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Passengers who have used Mixed Vaccination Protocols will not be considered to be Fully Vaccinated per RCI FAQs

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7 minutes ago, christinand said:

I feel its an equity issue. Its not equitable that some people can travel and some can not. It would be those with 2 pfizer vaccines who would squawk if a third was given. I’m not sure a 3rd vaccine will help if its not given at a certain interval. That said i’d gladly pay the 50.00 if it did. I feel like we are just going to be flexible in where we cruise going forward. Barbados accepts mixed vaccines right? I was looking at a cruise leaving bridgetown, Barbados.

There is an article in the Economist magazine this week discussing the various vaccines and how many counties recognize them for international travel. 



This is a worldwide issue and the various health authorities and governments will need to sort things out. Equity for most will likely happen, but when, who knows? 2022 sounds like a good year to start considering cruising again. 



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1 hour ago, A&L_Ont said:

I was fortunate enough to have 2 Pfizer shots as well as our family members.

Did you get matching shots?  If not, would you want to pay for a possible third matching shot if needed for travel?  

Anyone who followed the recommendations of the government should not be punished in the form of not being allowed to travel or have to pay for a third dose.  I was reading that a dose can cost between $3-$50 in US funds. I doubt we will ever know how much taxpayers in Canada will pay per dose. Lord knows we have millions more than we actually need.

In the grand scheme of things, someone unvaccinated with covid checking in at triage will cost more than giving a third dose to someone who followed the Federal Government’s recommendations.  Those who followed those recommendations should not be financially punished. 

On my receipt for my first dose, in Ontario, there was a cost of $13, but of course was not charged to me. 
I agree that if we were told that mixing doses was acceptable for immunity, then we shouldn’t be punished for needing a third matching dose to travel. We did what we were asked to do. 
Are the problematic mixed doses just for travelling on cruise ships, or for entering the U.S. as well?   Alot of Quebecers go to Florida, not sure about how many go on cruises….

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1 hour ago, christinand said:

I feel its an equity issue. Its not equitable that some people can travel and some can not. It would be those with 2 pfizer vaccines who would squawk if a third was given. I’m not sure a 3rd vaccine will help if its not given at a certain interval. That said i’d gladly pay the 50.00 if it did. I feel like we are just going to be flexible in where we cruise going forward. Barbados accepts mixed vaccines right? I was looking at a cruise leaving bridgetown, Barbados.

Equity? Welcome to the real world, equity isn’t always part of the equation. 

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41 minutes ago, ladysail2 said:

On my receipt for my first dose, in Ontario, there was a cost of $13, but of course was not charged to me. 


We had our shots done at a local health clinic in Ontario. There was no line regarding costs, but it is interesting to see what your’s said. Perhaps that was the dispensing fee if you got it at a pharmacy.

41 minutes ago, ladysail2 said:

I agree that if we were told that mixing doses was acceptable for immunity, then we shouldn’t be punished for needing a third matching dose to travel. We did what we were asked to do. 
Are the problematic mixed doses just for travelling on cruise ships, or for entering the U.S. as well?   

Cruises and some countries are not accepting mixed doses as of now. 


41 minutes ago, ladysail2 said:

Alot of Quebecers go to Florida, not sure about how many go on cruises….

We have met QC residents at three different Sandals resorts, St Martin, and Mexico. Originally Barbados and Nassau were not allowing mixed doses but supposedly they are now. My BIL says they see French cruisers on Carnival and the in-laws sail exclusively with Carnival. 

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51 minutes ago, DirtyDawg said:

This is a worldwide issue and the various health authorities and governments will need to sort things out. Equity for most will likely happen, but when, who knows? 2022 sounds like a good year to start considering cruising again. 

One thing that I always say, time will tell. 

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2 hours ago, DirtyDawg said:

We will have to agree to disagree on this. The travel we are discussing is totally non-essential and can easily be deferred until international standards are agreed upon.


No reason to disagree on this, at this point in time non-essential travel should not be happening. However, those who did go to FL this winter came home vaccinated before the vast majority here had one shot. 



In addition those people  affected have the financial means to pay for a third dose. Now, if the travel was to volunteer at a food bank, or save the rain forest, or if the people could not really afford the third dose,  I'd be less concerned. I total agree the financial cost would be minor compared to what we have spent as a nation already but for me it's the principle of the thing.


This is where we might differ in opinion.  As a tax payer all should be awarded a 3rd dose if needed, no matter the reason. Here in London homeless people and those living in shelters were being bussed in and vaccinated prior to the general public and I am in favour of that because they don’t have the capability to fend for themselves compared to others and they might not pay taxes.

It’s Canada, all deserve it if they want it.  Even if a third one is needed, no matter the reason. 



Edited by A&L_Ont
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1 hour ago, A&L_Ont said:


No reason to disagree on this, at this point in time non-essential travel should not be happening. However, those who did go to FL this winter came home vaccinated before the vast majority here had one shot. 



This is where we might differ in opinion.  As a tax payer all should be awarded a 3rd dose if needed, no matter the reason. Here in London homeless people and those living in shelters were being bussed in an vaccinated prior to the general public and I am in favour of that because they don’t have the capability to fend for themselves compared to others and they might not pay taxes.

It’s Canada, all deserve it if they want it.  Even if a third one is needed, no matter the reason. 



I agree. We differ in opinion on who should pay for a third shot (if one is actually necessary to travel internationally, which I highly doubt will be the case). So just for argument sake here are my thoughts on this issue.


Friends of ours have the AZ Pfizer mix. They own a very successful business which is in the process of being sold. Their net net after taxes on the sale will be well into the many millions of dollars. They also really like cruising so they are planning their retirement cruises starting as soon as possible this Fall. If they require a third dose to travel, why should the average tax payer (and the average tax payer's children when they get to be tax payers) help to fund this non-essential international travel by my friends, especially when they could easily defer their cruises until this is all sorted out. I'm all for welfare for the poor, but welfare for the rich (even the relatively well off like me) is what I have issues with. 


Like you, I have the two Pfizer doses but mine are about 60 days apart. If I need to get a third dose or a booster to travel internationally for leisure or business in the near term, I'll gladly pay for it. If I can afford early international travel I can afford a third dose. 


As you say, this is Canada so I know I'm in the minority on this issue and likely a tiny, tiny minority on this board. Hey, I also cheer for the Argos and love curling so I'm used to being in the minority. 


I hope this mess gets resolved sooner than later, but we might have to sail through some rough seas until that time arrives. So sit back, grab a Molson's 🍺 or a CC 🥃 (or both) and enjoy the ride!





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Mr. DirtyDawg…..this is Canada…. The Government doesn’t discriminate between the rich and the not-so-rich.  Based on your example, your potentially multimillionaire friends perhaps should pay more in taxes responsible for keeping our roadways worthy, perhaps they should pay more for their healthcare,  perhaps they should pay more in the taxes that pay for our police, fire, and emergency protection, perhaps their portion of the cost of traffic lights, traffic signage, cost of nurses, doctors, food inspection,  building inspection,  sewage treatment, snow clearing, weather warnings…..oh, I could go on…..perhaps since your friends have or may have so much money, they can afford all these services more than the fellow who slings boxes in a warehouse. But in Canada..the government puts all our taxes together in a lump sum and provides for everyone, rich or not so rich, for the benefit of everyone.  Your friends can opt to shop at Holt Renfrew, while I go to The Bay…and others go to the Dollar Store.  So by offering a third dose for those that need it, it’s  not subsidizing their travel..it’s making everyone safe.  The government doesn’t  know yet if we need a third dose and won’t know for a while.  
I’m not trying to insult anyone….and as much as it sometimes hurts to see how much tax is applied to something….I want that fire truck to show up when my house is on fire.  I want everyone to get the vaccine, rich, poor or otherwise. 
okay, I’m done 😁

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23 hours ago, ladysail2 said:

Based on your example, your potentially multimillionaire friends perhaps should pay more in taxes

Because Canadians don't pay enough in taxes already.


There is so much wrong in this entire post I can't even begin to unpack it with out being getting an infraction from the moderators.

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35 minutes ago, Tree_skier said:

Because Canadians don't pay enough in taxes already.


There is so much wrong in this entire post I can't even begin to unpack it with out being getting an infraction from the moderators.

I actually read it tongue in cheek, sarcasm.  Maybe I read it wrong. 

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On 7/24/2021 at 3:35 PM, DHLuCruise said:

Well here's one person that said even for same doses the date range applies.. I hope to god this is a mistake and will be reversed eventually:




They can keep their damn cruises. There’s plenty of places for me to spend my vacation money. I didn’t realize that the cruise lines were so well off that they could be this anal. You know, up until I cancelled my November cruise I actually was feeling bad for the industry? Now? I’ll go on to other things. Maybe next year I’ll cruise, maybe I won’t. Between the CDC, Desantis, the US courts and the cruise lines, the confusion and frustration I’ve dealt with trying to spend my money just ain’t worth it. The lot of them can rot afaic.

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38 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

I actually read it tongue in cheek, sarcasm.  Maybe I read it wrong. 

I only wish you were right. I didn't read it as sarcasm I hope I am wrong.  Perhaps @ladysail2 will come back and restore my hope for "my home and native land"

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44 minutes ago, nbsjcruiser said:

They can keep their damn cruises. There’s plenty of places for me to spend my vacation money. I didn’t realize that the cruise lines were so well off that they could be this anal. You know, up until I cancelled my November cruise I actually was feeling bad for the industry? Now? I’ll go on to other things. Maybe next year I’ll cruise, maybe I won’t. Between the CDC, Desantis, the US courts and the cruise lines, the confusion and frustration I’ve dealt with trying to spend my money just ain’t worth it. The lot of them can rot afaic.


This is how we feel as well.  We had a cruise booked for this fall but it was cancelled.  Rather than take the voucher worth 125% of the deposit or do a lift & shift for a cruise next year, we opted for a refund and have instead booked a 9 night stay at a 5* AI resort in 2022 and will also look at a land trip to Europe.


You can call the cruise line 3 times and you'll get 3 different answers.  Travel agents are also confused over the rules.  One will tell you the 42 day rule only applies to mixed doses.  Another will say it's for all doses.  For us, cruising right now isn't worth the hassle so we plan to do land trips for at least this year and next and will re-evaluate things in 2023.


Many countries in Europe are accepting mixed vaccine doses.  So are many islands in the Caribbean.  There are plenty of places for us to spend our vacation dollars.


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12 minutes ago, lovemylab said:


This is how we feel as well.  We had a cruise booked for this fall but it was cancelled.  Rather than take the voucher worth 125% of the deposit or do a lift & shift for a cruise next year, we opted for a refund and have instead booked a 9 night stay at a 5* AI resort in 2022 and will also look at a land trip to Europe.


You can call the cruise line 3 times and you'll get 3 different answers.  Travel agents are also confused over the rules.  One will tell you the 42 day rule only applies to mixed doses.  Another will say it's for all doses.  For us, cruising right now isn't worth the hassle so we plan to do land trips for at least this year and next and will re-evaluate things in 2023.


Many countries in Europe are accepting mixed vaccine doses.  So are many islands in the Caribbean.  There are plenty of places for us to spend our vacation dollars.



I feel ya.. Our family has a cruise booked in December and March. We are probably going to nuke the December cruise by final payment in Sept if this vaccine silliness isnt worked out. I will not be considered 'unvaccinated' because my doses of moderna were 63 days apart. (Which is relatively fast compared to many other Canadians). Land vacations sound like a plan.



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1 hour ago, Tree_skier said:

I only wish you were right. I didn't read it as sarcasm I hope I am wrong.  Perhaps @ladysail2 will come back and restore my hope for "my home and native land"

I’m back.   What didn’t you like about what I said?  I was just trying to be positive about the good service we have in Canada. It’s not perfect and I can sure think of ways to cut costs and deadwood. We do pay alot in taxes, but in Ontario, we have alot of services. Maybe we don’t use them all, or even many of them but to the people who need them, they’re there for them.  I didn’t mean to upset anyone…….….I try to look on the bright side.  😁

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CDC has said it ok to mix vaccines in January , up to 6 weeks apart 
we got Moderna first in April , drove over a hour to get it , than lined up for 3 hours to get the second shot of Pfizer the first day we were allowed 59 days later 
how many people care what brand of drug they get from the pharmacy, most drug plans will only pay for generic drugs , and if you paying out of pocket I would get the generic if it cheaper 
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It's a beautiful morning here in the GTA . 21C and sunny. 

The  Blue Jays third home opener of the season is this Friday. 

And this post won't get me into trouble with the Mods. 😁


Edited by DirtyDawg
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55 minutes ago, Airbalancer said:
CDC has said it ok to mix vaccines in January , up to 6 weeks apart 
we got Moderna first in April , drove over a hour to get it , than lined up for 3 hours to get the second shot of Pfizer the first day we were allowed 59 days later 
how many people care what brand of drug they get from the pharmacy, most drug plans will only pay for generic drugs , and if you paying out of pocket I would get the generic if it cheaper 


The cruiselines are stepping in their own do-do and walking it around the room right now.


Why would anyone book a cruise right now? Seriously. Even if you have 2 Pzizer or 2 Moderna or J&J, why would you take the chance. The rules change almost weekly now. We were ok to cruise two weeks ago. Booked a cruise, paid the entirety of the balance, tips and all. I was actually feeling good that I was helping out. Taking a bit of a chance? Maybe. But I felt I wanted to do my bit as safely as possible to help not only me but the workers get back to normal. Fast forward a couple weeks and suddenly we can't cruise. I call in and am told oh no, you're good. Then I'm back to not being good later in the week only to be told some days later "well, things are under review" so hang in there. Now I find out that for some strange reason some cruise lines like RCI are insisting on a 42 day time limit on mixes. Oh, but some people are being told its for non-mixed as well.


So in all seriousness - why would you take the chance? You could very well book a cruise, book your air, grab a hotel, rental car and so on only to get to the port and find out that you're not considered vaccinated. Your choices then will be to say screw it and turn around thus leaving thousands of spent vacation dollars on the table or to get on the ship (in the case of RCI - other lines will turn you around) and spend hundreds of dollars more on tests and be restricted to where you can go on the ship and off the ship.


To me the cruiselines just seem to be bobbing around from position to position without any idea what to do. They all have armies of lawyers. This should have been fought out and settled BEFORE they tried to start up. Their mistake has been to start up with a less restrictive policy (or no written policy in some cases) giving people the option to book and spend their money and then start tightening down their policies thus excluding some already paying passengers. The more they change these policies the more confusion and frustration they cause. Had they started up with a restrictive policy and gradually eased those restrictions over time, they'd be opening up to more people as time went on instead of excluding and ticking off loyal paid customers. Lets face it, anyone booking a cruise now is not a newbie. They're people who are itching to get cruising again so yea, lets sow confusion and doubt amongst out loyal base. They won't mind. 


We have a cruise booked for 2022 and one for 2023. At this point 2022 is in serious peril and 2023 is in wait and see mode. Later this year we'll be spending 6 weeks in a VRBO in Florida for not much more than we would have spent on a week's long cruise. I can't imagine I'm the only person taking our vacation dollars elsewhere. 

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1 hour ago, DirtyDawg said:

It's a beautiful morning here in the GTA . 21C and sunny. 

The  Blue Jays third home opener of the season is this Friday. 

And this post won't get me into trouble with the Mods. 😁


we just east of you , getting a smoke haze in the air form the fires in NORTHERN ontario 

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