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7-30-20 Thursday Weigh-In...Time For The Scale


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Time to step on the scale

It will tell the tale


If there's a loss 

Then we're the boss


If there's a gain

Might feel a little pain


If stayed the same

Not bad in this game


Day by day

Is the only way


Week by week

Loss's we seek


This is the day of the week we get on the scale

Then we come on here and tell our tale


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Alas my tale is of woe ..... I seem to have gained 2.2#  and I'm not sure why.  We have been having very hot weather here (its been warmer here than Key West this week) I am retaining a lot of fluid.  I really thought I was being good ... oh well ... perhaps next week.


Hope everyone has had a wonderful week.  We do have a birthday today, so I am cooking (hopefully not eating much though).  Jan

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Jan, I tend to retain a lot in high humidity so that could certainly be the problem.


Belle, my current plan has me focusing on 2# at a time vs. the big goal.  That seems to fit your day by day, week by week.  It didn't come on overnight and it won't come off overnight - but it is coming off 🙂 


I'm down 1.4 pounds from last week.  4# to go until my next mini-reward - I'm thinking highlights and lowlights vs. the all over color I got when I hit "one-derland."


Have a great week everyone!

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Well pizza wasn't kind to me last night. I'm up .9#. We've had no rain, but being caught between Hurricane Hannah and storms in Oklahoma has made it really humid here too. I've never thought about water retention being related to humidity, or I should say I just haven't paid that much attention to the two being related. 


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Morning all. I'm down .4 this week so still up .2 from my lowest in the past month. Congrats PACruise on your great loss. Sorry to hear you've gained Jan and Melmar - I would suspect water retention might be playing a big part in your gains. We are having a heatwave up here in BC right now. We are experiencing days and days of mid to high 30's which corresponds to high 90's farenheit. Can't complain though, I guess, we've finally go summer!

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Hello everyone,


Thanks Belle for the poem. I stayed the same. 


Jan and Mel, sorry you gained. I recommend drinking more water than you think you need.


Pacruise, awesome on the losing. 


Robin, congrats on the loss. 



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Hi all!


Belle ~ nice poem! Looks like getting my hair cut didn't make me lose weight! I'm up a #, chocolate & chips were involved!!


It's pretty humid up here & has been close to 90F too. I'm having trouble with my wedding band being tight so will try to get it off with helpful hints from Google. One tip is to use WIndex, ice, thread & holding your hand above your head for 5- 10 minutes. Sounds weird!


I booked another cruise today, NCL Star from Southampton in Oct.2022. I want to go to St Peter Port/Guernsey. Anybody been there?


Have a nice weekend, a long one here for those who work!

Stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊


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Hello All


I stayed the same...thought I was going to lose this week. BIG QUESTION...Why does our weight

go up and down everyday of the week?  Don't really need an answer..it's what it is.:classic_rolleyes: 

(I know all have read why but still "bugs" me/us)


Jan...Heat can make us gain, when cools tour lose the water. Enjoy who ever's Birthday it is tonight.


Pac...Congrats on your loss. Yes taking 2 lbs at at time is good. Pretty soon will get to reward yourself.


Mel...Sorry you had so much humidity and hope  you'll lose water weight soon.


Robin...Glad you had a loss. Yes enjoy your hot weather will be winter soon as the months are going by so fast.


Diana...Staying the same be happy not a gain, I am. Read all about your garden. Glad your enjoying.


Jo...You mean the haircut didn't balance out the chocolate and chips?:classic_smile: Soap and cold water could help on the ring.

Nice you booked another cruise.


The weekend is almost here again. How can the week be so slow and then go by so fast?


Another Big Question..How can people be so ...................................(fill in the blanks) not to wear masks,

stay their distance, not to go in groups to parties, parks wherever.  The virus counts and deaths are ....


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13 hours ago, retiring soon said:


It's pretty humid up here & has been close to 90F too. I'm having trouble with my wedding band being tight so will try to get it off with helpful hints from Google. One tip is to use WIndex, ice, thread & holding your hand above your head for 5- 10 minutes. Sounds weird!


~ Jo ~ 😊


Jo, be careful with your ring. 


I'm not sure how the windex would help, I have heard of thread and I think that is to help tug without increasing swelling.  The ice and holding above the head sound like ways to reduce swelling (we ice and elevate other injuries to prevent/reduce swelling too.


I would probably try some type of food safe oil/grease (probably wouldn't spray wd40 on my hands 😉 ) or soap like Belle suggested to make extra slippy.  Be patient and don't tug, which could cause more swelling.

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Hi all!


Well at least I'm in good company with my weight gain!! Congrats to the losers!


I was going through some health records the other day & see that from June 1970 when I was

3 months pregnant with my 1st child, I've gained 60 lbs!! Yikes, but guess it could have been worse!


Belle ~ could the word be inconsiderate?


Thanks for your help re the ring. I did the soap, hands above head with ice cubes around the ring & no go but then DH helped & sort of twisted it off, so relief at last!


Have a nice weekend & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Good Afternoon or Evening or Morning if don't read till Sat.


Jo glad your got the ring off with the DH.  Soap and cold water help when my finger swells

because of heat.


Jo that is a good word but can think of some others to and some not so nice. Hope people

wise up soon.


Did you all have a good Friday?  Sat plans?  Just siting home here.  Exciting!...Not!  Bored!  YES!


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Friday evening.


Rose, sorry you've gained but you will get it off soon, like Belle said.


Jo, glad you got your ring off.  I was going to suggest, if available where you are, Dawn dish detergent. It is sort of slick. Used to clean birds in oil spills. Great you booked a cruise. 


Belle, yes, I don't get why people are not heeding the experts advice. I must say where we are people are following the rules. Not really any problems. BUT, people are still gathering like they are not supposed to. 


Tonight we had a yummy dinner. On the BBQ, hubby grilled steak, onions and peaches. Was delicious and not too bad diet wise. It was 100 degrees while hubby was grilling but he didn't mind.


Hope everyone has a nice evening.








Edited by winewanderer
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I suspect some of people not wearing masks or gathering in large groups is similar to previous health and safety changes like seatbelts, smoking, and not drinking and driving.  For some reason there are people who don't want to accept change.  I was born in 1973 and remember almost never wearing a seatbelt in the back (if we even had them) and my Dad didn't really start wearing one until the year my older sister started driving to set an example for her.  Smoking was extremely common growing up and I think non-smoking sections of restaurants started in my lifetime (and now many properties are non-smoking even outside). 


Masks have become similar to a seatbelt for me, in that I feel weird not wearing one when appropriate, but don't really think about it when they aren't necessary.  I had a dental cleaning yesterday and wore a mask in the waiting area until instructed to remove in the exam area.  When we were done with the cleaning and the dentist came and was initially just talking it felt weird to not have a face covering on in that small a space - almost exposed/naked without one.  On the other hand none of us wore masks when the A/C work was being done and only one contractor wore a mask when giving an estimate.  We have a smallish group that met once each in June and July (about 15-20 people) for outside picnics with plenty of distancing so it didn't seem weird to not wear a mask - although we do refrain from hugging now and I keep more physical space from others than I used to.  Our area is fairly rural and case numbers are low - I might feel differently about even our small group if we were more exposed.

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Jo - glad you got your ring off.


Diana - grilled peaches sound delicious.


Pacruise - it's become part of the leaving the house checklist. Purse, phone, keys, mask...ok I can go now.


I have two birthday cakes this weekend, one for an 88 year old and the other for a 4 year old. Both are repeat customers, and I know they have been distancing (one family is immunocompromised and the other has a new baby in the house), so I feel ok going into their homes. Next weekend I am scheduled to be at a wedding venue's open house. It's supposed to be small, but I'm leaning towards just setting up my display and packaged samples then coming home until it's over. Then I can go back to get my display cakes when it's all over. 

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Afternoon All


Diana, Pac and Mel hope your all having a good day.


Diana...Your dinner sounded really good  Hope your weather cools for you.

Pac...As you say mask should just be a daily thing like putting on seat belts. Why they won't is beyond me.

Both save lives.

Mel...Glad your getting some work and taking precautions. Hope you get orders from the wedding event.


Nothing new here just tried to get more weeding done. Why do weeds grow so fast? If I could lose weight

as fast as weeds grow I would really be skinny!:classic_laugh:


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Good Afternoon this Sunday.  Everyone doing well?  Eating right?  Exercising? Watching movies?

Napping?  Playing/talking with the kids whatever the ages are?


  Whatever your doing hope your having a nice day.:classic_smile:

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I have a problem called 'denial.' I thought I was okay until I couldn't fit into a dress. I've basically been wearing the same 3 capris and 10 tops (well anyway after my denim skirt didn't close) for a month. My fat clothes. I didn't even want to retake my measurements. I know they're bad. No sense beating myself up over it. Been baking up a storm while Sheltering in Place.  Only go out to walk twice daily and the grocers (yeah, that adds to it). I posted my 'eating plan' on Quarantine 15 and Belle invited me to rejoin. I won't be able to post weight loss but hope to lose however much I've stacked on these last 5 months


Off to research low calorie / low cost vegetarian protein sources ..... the only thing that's readily available in my area is tofu


BTW I might be paying 2 mortgages (DS & DD) as well as rent (grandson) soon as 2 are furloughed and 1 company closed. Got to keep everything low cost & cruises will have to be covered by FCCs

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Masks, for us too, just a way of life. We keep a few for each of us in the car. 


Mel, great you are having some cakes to make. 


Belle, we are just hanging around home today. Hubby made us a rum drink with fresh peaches. Pretty yummy.


Ombud, no, don't beat yourself up. It's a difficult time. You are taking steps to do better and that's great. 







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Ombud glad to see you. Yes the main thing we have to fine out what ever diet/food plan

works the best for us. Everyone is different.  

That's alot if have to pay mortgages and rent for family. Hope they will be able to pay you back,

You might need late on when you get older.


Diana I was around the house to but did some washing but didn't have a nice drink like you.

Diana MASKS should be the word for the day, weeks, months and maybe a year. Now if ALL

people would WEAR them.


Have a good Monday Ombud , Diana and everyone else.

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Good Afternoon Everyone.


Are you playing "Hide and Seek?"   No one around.  Miss the talking. I know a few of you come in more often, Thank You.

Know it's a Thursday weigh in thread but liked it that everyone use to come in and talk everyday.

Plus use to be more of us.  No one coming in because of the virus? Nothing to say? Just don't like coming in anymore?

To busy with family?  Sometimes feels like I'm talking to my self.

  Let me know if still want this thread and/or am I being to pushy wanting people to talk?


Did alright eating during the weekend. Didn't lose but stayed the same. Time to lose.  Should exercise more, I know.

Probably need to move more because not eating much. Should be coming off. That's Life..as they say.


Take Care ALL.




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Sorry I haven't been around much Belle, although I do continue to read all the posts and am enjoying them.  I'm doing ok, but I don't seem to have much to talk about lately.


Everyone is healthy, so I am very thankful.  I'm just getting a little worn down by staying home and not having much to look forward to  .... I know I should be thanking for all the wonderful things I have been given and I really do appreciate it .... 


Ok ... enough of that.  We are celebrating my son's birthday on Thursday and I am cooking again.  (Pork Loin Roast with Herbs and Garlic).  I will enjoy watching them all talk as they eat.   


My DH (Ken) has started cleaning out 30 years worth of "junk" in the garage ... you open the garage door and it is wall to wall "stuff".  He likes to save just in case!!!!  So far he has found my youngest son's first car seat (he will be 29 on Thursday), my other son's note from his 1st grade teacher (my son is now 36).  He also found a letter from a friend of mine that died of brain cancer about 17 years ago .... I had never seen the note before ... It was very touching.  I'm sure it was meant to be found at this time point.   My husband also unearthed my strawberry colored samsonite luggage that I got in 1971.  This is going to be an interesting project.


I hope everyone is having a wonderful week .... I will try to be a better writer each week.  Jan

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