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The Daily for Tuesday Feb 9, 2021


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  A little late to the party today because I slept in, but I'm up and at 'em now.  I cut the cord to my employment 4 years ago and haven't logged back in once.  I prefer not to celebrate toothache day, and I'm not sure about extraterrestrial culture day . . .


Re: today's saying, a friend of ours told us his son keeps asking him "Hey dad, can I borrow 20 bucks?  I'll pay you back."   His reply was "Here's 10, and don't bother."  That way he was always 10 dollars ahead.  LOL


We enjoyed yesterday's beef & biscuit bake, but took half of it over to an elderly neighbour, so there aren't any leftovers for tonight.  Because it's so darn cold, (-46C this morning), today will be a chili day.  A hearty chili served with rice, a side salad and garlic toast will make a warming dinner for us tonight.  And wine.


I'm so glad to hear more folks on CC are getting their jabs; hopefully one day I'll be able to say the same.  @rafinmdI hope you're alright, will keep you in my extra prayer pocket, and your brother as well.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the wine glasses tonight to toast all on the happy list.  Be safe, stay well, keep warm, wash your hands and wear your mask.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

It's been an interesting couple of days.  I've been running out of gas on my walks and originally attributed it to side effects of my first jab but it hasn't gone away and I saw the Doctor yesterday.  After Seasick Sailor's story I also suggested a Covid Test (10AM today) and it didn't seem likely to him but he did agree to it, and also a couple of other tests over the next couple of days.  I also just heard that they have scheduled Roger for another surgery.




So sorry to hear this, Roy 😢


Prayers and best wishes for your brother’s surgery and for your recovery and hopefully a negative test and nothing serious found 🤞 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily!

Roy, prayers for your negative result and your brother's positive surgery outcome.

We tried to wrap our mind around Extraterrestrial Culture Day, but it's just too out of this world...

Another cold (cool by some standards) morning, but colder temps are coming. 

Our county dropped the threshold for vaccination to 75 and over. Our day is coming.


Last year we watched the sun come up over Aruba, followed by a lovely rainbow.






Stay safe and healthy, and may your day be bright and colorful!


Lori & George


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Good morning all. I am off to the eye doctor shortly but wanted to check in. Roy, I hope your tiredness is just a temp thing. I know I seem to be slowing down significantly - think I am just finding most things I have to do are things I don't want to do. And best wishes to Roger. Sorry he has to go through another surgery.



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

It's been an interesting couple of days.  I've been running out of gas on my walks and originally attributed it to side effects of my first jab but it hasn't gone away and I saw the Doctor yesterday.  After Seasick Sailor's story I also suggested a Covid Test (10AM today) and it didn't seem likely to him but he did agree to it, and also a couple of other tests over the next couple of days.  I also just heard that they have scheduled Roger for another surgery.



Hope your test comes back negative and that your brother's surgery goes well and he listens to the doctor this time.

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Good morning Rich!  Looking at your drink and meal plans....I'm in for all of it, except the rum....not a rum drinker!  However, am planning to be on the Rotterdam in December, and sure am looking forward to partaking of NOTES while on board! (yum to whiskeys!!)




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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Thank you Rich and Roy for your dedication to our wonderful place to come each day.  I'll pass on the combo of days.  Sad quote but I would think so true in some cases.  The meal sounds wonderful, will see what Debbie posts.Major prayers and virtual hugs to our care list.  Please have a quick recovery @Seasick Sailor.  Toasts to our other list.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.


Rum Old Fashioned:


Rum Old Fashioned
  • 2 ounces Zacapa 23 Rum
  • 1 barspoon Demorara Syrup, recipe follows
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 2 dashes Orange Bitters
Demerara Syrup
  • 2 cups Demerara Sugar
  • 1 cup water

For Demerara Syrup:

  1. Mix two cups Demerara (natural brown) sugar with one cup water in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool before using. As an alternative, place one or two brown sugar cubes in your rocks glass and allow to dissolve in the drink.

For Rum Old Fashioned:

  1. Combine rum, syrup, and bitters in a mixing glass with large ice. Stir vigorously and strain into a double rocks glass over one large ice cube. Garnish with orange twist.

Screen Shot 2021-02-09 at 6.44.24 AM.png




Sounds good!

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We got our shots this morning at Atlanta Motor Speedway.  The weather is iffy today and we're expecting rain the remainder of the week so just to be safe they set the lines up in the pull thru Speedway garages.  This way all personnel and those getting shots through open car windows would remain dry.  Hopefully we won't experience any after effects.enhance


I hope that Tesla from Florida in front of us is an actual resident in the District 4 Public Health Department area.enhance


Roy, I'm sorry to hear about your brother's second surgery, and your Covid test today.  I hope your Covid test and all other testing done is negative, and your brother does well after his surgery. 🤞 

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The top of the morning DAILYITES.  Rich thanks for the Fleet Report and the meal and drink suggestion.  Roy, thanks for rhe Prayer list and shout out list.  Summer Slope, thanks for listing the ingredients for the daily drink.   Thanks to all who contribute to this thread as well as the many who read it but do not post.  It is now +7 in Naperville but it feels like -10.  Will be in Florida later this week.  It cannot happen soon enough.

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

It's been an interesting couple of days.  I've been running out of gas on my walks and originally attributed it to side effects of my first jab but it hasn't gone away and I saw the Doctor yesterday.  After Seasick Sailor's story I also suggested a Covid Test (10AM today) and it didn't seem likely to him but he did agree to it, and also a couple of other tests over the next couple of days.  I also just heard that they have scheduled Roger for another surgery.



🌺Dear Roy,

My friend you and Roger are in my prayers. As Joy said let us know if your test was the rapid test. I believe in positivity and also am on the side of your 

Doctor. Take care AND please know you have a HUGE following and a lot of prayers going your way!



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    Good Morning Everyone from a bright and sunny day at the beach after a very foggy start!

Love the meal suggestion today and the alternative. In fact DH and I were discussing those lambchops at the Pinnacle Grill. DH then stated I am walking to Publix to see if they have any! Hope so!

   Roy- hope you are feeling better soon.


Stay well . wear masks and pray that this is all over soon.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.


Just in from shoveling about 6" of snow. It's still flurrying, but I should be able to get to the vaccination center. I'll leave extra early. More snow every day and I need to see the Ophthalmologist on Thursday. 

Odd collection of days. Also national pizza day!


@rafinmd I hope you feel better and that your tests come out ok. Prayers for your brother.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List.

Stay safe, social distance, double mask!

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San Diego’s CVS Pharmacy is receiving 

81,900 vaccines and that will help out tremendously getting shots into arms here! The roll out begins supposedly starting today for appointments and shots in the arms starting 2/11!  Will see.

Leaving soon to help.

🌺Rich, like the days!! 

I promise! “I AM NOT THE TOOTHACHE DOCTOR!! LOL! But I would be there at the time to help anyone in need!

🌺Roy again a big Thank you! For everything!

🌺Dfish, I really like the pictures your doing with Rich’s meal suggestions! Keep them coming👍❤️❤️

🌺Sweet sisters!! Have a great day! Ann take care at the gym with your foot and

Joy, tomorrow is D DAY for dear Allen with his 2nd dose! Has the Dr. given the okay? I pray it goes through. Did Allen get the Moderna or Pfisher?

🌺Summer the drink 🍹 well 🤔 maybe I would try a sip! I also enjoy the pictures.

🌺Ann appreciate the description on the wine!! I would enjoy this one!👍


I will check in late afternoon when I return.


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1 hour ago, leerathje said:

Good morning Rich!  Looking at your drink and meal plans....I'm in for all of it, except the rum....not a rum drinker!  However, am planning to be on the Rotterdam in December, and sure am looking forward to partaking of NOTES while on board! (yum to whiskeys!!)




👍We are also hoping to be on the ship (Rotterdam) in December and enjoy the islands!🌴

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Good morning from cloudy southwest Arizona.  We'll pass on Rich's list of days.  We can't cut the cord since we have a motorhome for summer travels. wifi much less strong wifi is not always available, much less strong enough for streaming.  So it will be satellite tv for now.


At least, we can celebrate Roy's pizza day, especially since that was tonight's planned dinner anyway.  🍕 🍷


@rafinmd Hope your covid test is negative, and that the other tests have positive results.  Also, hoping for a successful surgery and outcome for Roger.   

@kazu I haven't said it before, but I really enjoy all your cartoons.. We all need our morning chuckle.  @St. Louis Sal  A cruise with passengers and most entertainers age 70+, sounds a lot like a HAL cruise.  😀


After a year of staying home most of time, social distancing, mask wearing, etc., there are times I just start dragging.  I think it is partly cabin fever and partly boredom when I run out of things to do to keep busy.


Stay safe and please all wear those masks.



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@rafinmd hope everything goes well with your tests. A second surgery for your brother with more extensive aftercare will hopefully solve his medical issue with his back. I'm sure its stressful for you especially as you are so far away. 


Please take care of yourself.




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Good morning all!

It took me a few minutes, but I found the photo of the memorable pizza we had with @richwmn in NYC while on a cruise.  A little bit of Rich's shirt shows 😉 We all agreed it was some of the best ever. (and the cruise wasn't bad either!!!) 


@kazuthank you for the explanation of "cut the cord day".  I thought it meant grown children who don't want to leave their Mama....😂


@rafinmdprayers for a negative test result for you and successful surgery for your brother.


Congrats to @St. Louis Saland @StLouisCruisersfor getting your first jabs, and to @cruisemom42's parents for getting theirs!  It's heartwarming to read here how many are getting their vaccines.  Especially because last night I had a discussion with a friend who has been reading/watching too many horror stories about the vaccine--it amazes and saddens me what some people believe. 😞  



nyc pizza.jpg

Edited by Cruising-along
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🤓Tuesday Trivia with Seth Wayne (Holland America Line) later on Facebook today!✏️

😊Thank you again for the Daily but I prefer the National Pizza Day, too.....almost any kind and I really like the ones that have the cauliflower crust.  🍕 You'd be surprised how good they taste.😍

🙏Prayers for all who are in need and I'm pleased so many more are getting their vaccines!♥️

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I very seldom make it to page 1, so here I am, late as usual.  Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to Rich, Roy, and the drinks and recipes ladies!    I think my father must have been a pessimist - he lent us $5000 to buy our first house (in Wheaton, Md.) and added a note in his will that the debt was forgiven.  We went on from there, but I doubt we would ever have been able to buy if he hadn't funded us that first time!  My favourite pessimist...


Roy, @rafinmd, I'll pray that your Covid test is negative.  I know I have slowed down considerably in the last year and start puffing much sooner than I used to!  And that they figure out what's wrong with your brother during another surgery.


DD bought a book of Mediterranean recipes and is trying to persuade us that that diet is the way to go, so we are having chicken tonight with a cauliflower rice dish.  I will have to study it beforehand to see if I approve.   I figure if it's Greek you add feta, tomatoes and kalamata olives, if it's French, you add garlic and wine,  if it's Italian you add pasta and tomato sauce, etc.....

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39 minutes ago, DeeniEncinitas said:


San Diego’s CVS Pharmacy is receiving 

81,900 vaccines and that will help out tremendously getting shots into arms here! The roll out begins supposedly starting today for appointments and shots in the arms starting 2/11!  Will see.

Leaving soon to help.

🌺Rich, like the days!! 

I promise! “I AM NOT THE TOOTHACHE DOCTOR!! LOL! But I would be there at the time to help anyone in need!

🌺Roy again a big Thank you! For everything!

🌺Dfish, I really like the pictures your doing with Rich’s meal suggestions! Keep them coming👍❤️❤️

🌺Sweet sisters!! Have a great day! Ann take care at the gym with your foot and

Joy, tomorrow is D DAY for dear Allen with his 2nd dose! Has the Dr. given the okay? I pray it goes through. Did Allen get the Moderna or Pfisher?

🌺Summer the drink 🍹 well 🤔 maybe I would try a sip! I also enjoy the pictures.

🌺Ann appreciate the description on the wine!! I would enjoy this one!👍


I will check in late afternoon when I return.



Hi Denise. It's a wonderful thing you are doing giving your time to give shots. I wonder if you will surpass all the shots you gave during your dental practice days?

Allen's doctor didn't cancel Allen's 2nd appt so we're going. It was Moderna.

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I did not get a rapid test.  It really didn't look like Covid to my Doctor so I'll be quite surprised if the test comes back positive, but in that case plasma or Rendesivir might be of some help.  He did take blood samples and an EKG.  The EKG  was uneventful but he did hear a murmur that he thought had been there that had gotten a bit stronger so he's ordered an EchoCardiogram, (tomorrow) and a chest X-ray (walk in).  I have a rescue inhaler that I've never needed but he did read me the riot act to use it if my walking gets bogged down.  I think it helped marginally today.  The Covid results should be ready Friday.



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