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7-16-20 Thursday Weigh-In....What Food Are You Eating?


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Summer..Comfort..Or I Don't Give A Heck Food These Days

I guess the above food can be healthy and help your lose weight your way  (or not)


Portion control with any food is the best you know

But some times our portions are to big and we need to say no


What about our so call snack food it tastes the best

Did they make up this food to give us a test


Now Dessert is another thing..they got it wrong..it should be number one

Dessert should be first then the food..wouldn't eat much food that way then we can say we have won:classic_smile:


Kidding aside we know we have to eat right to lose weight

These days sometimes it hard to get it straight


Main thing is for us to be healthy and try to have a clear mind in this world now

Know we can do it and lose weight and then say wow


(with the counts going up ..please everyone stay safe)

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Thanks for the poem Belle.


I'm finally going in the right direction and am down .8 this week. I've walked the past two mornings - trying to get back in the habit. My fitbit died on me a week or two ago, and I think that has contributed to my lack of motivation. It's not like I can track my exercise so I just don't. I need to get out of that mindset. 

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Good morning! Thanks for getting us started with a great poem Belle. I'm in the eating "I don't give a heck food" category lately. I've been walking and working out though and stayed the same this week but I definitely need to get my diet under control. It's been hot here, finally and there has been ice cream, and cheezies, and even caramel popcorn. 🥴


@melmar02 Congratulations on your loss! I love getting out and walking first thing in the morning, while the streets are still quiet and before the heat hits. I don't have a fitbit, but I do have a group to check in with for accountability each day so that keeps me motivated. Have a good week!

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Hello everyone,


Thanks Belle for the poem. Always keep us thinking. 


I lost 1 lb. Probably because we're eating at home all the time (with our state shut down again) except for takeout once a week. I am sooooooo close to being out of the overweight category for my height on the BMI chart. So close. I'm going to try to get down a little more.


Melmer, good you lost this week. Hopefully the motivation comes back.


Robin, staying the same is a win. Good you are getting out to walk in the mornings.


Have a good day, Diana



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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for starting us off again.Good point eating dessert first! That might be the answer!😉


melmar02 ~ nice loss, almost a pound!👍


Robin ~ cheezies you say!! That was my downfall this week. I ended up throwing the rest of the package out to to end the temptation.


Diana ~ WTG! I'd like to get into overweight from obese as the Wii Fit calls me. 😔


Anyhow I'm down 0.2 lbs, better than nothing, or a gain.

I should get serious & lose more so my clothes fit better!


Have a nice weekend & stay safe. We've moved on to stage 3 but I'm afraid to branch out.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hi everyone. Thanks for the thanks on my poem.

Little disappointed thought I would have a loss and I stayed the same. Least not a gain.


Mel...Nice loss and good job walking again.

Robin...Glad you stayed the same while eating :what the heck" food. Good job on the exercising.

Diana...Good Loss! Yes eating out has it's good points and bad!

Jo...You had a loss that's all that counts.


Jo and Robin your both in Canada and doing better than us in the USA with the virus.

But be careful with your opening up that's when the counts can go up and things can close 

again like here. I haven't got my hair cut or nails done in months , lots of months.. was finally going 

to then they closed everything again. I have long hair now I have really long hair.

It's not really important,  the main thing is to stop people from getting sick and passing away.

Got to stop the spreading of the virus.


After all that..Please have a good Friday and weekend. Take care..Be safe.


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I just recently, after being weighed at the doctor, began trying to lose the weight I have gained since sheltering began. I am one of those who does better staying off the scale at the beginning, because I sometimes let it discourage me. I go to a different  doc in about 2 weeks and will see how I've done. Am eating lots of apples, for the crunch, fiber, lots of chewing, fairy low calories.

Edited by Etta1213
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Hello Etta

Good luck at the Doc appointment that you will have lost weight. Sounds like your eating healthy and low cals.

You should lose.  Let us know how your doing on Thursday.

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Happy Friday everyone! 


Sorry to hear of your gain Jan. Wishing you a great weekend and a loss next week. 


Welcome Etta! Sounds like you are on track for a good loss. 


Congrats on your losses Jo and Diana! Diana, I too would love to get out of the Obese category and into Overweight - maybe the Cheezies might have to go. I don't have the willpower to toss out the rest though... I'll just leave them out in sight for the kids to see 😅.  


Jo, I think eating at home all the time helps for sure! 


Belle, congrats on staying the same - better than a gain any day! Yes, I'm in BC, Canada and our numbers are on the rise again since we entered into phase 3 of re-opening. Kind of scary. I am still trying to maintain the same level of care - only going out once a week or less if I can help it, sanitizing, wearing a mask, physical distancing, etc. The problem though is that a lot of people seem to think the whole thing is over and are just going about their business like they did a year ago and the spread is picking up. We are still doing pretty good - an average of 25 or so new cases a day in the province but we are the stepping stone for the Western US to get to Alaska so we are seeing a lot of US visitors and people are worrying that they will bring more infection. 


Have a great weekend everyone! Stay Safe!



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Hello, my people.  I have missed you.  My computer was having issues and for some reason was not able to type or something.  I have no idea, all I know it is fixed now.  I think I'm up a lb total, but down in the long run, if that makes sense.  I've been working out more and doing way more weights so some of it must be water and possibly muscle.  They shut the gyms down again in Orange County, which wasn't surprising, so I'm back to garage workouts.  It is what it is; just wish I had a/c in there!

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Hello Everyone this Friday.


Jan...Are you alright? You haven't been talking much.  Is everything happening now getting you down.

You gain is small you can get it off.


Robin...Sorry your cases are going up but glad less then the US. I thought your borders were closed.

Were they just closed for cruise ships?  I don't know why people won't wear the masks. Don't they get it?


Mai...Glad to see you. Sorry about your computer. What's strange happen to me awhile ago.

My computer just not working right for awhile and then all of sudden it was working right.  Which

made me  happy like you now.  Can't live without computers but sure can't figure them out!:classic_laugh:


This is a strange world...Had dinner with my daughter last evening out on the patio..take out.

Wearing masks, sitting apart, masks off to eat.  Least got to visit for awhile. Whoever thought

things would be like that. 


Everyone have a good weekend as best as you can in this world right now. Everyone has to be careful

but those in Ca and TX be extra careful the counts are climbing so much. Making records we don't want.

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Etta, I love apples, a perfect snack food for me.


Jan, it's really hard to be motivated. 


Robin, people should be staying but alas they go places. I was reading something in the news about my area (a halfway point from the San Francisco Bay Area to places like Reno and Tahoe). Tahoe has been really busy and they think part of our case increases is people stopping in our area. You know it's so many people.


Liz, glad you're working but at least are safer that way.


Hi Belle, glad you visited with your daughter. You two are doing that the right way.


Have a good day, Diana

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Belle - I'm doing ok ... just wish I could get excited about losing weight (I am up almost 15# since this mess hit).  


We did see two of our kids today (and their spouses) ... outside in beautiful sun (86 degrees) and talked for two hours.  I made a list of things I like to cook (when I really cook I eat less) ... we will have some dinners outside ... we have two separate tables and umbrellas on the deck.  They have decided on - pot roast - another time two sauce lasagna - then another time will be manicotti, will have a roast sticky chicken one time - and perhaps a scalloped potatoes with ham .....  All comfort food and I will end up with no leftovers ... it will include vegetables and salad each time ... I can stay on my diet and cook.  And I can spend time with my family ... even if we don't hug.  I really miss hugs!!!


I have decided that August 1st will be my big push on writing down everything I eat and really getting back.  I have been meeting with my trainer twice per week.  Right now I seem to have 6 cruises booked ... but think my Grandeur cruise will probably not happen ... but I'm going to continue to make plans that it will!!!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Jan 

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Jan...I'm glad your fine. I know it's hard to lose weight when at home and worrying about

this world of ours.  Good your exercising, I'm not. Keep saying I will but I don't.


I know it's terrible not to "hugs" or see our "kids: at this time.  Seems like you have good plans to see them.


Good job on the cruises, hope you get to go on everyone of them. I have 2 booked and I have some free cruises I can book,

better do it soon if want them. Cabins will be gone. Don't know if putting off because of our "crazy world" at this time or

because I'm wondering will the cruises really happen.


Diana...Thank you. It's nice to visit with her. I see my son less but better for his health because my daughter buys/brings my food

and she the one likely to get the virus because of her job. Which don't think she will, really takes precautions but who knows

what will happen anymore.


Everyone have a nice Sunday.  Do your best to SMILE.  It has to get better.

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Jan, glad you saw your kids. Your menus sound yummy. Glad you can meet with your trainer. It's nice to feel like you have some sense of normalcy. I think cooking those meals will make you feel so good.


Nice you have a few cruises booked. I hope they all materialize. 


Belle, I hope your daughter stays healthy. It's a scary situation for people like your daughter. When we grocery shop there are always a few people not wearing masks. I get so annoyed. 


Hubby and I have so much fruit around the house. One of our grocers had a big sale on melons and we couldn't resist so bought multiple melons. Been eating cantalope, watermelon. 


I'm inundated with cherry tomatoes.They were part of my lunch, lettuce and tomato salad. Yum.


Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday. 





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Good Morning this Monday.  Another week going by so fast but slowly too. July the 20th already...

How can it be?


Hope every had a pretty good weekend.  I didn't.  Tired of all this virus and people not acting right

for all of us.  Counts keep going up.  Why don't all the states/counties be on the same page?

The Right Page. Tired of staying home but no place to go, everything closed even if I wanted to go

out.  I want to go on a cruise!  Being alone is the PITTS!


Diana... my daughter getting me a personal size watermelon tomorrow. Hope it's good. Last one wasn't but think it was to early in the season. I've been eating lots of strawberries. The prices have been good.

  I know about the tomatoes. When we use to grow them we would get so many, had to give some away.


Thank you for the wishes for my daughter. They all wear masks and take precautions. Everyone coming into

the store has to have a mask on, you can tell them if not wearing one to put one on or no service

but they were told to not really  confront people because there's some "crazy people" out there.  They haven't

had any trouble that I know of.


See not many people talking on here.  Is it because not in the mood to lose and/or to talk. Nothing to talk about.

You can always fine something to talk about. Just come in each day and at least say...HELLO

This weekend I didn't eat as well as I have been. Snacked to much. But tonight made a veg. soup really more like

a minestrone soup and some deviled eggs too  See if that will help.


Hope your all fine and take care.



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52 minutes ago, Belle said:

Good Morning this Monday.  Another week going by so fast but slowly too. July the 20th already...

How can it be?


Hope every had a pretty good weekend.  I didn't.  Tired of all this virus and people not acting right

for all of us.  Counts keep going up.  Why don't all the states/counties be on the same page?

The Right Page. Tired of staying home but no place to go, everything closed even if I wanted to go

out.  I want to go on a cruise!  Being alone is the PITTS!


Diana... my daughter getting me a personal size watermelon tomorrow. Hope it's good. Last one wasn't but think it was to early in the season. I've been eating lots of strawberries. The prices have been good.

  I know about the tomatoes. When we use to grow them we would get so many, had to give some away.


Thank you for the wishes for my daughter. They all wear masks and take precautions. Everyone coming into

the store has to have a mask on, you can tell them if not wearing one to put one on or no service

but they were told to not really  confront people because there's some "crazy people" out there.  They haven't

had any trouble that I know of.


See not many people talking on here.  Is it because not in the mood to lose and/or to talk. Nothing to talk about.

You can always fine something to talk about. Just come in each day and at least say...HELLO

This weekend I didn't eat as well as I have been. Snacked to much. But tonight made a veg. soup really more like

a minestrone soup and some deviled eggs too  See if that will help.


Hope your all fine and take care.



I am tired myself to be honest. Last friday I decided to quit my job and start working from home. I am tired of all these limitations and people around who talk weird stuff and only make me nervous every time I come to work, so I decided to quit and spend more time with my family. Its better to work from home and I wish everyone to move to working from home. Have a good week guys 

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We had HVAC installed last week - plus a few routine appointments - so not much computer time (and still not much time today, so I'm sorry I'm not responding to each of you).


Thursday was 196.8, so down 1.4 from the previous week 🙂 


Hoping the week will slow down soon, but lots of clean up from the work last week (removed old baseboard heaters so taking the time to really clean the floors and walls).  We also have been purging a bunch and I have one of our garage bays full for a bulk trash pick-up but still don't know where to put things back we are keeping - first world problem 😉 


Eating fairly well - lots of veggies, minimal carbs (but fully enjoying treats when I choose to have them).  Drinking a gallon or more of water per day.


Tonight is cross-fit with DH at the gym.  We have a limit of no more than 9 people in the gym at a time and I don't think there has been more than 6 counting us any time we have been there.

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Pacruise - congrats on the A/C. It's too hot here to tackle our garage, but it's on our list.


Roger - Good luck with your new venture!


Belle - your soup sounds good.


Jan - we just changed our Nov. Liberty cruise to 2021. I hope your Grandeur makes it!


Diana - our cherry tomatoes are doing well too. Can't say the same for our other tomatoes. 


MaiTai - glad your computer is fixed.


@RobinCruiser What are Cheezies?


Etta - Sorry I'm a little late... welcome!


DH has been working a lot of overtime, but he has to be in the office. He got almost 20 extra hours last week. This week will be close to the same, so it's just me and the kids for dinners. His work is providing their team with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, while they are getting ready for this proposal. His part should be mostly done this week, and then he should be able to work from home again in a couple weeks. I started working out again this morning. I'm trying a 28 day challenge. It's basically 30-45 minutes of cardio and body weight exercises for 3 days with a walking day every 4th day. I took measurements and before photos this morning, and I plan to every week...we'll see how it goes. I would like to lose 2 pounds a week / 8 pounds by the end of it. Looking at the photos was pretty motivating! 😳 I'm making the kids spaghetti tonight, and I'll have zoodles with mine instead of pasta. I need to make some healthy meals for one since I'll be the only one eating them this week. 

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Hello from Night Owl Belle.  Good Morning Tuesday the 21st.


Roger88...Sorry you had to quit your job to feel safe. Glad you have one now you can work from home

and spend time with family.


Pac...Glad you got the AC and lost weight. A good "double whammy"! Really sounds your cleaning getting 

things out. Doing good on food and exercise too.


Mel...Good Luck on your 28 day Challenge and your eating. Glad husband getting overtime, extra money but will

nice when he can work from home again.  Tell him to take care.


Everyone have a good Tuesday.

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Good morning everyone! Nice to see lots of people popping in. Hoping you are all staying safe and keeping on track this week. I'm getting back to low/no carbs so hopefully that will help.


Belle - yes our borders are closed here but we have the Alaska loophole that many US people seem to be taking advantage of. All they have to do is tell the border guards they are going to Alaska and we have to let them through. I feel that anyone heading to Alaska from the lower 48 should fly, not travel through our province but that is not up to me. The issue is, some US citizens are using that excuse to come to BC for a vacation and while we love Americans and welcome them to come experience our great province, we would prefer they wait until the pandemic is over. 


And even up here people are rebelling against mask wearing. I don't get it. 


@melmar02 I think Cheezies are a Canadian thing. They are really good and very addictive!


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Hi all!


I'm a little afraid for the number on Thursday, lol! DD is down for a few days, working from "home" on our back verandah. She  has special food requests which I've been fulfilling such as popcorn while watching "Hamilton" last night. We had a turkey dinner Sunday & lasagna with Caesar salad last night.

Tonight is a roasted chicken with rice & corn so that can't be good.

Anyhow it's been nice seeing her & she made me a cute mask with cats on it.


Keep safe peeps & see you Thursday, good news or bad! Oh, I should weigh myself after I get my hair cut, that  might make a difference!!😉


~ Jo ~ 😊

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HI again!


Robin ~ Cheezies are a Canadian thing & are made in Belleville, an hour away from where I live.

Cheezies were my downfall last week!😔I didn't realize they were a corn snack! Guess I never read the package, lol.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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