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New Covid-19 Cruise Ship Rules

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8 hours ago, pcur said:

The point I didn't explain very well pages and pages ago on this thread is:


Even when you are double vaccinated and have all your immunities, YOU CAN STILL CARRY AND TRANSMIT THE VIRUS, but you won't get sick from it. So, we can all exchange the virus if we are not masked, and then carry it home to infect non-vaccinated people or children.


That's why even with a vaccinated person, masks should be used in close or crowded rooms until full herd immunity is reached.

That is still unknown. However, it is the reason why I support a 100% vaccination rate aboard the ships. It is the only way to avoid a highly restrictive, but still have a safe, environment.

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23 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

I have to say that I really didn't understand where the comment that you are referring to came from. I think people involved with medicine have more integrity than to falsify records and risks our careers and reputations.


It would be nice for those people who think they have to have a vacation that they would visit some of the places in our own back yard. Our economy sure could use it. Vineyards are nice. So glad a negative covid test will be required to fly back into the US. There will be plenty of people coming up with fake paper work either for the test or the recovery documentation, especially some people in the medical field. 🙄


this comment.  

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1 minute ago, jean87510 said:


It would be nice for those people who think they have to have a vacation that they would visit some of the places in our own back yard. Our economy sure could use it. Vineyards are nice. So glad a negative covid test will be required to fly back into the US. There will be plenty of people coming up with fake paper work either for the test or the recovery documentation, especially some people in the medical field. 🙄


this comment.  

When I said I didn't know where it came from I meant I didn't understand the reason for it being made. 

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16 hours ago, CaroleSS said:

My point in this is that the "legal" travelers are being forced into proving that they are not bringing disease to another country. To travel, you must subject yourself to testing, temperature checks, tracking and proof of vaccination. 

Those who are trying to come to the US (and other countries) illegally are not being forced to comply with the same standards, which put the rest of us at risk. They bring a myriad of diseases with them, COVID being only one. Why should we not ask that anyone entering a country - any country - be asked to abide by the same rules?

I doubt that Caribbean countries want cruisers to bring disease with them, thus they should be allowed to determine who can and cannot enter their country. Those who cannot prove that they are not bringing disease with them should not be allowed entrance......regardless of the reason.



you raise another big side issue:


there is no telling , once we depart, how many ports will be cancelled at last minute, or if in port we can go on non ship excursions.

We have so many things up in the  air so to speak.

We have a November family cruise planned.

Have that and our flights thru air2sea, where up till the final pmt day we can cancel no charge--did not even make a deposit.


I do not know if they know what this whole thing is going to look like.

However, as many have said here if we have to wear masks most of the time, its a show stopper.


and I think most of us are counting on the vaccine to be the fix all. I think we see herd immunity sooner however what if these mutant strains are a problem or the vaccines do not stop transmittal and they protect you more to the 65% level vs 95% level. We all have our own hotspots, but we all want as normal a trip as possible.


I just think there are to many unknown unknowns yet.


we like to go the day before so that adds hotel and restaurants to the mix.


 anybody know cruise line occupancy thresholds before they cancel a cruise for last minute lack of interest??







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7 minutes ago, HMR74 said:

 anybody know cruise line occupancy thresholds before they cancel a cruise for last minute lack of interest??








I believe the bean-counters will be very 'familiar' w/ that exact number....and passing it along the proper channels for each sailing.

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HMR74, you are completely correct!


The ports of call have to be assured their safety or they will not open. Unfortunately that is a double edged sword.....open and risk infection or stay closed and tank their economy. Tough call!


We can all speculate what will happen, but no one really knows. Wearing a mask on vacation doesn't appeal to me, nor does restricting venues (shows) or forcing vaccination. It is looking more and more that our November cruise won't happen. Yes, we are sad, but those islands will be there in a few years (we've seen most several times over). We will likely choose to wait. 😪

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2 minutes ago, bucfan2 said:


I believe the bean-counters will be very 'familiar' w/ that exact number....and passing it along the proper channels for each sailing.

I read something several months ago, on line, where an analysis was made comparing Suites ad high prices balcony cabins to inside and view cabins , and the gist of it, not too surprising is they did not make a lot of money on the inside cabins  nor did most of those taking inside spend a lot on food drinks etc.

However the combination of the two was necessary to make money  to get to the breakeven point, and after that most of those revenue dropped to the bottom line.

Wish I would have saved it.

So we should know where they draw the line on occupancy. The inside cabins will not be filled  if they have to cut.



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7 minutes ago, CaroleSS said:

HMR74, you are completely correct!


The ports of call have to be assured their safety or they will not open. Unfortunately that is a double edged sword.....open and risk infection or stay closed and tank their economy. Tough call!


We can all speculate what will happen, but no one really knows. Wearing a mask on vacation doesn't appeal to me, nor does restricting venues (shows) or forcing vaccination. It is looking more and more that our November cruise won't happen. Yes, we are sad, but those islands will be there in a few years (we've seen most several times over). We will likely choose to wait. 😪

Yeah, our november family cruise , with grandchildren who have not been on a cruise, is for eastern Caribbean. We all agreed that it would be no big deal to not get off the ship as the grandkids would be dazzled by the Oasis. The kids , now adults, have been there too on many cruises over the years. Same for an excursion.  nothing really missed if we were not to


We just want to go and have unrestricted fun

It would be "cool"  to be on the Oasis at tradition holiday time and be less than full--although RCL  cannot be thinking that's cool. Imagine, nothing crowded.

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Will not be cruising while all of these rather intrusive rules are in place.  Interesting that you don't mention only being allowed off ship in port when booked on a cruise line sponsored shore excursion and having to wear a mask outside of your stateroom.

Plenty to see and do without taking a cruise.

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no brainer, I am not going to cruise with a mask on. I do not even believe in most masking  since most people do not wear good ones , or use them for too long, and/or they do not seal their faces off properly. Thats a different issue.


Ports--big issue-most cruises outside of carribean we want to enjoy specific ports. without them, why go, without the grand kids to play with  I do not need to be on a ship for 7 days.

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to explain further, the 2 cruises we have had cancelled thus far were special places. It was Asia incl Vietnam and Bangkok and Singapore then down to Australia. Before we were cancelled by the cruise company, a week after each final payment was due, we knew before final payment that certain places were closed. It was in the news. 


If you read the contract, the cruise lines can make any change they want to itinerary and we have no recourse.


Normally, that's due to weather or let's say civil unrest.


So in theory, the cruise line leaving Singapore can do a 28 day  transpacific to LA at 4 knots and there is nothing we could do about it.


except it is bad business

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2 hours ago, HMR74 said:

no brainer, I am not going to cruise with a mask on. I do not even believe in most masking  since most people do not wear good ones , or use them for too long, and/or they do not seal their faces off properly. Thats a different issue.


The OP did not mention masks.

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the above is as of a month ago.


With Fauci now talking that we should double mask (its like double bagging at grocery stores) It is difficult to see how CDC is going to give in on this. On the other hand,  if masks are required, the cruise lines might as well go into bankruptcy now, and restructure.

I use n95 masks and taking enough for 4 weeks of cruising and pre and post cruise stays  would fill up a third suitcase for us.


I certainly have no clue whats going to occur--I know what my emotions are saying, and that's that I am willing to take on some new risk of life to enjoy life. Some of the risk can be mitigated away. And I am not in favor of mandated vaccines, including the freedom aspect and even the pharma companies are saying there are a number of uncertainties.

Spece here does not permit that detailed discussion, and nor does anybody want to see it here, but that discussion and debate needs to take place.


I do know I have 6 months before my final payment is due--and that part of any vacation is the anticipation of it. This problem takes that fun aspect out of the equation.


All I want is a stress free fun vacation. It is asking too much?


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just saw this news:


no comment-it is what it is



whether we agree or not, it is what it is, and reality is if closing borders for another year is in the cards and that spreads, -----not cruising is the least of our problems.







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If everyone on a ship is vaccinated then there is no need for any of these rules. The UK and the US are the only two places which have any chance of being vaccinated 100% with at least 1 dose this year. Europe has no chance. 


I cannot believe some people on here would tolerate these terrible rules which are more like prison than a holiday. How desperate must someone be to pay money to experience this. Maybe use some imagination and try a different type of holiday. If nobody buys the cruise with these rules the rules will have to change. 


Right now there are some over paid directors sitting on zoom calls asking each other how many idiots are there out there willing to give them some money for this ridiculous experience. Luckily for them there is 1 born every minute.

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3 minutes ago, livingonthebeach said:

Masks and other protocols are required on cruises that have restarted out of Europe and Asia.  There seems to be a demand for cruises, masks or no masks.  

As i said one born every minute.


Ive not seen any of these MSC cruises being sold in the UK so it must be locals taking a trip around the sea. Most of these idiotic places have outdoor mask mandates. So for them being on a cruise is likely no different than anywhere else they can go. Its like Stockholm syndrome this is. People have become resigned to this type of existence and some will just conform to it. Others rebel against it in what ever way they can. 


Its one thing having to do it for work or for food shopping its a totally different thing to pay hard earned money for this kind of experience.  


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all I want to be is an informed consumer. To make the right decision for me.


I broke a personal "record" today--was in a store for 25 minutes with my n95 mask on before I had to run for the door.


It is crazy for me, personally, to think I can be in an airport and fly for 3 hours with a mask on, let alone wear a mask on vacation for most of the time spent out of the  cabin, although, to be perfectly honest, I think I  could escape the rules by just drinking all day. That would make the All inclusive drink package a bargain. 



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9 hours ago, Pandamonia said:


I cannot believe some people on here would tolerate these terrible rules which are more like prison than a holiday. How desperate must someone be to pay money to experience this. Maybe use some imagination and try a different type of holiday. If nobody buys the cruise with these rules the rules will have to change. 


Right now there are some over paid directors sitting on zoom calls asking each other how many idiots are there out there willing to give them some money for this ridiculous experience. Luckily for them there is 1 born every minute.

No kidding! I get free cruises from the casino, and I wouldn't subject myself to such overreaching control and nonsense. I think anyone at this point who goes on a cruise is well aware of the risks. Treating us like children is frustrating and insulting.

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When the cruise industry restarts in the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appears to be requiring all passengers to wear masks, via a new order that goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 1.

The order was issued late Friday and will require face masks to be worn by all passengers on public conveyances traveling into or within the United States,



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29 minutes ago, little britain said:



When the cruise industry restarts in the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appears to be requiring all passengers to wear masks, via a new order that goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. ET on Feb. 1.

The order was issued late Friday and will require face masks to be worn by all passengers on public conveyances traveling into or within the United States,



Not an argument but this does say public transportation. 

One could argue a cruise ship is private. It also says when entering/leaving the US. So again you could says masks on until international waters, especially for a vessel not flagged in the US.  



Now we also have the CDC frame work for cruising to follow as already mentioned. 




The real question is when do the lawsuits start saying the CDC is xyz (you fill in the reason)?


Also I believe all airlines are mandating masks but this order also applies to Airports and terminals.  Basically any location public transport occurs from now on a mask is required.  

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9 hours ago, shipgeeks said:

And those cruisers chose to do so, and all the reports I've read have been positive.  Some have gone back for a second cruise.


This means nothing. Do you believe stuff you read? 


If 2020 teaches us anything we should always question everything we see and hear. 


Does that video of quantum look fun? Even in their sterile controlled video it looks horribly intrusive and thats without the rest of the guests .


Think wearing a mask is OK? Try that in 32c in barcelona port when the humidity is ramped up. 


Who would seriously choose to spend £4000 on a cruise when you can fly to Mexico or Dubai or another place where restrictions are none existent. With or without a vaccine if you are under 50 and healthy you have very little to be concerned about when at these place anyway.

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