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4-16-20 Thursday Weigh-In....Next Cruise Should Be Thinner.


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Cruise to Lose is our name

Will our cruising be the same


One thing will be true for us all

Our next cruise isn't our call


Won't be till they open the ports and we can sail in

It could be months so we will  try to get thin


Thin might not be the word but will weigh less

Should be eating right and doing exercise in this mess


Know some weeks easier than others in our eating day and night

Staying in can get to us sometimes and comfort food seem right


All we can do is our best at this time with the world upside down

We can't be together, give hugs but can send love, smiles and try not to frown



So everyone stay inside, wash your hands often, stay 6 ft apart if you have to go out wear a mask..our lives, families,  and everyone's life

 depends on it........  everyone has to do it day in and day out till this virus is under control.   Hope we can be out and about this summer

still with safe guards.  My wish.  (only thing don't think cruises will start until fall....sad)





Edited by Belle
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Good morning! Thanks Belle for getting us started and your creative poem!


I missed last week, almost totally missed this week too - just realized it was Thursday but can't believe it! This not working thing is hard. At least I've been keeping busy sewing masks. I just got an order last night for 130! Going to be busy this weekend! Good thing I have a housebound 19 year old helper. 🙂


I'm down .2 this morning. 


Hoping you are all staying safe and healthy, and busy during these crazy days.







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Robin - How wonderful that you are sewing masks!


I forgot it was Thursday until after breakfast ... so will weigh myself tomorrow ..... Today I am touching up the trim in the kitchen .... (and playing on the computer!).


Good luck all.  Thanks for the poem Belle.   Jan

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Good Afternoon Robin, Diana and Jan.


Thank you three" sweet"  "smart" ladies for still liking my poems!:classic_smile:


Robin glad you made it in and had a loss. Thanks for making the masks.:classic_smile:


Diana staying the same is good at a time like this.:classic_smile:


Jan as long as you don't forget it's Thursday  every week it's alright.  Good on the painting.:classic_smile:


The 1/2 lb I lost last week found me this week and came back. So up 1/2 lb.  Which I deserve

ate a little to much carbs this week. Glad it wasn't more. Back to eating better this week. Less carbs.


How's are you doing with staying home?  Getting to you?  Seems like your all doing alright.  

I'm doing ok most of the time. Just hard being alone and no one to talk to except on the phone.

Staying in as told because this virus is to much.  Bad part is people can have it and not know it

and pass it. The best is Stay Home!  Crazy part is when you see group of people together, not caring

thinking they won't get it.  Don't they think they could get/have it and pass it to their loved ones and others.

Their selfish big time.  OK off my soapbox.  Have a good weekend.


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Hi all!


Belle ~ some words to think of in your poem. When will we cruise again?

I've cancelled my MSC TA in Sept but hold out hope for my Canada cruise in October.


Robin ~ good for you sewing so many masks.👍


Today I did gentle stretch via Zoom then later heard a speech on Flags, which was quite interesting, on the ummentionable place plus spoke to my DDs on it too.

Oh btw I'm down 0.4 lbs, guess that's due to my lack of chocolate.


Stay safe & have a good weekend. We'll be doing Church on Zoom again.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Jan, good to find some things around the the house to do. Took this pandemic for hubby to finally change a light bulb in the kitchen. It had only been out for 2 months and yes, I asked about 10 times. I would have done it but too high. 


Jo, congrats on the loss. Good you are finding ways to stay occupied. 


We saw a tv program today called Wild New Zealand. Wouldn't you know it they showed some cruising scenes around New Zealand. Scenery was stunning. Oh man. Definitely on our my bucket list......


Belle, sorry you're lonely. I agree about people being out and about. They should not be. I do feel though for people out of work. 













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Sorry I'm late.  Love your poem, Belle.


I'm up 0.8 so not too bad for the indulgences last week.


Robin, great job with the masks - a side benefit is that it's harder to eat when crafting 🙂 


My days are flying by but I don't feel like I'm quite as focused as the last few weeks.  Weather has been crazy here and that's not helping.


Have a great weekend and "see" everyone next week!

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Perhaps I should change my screen name to "OneDayL8te"!  Thanks for the poem, Belle; it was spot on!  Tomorrow we would have started our travel to NYC, preparatory to boarding NCL Bliss for our Panama Canal cruise.  Am I sad -- of course!  As you wrote:  

"One thing will be true for us all

Our next cruise isn't our call"


"Thin might not be the word but will weigh less

Should be eating right and doing exercise in this mess"


I am so grateful for the support of this group, and value your comments and experiences.  They've really helped me with downs (and ups), not just in terms of weight, but also emotions and goals.  I guess I'm down .9 lbs this week, but since I weigh myself daily (under Noom), that changes day to day, and I've learned to accept that as long as the overall trend is downward, I'm doing the right things.  I will seize on the opportunity to eat more healthily than I might have chosen to do aboard the Bliss for 21 days! 


The weather here in Eastern Washington has been very springlike, with temperatures in the mid 60s during the day, and down in the low 40s at night.  Irrigation just got turned on this week, so my weekend task is to work on the sprinklers, several of which need to be replaced.  Mask in place, I braved Home Depot to find replacement sprinklers and parts; most people seemed to be trying to keep their distance, but some apparently thought that this was an appropriate 'family outing,' so I made several detours down uninhabited aisles to get the things I needed.


My ribs should be pretty much completely healed by now (4 weeks into the 4-6 week healing projection); although I still have some pain (I learned it's called "intercostal" -- didn't know I had muscle between my ribs!), it's manageable with rest and small doses of ibuprofen.  Fortunately, we have ample places to walk, so I've been able to walk every day and increase my distance; I'm up to about a 40-minute walk.  I hope you all are doing well.


Diana from WA (aka IRMO12HD, aka OneDayL8te!)

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Hello Everyone on this Friday.  Yes it's Friday even though the days seem to run together..does it matter what day

it is?  Dates only matter so we know when to pay our bills!:classic_tongue:


Jo..Glad you had a loss.  I know it's terrible to have to cancel cruises.


Diana..Thank you. I know there are other people alone to and maybe worse off then me. I have food and money to pay

my bills. Sometimes just need to vent.


Jan..Glad you stayed the same and didn't gain. Our goal at this time is to not gain. (of course we all want to lose)


Pac..Small gain, you can get it off. As I said hard to stay on track some days with staying inside.


Diana in Wa..Good to see you. Glad you liked my poem.  Sorry about your cruise. Me too, in two weeks should

of been on a 20 day Alaska cruise. (both were free more or less) That hurts!

Glad you had a loss but sorry you still have pain from your ribs.  Despite them hurting you've been busy. Great job!


Robin..Are you busy making those 130 masks.


Rose..How are you? Worry about you in NY. Everyone alright?


Everyone enjoy your weekend doing whatever.  You can come in here and talk. Sure we all come in and check

each day.  Yes I do. Like to hear/read how your all doing.


Take care...stay inside:classic_smile: From me

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HELLO..hello..hello...An empty room..an echo


Me again...How's everyone today?  Trying to eat well today and Sunday because have

so much planned.  Going out and going everywhere. Seeing  people and eating out.

Yeah Right!  I wish, staying home like I should plus nothing is open.

One day hope I can say..going out to lunch with friends. Hope it's not to long till each

day there's less people getting sick. Praying for family's who have sick members.

. Who thought we would be living in a Hollywood Movie.


Really hope you all have a nice weekend. Playing games, eating, sleeping and talking to each other.

Have Fun!  From me:classic_smile:

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Hi Belle and everyone else.


I've been MIA for the last several weeks. I've been trying to do less social media type stuff, and I cut out the forums since I am on FB so much for my business. To be honest, I wish I could have cut out FB instead. So many in my industry are out of work right now because of the mandated closures - no wedding venues open means no work for all us wedding vendors, and a lot of my fellow vendors have been very negative about the whole situation. Fortunately, all my couples except for one have rescheduled. My one cancellation was supposed to get married today. 😔 I have a few caterer friends that started selling family style meals. So I've been trying to help them out by buying from them instead of a chain when we want to "eat out",  but I know it's terrible for me because it's always so yummy!  I'm up still from my pre-cruise weight in early February, but only by a pound. I'm trying to be good this weekend and started working out at home, so hopefully next week I'll have good numbers to report.

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Good to see you Melmar and your only up a pound in the time you've been gone. That's pretty good.

Know you can get the pound off soon.


Sorry you cake business is not going on right now. Hope it will get back to normal fast for you when this is over.

Nice the couples  rescheduled their weddings and kept you for their cakes.

It is very nice of you helping your caterer friends out by buying food from them.


Take care

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Good to see others checking in and nice to know how everyone is doing. Everyone seems to be trying to keep their spirits up and weight down.


We are having beautiful weather. 70's, sunny. Tough to stay inside. Well, there's always yard work, at least it's outside. Yesterday I cut spent blooms (like 2 days ago) on our rose bushes. I always spend about 1 hr. doing that and work up a good sweat. 


I was reading today about states reopening certain parts of their economy. Then I got scared. I'm not even sure I WANT to go out anymore and be around a lot of people.........wow, that's sad.....


Ok, hope everyone has a good weekend. 




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Hi Diana, Sounds like you did a lot of yard work. Know you worked other days too.

Bet it looks nice. My yard is a mess with being gone and everything. At this time

need to get someone to get all the weeds and stuff. They can keep distance and wear mask.

They would be outside me inside.


I'm like you when thinking when they start opening up again. I think it's to soon. Not everyone

is tested. More people out there having the virus, not knowing it and passing it to others.

It's scary because not everyone does what their suppose to now, what will they do then.


Take care have a good Sunday.

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Hi, Belle.  Sorry I haven't been able to come on before this.  With DH working from home, my computer is tied up all day.   


We are all fine.   DH and I haven't been out of the house in so long.  Only to walk around our own yard.  We won't even walk around our neighborhood because our town is one of the hardest hit on Long Island.   We are worried  about who we might come in to contact with.  My daughter still does all my grocery shopping for me and I am trying to do as much as possible online.


I, too, am sad about my three cancelled cruises.   I am hoping that things will get back to normal enough so that we can cruise again next summer.   We may not cruise again until there is a vaccine available.  We shall see.   We cancelled our big family cruise for this summer.   It was our first back-to-back and was to celebrate three milestone birthdays in the family.   We are going to try to plan it for 2022, although the birthdays will have passed.  


Everyone stay safe and stay healthy.


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I'm in Texas which is one of the states starting to reopen this coming week. They are keeping schools closed for the rest of the school year, State Parks reopen on Monday, and retail stores can open Friday as long as they deliver, ship, or offer curbside pickup. I'm okay with this "retail to go" option for now, but I probably won't be buying anything. We just don't need anything like clothes right now. Kids have enough shorts and t-shirts to probably last through the summer. And stuff like furniture I have to see in person (spending all this extra time at home has lead me to believe we need a new couch...and desk in the office...and picture for over the fireplace...and...). The next recommendation is supposed to be announced 4/27, and I think that is too short an amount of time to evaluate how well our phase 1 has gone. I see my family staying at home a while. Hopefully we can keep on track if we're at home a while longer. Our end of May cruise was just cancelled, so I have plenty of time to plan our November cruise and lose a little bit more weight! 



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Rose good to see you, worry about you living in New York. Well in fact worry about

everyone in here. Even though know your all doing the right things. It's just the

unknown about this virus.  My daughter does my shopping too. She says no reason for

me to do it since she's a manager of a supermarket and there everyday.

I know cancelling cruises is terrible, still have one to cancel, hate to do it.


Melmar yes stay inside and be safe I think it's to soon. Texas was hit hard with the

virus, wasn't it?  I would wait and see if cases increase after more people are out. My opinion only.

I think one week is to short to go to the next phrase like you do. Take care.


Other week starting. All the days just run together.  We know what day it is but does it matter?

Guess it matters if your working in or outside the house.  Half of April is over all ready. Even with

staying inside it seems the month is going by fast and then other times...it goes by slow.

Guess depends on our mood if slow of fast.


Have a good week as you can  everyone. Relaxing or working...up to you.  Think a good thing is

Half and Half. Or maybe 30/70.  Guess what the 70% is?:classic_laugh:

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Happy Monday!  Glad to see some others coming in to say hi 🙂 


Diana (WA), it sounds like you are healing well.  Do you like Noom?  I've seen the ads for it and didn't know how it differs from other calorie tracking apps (seems pricy if that's all it offers).  Keep up the hard work and good attitude.


Melmar, I understand about cutting back on social media.  I've been limiting mine too.  Congratulations on retaining most of your clients and it's good of you to support the local caterers.


Diana (CA), we have a nice looking day here so I'm going to head out soon to do some more yard work too.  Soak in the Vitamin D while I can 🙂 


Belle, I see no reason why you couldn't hire out the yard work.  Our mower was able to come last week and we are fairly restrictive here in PA.  


Stay safe, Rose.  I am so grateful we have on-line purchase options and it is good you have family to shop for you (and you also, Belle).


DS served at food pantry Saturday and everyone is now wearing masks.  Other than that and grocery shopping (plus occasional walks) we have been staying home.  It does seem there is more traffic on the busy roads.



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Does anyone have a meal plan for the week?  I find that helps me stay focused and stick to healthier meals.  Here is my rough plan (suppers only):

Beef vegetable soup (from left over shredded beef) with semi-homemade bread (frozen loaf that takes all day to rise)

Spam and pineapple over noodles (comfort food, but a little healthier than take-out)

Steak sandwiches

Ham pot-pie soup (found Mom's noodle recipe and will try with left over ham & broth)


Homemade calzone/stromboli

Dragon Noodles 


Hoping next week is a little warmer (and drier) to do grilling outside 🙂 



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@pacruise804 What are Dragon Noodles?


Meal planning has been really hard for us. Our grocery stores aren't consistent in the type of meat they have right now - sometimes I can get ground turkey and chicken breast, sometimes I can't. We wound up going to a butcher at the end of last week and buying a couple of their packaged boxes. I now have 50 pounds of meat in my freezer from them, so it should be easier. We made a pork roast last night (lots of leftovers) and tonight is taco night with turkey. We're also having grilled chicken, hamburgers, and probably something with salmon this week. The salmon is a funny story. I had ton of it in my freezer from before the virus. One of my clients had just returned from a fishing trip in the northwest the week before I delivered a cake for their son's military graduation party. They needed fridge / freezer space for all their extra party food, and they were trying to figure out how they were going to make room for it all and this fish that they had brought back and frozen when I showed up with the cake. They tipped me in fish! I came home with about 15 pounds of wild caught pacific salmon. Best tip I ever received! 😆


Edited by melmar02
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Good Morning


Glad to see everyone keepin' on..what else can we do?


As to meal planning..sometimes..other times just want something easy or want  

just comfort food at the time. Meal planning is the best way for eating healthy

and trying to lose weight. 

Pac good job on planning.


mel you do have a lot of meat and fish to make meals from. Enjoy.


Hope everyone had a good weekend and Monday.  Have to see what this week brings

us in a our way of eating.  


Also hope everyone is keeping stress at bay..so hard when you hear all the different things

on the TV. news and all the breaking news.  I can't listen to one of the speakers anymore..he's an idiot!


Take care from me:classic_smile:


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20 hours ago, melmar02 said:

@pacruise804 What are Dragon Noodles?


Meal planning has been really hard for us. Our grocery stores aren't consistent in the type of meat they have right now - sometimes I can get ground turkey and chicken breast, sometimes I can't. We wound up going to a butcher at the end of last week and buying a couple of their packaged boxes. I now have 50 pounds of meat in my freezer from them, so it should be easier. We made a pork roast last night (lots of leftovers) and tonight is taco night with turkey. We're also having grilled chicken, hamburgers, and probably something with salmon this week. The salmon is a funny story. I had ton of it in my freezer from before the virus. One of my clients had just returned from a fishing trip in the northwest the week before I delivered a cake for their son's military graduation party. They needed fridge / freezer space for all their extra party food, and they were trying to figure out how they were going to make room for it all and this fish that they had brought back and frozen when I showed up with the cake. They tipped me in fish! I came home with about 15 pounds of wild caught pacific salmon. Best tip I ever received! 😆


Very nice tip with the salmon!


Dragon Noodles are an easy dish I found years ago credited to Budget Bytes (and usually search for the recipe there but almost have it memorized).  It's noodles topped with eggs scrambled in butter (like for fried rice), crushed red pepper flake, and a sweet/spicy sauce of brown sugar, soy sauce, and siracha.  The whole thing is garnished with green peppers/scallions and cilantro, but we skip the cilantro.  DS doesn't like spicy, so we skip the sauce for him and just top his with the buttery egg mixture.

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Pacruise, great on the meal planning.


Our meal planning is me asking hubby each night after dinner "what should we have for dinner tomorrow"? 


Tonight is pork chops, rice (with fresh herbs, carrots, celery otherwise our plate of food is too white) and cauliflower. We'll grill the pork chops. Going to be 77 today so nice weather for grilling.


I am starting to harvest a few things from our garden: radishes, green and red leaf lettuce, spinach. Last night we had salad for dinner so those were nice additions. Today I'm going to plant a few more of all those items to stagger the growing season. 


Reading some about states reopening businesses. Wow, for me that is too scary right now. I told hubby that even when things are reopened we are going to continue to stay home, avoid crowds and wear a mask in public.


Have a good day, Diana


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