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Doing things differently on Pursuit - a reflection


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It has been a few weeks since we returned from our three cruises on Pursuit and as well as coping with Christmas etc I have taken a little time to reflect before writing this review.


So rather than review each cruise, this is a summary of our conclusions having joined the ship in Barcelona, stayed on in Miami and Lima and disembarked finally in Buenos Aires 46 days later.  I am going to pull together a photo review of the ports but will place that on the Ports of call board as I think it will help a wider groups of cruisers there.


We had been on the Pursuit naming cruise so we had seen the changes made previously.  We continue to think after road testing them extensively that we do like most of the new layout especially The Den.  Our only layout reservation is the Living Room and the positioning of the band (which we understand is structural) as the sight lines are not ideal for many with a much larger number of seats being located behind the band.


Before embarking we had read some quite critical reviews of Pursuit so we went with an open mind.  We wondered if there were issues, or were there issues with the expectations of guests.  During the first 25 days of our travels, we were certainly of the view that these reviews weren’t valid and with a few minor glitches all was well.  But as time went on, we kept hearing the phrase “we are doing things differently on Pursuit” and by early Cruise 3 we were left with a dilemma in our heads – were what we experienced the result of doing things differently or were they just issues of a new team settling in.  And then we began to worry – was this a testbed for a wider change in focus across all three ships -  for if it is it would not in our minds be good.


We did enjoy the itineraries, it certainly had its challenges with weather issues impacting on the ports called at on Cruises 1 and 3 and some technical engine problems which also caused a port to be missed on Cruise 3.  There were some fantastic ports along the way – for example Pisco, barren, isolated but what an amazingly beautiful ships tour to the Ballestas Island.  Likewise Antofagasta and the Atacama desert.  In those ports, guests who had not done their homework perhaps did not have such a positive experiences, shopping and beaches were not in evidence.  Cruise 3 certainly suffered from guests who had not done their homework so when weather issues caused the inevitable port cancellations that happen in that area, the reactions were not always appropriate or realistic. Captain Antonio (a delightful person, great appointment) seemed to acquire another 2-300 experts who knew better than him.


Whilst the Captain and Hotel Director Elisabeth were very visible to guests and open to feedback, the next layer of management was not, particularly Cruise 3.  Not only was there much less guest interaction, there was a lack of supervision of staff and things were going wrong.  Doing things differently came over as being much less customer centric.  For example, we experienced several instances where staff would tell you the ship had run out of something (for example Perrier Water, San Pellegrino, Grapefruit Juice) when in fact what they meant was we do not have it at this bar or I do not know where it is and I am not going to find it or get it elsewhere as the items were indeed still available.  


The Specialities especially Aualina Cruise 3 were not as good as on Journey and Quest, they just weren’t special but worse, when there were problems (inedible meals having to be sent back or completely wrong orders brought) there was no follow up from a maitre d.  No one seemed bothered when we cancelled all our Speciality bookings (we know independently other guests did likewise) after a horror night.  But the good news was generally the Main Dining Room was excellent food was perfect, service if we got one waitress who was brilliant so we asked for her every night.  We did have one bad night when we could not get her and the waiter brought food containing products one of us is very allergic to despite being made aware of the allergy.  Again no one followed up after that potentially very serious incident, seems that the doing things differently on Pursuit means the staff do not necessarily escalate things to managers as happens on the other two ships.


Cruises 1 and 2 had very acceptable entertainment and activities and although the Guest Lecturer talks were on subjects that did not appeal to us they were well received by others.  Sadly Cruise 3 (which had a change of personnel) was an abject failure.   The one thing going to this part of the world is you want a good destination lecturer and a naturalist on the bridge.  You also hope that, as happens on Journey and Quest, if wildlife is spotted during the day, announcements are made.  Not so, on Pursuit, they announced there would not be time for us to go and see the wildlife after an announcement so none will be made -  really its not been a problem on the other two ships.  


Then we have the Destination lecturer who was engaged for the wrong talk, replaced by another gentleman who we were constantly told before he arrived was wonderful and we were so lucky to get.  Well he turned out to be a disaster, factually inaccurate and he behaved most inappropriately even after the cruiseline had to issue an apology because of things he said.  So there were no more lectures.  


There was no naturalist on the bridge during our time around the Glaciers.  Instead, we had the Cruise Director reading us content from Google – it was not audible in many parts of the ship (including the Living Room) because it was before 9am and they are not allowed to transmit inside the ship…. Anyway it did not matter, anyone who could read google was getting as much insight in the warmth but not what we have had in areas of natural beauty on the other two ships. (There was a "naturalist" onboard doing talks but he wasn't used, no idea why). 


Another entertainment miss perhaps highlighted where the attention to detail was now lacking in this area on Pursuit. Unfortunately the pianist who played in the Den had to leave the ship due to a family emergency.  Again we are told this wonderful replacement was coming. Well an amateur appeared who did not know how to switch the mike on, who never engaged with the guests, when he did sing it was not in the key he was playing.  We gave it a few days before giving some informal feedback to the Cruise Director who indicated he had not heard the gentleman play…. Our view was that a new artist who has never been heard by anyone on the ship before should have been listened to by the director as they performed, if not the first night by the second night.  It would also be better to under promise and over deliver rather than the other way round which was the feature of entertainment and activities on our final leg.


For us our visits to the Den (which had been a brilliant place on the first two cruises) stopped and we went frequented the Living Room where the trio was becoming more popular each day.  


But then we had the karaoke night up there– or rather then we did not….on the first attempt no one could get the machine to work but no officer or assistant officer was in the room to perhaps apologise to the guests.  On the second evening that karaoke was attempted, we had a working machine, but none of the entertainers were present so nothing to get the evening going as happened on Cruise 1 and always happens on Journey and Quest.  So after 10 minutes the DJ switched to a disco having not really encouraged anyone to take part.  We didn’t need any help Cruise 2, that was one of the best karaoke nights onboard ever thanks to the Azamara Sales Team conference, wow the talent and fun! (PS They showed a group can be onboard and enhance a cruise not detract for the entire time they were there.)


So, having started so well, and despite enjoying seeing South America, in the end Pursuit and its doing things differently did not really work for us.  We much prefer the customer centric approach of Journey and Quest, where a wider number of officers are visible and egos are suppressed.  Whilst our initial reaction was the glitches were due to new staff, as time went by we realised in that situation middle managers should be more visible not less if the new staff are to get it right – or of course maybe the staff were getting it right and this was the “doing things differently”  


There is nothing in this review that we did not either feedback about onboard or in our end of cruise survey but for the moment, as we are lucky to have choices, although we are primarily destination driven in our cruise choices, if there was a choice between Pursuit and another Azamara vessel, Pursuit would not be our winner.  But we would still hope it could be one day.

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Thanks for sharing uktog.  Sounds unusually hit and miss, albeit there are more positives than negatives.  The general service levels, follow ups if there is an issue etc. is what sets AZ apart.  Or at least it used to.  We board pursuit in a month,  and will keep an open mind but thank you for the insights.  David

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Really appreciate this thoughtful assessment and the time you have taken to arrive at it.


I guess I’m hoping that your first two legs of the itinerary is closer to the standard they aspire to reach.


if that is true, then they will take your comments seriously.


I strongly suggest that Bonnie can pass them up the chain of command. 

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Ann, thanks for the thorough and insightful review.  Although we usually cruise on the Journey or Quest, we will be sailing b2b on the Pursuit in April.  I'm apprehensive that the things we love most about Azamara will be absent or seriously lacking on Pursuit.  Perhaps, in the next few months, things will work themselves out if stronger leadership is provided. From what you've written, it sounds like they need a Heike. (For those who don't know her, Heike Berdos is the Hotel Director on Journey.) Toni

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Yes for everyone an open mind is indeed needed.  And yes some authentic leadership - google it if you have not come across it, but its what some on Azamara have and would I am sure help Pursuit hit the high spots of the other two ships.   a few behavioural changes, some tweaks and all could be absolutely fine 

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Thanks for your comments, Ann. I found them really interesting, especially as we’ve found Journey and Quest to be very similar to each other in terms of service and responsiveness.  Saying ‘ we do things differently on the Pursuit’  is a little disturbing, unless they are aiming to do things better - clearly not necessarily working if that’s the case! 

 We will be on Pursuit in November - maybe good leadership, resulting in higher levels of  responsiveness, will have had the chance to develop by then - I hope so.


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Thanks for this interesting perspective Ann. I have been communicating with other dedicated Azamara cruisers who are still onboard and they agree with your insights. 

Hopefully things on Pursuit will improve given a bit of time. Maybe retraining of some staff is needed? I love the look of The Den on Pursuit and hope to be sailing on her in June. 

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Sorry to hear there were issues with #3.  We were on Pursuit for 6 cruises B2B for two months starting in Athens and ending in Lima, the terminus of your 2nd.


The CD changed in Lima.  Amanda was our CD for the two months prior to that and she was a presence everywhere.


Compared to our 3 B2B on Journey this past July/August 2018, the food and service were better on Pursuit, although we generally don't go to Aqualina so can't comment there.  We have always felt, on all 3 ships, that Aqualina needs a menu refresh.


There were weather issues throughout the Mediterranean in September and October resulting in missed ports and such that were handled in an industry leading manner by the officers and crew.  Captain Toledo, HD Ryzard, HD/FB Elisabeth were top notch.


Sorry to hear that Lima to BA disappointed.   I don't worry that that will become the norm for Pursuit, much less the fleet.



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After reading some dreadful reviews I’ve been quite concerned about our upcoming TA on Pursuit in 8 weeks time. Now, to read this report from an Azamara regular is even more worrying. I sincerely hope that the powers that be take heed and that the ‘difference’ onboard actually becomes at least equal to Azamara usual standards. 

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  'No one seemed bothered when we cancelled all our Speciality bookings'


We were on the cruise out of Barcelona and we cancelled our aqualina bookings after the second visit and transferred to Prime C for the remainder of the voyage which was perfect. We were very politely asked if there was any particular reason for canceling.  Overall we found the trip to be outstanding and would highly recommend.

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13 minutes ago, mrbluesea said:

  'No one seemed bothered when we cancelled all our Speciality bookings'


We were on the cruise out of Barcelona and we cancelled our aqualina bookings after the second visit and transferred to Prime C for the remainder of the voyage which was perfect. We were very politely asked if there was any particular reason for canceling.  Overall we found the trip to be outstanding and would highly recommend.

Yes the trip out of Barcelona was good and at that stage as I said, with minor niggles we put down to staff still not settled in, all was good.  If only the person we advised we wished to cancel had asked our reasons in December. The lack of follow up left you wondering did anyone really care.  We actually got better service in the main dining room and didn’t have to send anything back at all.  Actually for us to send something back is unusual as we will persevere if we can but stone cold ravioli is too much.  That same night our main wasn’t right either but no one came by to check so we gave up! 


Hopefully it all all settles down for those with future cruises, it seems from what Lottie says it’s still not right but maybe there are other reasons why that might be. 

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We were also on Pursuit from Lima to BA, and agree with the above review. The interior review of the ship was well done, and The Den an excellent space, apart from the too loud piano music, but the paintwork on our balcony was scruffy and the door surrounds filthy with engrained dirt.  We too had one meal in Aqualina where we felt the quality of produce especially our favourite dover sole was poor, and cancelled others, while Prime C was excellent as usual and generally Discoveries was of a high standard. Overall the speciality restaurants are not worth the charge, and it is time that was removed altogether, and the menus refreshed!!

It was difficult to pin down what was missing, but the Pursuit did not feel the same atmosphere as Quest and Journey, and that may be down to Senior Staff being on leave, very little senior officer interaction, too many new crew members including supervisors, and poor supervision, but it does need to be addressed. Heike would be appalled, and I am sure Ryzard will apply himself now back from leave.

There was considerable inclement weather on this trip, and there was a lack of decent lecturers relevant to our geography and ports of call, insufficient on board activities when the open decks were not in use, and poor communication as to changes of itinerary, or expert commentary of the features of the Chilean Fjords.  

Nothing to be gained labouring the point, but overall we left the Pursuit disappointed, however, look forward to joining Quest very soon for normal service to be resumed.



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This is disappointing, especially as we just booked the Pursuit to Antarctica for Jan 2020.  Hopefully we will get Carl and Ryszard and/or there is some improved training/attitude adjustment.  I will be watching for updates on how Pursuit staff perform.

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Thank you Uktog for this thoughtful, detailed reflection.  I appreciate your ability to specifically state the positives as well as negatives; and, to be clear in what the concerns were and how they could have been addressed onboard. I hope Azamara is paying attention.

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Rest assured we are paying attention! I will this along to our Hotel Department. I am sure there will be plenty of thought and discussion over the points made herein.

Thank you uktog for taking the time to write the review. Your insights are always appreciated.


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9 hours ago, BBMacLaird said:

Rest assured we are paying attention! I will this along to our Hotel Department. I am sure there will be plenty of thought and discussion over the points made herein.

Thank you uktog for taking the time to write the review. Your insights are always appreciated.


Thanks Bonnie, as said in the review nothing in this that has not already been given as feedback to officers onboard or in our end of cruise summary so I would hope it has already all been discussed as they thought appropriate.  I want to emphasise that there are comments here that it is all due to certain hotel staff being onboard or not being onboard.  I do not hold that view, the hotel issues (other than entertainment) were evident across both role holders. and were systemic.  If it is correct that there are still issues onboard as Lottie has reported from  others then the Captain change did not resolve things over the last month.  

But one thing for sure, we all want Pursuit to be as good as Journey and Quest and for the Azamara brand to continue to be well thought of by all guests.

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Lindsay and I were on the Pursuit for the Lima -> BA portion and the follow-on Christmas cruise. I would have to agree that the observations mentioned here are fair and measured.


We had joined the pre-cruise excursion to Machu Picchu with 19 other guests and simply had a blast. It was a more expensive option than doing it on your own, but we were very well attended to. Afterwards, the group came together on ship and so we had a very good time, possibly because of the prior excursion. It was funny that members of the tour kept booking the same excursions.


We had most of our meals in the discovery restaurant and were lucky to have several good to great waiters; Jane, AJ, Dexter, Ryan (Filipino) and Ryan (Indian) all made the meal enjoyable. As both cruises had just over 500 guests onboard, the sharing of a table did not work well, but we simply ate with guests that we met on board.


The failure of an evaporator caused us to miss one port while bad weather forced the cancellation of the Falklands stop. I have to agree with Uktog that the captain was unfairly criticized and my wife actually came to his defence at one point. You have to go with the flow, seriously. The Falklands had 50nm winds and 22 foot swells and is a tender port. The ship experienced 11 foot swells for a brief period coming out of the Beagle Channel, and many people had a bit of a green tinge. I personally am glad that we missed the 22 foot swells.


It should be noted that Azamara assisted everyone with their cancelled excursions including those that had booked with 3rd party companies. I thought that this was very professional on their part.


I was there for the disaster that was the first port talk and quickly left as I felt there was going to be bloodshed. There was a seriously miscommunication on expectations and guest expertise. The speaker left the ship at the next port and I really didn't attend his replacement's lectures as Lindsay had me on trivia duty. When asked, Tony and Lee mentioned that Azamara was discussing the situation with the company that hired the speaker and were investigating what background and expectations the speaker was given. The speaker was mortified and felt very bad about the whole experience.


I attended most of Dr. Orenstein's lectures which I enjoyed very much. 


I would characterize the Lima -> BA cruise as being filled with people who were nature lovers and adventurers. The holiday cruise was filled with people enjoying the holiday. The difference in guests was interesting and enjoyable.


If I had to do it again, I would definitely do the Lima to BA portion. Not so sure about the holiday cruise. While the fireworks on New Years were amazing, I am not a fan of Brazil. The shore excursions were fine, with great guides. It is just that Brazil is a place where you have to watch your back and there appears to be a fair bit of corruption. However, they do know how to party....


After the holiday cruise, we did the post cruise excursion to Iguazu Falls and that was also a blast. It was a good tour, but the Machu Picchu tour was a great tour. No regrets on that excursion (Iguazu)  either.


So at the end of the day, we had enough of a good time that we have booked a B2B in 2021 on the Pursuit from NZ-> Sydney, Austrailia -> Singapore. Most of the glitches should be worked out by then.

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9 hours ago, Shawnino said:

"Well he turned out to be a disaster, factually inaccurate and he behaved most inappropriately even after the cruiseline had to issue an apology because of things he said. "



What happened here? Thanks very much.

I won't go into all the detail but in summary publicly criticising the Captain and Senior Officers and challenging the veracity of their guest communications both in lectures and elsewhere

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Dress code on Pursuit.


Something not mentioned earlier, but prompted by a recent post re dress code on Azamara, while one of the attractions of Azamara is the relaxed dress code, on the Pursuit Lima to BA there were passengers dining in Discoveries with grubby t-shirts/vests/jeans/trainers/shoes that quite frankly were unfit to be used while gardening,  something we have never encountered before on Azamara, and something which really should be better managed. 

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43 minutes ago, alfredo1 said:

Dress code on Pursuit.


Something not mentioned earlier, but prompted by a recent post re dress code on Azamara, while one of the attractions of Azamara is the relaxed dress code, on the Pursuit Lima to BA there were passengers dining in Discoveries with grubby t-shirts/vests/jeans/trainers/shoes that quite frankly were unfit to be used while gardening,  something we have never encountered before on Azamara, and something which really should be better managed. 


We saw a large family group eating in Aqualina the first night of a cruise a few years ago. They were wearing gym clothes and looked scruffy. Only later did we find out that they had flown from Hong Kong and the airline had lost their luggage.  Their bags showed up five days after we sailed and the cruise started with four sea days. 

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Having been on Pursuit since the day uktog disembarked I will say there have been none of the issues described above, and our two cruises have easily been up to the standard of our earlier 36 Quest and Journey cruises.  Specifics to come when I get home to a decent keyboard.

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I just hope that they will drop the meme 'we do things differently on Pursuit.'  We book Azamara because we love the way they do things on Quest – if we were looking to do things differently, we would book a different cruise line.  

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34 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

I just hope that they will drop the meme 'we do things differently on Pursuit.'  We book Azamara because we love the way they do things on Quest – if we were looking to do things differently, we would book a different cruise line.  

If anything is different, it will be brought back to the Azamara way very quickly! 

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