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12-24-20 Thursday Weigh-In Merry Christmas Eve And Day Everyone


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Wishing you two great days and night

Hoping each day is happy and bright


First we have to weigh on this Thursday

Then celebrate the days in your own way


Try to remember as the days go by

Next Thursday the 31st you have to look the scale in the eye


So enjoy the two days and weekend of this Holiday

Eating less of Christmas food & goodies is best I say


Then numbers on the scale might go down you hear

Losing or staying the same is a good way to start the New Year


Merry Christmas To All And To All...Eat Less

















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Thanks once again for the poem Belle!!!  Hope you have a wonderful holiday.


I am down 1.2# but still up from the beginning of the month.  I ate 4 frosted sugar cookies yesterday (they were so good)!!!  I will try to be good, but can't promise!


Hope everyone that celebrates has a wonderful Christmas - Jan

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Hi all!


Belle ~ nice poem, thanks.


Jan ~ WTG being down over a pound!


I'm only down 0.2 lbs but am surprised at that since there have been cookies & chocolates

involved, possibly even popcorn too.😉


Happy Holidays & all the best in 2021. Sure hope it'll be better than this year & we'll be cruising again. I'm still waiting for the official cancellation of my April TA, 5th cruise to be cancelled.😢


What a day here windy & pouring rain, good thing our "journey to Bethlehem" was cancelled due to Covid rules being tightened. I was looking forward to seeing what that was.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hello everyone,


Belle, love the poem. Merry Christmas to you and everyone who celebrates.


I stayed the same. Good considering we had brownies in the house. I eat a tiny piece.


Jan, good loss. Nice you could lose while enjoying a treat. 


Jo, good you had a loss. I'm guessing you're right that the April TA will be cancelled. Sorry to hear that. 


Stay safe everyone and Happy Holidays.





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Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. 


Belle, thank you for starting us every week. 


Jan, nice loss!


Jo, nice loss. Sorry about your cruise; I think you are probably right.


Diana, great staying the same!


I am wishing weigh in was yesterday because I was down to my pre-chip fiasco weight of 2 weeks ago. We started the Christmas snacking yesterday though. I'm down 1.4 from last week, so it's slowly coming off even with the extra goodies. We're having our big meal today around 1pm and then we'll watch movies all afternoon. Leftovers for dinner. Big breakfast tomorrow morning and leftovers again for the rest of the day. Then it's back to being on a regular schedule and time to indulge a little less.

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Belle, thanks for the poem.


Jo, Jan and melmar....congrats on the losses.


Diana, staying the same at this time of the year is a good thing.


I forgot to weigh myself so I don't know where I am, but I am sure that it's up.


We, too, had a lot of cruises cancelled in 2020.   The most disappointing is our 50th anniversary cruise in Europe.   It was supposed to be in July, 2021, but is cancelled because it is too long.   We replaced it with a shorter 7 day cruise, but I am not sure that will even go.   We are looking at other options to celebrate our anniversary.  Maybe in 2022.


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.   I hope everyone can celebrate safely and has a wonderful day.


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Wow no gains.
Jan , Mel ,  Jo — great losses. It’s the season for lots of temptations.  

Im down 1.4 .    I don’t have none at home.  This year I’ve gotten very strict with sweets ...  I’m so addicted  


happy holidays to everyone.


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Afternoon All


So happy to see everyone did so well this week with all the holiday food around.

Loss's and stay the same is great this time of the year.

I really think it helps us coming in here each week. Keeps us so aware. Helps

us even when we're not being as good as we should. Get's us back on track.

During this 10 months we've had loss's, stayed the same and only a few gains.

Think we should be proud.


Jan...Hope you have a wonderful holiday too. Great you lost weight even if up a little.

Just think less then it was last week.


Jo...A loss is a loss. Better than a gain. Sorry about the cruise if over 7 days probably gone.

Here's to other cruises later.


Diana...Merry Christmas to you to. No gain is good at this time.  Me too.


Mel...Glad you had a good loss. Why are chips so good. Have fun watching movies and eating 

your planned meals.


Rose.. Maybe your not up. I have cruises to Europe in July too. 21 days but three b2b's

7 days each. Haven't cancelled yet. Will see  what happens.


.Izena...Another good loss for you. Your doing great. I'm alone to but some how certain

foods find their way into my house. You have great power.


Me...I to stayed the same. I'm happy as I ate ham last night, makes me retain water. Salt.

Only ate one of the cookies the next door neighbor brought yesterday.


Everyone enjoy Christmas Day in your own way. Just hoping you all will be happy

and safe in whatever you.

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Merry Christmas to all ... we had our daughter, son-in-law and a grandson here today .... we were all very careful not to get too close ... It was fun ... miss having all the kids at the same time.  But, it is for the best.


Hope everyone has had a lovely day!  Jan

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I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday.   We had my son and his family for lunch and then my daughter and her family for dinner.   We didn't want to have too many people in the house at the same time.   We all wore masks except for while eating.   It was different but it was what it had to be.  I just pray that by next Christmas we can all celebrate in our traditional way.



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Rose, good to hear from you! Sorry about the cancellation of your 50th anniversary cruise. 


Glad some of you were able to see some family. We had a Zoom call with my MIL yesterday. She had taken all her Christmas decorations down already. She's considering visiting her sister, who lives a couple hours away from her, next week. That visit will be good for her. We're trying to figure out our schedules to find a time where DH and I can both self quarantine for a couple weeks so we can go see her for a long weekend. I have most of January off, but DH had meetings he'll have to go into the office for scattered throughout the month. She's high risk, so we don't want to chance being asymptomatic and making her sick. For our state she's in the 1B phase, so maybe she can get her vaccine sooner than we expect.


Yesterday was a free-for all food wise. I expected it to be like that though, and I am back to fasting today. Once leftovers are out of the house, it will be easier. I will say fasting has really changed what I eat - I don't crave sweets late at night anymore. If I'm going to have something sweet, I want it to be really good, not just some random piece of candy leftover from the kids' stocking stuffers. Now if I could just get a handle on salty stuff! 


It's going to be around 70 degrees here the next couple days. We have a little work to do in the backyard before the excavation crew gets here Monday morning. Moving patio furniture and a temporary fence that we put up to keep the dogs out of the garden. Between that and riding bikes with the kids, I hope that I'll get my exercise in this weekend. 

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Afternoon All...Hope everyone had a good Christmas Day


Diana...Hope you had a good day with your husband. Know you had a good dinner

(you always do) and I'm sure a drink or wine.


Jan...Glad you had your daughter and family there. Sorry you couldn't have all. But

this way everyone safe.


Rose...That was a great, safe way to celebrate Christmas have two different meals.

Like you we wore masks except when eating.


Mel...Sorry MIL couldn't be there but safer. Know you had a good day with your husband

and kids. I'm sure most of us ate to much/many things yesterday and yes leftovers.


Me...Had a good day with my kids, wore masks, had wine, ate to much, but enjoyed.

Now the leftovers and to many sweets. Freezing the candy--out of sight out of mind.

Remember said I'm cleaning out things, so the kids went thru somethings I kept to see what

they wanted. Was pretty good not to many things they both wanted and they worked it out.


Sounds like a good day was had by all but different than it would of been.

To a regular Christmas next year. Really missed giving my kids a big hug and a kiss Hello 

and again for the Christmas gifts. Been so long long since we all gave our kids hugs.

But we love them and want them to be safe and they us.


Everyone have a good weekend.  Take care and be safe.

Edited by Belle
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Nice to read about everyone's holidays. Glad you were able to see some family, eventhough no hugs. 


For us, where we live, cases are expanding too much so none of my family feels safe visiting. Just the way it is right now. 


Belle, sounds like your holiday was nice as was for Rose, Jan and Mel.


Hubby and I were alone except for a distanced delivery from our neighbor (we both wore masks) with a slice of hazelnut cake. 


For dinner we still had some turkey breast meat left so hubby made a curried turkey with rice and vegetables. Was good but a little dry. Fortunately we had a curry sauce in the fridge to moisten it. 


Today we are having pineapple margaritas. Either birds or a visiting squirrel is knocking our limes off our tree. So I picked some and what better way to use them than in margaritas. The limes are so good, really juicy and delicious.


I wasn't sure what our citrus trees would give us this winter because of the intense heat we had in the summer. BUT, everything (we have lemons, limes, tangelos, grapefruit) are really juicy and delicious. 


Rose, sorry to hear your anniversary cruise was cancelled. Hopefully the 7 day sails. 


Mel, hope you find the quarantine time to visit your MIL. Exciting getting things ready for the excavation.


Have a nice day, stay safe, stay well. Diana

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I hope everyone had a chance to connect with family / closest friends in some way (phone, text, social distancing,  masked). Very little going on here. S has had 2 negative tests so we met in the back yard. My sister had her 1st vaccine dose with a minor reaction. Unfortunately it was the Pfizer vaccine not Moderna so she will need the 2nd dose. (Moderna = 70% efficacy with 1 dose, 94.5% with 2)


I am gaining. Part stress eating, part all that fried holiday food. Getting back on track today


Congrats to those lost: Jan, Mel, Jo, Izena


👍on staying the same over holidays: Diana, Rose (?)

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Rose I would like to ask you questions about your July cruise.

Was it  just to long and just cancelled for that reason. 

Or docked in any US port? What cruise line.



I have a July cruise to. Leaving from a Europe port and coming back there.

It's 3, 7 days cruises. 21 days but separate cruises. Haven't been cancelled yet.

It's on Princess.  Wish if going to cancel would just do it now.


Diana...Sounds like you had a good dinner and you did the right thing with the

limes. Couldn't do any thing better. Margaritas! Nice you have so many fruit trees.


Ombud...Glad S test negative twice and you got to see him. What reaction did you sister

get from the vaccine? Glad she got because of her job. We all should get it but

hope reactions aren't bad. (I'm a baby, hate shots in the 1st place)


Guess we won't know how well we did or didn't do till Thursday because of our eating.

(Well we really do know if we got on the scale)--------------

but doesn't count till Thursday weigh-in.😄


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Belle, I like the way you think. I would be a very unhappy camper if weigh in was every day.


Ombud, yay for S's multiple negative tests! Glad you were able to see him. 


Diana, we've been talking about getting a couple dwarf lemon trees to keep in containers - we use a lot of lemon when we cook. Have your trees been pretty easy to keep?


I have a grocery pick up scheduled for this afternoon, and I plan on getting back outside with the kids again today. I think they have gained some confidence riding around our neighborhood. We have started biking over to a pond and gazebo way over at the other end of our subdivision. They are starting to go faster, which means I have to go faster to keep up with them. If I keep it up, I'll have great legs come spring! I usually give up as soon as the weather stays cold though. If I can't wear shorts, I don't want to go outside! 😝

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Mel, the lemon tree we have is easy to keep. It's on a drip system and gets watered daily in summer.


However, one word of caution....lemon trees have thorns. Ours are nasty-1" long. I might be worried about your kids picking lemons. I worry for myself as ours is close to other bushes and I sometimes get jabbed. Not sure if there are thornless trees. That's the one thing I don't like about it. 


Ombud, nice you saw your son. 


Belle, sad that we all thought we would cruise by now, then we thought Spring '2021, now not sure about summer '21. And on and on it goes.


Take care everyone, Diana









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Hello All...Confession time-----

Christmas day ate very well, yesterday didn't eat that well, today semi good.

Trying to get back on track today. Only two pieces of candy!🤭


Talking of fruit trees, I have an apple not doing to good and one grapefruit tree

that does well every year. Both are suppose to be small trees--Not.


Diana yes thought we would be cruising by spring, sounds like not even summertime.

Wonder about Nov. and Dec. All the cruise lines, people and ports losing money

big time. Sorry for them.


Mel hope you had a nice ride with the kids if the weather was alright.


Another week going fast, Thursday New Years Eve then 2021! What will that year bring?

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2020 is ending ok for us...we got visitors bright and early this morning!



We decided to celebrate and DH just ran out to pick up lunch. We're having salad and turkey burgers tonight. 

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Glad everyone’s doing  good.  We are all alive and moving.  

I had a good start  this morning.   I scheduled my covid vaccine for next week.  Made it so my second dose will be due after my ski trip.  Received notification from hospital group that my pcp is affiliated with.  I’ll let everyone  know how it goes.

not felt well during morning walks.  Lighted headed and slightly nauseated.  Can’t figure out why.  Have breakfast — check blood sugar 116 - 126/ I’m a diet controlled diabetic.  Blood pressure. 126/69 .  I’m sure it will pass.

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