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The Daily for Friday Jul 16, 2021


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Today is Fresh Spinach Day, World Snake Day, and Rural Transit Day

"Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before. - Mae West"

Meal suggestion for today - Easy Oven Baked Cod

Drink of the Day - Red Russian

Wine of the day - Bedrock Zinfandel California Old Vine 2015

Destination of the Day - A Coruna Spain

Corfu GR

Great Stirrup Cay
Nieuw Statendam Anchorage

La Paz MX
Noordam Anchorage
Westerdam Anchorage

Long Beach
Koningsdam Anchorage
Zuiderdam Anchorage

Piraeus GR
Eurodam Anchorage

Scheveningen NL
Oosterdam Operations off shore

Nieuw Amsterdam

Venice IT






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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.

Happy Friday!

Interesting collection of days.  Love spinach salad.  Not a fan of snakes, but I know they are important.  Never heard of "Rural Transit Day".

Amusing quote from Mae West.

The meal sounds good, hope the wine and drink of the day are good too.

Another port I have not visited, I look forward to seeing pictures.

Sending prayers for everyone who needs them.

Stay safe.

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Thank you for the TGIF and July Hump Day daily, Rich.  I'll salute Rural Transit and pass on the other 2 days.  I love the Mae West quote.  I have not been to A Coruna.  Since I don't eat seafood I'll pass on the cod.  My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, and Ziti with Prosicutto and Lemon Olive Oil as served on MS Rotterdam (VI) on July 16, 2011.


Today’s care list:

Welfare of furloughed crews
Garlictown difficutl recovery from arm surgery
Western wildfires
Hoping for a proper caregiver for Sam
Marmot@sea’s cousin 4km from wildfire
smitty34877's Miss Camilla in NICU
summer slope with shingles
HorizonChaser1957 cancelled Africa trip
Marmot@sea’s cousin close to wildfire
bennybear DSIL infection
JazzyV eye inflamation

From the rotation:
Tana starting to deal with Pulmonary Fibrosis
Kakalina undergoing radiation for aggressive cancer


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Nieuw Amsterdam in Seattle
Front Line Health Care Workers
Explorer OTS housing Surfside first responders
highland cruiser at Diamond Lake
St. Pete Cruiser on a road trip
CatShepard in Iceland
Garlictown’s cast off
successful surgery for wandb’s sister
StLouisSal’s friend with liver transplant
Promising caregiver for an improving Sam
Denise on her wilderness adventure
and Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Good morning, everyone!


It looks like a rainy day here in northeast Ohio.  While I prefer sunshine, my hydrangeas like the rain.  


Today is a relaxing day.   I'm going to the pool this morning and then meeting friends for lunch.  That can take all afternoon.  What better to do on a rainy day?


I love spinach, but it is high in oxalates and I have a tendency towards kidney stones, so I avoid it except in very small quantities.  I guess I'll let the snakes have their day, but I won't go looking for them to celebrate.  Rural Transit is important for connectivity in today's world.  And, I love Mae West's quote.  She's on to something.


Today's meal is one right up my alley.  I think it sounds scrumptious and with a nice, crisp salad would make for a great dinner.   I am looking forward to the drink description.  




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Happy Friday Dailyites and thanks for the daily report Rich.  Maybe spinach with today’s cod recipe for dinner.  I enjoy snakes from a distance and in Far Side cartoons.  Rural transit such as busses and trains help to get folks from A to B and serve an important purpose.  Love Mae’s quote and so practical.  Never been to today’s port and look forward to seeing the photos.  Prayers for all on our prayer list today and cheers to everyone celebrating a happy event.

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Good Morning:

Love spinach, either raw or cooked. I know I am a bit different, but I have always really liked snakes. I find them to be fascinating creatures as well as beneficial in controling mice, rats, etc.

Mae West was such a hoot. Her quote has to bring a smile.

Both Rich's cod and Roy's pasta suggestions sound yummy.

Have a great Friday and stay safe.

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Good morning. Do not care from fresh Spinach, love it cooked.  Shudder at the thoughts of snakes, and no rural transit here other than an Amtrack station in town.  Love Mae West and all her quotes.  Will pass on the meal, not fond of fish. Have not been to Spain, looking forward to the photo's.  Shingles hurt slightly less after 20 hrs. on meds.

Prayers and virtual hugs to our care list, and a big toast to our shout outs!!

Stay safe, social distance, and continue to wear your mask.  Things are getting bad again.

Red Russian:

A Red Russian is usually made up of equal parts vodka and either cherry liqueur or strawberry schnapps and served with ice. It can also be prepared with cranberry juice or tomato juice. Wikipedia

Ingredients as listed at CocktailDB: 1 part (1 oz, 3 cl) vodka; 1 part (1 oz, 3 cl) Cherry Heering

Primary alcohol by volume: Vodka

Standard drinkware: Rocks glass

Served: On the rocks; poured over ice

Preparation: Pour vodka, then Cherry Heering over ice

Screen Shot 2021-07-16 at 7.25.13 AM.png

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Good  morning to  everyone. We  remain  in a veritable soup of  humid  air with  a  poor  air  quality  index. My  DB in  New  Mexico  told  me that  the  smoke  from  the  wildfires forces most  people inside  where  he  lives  so  I  won't  complain. Our Tana  has  been  struggling  with  fevers  and  breathing  issues  again  and  DD  and  I started  up  our  meals  on  wheels  service  once  more. We  are  trying  to  entertain  Tana's  son  and  yesterday  DSIL  took  him  to  Jones Beach. He  had  never  been  there  and  it  is only  an  hour  away  from  us  on  Long  Island. The  "boys" promised  to  take  us  one  day  next  week  so  that  we  could  all  play  in  the  waves.


I  love  spinach  and  the  recipe  looks  good  for  another  day  when  the  oven  can  be  used  without  cooking  us. Snakes  can  have  their  day  but  please  stay  far  away  from  me! Rural  transit  is  important  and  deserves  a  day.

I love  the  quote.Mae  West  was an  interesting  woman.


DH  and  I  were  in A Coruna  Spain  on  our  first  Prinsendam  Voyage. We  went  to  the  Cathedral  of  St  James or  Santiago  de Compastela ,  the  end  of  El Camino. My  ever  patient  Jewish  husband  has  been  taken  to  more  European  churches  and  cathedrals  than  he   bargained  for but  he  found  this  place  as  amazing  as  I  did. Pilgrims  from  El Camino  had  just  arrived  in  the  square  and  their  joy  was  a  beautiful  sight  to  see. We  went  inside  and  made  our  way  to  the  Crypt   of  St  James. I  will  look  for  pictures  later.



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Good morning Dailyites!  It's a fair morning here but I see a prediction for chances of showers later today and this evening.  Rumor is that my neighbor directly across the street is moving today to be closer to family.  She didn't list her house for sale, but apparently used one of those companies that make you an offer for your home and you can sell to them without showings and all that that entails.  I always thought the offers would be low enough that most people would shy away from that method, but we shall see when all is completed.  No idea who will eventually move across from us so will be watching for that.


First of all I have never been to A Coruna, Spain so hope to see some photos from Terry.  I'm saddened to hear Tana is under the weather again and I'm sure she is most grateful to you and your DD for helping her out.  You're a gem!


An unusual grouping of days to celebrate today.  I'm okay with raw spinach salads, cannot stand snakes, and feel that rural transport is just as important as suburban or urban transport.  Maybe more so due to the distance they are from everything.  Love the quote of the day, and wouldn't mind trying the menu suggestion either.


Have a great day today and be safe everyone.

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It  is  a  good  thing  that  I  travel  so  much in  my  imagination because  my  memories  are  far  superior  to  th  photos  I  see  later. It  really  was  an  incredible  place.


Cathedral  of  Santiago  de Compastela





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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and out TGIF smile 🙂 


Love spinach and will happily celebrate it.  Would be great with the meal suggested for today.  I’m another one intrigued by snakes and will celebrate them (you can tell poisonous ones are rare in our area 😉 ).

Rural transit is very important, indeed.


LOL on the Mae West quote 🙂 


@summer slopeI’m glad the meds are helping your shingles a bit.  Hoping they continue to work and you have as little discomfort as possible.


@smitty34877sorry to hear of Tana’s difficulties and struggles.  Bless you for helping with her son ♥️ 


A Coruna is a very pretty spot.  A lot of people do as smitty34877 did and go to Santiago de Compostela from there.  My pictures of A Coruna are too old, sadly (the old fashioned kind) to share.  We chose to explore A Coruna and enjoyed it.  We went to Santiago de Compostela another time and had planned to return there this year (and last) pre-cruise but sadly, those plans fell apart.  Hopefully next year?  My crystal ball hasn’t been working well lately.




More rain last night (why can’t it go where it’s needed?) and hopefully that helps knock some humidity out of the air.  I need to get to work in the garden and I suppose I need the exercise too 😉 




Sometimes I think this whole exercise thing is over rated.  After all




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Friday, everyone!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I like spinach in moderation, I abhor snakes, and unfortunately our rural transit companies have all disappeared.  A great quote by Mae West - it would have been fun knowing her.  


Another hot, smoky day on the "frozen tundra".  Last night we decided to go for a ride in the "topless car" as it was so hot out, but we only lasted about 10 minutes because the smoke was so bad our eyes were burning.  We had a super red sunset and this morning the sunrise was almost obliterated by smoke from the wildfires being blown into our area.  I worry not only about those who are directly affected by the wildfires, but anyone with breathing difficulties.


@summer slope hopefully the anti-virals will continue to bring you relief.

@aliaschief I thought of your recent PopPop experience and realized we'll be doing the same thing in about 3 weeks, so when I saw this, it gave me a good giggle.



I like today's menu suggestion, as it's one I can do outside.  I can cook the fish in a cast iron pan on the side burner of the bbq, and finish it off by transferring it to a baking dish in the toaster oven on the deck.  However, the recipe will be set aside for another day because it's Friday night pizza night at our house.  We'll have to peruse the menus to see what appeals to us for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the glasses to toast all on the celebration list.  Stay safe, be well, wash your hands, wear your masks when you need to, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach.

     I like spinach, mostly in salads. Do not care for snakes.  When we lived in Orlando, I would be scooping them out of the pool all the time. Never here. Hope I didnt just jinx myself!

     Have not been to todays port, looking forward to the pictures.

    Went out with our friends on the river last nite to see the bioluminescence.  It was amazing. Really enjoyed seeing it and so grateful that we have such wonderful friends ! They have a pontoon boat and we can roll DD right onto the boat. She loves it and is very comfortable.

     Water aerobics this AM.


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning all!


It’s a rainy, thundering morning here in Branson, a good day to be lazy. We had isolated showers yesterday as we drove down, isolated as in the rain cloud was right above our car,  but we could see sunshine all around us!


I love spinach, cooked or in a salad. Snakes 😱! Hate when I’m working in the garden and one slithers out of the ivy. Most are not poisonous and good for the environment, but we do have copperheads here (accidentally ran over one with the riding lawnmower one day). As for rural transit, the issue seems to be the lack of it in some places around here. I have always felt bad for those rural residents on cruises who fly many hours only to pick up their cars and drive many more hours to get home.


The cod fish looks good, wine is always good and the rule for a Red Russian seems to be to take any red liquid (alcoholic or not) and liberally apply some vodka. Works for me!

Haven’t visited today’s port, looking forward to the pictures. 


Thinking of all on the care list 🙏🏻. Thanks for the good wishes & prayers for my friend’s journey through his liver transplant. And here’s a toast to all the celebrations 🍷.


Take care all,

St Louis Sal

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Afternoon everyone.

It is 80°F here.

Spinach and cod sound good.

We have been to Corunna several times in sailings from Southampton.

We went back to Keswick and lake Derwentwater today and had lunch again at the Borrowdale hotel.

Take care and stay safe everyone.








Edited by grapau27
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35 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I like spinach in moderation, I abhor snakes, and unfortunately our rural transit companies have all disappeared.  A great quote by Mae West - it would have been fun knowing her.  


Another hot, smoky day on the "frozen tundra".  Last night we decided to go for a ride in the "topless car" as it was so hot out, but we only lasted about 10 minutes because the smoke was so bad our eyes were burning.  We had a super red sunset and this morning the sunrise was almost obliterated by smoke from the wildfires being blown into our area.  I worry not only about those who are directly affected by the wildfires, but anyone with breathing difficulties.


@summer slope hopefully the anti-virals will continue to bring you relief.

@aliaschief I thought of your recent PopPop experience and realized we'll be doing the same thing in about 3 weeks, so when I saw this, it gave me a good giggle.



I like today's menu suggestion, as it's one I can do outside.  I can cook the fish in a cast iron pan on the side burner of the bbq, and finish it off by transferring it to a baking dish in the toaster oven on the deck.  However, the recipe will be set aside for another day because it's Friday night pizza night at our house.  We'll have to peruse the menus to see what appeals to us for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the glasses to toast all on the celebration list.  Stay safe, be well, wash your hands, wear your masks when you need to, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



You best rest up!😁

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26 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Afternoon everyone.

It is 80°F here.

Spinach and cod sound good.

We have been to Corunna several times in sailings from Southampton.

We went back to Keswick and lake Derwentwater today and had lunch again at the Borrowdale hotel.

Take care and stay safe everyone.










Food looks great Graham and your weather has been great with those nice temps and sunshine.  Enjoy!  Wish some of us could join you in a little drive, a nice lunch and scenery.

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