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6-17-21 Thursday Weigh-In Did You Lose Weight For Summer?


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Did you lose weight for summer---If so Why?

(1) Clothes--so they fit

(2) Swimming and swim suit

(3) Vacations

(4) BBQ's and other things with family and friends

(5) To feel better in hot weather


If you haven't---Are you going to? Still have the 5 reasons above and these below---

(1) Still have months left

(2) Do you have late summer, fall cruises booked--Do I need to say more?

(3) Need to wear your cruise clothes

(4) Be able to walk around ports

(5) To enjoy the food


So lots of reasons to lose weight and of course a really Big Reason---

Your Health😎

Edited by Belle
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Good morning Belle

im losing weight for - 

1  health  hopefully had years and quality

2. Self esteem - don’t want to be the fattest on the small River cruises

Lucille has been messing with the scales this week  started off good was down another lb THEN  it popped back up .  Officially I’m up 0.2 .  

Still walking 3 miles a day.   Calories closer to 900 daily.  Recording calories on  an app. MYNEDIARY  helps to keep me on track.


Painters started yesterday.  They are soo quiet.   Jazzper likes them.  There are 2. One is about 4o-50  methodical moves a little slowly-  broke some ribs a month ago.   The other is 29  he does Sheetrock.  Their quiet and very neat.  Ceiling looks awesome.  They will finished Friday.  

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Good Morning - I am up 1.0# this week .. not surprised.  This has been an interesting time.  DD is expecting on 7/12, but they have decided to induce her on 6/28 (baby already weighs 7.11) we has been having problems with BP & diabetes ... so they are being very careful.  (she is her mother's daughter!)


Finally got the estimate on my car - 5,300.  Insurance now says they need to get their own estimator out to check.  I just want everything fixed.


Went to doctor today - have a little problem with my kidneys and liver ... they will keep watch and do testing.  DH went to dentist today and they removed 4 teeth ... including one that was capped on his front tooth.  It is crazy, I feel sorry for him, but his smile will be beautiful when it is all done.  Jan

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Jan wow what a week for you and your family.  I will pray your DD  comes through all this with flying colors.  

Sorry about your car.. 

is there anything you can do about abnormal labs?


My son is also dealing with dental problem.  He has bridges on his front teeth  (genetic issue with permanent incisors being small). He’s getting close to 50 and the bridges are failing.  He’s  considering implants but they cost a fortune.  

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8 hours ago, Izena said:

Good morning Belle

im losing weight for - 

1  health  hopefully had years and quality

2. Self esteem - don’t want to be the fattest on the small River cruises

Lucille has been messing with the scales this week  started off good was down another lb THEN  it popped back up .  Officially I’m up 0.2 .  

Still walking 3 miles a day.   Calories closer to 900 daily.  Recording calories on  an app. MYNEDIARY  helps to keep me on track.


Painters started yesterday.  They are soo quiet.   Jazzper likes them.  There are 2. One is about 4o-50  methodical moves a little slowly-  broke some ribs a month ago.   The other is 29  he does Sheetrock.  Their quiet and very neat.  Ceiling looks awesome.  They will finished Friday.  

I hope you don't mind me giving my two cents.  900 calories seems a little low.  Especially with the added walking.  If you are trying to burn fat, your body needs fuel,  just like your car.  It's possible that your body is in starvation mode instead of fat burning mode.  Are you feeling ok?  Feeling dizzy or weak? 

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My Kids - thanks for the concern.  I feel great — have been regularly walking 3-5 miles daily since retirement in 2015.  I have had a resting heart rate of 50  ( occasionally drops to 40’s ).  Scares new  primary care doctors   — have been medically cleared by cardiologists.     

 New since early 2020 lost appetite  and have to remind myself to eat.  Using the opportunity to focus on eating healthy.    


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Searching for a new plan to follow. (Gave up low-carb for those new here.) No excercise, 'cause mid 90's to low 100's all week here. Humid too, strange for here. Shut in, boring, eat. No alcohol, but weight up a little.

Adding more water per @Ombud. Certainly can say I'm less thirsty.

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It was 109° the cool down starts tomorrow when its just 107°. Its so hot that my car & garage door sensors are off. The rear passenger door thinks its open,, my garage door thinks something is in the way. They're both wrong. So we're going to SF tomorrow for a balmy 73° staycation day. Just a Bart ride away.


But the heat makes weight maintenance even harder because all I want are Frappuccinos and ice cream 🍦


I'm motivated bc I cruise (supposedly) in 60 days

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Hello all..Didn't weigh until this morning.  Down 1.2 pounds.  So slow but at least going the right way.  Prayers to all with this heat that has set in.  We are facing monsoon season here as this tropical depression(?) moves in.  And we have movers coming Monday!  Should be interesting.  Take care and have a good week...Susan

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Sounds like everyone is having weather issues.  Can’t imagine temps over 100.  Weather here has been tolerable. I get to park around 7 am get in 3 miles (half done inside Dog park — Jazzper tends to do his business and just watches me walk laps. The other half is walking outside dog area) Jazzper picked up a tick in his ear this morning.  Need to  soak it with alcohol BUT. he has been hiding under the bed.


Mtn up a little is okay  all of our wts flucuate.  

ombud -  your sensors are crazy.  Be careful with the heat.  

Susan great wt loss.   I’m watching the same tropical depression.  Don’t book cruises for August and September  because of the possibility of not being able to get flights out.   I’m a little over an hour from Galveston. — so don’t evacuate during hurricane.    My house doesn’t flood (got 48 inches of rain during “Harvey”. )


Third day of painters.  They did a great job with all my Sheetrock  issues.

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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for starting us off with your usual words of wisdom!


Jan ~ yikes, you sure have a lot going on! Hope all turns out well on all fronts.

Don't even mention teeth!! All but 4 of mine are capped & not for beauty reasons. I'm just hoping they don't all decide to go at once, I only have so much dental coverage .


Izena ~ I can't imagine having to remind myself to eat. I'm usually thinking about the next meal during the current one! Maybe that's why I'm up 1.4 lbs this week. It was a bit of a shock as I didn't eat anything really bad this week, or so I thought!


Have a great day & stay safe. Oh I had my 2nd dose last Sat. so I'm ready to cruise.

MSC changed the itinerary on my cruise but I'm okay with it. They also gave some OBC for doing so.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Great work everyone. 

Down 2.2 pounds from last Saturday’s weigh in. I was concerned I was going to gain based on my “unofficial” weigh in on Thursday. Went to the gym eight times in seven days, cycled almost thirty miles and increased my weights on several machines.

Would love to lose another five pounds by July 4th weekend. Might not be a realistic goal but it’s worth trying for. 

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Morning y'all!  Sorry for the delay in posting, busy week and time on the houseboat. I am down 2 pounds from my weigh in last week.  I will take it but I know it could've been better if I had focused more.  I was down 4 pounds but alcohol and not working out eroded my progress.  


Tomorrow is Monday..have a great week everyone!



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Jo maybe just a bad weigh in day — I weigh every morning and found that it fluctuates about 3lbs during week. Learned to ignore it.  

optimus and Donna great losses.   I get excited  when I’ve had a a 2 lb loss.     My journey has been almost a year and changed monthly goals from 5 lbs to 3.5lbs a month — that keeps things in perspective.

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Hello on this Sunday afternoon.


Sorry haven't been posting much.  Life gets in the way sometimes

good and bad.


Reading that most of you had a great week with loss's. Good job.

Now to keep it going on this 1st day of summer till September

and not let summer fun and vacations get in the way. Which can

happen. If it does we just get back on track. Don't we?

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Trying not to beat myself up, I don’t think I’ve been very good this weekend (food wise). Back in the gym for the second time today, cycling as I type, trying to work off today’s cookout at my in-laws. At least Arby’s was closed so I avoided the $1 Root Beer float I was craving on this hot and humid day lol. 

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No one talking today?  Everyone have a good weekend.

Were you able to eat healthy or was it hard because it

Was Fathers Day? Dinners or BBQ's did they have food

you couldn't do without?


Well today was a new day to get back on track.  Thursday

will be here soon.


I had such an exciting day today. Had the gardener do some

yard work for me.  Went food shopping.  Anyone else have an exciting

day like me?😊

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Good morning.  Belle yesterday’s excitement was starting to get house back in order after the painters.   Large area rugs and furniture back in place.   Curtains rehung  had to redo some brackets (previously rod wasn’t level).    

Starting to get anxious about Montana trip.  Always nervous about getting checked in and to gate. Leave July 2.


Faithfully sticking to counting calories and walking (decreased distance due to heat now 2-2.5 daily)

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I don't think I know how to do maintenance. 


@IzenaI'm flying in August and nervous too. But it would take all day to drive there or take the train so I have no choice 


@Jan_In_Mainegetting close!!


@my kids mamaactually I agree with 900 calories being hard to get all the nutrients in but somehow Izena makes it work ... I never could


@Realblonde474, @alexandra cruiser, @optimusprime82, @retiring soon👍


@BelleI'm also nervous because I'm slated to go to my 1st luncheon in the last 16 months. They insist on doing it indoors even though there is a garden patio available and the heat broke (just 70°s and low humidity). 

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Hello Everyone. Hope your having a good Tuesday.


Optimus--Your doing the right thing getting back on track if you

think you ate to much. Yes a $1 root beer float would be hard to pass up

Don't know if I could. Glad it was closed.


Izena--Bet your room really looks good. Glad you got things done that

you wanted and everything put back. You had a good day.

About flying, one of my trips I did fly and it was fine. Everyone wears masks

in the airport and airplane. Have new air and  they didn't serve anything.


Ombud--Like I said flying was fine. Like you why aren't they having the lunch outside.

Would be safer plus I always like eating outside then inside.     Just wear your mask

until you eat and after even if only one to feel safe. I wore my mask yesterday but

the market I went to still wants everyone to wear one, I still would of wore one even

if they didn't.  They need to find out more about this Delta virus, really sounds

dangerous. It's almost in all states now. 


Why doesn't everyone get the vaccine?  Save their lives  plus loved ones around them

and the rest of us.                                                                                                                                         


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Hello again on this Tuesday Evening.  Only two of you came in, kept checking in,

no  one else here. Miss reading how your all are doing day to day. 


Been pretty good eating wise this week, might have a loss. Never know

because the  scale has a mind of it's own. Likes to go--"up and down"

day to day.


Can you believe thinking of booking a couple more cruises. Am I crazy.

Booked so many then they were canceled. So the ones I'm booking---

are they going to cruise? One is for this year and one for next year. Still debating.


Take care all


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Still trending up on my "unofficial" morning weigh-ins, about a two pound increase from Saturday. Hit the gym twice on Sunday (once in the morning, then hung out at the pool, and then went back to gym in the evening). Then visited the gym after work on Monday and Tuesday. I'd like to hit the gym twice more often but I'm not much of a morning person like my wife is so I don't join her very often for her 6am workouts lol. If the weather is nice on Friday I might get up early with her, hit the gym at the crack of dawn then work until noon at home, hang out at the pool and work in the afternoon and hit the gym again on Friday night to make a final push before my official Saturday weigh check.


Waiting on a phone call from MSC about my screwed up sailing in Oct/Nov 2021. They asked me to provide a date and time I'd be available to discuss. We'll see if they actually call during the time I provided them.

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Good morning.   Jazzper (16 lbs) was different this morning.  He refused to go into the little dog side insisted on going in with BIG dogs. (8 Russian wolf hounds, 2 retrievers and a Doberman).  Then he refused to take our routine walk.   Oh well  only walked 1.5 miles. 

American is cancelling flights.  I checked and my Montana Flight hasn’t been cancelled at this time.


optimus stick with what you are doing.  Use your clothes to show the progress.  We are all frustrated with scales  ( I say it’s Lucille haunting me -she was my mother  always commented on my wt — I’m 5’5” and weighed 110 when got married and she said I was fat). It’s great that you and your wife work out and supports your efforts.


Yes Belle boards are quiet I hope Mel is off having fun haven’t heard from her in awhile.

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Looking for help on maintaining. I was at goal. I gained. How do I do this? Guess I'm stupid. Thought I could add back some of the foods. Thought I wouldn't have to do strenuous hikes as it was SO hot. I was wrong. This is hard. And my cruise is in 7 weeks. 

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