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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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I received a negative covid test results about an hour ago.  Strange, how Eric has it and I have been sick with the common symptoms but I'm negative.

Sorry but I'm not wearing a mask and face shield inside my house as Dr suggested I do since Eric has it.  

I was with him 24/7 before he went to hospital with it.

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8 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I received a negative covid test results about an hour ago.  Strange, how Eric has it and I have been sick with the common symptoms but I'm negative.

Sorry but I'm not wearing a mask and face shield inside my house as Dr suggested I do since Eric has it.  

I was with him 24/7 before he went to hospital with it.


Great news!  That's a relief!  And glad to hear Eric is doing much better.  Take care!

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Thanks everyone for the kind words. Our story was shared on all four stations and I guess our Allie had an effect on the listeners yesterday as well. I heard today that she was mentioned multiple times when folks called in to donate.  

Quiet day here today. Blew some snow and stayed inside doing a puzzle. We watched the Bourne movie series at the same time. Kind of nice to have a slower day. Super cold outside since Friday night and looks to be the next few days as well.  We will finish the puzzle tomorrow.

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51 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Not too long ago my Mother was doing some deep cleaning and came across a memorabilia box and it had some of my baby teeth in it.  I found to be creepy but neat.  She gave to me and said do whatever you wish with them.  I threw them out when I got home.


Nicer than what my mom had saved :classic_rolleyes: which were 2 pennies and a nickel that I had apparently swallowed at some point in my childhood. :classic_rolleyes::classic_biggrin: I tossed those too. :classic_rolleyes::classic_tongue:


Edited by Coralc
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4 hours ago, Coralc said:


Ask him if you can have the tooth after they remove it. :classic_biggrin: I have my 2 upper wisdom teeth in a little clear box, along with some coral, parrot fish beak and other curiosities. But I always ask for my parts back. The teeth were the only things that have ever been returned. 


I come from a family of dentists and you would be surprised at the people that have no interest in taking home extracted teeth even when they contain gold. My dad collected the gold that no one wanted and I have inherited some jewelry that was made with dental gold.

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thought I’d update on what I’ve been doing the past few weeks. I’ve been on a couple hikes,









Welcome back.


I really appreciate your sharing your photos.


Love it.


Keep posting, it is great to have these photos to appreciate the beauty of life.


Stay healthy

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On 2/3/2021 at 5:08 PM, dani negreanu said:


Is this a "hard" fall [do they survive?] or "soft" ?

Unfortunately they survive. I have always thought that if the county/state would have a program where the employees hunted them and used the meat for the homeless or needy that it would take care of 2 things at the same time. I’m not being mean when I say feed them to the homeless. They are eaten in many countries including the US. Think of it as eating alligator meat. I tried it and it wasn’t bad, but it was expensive. The iguanas are invasive and are everywhere. I see it as free food and could be put to good use.

On 2/4/2021 at 7:15 AM, Ocean Boy said:

I think they are interesting and would never kill one but it would not have ever occurred to me to pick one up.

They can do a lot of damage. They dig under the sea wall up into the yard. We had to have a footer put in because of them. $$$. They still come into the yard and they really like my mango tree. 😡


On 2/4/2021 at 8:44 AM, Sunshine3601 said:

Rough night and will probably got tougher.  Yesterday afternoon Eric was diagnosed with a bad UTI and started an antibiotic around 2 pm.   Last night after Dinner Eric became lethargic and was flopping on sofa while watching tv.  I thought he was having a stroke so called 911.  They said he was dehydrated and very common to have this type of reaction with a bad UTI.

He was admitted to a room in middle of night and I just got notified by hospital he tested positive for Covid.

I'm scared to death what will happen since he is on anti rejection meds being a transplant recipient that is immuno compromised.   Waiting for his transplant doctor to call me back.  Please pray for him.

So sorry to hear about Eric. Wishing him a speedy recovery.


On 2/5/2021 at 7:10 AM, Sunshine3601 said:

I'm pretty sure I have darn Covid too.  Last night I started with diarrhea, chills, fever now at 99.4, sore throat and body aches.  Didnt sleep well with lots of toss and turning and trips to bathroom.    Body aches could be due to me shoveling/snow blowing 2 driveways with 2 feet of snow on Tuesday.   Taking tylenol and going to make some tea and toast.  Hopefully I can make to my covid test without needing a bathroom. 

I am confident we got this last weekend with all the busy stores and everyone preparing for the nor'Easter.  I bet there was sick people out shopping since their food deliveries couldn't happen due to snow.

So sorry to hear that you also have covid. Hopefully it will be a mild case for both of you.


On 2/5/2021 at 9:12 AM, grapau27 said:

We also wipe down all the food packaging with virus wipes at home before putting food in the fridge etc because people in the supermarkets pick up then put stuff back on the shelf.

We have been doing this from day one. Everything gets washed with soap and water or wiped down with a very wet alcohol pad.


Edited by ReneeFLL
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Big day today. We finally crossed back across the Canada/US border and are making our way back home. To my wife’s chagrin I’ve decided I need to spend a couple weeks in Washington state connecting with and doing a little work with some colleagues in the Seattle/Tacoma area and but then we’ll race back home.

351 days later, after what we thought was going to be a 3 week trip back to our home and native land, we are back in our adopted country. So much has happened to us in that time it is really hard to process it all. 

We arrived in Canada with just 3 suitcases and my briefcase. We left with 8 of those blue plastic tubs, the three suitcases and two of those big  IKEA shopping bags stuffed with clothes.  

It was pouring rain and windy this morning so I tarped it all in the back of my pick up with one of those cheap blue Walmart tarps. I looked like a  member of the Beverly Hillbilly’s rolling up to the border. Especially so with my cat sitting on the console howling like I was sticking him with a fork. 

Thursday and Friday were nostalgic days. I spent most of both of them driving around looking at old haunts and saying goodbye to a few friends and family. We got to 5th wheel today, which has been dutifully waiting for us in a storage yard just south of the border, and felt like for the first time in a long time we could relax.  It’s nice to feel a small sense of normalcy. 

It’ll  be even better when I walk in the front door of my house. 

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20 minutes ago, Tree_skier said:

Big day today. We finally crossed back across the Canada/US border and are making our way back home. To my wife’s chagrin I’ve decided I need to spend a couple weeks in Washington state connecting with and doing a little work with some colleagues in the Seattle/Tacoma area and but then we’ll race back home.

351 days later, after what we thought was going to be a 3 week trip back to our home and native land, we are back in our adopted country. So much has happened to us in that time it is really hard to process it all. 

We arrived in Canada with just 3 suitcases and my briefcase. We left with 8 of those blue plastic tubs, the three suitcases and two of those big  IKEA shopping bags stuffed with clothes.  

It was pouring rain and windy this morning so I tarped it all in the back of my pick up with one of those cheap blue Walmart tarps. I looked like a  member of the Beverly Hillbilly’s rolling up to the border. Especially so with my cat sitting on the console howling like I was sticking him with a fork. 

Thursday and Friday were nostalgic days. I spent most of both of them driving around looking at old haunts and saying goodbye to a few friends and family. We got to 5th wheel today, which has been dutifully waiting for us in a storage yard just south of the border, and felt like for the first time in a long time we could relax.  It’s nice to feel a small sense of normalcy. 

It’ll  be even better when I walk in the front door of my house. 


How were you able to cross the border? I thought it was closed to vehicles.

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5 hours ago, singinalot said:

thought I’d update on what I’ve been doing the past few weeks. I’ve been on a couple hikes, went on another day trip with my mom, worked worked and worked, booked us a free trip to FL, arranged for full carpet replacement at our house while we’re gone and tile to be put into the guest bathroom that matches the downstairs we had done 2 years ago. Our house will be ready to list when we get back. We’re still debating when we’ll flip the switch, but our neighbor listed her house Friday, and has already had 5 offers.











Lovely photos.

Stunning scenery.

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3 hours ago, Bailey & Sophie said:


How were you able to cross the border? I thought it was closed to vehicles.

Vehicles cross the border daily.  They are mainly transport/cargo trucks bringing goods, and essential workers that work in the other country headed home or back daily. Individuals with a work requirement are allowed to enter as well. Treeskier for example is one of them, as he lives in the sates and works in both countries. It is different because he is Canadian. 

Entering into Canada by ground there are also specific rules, which have changed over time since the start of the pandemic. For an American to enter Canada by land since the start of the Pandemic, they need a specific reason; such as their job, they are dual citizen, own property in Canada and are coming to tend to it, or are driving through to Alaska. These rules became more stringent because unfortunately some Americans did not follow quarantine rules during their trip through to Alaska or when they arrived at their Canadian end point.  It has been discussed about what will happened with new flight restrictions, if they will continue to land crossing individuals, but nothing has been stated by the Federal Government of Canada.


I’d be curious to the questioning that Treeskier faced upon entry to the States.  Did the tarped bags in the back of the truck draw attention by the custom officer, like they would normally while crossing the border?  Did they laugh about the howling cat?  How many lines were open? How long were the lines?  Were their questions upon enter any different than normal? Did they ask about end destination or even say the word quarantine? It would be interesting to cross today when as I haven't by land in almost a year and a half. Even with having Nexus it will be a different event.

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12 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I received a negative covid test results about an hour ago.  Strange, how Eric has it and I have been sick with the common symptoms but I'm negative.

Sorry but I'm not wearing a mask and face shield inside my house as Dr suggested I do since Eric has it.  

I was with him 24/7 before he went to hospital with it.

I'm pleased you got a negative covid19 test Debbie and Eric is coming home.

We kept the bedroom window open all the time when I had Covid19 and Pauline was with me 24,/7 and fortunately was fine.

Take care

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5 hours ago, Bailey & Sophie said:


How were you able to cross the border? I thought it was closed to vehicles.

It is closed to discretionary, non-essential travel.  My vocation has been deemed an essential, critical, infrastructure worker by DHS so we were free to cross back into the US at any time.  What kept us in Canada had nothing to do with the border closure. Strangely, my vocation hasn't been declared so in Canada so we would not have been free to cross back and forth.


Should we need or desire to return to Canada we would be subject to testing and quarantine at one of the forced quarantine camps the government has set up, I suspect.  I won't be finding out. I don't plan on returning to Canada until border restrictions are lifted.

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18 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

You don't get dumber. You just revert back to being a teenager. You know, that group that thinks they know everything.


Oh wow...OK.   Let go of more brain cells (not hard to do as I get older 😉 )....but give me back that body I had as a teenager.   I can live with that.  😄 

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18 hours ago, davekathy said:

Wine, pain killers and good music, you'll be fine. 


Bucky will be getting the stink eye for sure. Speaking from experience. In another life many years ago my first wife and I went skiing. Long story short she wiped out. Broke her nose, split her lower lip open and blackened both eyes all before all I could get her to the emergency room. After surgery she looked even worse. 


Ouch!!  She is lucky she didn't break more than that!  I hope she recovered well!  🤕


My poor sister wiped out on a black diamond, ski did not release...she shattered her leg bad.   She still has a limp 15 years later.  


When I had a Mohs treatment for skin cancer next to my nose, under my eye...man did I blacken up.  

Neighbor across the street took one look at me and started to cuss Bucky out!  😄 

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15 hours ago, Coralc said:


Ask him if you can have the tooth after they remove it. :classic_biggrin: I have my 2 upper wisdom teeth in a little clear box, along with some coral, parrot fish beak and other curiosities. But I always ask for my parts back. The teeth were the only things that have ever been returned. 


Oh wow....the tooth fairy didn't take them?  🧚‍♀️

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13 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I received a negative covid test results about an hour ago.  Strange, how Eric has it and I have been sick with the common symptoms but I'm negative.

Sorry but I'm not wearing a mask and face shield inside my house as Dr suggested I do since Eric has it.  

I was with him 24/7 before he went to hospital with it.


Happy to hear about your negative test....hope it stays that way!  


Best of luck for recovery for Eric.  

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24 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm pleased you got a negative covid19 test Debbie and Eric is coming home.

We kept the bedroom window open all the time when I had Covid19 and Pauline was with me 24,/7 and fortunately was fine.

Take care

Eric doing great.  I broke my fever overnight and today just feel like a bad head cold.  

His dr had suggested I keep heat off in the car and keep car windows fully open when I drove him home yesterday.  

Little hard to keep windows open with temperatures in the 20s.  Its snowing again today expect 4 to 6 inches.  

Looks pretty, but more shoveling later today.  

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