at a price which the current market will bear.



As for all of the issues (marketing and otherwise) cited in this thread and elsewhere on CC, X will come to understand that they may need to make requisite changes to keep in the running for a good 'premium' mass market cruise sailing experience, otherwise they will be left behind and I do not think that will happen anytime soon.


bon voyage

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Personally, I do not believe that X's adverts are trying to attract non-U.S. residents or for all that matters, non-North American residents, which is just fine. They are targeting, for the most part, the current passengers on the party ships who are ready for a different type of experience in cruising and clearly will be able to afford it based on their current spending habits.



bon voyage


They've marketing Edge in the UK through UK Travel Agents

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They've marketing Edge in the UK through UK Travel Agents


Yes, as Edge is being marketed in all of its' outlets, what would be the reason not to draw from a wide area? My thoughts are, still, most of the new passengers will arrive from North America, for now.


That is, until it makes it debut in Europe and Asia.... if at all.


Thank you for your input.


bon voyage

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Maybe they are looking for more swingers charters..and Edgier pax .Some of the land based Clubs that are under the enterainment Umbrella company seem quite XXX rated...


If the ship is a WOW.....the marketing will be irrelevant..like the Marco Polo ads and X the Rules campaign

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Maybe they are looking for more swingers charters..and Edgier pax .Some of the land based Clubs that are under the enterainment Umbrella company seem quite XXX rated...


If the ship is a WOW.....the marketing will be irrelevant..like the Marco Polo ads and X the Rules campaign




bon voayge

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I am certain many will not feel as I do about Celebrity’s latest promotion about the Edge and the area called Eden. However, as an Elite Plus (translate LOYAL) Customer onboard 56 days this year alone, I believe promoting their product as sinful in an effort to appeal to people is just incredibly sad and indicative of a marketing ploy gone wrong. Maybe my Celebrity is fading away into oblivion considering their target audience based on conceptual drawings also includes nobody over the age of 30. I am a huge proponent of raising the bar, setting high standards, growth, and innovation. That said, I simply don’t consider “sinful” to be something I seek or strive for when vacationing or otherwise.


Either I am old or just plain ignorant but I just don't get what the fuss is. BTW - if you want sin, come to my town of Las Vegas. According to the Convention Authority, what happens here stays here.



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I am certain many will not feel as I do about Celebrity’s latest promotion about the Edge and the area called Eden. I believe promoting their product as sinful in an effort to appeal to people is just incredibly sad and indicative of a marketing ploy gone wrong. Maybe my Celebrity is fading away into oblivion considering their target audience based on conceptual drawings also includes nobody over the age of 30. I am a huge proponent of raising the bar, setting high standards, growth, and innovation. That said, I simply don’t consider “sinful” to be something I seek or strive for when vacationing or otherwise.


We golden oldies were raised in an era when words had meaning, when a person believed what we were told had a basis in fact. When "X the rules" advertising slogan died after the reaction on Cruise Critic, I thought that Celebrity executives had learned a lesson. Obviously their advertising such as "an award winning website" shows their flagrant misuse of language as chill and sin. Slogans and promises in Celebrity advertising has no basis in fact but it does indicate a distain for people who believe in the value of words as in days gone by.


I detest their new Eden/snake visual and wording because it shows that their concept of language meaning and values is totally different than mine. In my upbringing a snake has always been the symbol of evil and according to lore, giving in to temptation got us tossed out of Eden. Others who did not get that education nor read about the origins of our culture and philosophy might not get the reference. Ignorance is bliss; a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. When we plan our future cruises, the offer of sinfulness on board Edge to the new generation where words have no meaning will direct me elsewhere. Just promise me great service and an experience fit for royalty as in past advertising.


(When I have been onboard I may have indulged in sloth while on my balcony , gluttony in the dining room, envy of those in suites, wrath at the stupidity of fellow passengers, greed in the casino and more wrath with poor decisions and pride in having a full head of hair. Lust is something that age has greatly moderated.)

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Good thread, we have not cruised with Celebrity in a couple of years, so we haven't paid attention.


So the tone of the discussion got me wondering if how a passenger could smuggle booze into this program?




Go for it, another sinful activity Celebrity is asking for.. :evilsmile:

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