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Please help me retain my sanity!!!!


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In our BCL (Between Cruising Life), one of our favorite activities is to enjoy a cocktail while we read trip reports on our favorite cruise line forums, and travel blogs.  For some strange reason, there aint nothin’ happenin’ right now, nor is there likely to be real soon.  So I thought that in an effort to keep our spirits up, maybe we can search our memory banks and post about  some of our favorite Regent experiences – places that stand out in our minds, photos, trip report entries, special moments, favorite meals (with or without food porn, preferably with).  Anything that might help get us through and look forward to better days ahead.   My only request is that we keep this thread upbeat; there are plenty of active threads for Gloom and Doom!


I’ll get the ball rolling with a memory of our first Regent cruise on the Navigator in 2009.  Up to that point, we had done quite a bit of cruising on the mega ships, and liked it just fine.  But for a milestone birthday for Jeannie, we thought we would give the luxury market a spin, I figured, hey, once every 10 years, why not?  The rest is proverbial history.  One of the things that stands out in my mind from that cruise is an excursion that we did in St. Barts.  We had a late sail out that night, and there was a Sunset Cruise excursion on a catamaran.  It was just such a peaceful, serene experience; I remember thinking to myself what an incredibly lucky person I was.  And still am!










Back on board, there was a deck party, one of my favorite things that Regent does.




Who’s in?????


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Great idea - a welcome break from the ####### (deleted) discussions.


Funny thing - our first Regent cruise, actually our first cruise, period, was Navigator in 2009.  We did a quick 7-night Monte Carlo to Athens run and like you said - history.  The bulk of our vacation budget since then has been on Regent.  I have so many great memories of so many great cruises and I'd love to contribute but I'm in the office right now so I probably shouldn't dig up old cruise pics and post them...but maybe tonight or later this week?


I can't even begin to catalog the memories I've made while traveling on a Regent ship...sail-ins to Venice and Kotor, some of the best in the world, I think.  Frog crossings in Poland.  Red Square.  The Vatican.  The airport approach in St. Barts.  Alaskan glaciers.  The Acropolis.  The Spice Market.  Hummus Said in Acre.  Trips with my mom, my wife's parents, the kids.  The amazing people we've met along the way - both passengers and crew.  The adventures of missed, and nearly missed flights.  The occasional ####### (deleted) passenger on board (I'm talking about YOU, Clutchy McLinecutter).  Overeating.  Slightly overdrinking.  Karaoke (often related to overdrinking).  Wine tastings.  Beluga vodka tastings.  Afternoon teas.  Trivia.  Crew Capers (or is it Krew Kapers?)  Culinary Arts classes.  The list goes on.


Yeah, this thread is a welcome diversion.  I will definitely try to upload some photos later with some fun memories of trips gone by.


PS - I might even have some grainy video footage from our early trips.  Wouldn't THAT be fun?  🙂

Edited by UUNetBill
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Tremendous idea, and since I have been on just 1 Regent cruise so far - I can't contribute as much as many of you can, but it certainly is time to get away from all of the negativity for a while.  As mentioned, just 1 Regent cruise so far - Vancouver to Miami aboard the Mariner in 2018 - but we have 2 more booked this year.  Hoping we can make at least one of them.


The Alaska cruise was spectacular for so many reasons. Had been on the Paul Gauguin in French Polynesia and Regent was every bit as memorable.  The excursions, the food, the crew, the entire ambiance.  Met some fantastic people while onboard - especially 2 couples, one from Scotland, 1 from Australia - they certainly helped make the trip memorable.  Looking forward to sailing with them again in the future.  Will see about posting some pictures later.

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Thank you so much for the photos. The cheese looks amazing, how may varieties did they have? Was it included or did you have to pay for it? Last time we were cruising we didnt have any of these.. I also really liked your post. Its so heart warmy, cant wait to go on such cruise with my wife. Leave kids at home and just enjoy ourselves for once, alone, by ourselves. Sure you had a great time. 

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You've surely read Mr. Rumor's joint blog on the Splendor's Maiden voyage. I'll reiterate how great and beautiful this ship is. Regent put on a terrific cruise with special food and drinks and the best entertainment that DW and I had experienced in our 16 previous Regent cruises. Regent took my favorite ship (the Explorer) and corrected its warts that bothered us; our 14 days on the Splendor were pure pleasure. Our downside - in pursuit of new itineraries, our next 4 cruises are on other ships!

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Our first Regent Cruise was in

2001 when it was Radisson. It was on the Mariner . Seven nights from Vancouver to

Seattle. We met a wonderful couple on

that cruise ....best friends ever since.

We have been cruising regularly with

Regent and have been all the ships 🚢.


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All of our five Regent cruises have been on the Navigator.  One of our favorite memories is the night we spent in Hamilton Harbor, Bermuda.  It was Beatles night, and I'll tell you, we rocked Hamilton with "Hey, Jude."  Everyone was singing and swaying, including the crew.   There was just something magical and intangible about that night that I'll never forget.  It was perfect.  I felt so happy and blessed as I looked around the passengers and crew on deck and saw so much joy.  It's comforting to draw on memories like that when times are dark and hope seems lost.

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13 hours ago, Roger88 said:

Thank you so much for the photos. The cheese looks amazing, how may varieties did they have? Was it included or did you have to pay for it? Last time we were cruising we didnt have any of these.. I also really liked your post. Its so heart warmy, cant wait to go on such cruise with my wife. Leave kids at home and just enjoy ourselves for once, alone, by ourselves. Sure you had a great time. 

There were 5 cheeses with perfect accompaniments like dried fruit, nuts, and honey on the cheese cart in Chartreuse. The other restaurants had a slightly different cheese offering. All are completely included and there are no extra charges. There are very few (if any) extra charges of any kind on a Regent cruise. Once we can get back to cruising, join us on board!

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42 minutes ago, Kitekat said:

Regent has the best cheese of any cruise line we have sailed with.

Totally  agree.

However the way that it is served with a mix of daily cheeses in compass rose is not to everybody's taste. My wife is a cheese lover, but not blue cheese and so either wastes this or declines because of this. Can this be looked at when we resume cruising.


Keep well and carry on cruising . 

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One of our fondest memories came from our first Regent cruise in the spring of 2013 from Barcelona. When we returned to the Mariner from our Rome excursion, many crew and staff were outside along with the band to welcome us with champagne and cold towels. We had to walk aim a red carpet lined by them who were applauding and cheering us on. It was such an unexpected surprise and really pushed us over the top in becoming exclusive to Regent for our cruises. In 11 Regent cruises, we have only experienced this twice. 
BTW, I saw on something similar yesterday  on Facebook where the crew and staff came out to say goodbye to folks departing the Mariner in Fremantle. It was somewhat bittersweet knowing that this is the last cruise until who knows when. 
Z and TB

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Great idea to go down memory lane. Our first Regent cruise was on Song of Flower in 1996 for 10 days Athens-Santorini-Rhodes-Ephesus-Delphi-Cephalonia-Taormina-Sorrento-Capri-Rome. What a trip! 


Song of Flower pool deck




Song of Flower in Rhodes harbor








Be well and good memories!

Edited by mountaindoc358
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Our first sailaway.  This was 2000, on the Paul Gauguin, which at the time was a Radisson ship.  The ship sailed away just after dark, on a Saturday, so the dock area in Papeete was alive with people, and the Roulottes (food trucks) were in full-swing.  One of the Gauguines (entertainment troupe) came and joined us at the railing--it was her first sailing and her parents were at the pier to wave her goodbye.  Very poignant, and when the ship began moving away from the pier, to a tune from their wonderful band, Siglo, it was unforgettable.  I cry still when I think of it.  Unfortunately this was pre-digital so I have few photos, although here is one of our spectacular beach bungalow on the Tuamotus island of Manihi, the best hotel room I've ever stayed in, and our spectacular sunset cruise around the island of Moorea.


We went on to sail several more times while the PG was under Radisson/Regent management, and since then under PGcruises management.  I have not been on her since Ponant bought the ship.  They also are suffering greatly during this time, with the ship sitting in port in Papeete with nowhere to go.



Edited by Wendy The Wanderer
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Once again I’ve been reminded that it’s the simple things that help to make my life interesting. Our first Regent cruise was a few years ago on Explorer. At a table of six people from around the globe, it didn’t take us long to realize that we all enjoyed reading a good mystery. We spent a long time discussing the pros and cons of different authors, what good books to read next, etc. I came away with a list that I spent  many hours working my way through.  I was hoping to have more of these enjoyable moments on Splendor on April 1.  Alas, I will have to wait until next time.

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Adding to my post above, some of the most memorable moments we have spent have to with all the wonderful and interesting passengers and crew we have had the privilege to meet. We have met a former major league baseball player, a life-loving Japanese lady from Hawaii, The Boss’s fan club from London, the original Bloody Mary and Margarita Society members, and just friendly and kind folks that have become fast friends like TC2, TNR, Vandi, Bebop Bonnie, Rich, and, definitely 1teach53.  Some many crew members to mention, but the standouts have been Bartender Olga, the wonderful Capt Serena, Massimo, John Barron, and Donald from F&B. These are just a few from the top of my head, but there are so many more great and interesting people and crew that have made all our Regent cruises very special. 

Z and TB

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1 hour ago, boblerm said:

So now, the question is, if I have the cheese, what do I leave out?  Or do I leave out nothing and only let out my waistline? 


My DH and I find that one plate to share is perfect - but we never leave anything out. They are all far too good for that.  Accompanied by a nice glass of red (or a port, if that takes your fancy).

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On 3/17/2020 at 11:31 AM, kjbacon said:

First time laying eyes on the cheese cart in Chartreuse ...



Words not necessary.







We were three or four seats to your left in the bottom left corner of the first picture. 

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I have been sailing with RSSC for 27 years. 

My first sailing was December 1992--Raddison Diamond. 

My husband just had passed away and my children encouraged me to take this cruise.  I was nervous and frightened. It was my first trip alone. 

Missed my flight during a snowstorm and made it on board just in time to sail. The crew was so welcoming. Somehow, they seemed to know I was recently widowed. 

I was wined and dined and danced. Dinner at the Captain's Table and dancing with the officers. It was amazing. The cruise began as an escape for me, but ended as I looked forward to the future!

I remarried 15 years later and introduced my wonderful husband,  Herb, to Regent. He absolutely loves it!!

On our 13th  Anniversary, which is March 27th, we were supposed to toast on Splendor. We will surely be spending that day at home, and celebrating there..

However, we are looking forward to celebrating my next birthday aboard Splendor


 Below are just a few photos of dining etc. on RSSC ships in the last few years:













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10 hours ago, jeb_bud said:

We were three or four seats to your left in the bottom left corner of the first picture. 

Omigosh, talk about a small world ... hello again! As I recall, we had a terrific table with lots of swapping and trading of oysters and other goodies ... just a lovely day!


11 hours ago, boblerm said:

kjbacon, I must confess, I have never indulged in the cheese offerings.  So now, the question is, if I have the cheese, what do I leave out?  Or do I leave out nothing and only let out my waistline? 


(cue choir music)-


The Caramel Popcorn Sundae



Bob, that’s just the trouble! Most days, well at least half, we opted for just splitting the cheese tray. To be fair though, how would that make the pastry chef feel? We simply felt obligated not to hurt anyone’s feelings so we sucked it up and ordered dessert to split too. 


I had to repost your caramel popcorn sundae picture. Easily the best picture I have ever seen of it and besides, it is soooo good that there’s never too many pictures of it.

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19 hours ago, boblerm said:

My thanks to all that have been sharing their memories and photos of Regent days gone by.  What wonderful memories!


Drib- great stuff, I especially appreciative your heads up about the Cliffs of Insanity in San Remo, will make a mental note to steer clear should I find  myself there.


kjbacon, I must confess, I have never indulged in the cheese offerings.  So now, the question is, if I have the cheese, what do I leave out?  Or do I leave out nothing and only let out my waistline? 


mountaindoc358, the Song of Flower is a new one on me.  The ship looks very different than today's Regent ships!


My sanity is starting to come back but only slowly.  Keep the posts coming!


Here is another of my Regent favorites-  for me, the crown jewel in the treasure trove of Prime 7-


(cue choir music)-


The Caramel Popcorn Sundae



Song of Flower was one of 2 ships owned by Radisson Seven Seas Cruises. It had only 226 passengers and was sold in 2003 to a French company. Lovely picture of the popcorn sundae!

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