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The Daily for Friday Mar 12, 2021


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Good morning  to  all  and  Happy  Birthday  to  the  lovely  ladies. I  was  a  Girl Scout  and  still  buy  their  cookies every  year. They  now  even  have  a  gluten  free  offering. My  DH would  like  today's  recipe but  I  would  add  to  it  the  way  Debbie  suggested. I  will  have  to  learn  a  few  bad  words in  French  so  that  I  can  pretend  to  be  a  chef.

DH  and  I  were  in   several Scottish  cities on  a  British  Isles cruise. We  loved  the  capital  but  I  am  not  sure  where  the  Prinsendam  docked. We  walked  the  Royal  Mile  and  went  to  the  Castle which  I  found  thrilling.     Terry


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Good morning everyone. Today marks one year since we boarded the auto train and left Florida early because of the pandemic. Our landlord thought we were silly for leaving before our lease was up and poo pooed the virus, but the epi center at the time was our old home town of New Rochelle , NY, and our daughter and grandkids lived there and we felt we needed to be close. Little did we know that we would be locked down for the next year. Actually, the year has passed very quickly.


My girls were never Girl Scouts, but they were brownies and we always bought Girl Scout cookies.


Yesterday was in the 70s with the sun shinning and it was a beautiful day. Starting today the temps are dropping.


Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating. Somehow, the lab neglected to do one half of the blood tests that were ordered and DH has to return to give more blood this AM which means we won’t have any answers till Monday. I got my appointment for my Mohs surgery and it’s not till early May. I have to have a covid test before because I won’t be able to wear a mask during the surgery.

Stay safe everyone and wear your mask.



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Good Morning All, thanks for the daily report.  The meal suggestion sounds good @dfish picture is very tempting.  No idea yet what to do for dinner, probably take out.  Today mark one year of working at home full time.  I didn’t think I’d like it but have adapted and it hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be.  I do miss some of the in office collaboration.  No planting of flowers but since I’m burning a vacation day I’m going to start yard clean up and just ignore the remaining snow piles. 

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Good morning, all.  Thank you to all who contribute.  


Roy, thoughts are with you today.


We have been to Edinburgh/South Queensferry twice.


The first time (2009), we took a ship’s tour of Edinburgh.  During the included lunch at a hotel, the fire alarms went off and we had to evacuate!  Turns out it was a minor incident with a hairdryer.



DH definitely had his priorities 😉



The second time was in 2014.  We took a ship's tour called St. Andrews on Your Own.  Thoroughly enjoyed our time walking the Old Course (and spending a small fortune in the shops).  Messed up our Swilken Bridge photo op by not getting the clubhouse in the background -- oh well, maybe next time 🤞.





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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

The aromas start out brooding, opening up to reveal notes of fresh and dried herb, smoke, dark coffee bean, iron and smoked meat



Boy the description was really interesting 

at $64.00.

Have a great day with seeing your friend for lunch! Give Bindi a hug!


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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

My Heart Will Go On:

In a shaker tin combine:

-1.5 ounces blanco tequila

-1 ounce green Chartreuse (a French cordial)

-1 ounce Maraschino Originale from Luxardo (an Italian cherry liqueur)

-1 ounce fresh squeezed lime juice

 Add ice and shake.

 Strain into a cocktail glass. (No garnish needed!)

Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 7.25.20 AM.png


Swap out the tequila for gin and you have one of my favorite cocktails - "The Last Word". The tequila version is good too. Word of warning - both drinks are rather potent!

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🌺My dear Roy, Thinking of you with today’s funeral with Roger. We’re all here for you as you were for me when my dear friend passed. Your surrounded with so many friends  from around the world here Roy! Remember that!

🌺Jacqui!! I can tell you if you lived here in San Diego you could open up a wonderful nursery with your focus on all of your beautiful flowers and garden arrangements!!! You sure do have a passion!

🌺Summer and Debbie! GOOD MORNING!! Summer, I would have to take a sip of this drink to determine if it could be something I would like  👍
Debbie , I agree the dinner suggestion would work by tweaking the ingredients!

Lots if garlic for me and tomatoes!

🌺Joy have a great day with Allen and enjoy your lunch out! Glad Allen is doing well!


Today I will be watching Golf with THE PLAYERS and see who makes the cut!




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Good morning, all! I was a Girl Guide leader for years, moving up the age groups as my girls did, but then staying for years after they had graduated and gone. 
Roy, my thoughts are with you on this difficult day.

@ger_77Saskatchewan is well ahead of BC on booking appointments. We don’t open to 85+ bookings until next week.

@KirkNCcongratulations on getting your jab today! Birthday wishes to @Quartzsite Cruiser, Mrs. @VMax1700, and Mrs. @Overhead Fred.

One year ago today the GWV stopped in Cairns, Australia. We had a catamaran trip booked to Green Island on the Great Barrier Reef. It left just a short stroll from the ship along a beautiful boardwalk.  The tropical storm was finally catching us, and the weather was terrible. Our trip, of course, was eventually cancelled. The early birds that almost made it to the island and we’re tossed like corks before turning back envied those of us who never made it off shore. I have some pictures from the waterfront. On the walk back to the ship,  I saw several of those clear umbrellas from the Amsterdam shredded in the wind! We would have spent the afternoon at Hemingway’s Pub if we’d known this was our last port of call, and it would be 11 days before we set foot on land again in a new, restricted world.



A mural visible from the berth.



Rain sweeps over the hills, and the mangrove swamps.



Art along the boardwalk.



The waterfront pub where we should have spent the day.



Those feather duster palms in front of the excursion office as we waited to see if our trip was a go. Their refund service was immediate and excellent when it was all called off! 


Looking back at the Amsterdam along the boardwalk.


3797C7AE-BF9F-4F2E-B27D-9123010A56F8.thumb.jpeg.4b7c91d3c49021e6d2a6a94d843d0745.jpegLooking out from the shelter of the terminal before making a run for it!

And finally, Happy Friday on behalf of our much missed Dam ships!



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47 minutes ago, DeeniEncinitas said:



Boy the description was really interesting 

at $64.00.

Have a great day with seeing your friend for lunch! Give Bindi a hug!


Never had a brooding wine before. 😎

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Thank you Rich, Roy, the drinks and recipe ladies.

My mom was the brownie and girl scout leader for me and my sister, and the den mother for my brother in boy scouts. 

Thinking about flowers.

Edinburgh is one of our happy places.  We did one cruise that started/ended in South Queensferry.  On the way to the dock we had spent a fair bit of time at the Scotch Malt Whisky tasting rooms.  It was our one and only cruise on CMV Marco Polo.

A few pics of things we love in Edinburgh and Scotland at large.

Prayers to those on the care list and those that need them and best wishes to all.



Scot 5 2011 063.JPG

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Happy Friday and Thank You for the Daily! ✏️

Good memories from Scotland and visiting the Castle by pre-purchasing tickets on-line. We left the ship early, hopped in a cab, walked the Royal Mile and had a full day visit including a Hop On Hop Off tour in Edinburgh😄

A year ago today, we unfortunately had to leave our wonderful over the water bungalow in Moorea and fly home.....🛳️no Maasdam coming for us in Papeete that week.  😔

 Prayers for all in need. 🙏

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Well, another late start for me today.  After exercise and breakfast we headed to the grocery for this week's supply.  Now we are home and I'm trying to catch up with all the posts.  A former Brownie here and never went up to Girl Scouts, but do enjoy the cookies. When my daughter was in the GS I was the troop cookie person and had the entire troop's cookie orders in my dining room prior to me dividing them up and the girls picking them up.  Those were the days!!


Roy, my thoughts are with you as you and your family honor your brother at his funeral.  Thank you for sharing him with us with that lovely obituary.


Happy birthday wishes to all the ladies who celebrate today.  Hope you have a great day!


The picture of the meal selection of the day looked so yummy!  Too bad we can't have that today since it is meatless Friday in our household too.  Perhaps another day. I will study the comments and see what changes we would like to make.  


As to Port of the Day, South Queensferry, we were there in 2015 on Royal Princess.  On the Prinsendam in 2018 we docked across the bridge in Rosyth.  In South Queensferry we took a tender to the pier and were greeted by a band of bagpipes.  The weather was a little drippy but at least it wasn't pouring.  Instead of a tour, we paid for 2 tickets on a shuttle bus to Edinburgh.  It was a private company that ran the buses back and forth.  I suppose this red bridge is the one that crosses between South Queensferry and Rosyth, Scotland.  Since South Queensferry is on the south side of the River Forth, along with Edinburgh, we didn't have to cross it.  enhance


We arrived in Edinburgh and given the location to pick up the return bus when ready.  Then we headed to Edinburgh castle for a tour.  There were military personnel there holding things up for a bit but we were lucky to get to watch them for a while.  This was in May, not in Tattoo time (August).enhance










We left and walked down The Royal Mile passing St. Giles Cathedral.enhance


With the gray skies and gray buildings it sure looked gloomy.  On a sunny day it would be a whole other story.  We walked the entire length of The Royal Mile but I have hundreds of photos and can't share them all here.  At the other end, we planned on visiting the Palace of Holyrood House.  But someone else had plans for Holyrood House so it was closed for the day. enhance



Sticking my phone and camera through the iron gates I got this photo of the palace.enhance


And moments later we got to see the hoopla as the royal guest left for a meeting somewhere.enhance


Holding my phone overhead I got this photo of The Royal Mile.enhance


We walked quite a bit around Edinburgh and I was able to find a spot to take this photo of Edinburgh Castle.enhance


My goodness, I have hundreds more photos but have to stop.  But this last photo was one of the most enjoyable moments of the day - looking out from our balcony as our ship left South Queensferry later in the day and seeing sights like this beautiful hillside.enhance




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Good morning all!

Good collection of days today.  I'm another who was a Blue Bird, never a Girl Scout.  It's too early here to plant flowers, we're still getting some heavy frost in the mornings.  I have been (trying) to decide where to plant the ones I have though. 😉 It's supposed to get up to the low 60's today!!  First time we've gotten up that high this year, so I will definitely be outside today. 


 Sadly we have no more preschoolers, our youngest grandson is in Kindergarten.  I've heard that the school he and his older brother attend may open up again, but in-school attendance will be optional.


I've never been to this port, but have been to Edinburgh (port Greenoch) with Rich on the 2018 Voyage of the Vikings.  DH and I did get up to see the castle, but unfortunately they were having a huge festival that day so the lines to get inside the castle made it impossible for us to get in.  We did get photos of the outside and did get into the Great Hall though.  I'd love to get back there again.


Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating!


Here are a few photos of our day in Edinburgh.


Home of Robert Louis Stevenson, Balmoral Hotel, exterior of Edinburgh Castle and interior of the Great Hall, view of the city from the castle, and some street musicians on our walk.


home of Robert Louis Stevenson.jpg

Balmoral Hotel.jpg

Edinburgh Castle.jpg

Great Hall.jpg


view of Edinburgh.jpg


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Good morning to everyone. I have been reading the posts for the last couple of days, but was feeling a bit under the weather so never got around to answering. Really not much to say anyway. But I am spending my thoughts and support to everyone.


The weather here is bright and still a bit chilly, but at least we are not (hopefully) going to have the snow they forecast for Denver. One of my next door neighbors has been up on the east slope visiting his parents but he arrived home late last night. Was afraid he might have trouble with the passes on the weekend so he cut his visit short.


I have spent a lot of time in Scotland. Love Edinburgh but am usually headed for the islands. Have not visited on a cruise - I was often driving. I would not have the nerve for it now.


Everyone take care .... I am so glad to see the vaccine distribution picking up steam. I have scheduled my haircut and a pedicure!!!! I may feel human again shortly.



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Well, we haven't been to South Queensferry, but we have been to Edinburgh.  In August 2018 we were there on Pacific Princess.  We took a ships tour of Edinburgh in the morning, where we had lots of time to wander throughout the castle, and then drove around the city, seeing lots of the beautiful architecture.  We went back on another ships tour in the evening to attend the Tattoo....what an AMAZING experience!  We had purchased our tickets through the ship before we left, so we were able to get good seats near the entrance area (but VERY high up - excellent views).  We were fortunate that the weather was good (threats of showers but I don't remember any).  Definitely something to see!!


Have a great day!



(sorry, I don't know how to comment on each photo. First shows the 3 bridges across, second a piper on the street, 3rd Bill and I at Arthur's Seat, 4th Sunset over the Castle, 5th light show on the Castle during Tattoo - it was a special military themed program, 6th the massed bands at the end)







Edited by kplady
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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

All good days. I was a Girl Scout when I was growing up.

Meal and drinks sound good.

I've never been to Scotland.

Happy Birthday to those celebrating today!


@cunnorl I'm glad to hear BIL is doing better and the family is out of quarantine.

@rafinmd Thinking of you today.


I'm feeling back to normal today, after yesterday's post-vaccine symptoms of achiness, headache and fatigue. Not a bad price to pay for the protection!


Prayers for the care list and Cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe and wear your mask.

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In March 2020, we were able to buy Girl Scout cookies in Seattle the day before returning to San Diego and at home, bought cookies from 2 different neighborhood troops selling in front of the grocery store just days before everything shut down in CA. What a luxury those boxes of cookies proved to be over the next weeks and months! This year, our great-niece in Brooklyn sold cookies to us, all on line, so efficient and well thought out.  Many thanks to the Girl Scouts! 🍪

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Thank you to all who posted photos of Edinburgh. It looks like a beautiful area. I wish I had visited Scotland when I was younger and more active.

Speaking of younger, I was a Brownie Scout then a Girl Scout, then a den Mother to a Cub Scout troup.

Never in a million years would I ever be a chef. I can burn or mess up almost anything including the toast as per @ger_77meme.

To all of you daileyites; Have a good day.


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Good morning, all, and thanks to Rich, Roy, and the drinks and recipe ladies for all the Daily news.  Happy Birthday to the crowd celebrating today!  Maybe I can persuade Pat to open a bottle of prosecco so we can toast everyone this evening.  We will be having kedgeree for supper, as it's a Friday in Lent.  


We haven't been to South Queensferry, but some years ago we stayed with some Scottish friends in Edinburgh.  I learned some gardening tips from them:


1.  Want an easy care garden?  Pave it over...


2.  Dispose of snails and slugs you can't bear to kill?  Throw them out into the street and let them fend for themselves.


3. The difference between a botanic garden and a botanical garden - the date it was developed, but I forget what the date it was that botanical came into more common usage. 

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Good morning and happy birthday all!  Our granddaughter is so excited that she can take her learners driving test today, helps make up for the fact she’s having her second Covid birthday! 

We were lucky and had very minimal side effects,  wonder if the second dose is worse.  I was bracing after the shingles vaccine!  

We love Edinburgh, but it has been a long time,  we’re probably overdue for a repeat visit!  

Our most exciting news,  DS gets the keys to his first house today!  



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1 minute ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and happy birthday all!  Our granddaughter is so excited that she can take her learners driving test today, helps make up for the fact she’s having her second Covid birthday! 

We were lucky and had very minimal side effects,  wonder if the second dose is worse.  I was bracing after the shingles vaccine!  

We love Edinburgh, but it has been a long time,  we’re probably overdue for a repeat visit!  

Our most exciting news,  DS gets the keys to his first house today!  


Some wonderful reasons to celebrate, Brenda! 🥂

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