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The Daily for Tuesday 02/15/2022


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Today is Susan B. Anthony Day, Remember the Maine Day, and Singles Awareness Day

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.--Mark Twain

Meal Suggestion for today - jerk chicken lettuce
Drink of the Day - Stars And Stripes Bloody Mary
Wine of the Day - Taylor Fladgate 2018 Vintage (Port) Portugal
Destination of the Day - Jeju (Cheju) City, South Korea

Ships With Passengers

At Sea Caribbean

Eurodam   Destination Port Everglades eta 2/19
Nieuw Statendam   Destination Bonaire eta 2/16
Rotterdam   Destination Half Moon Cay
Zuiderdam   Destination Cartagena, CO 2/16

At Sea Pacific

Koningsdam   Destination Ensenada MX

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Nieuw Amsterdam  


Ships Without Passengers

Cadiz SP

Volendam   Shipyard
Zaandam   Shipyard

Freeport BS

Noordam   Shipyard

Limassol CY

Oosterdam   Anchorage

Long Beach CA US

Westerdam   Anchorage
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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.

Not as cold here today, it's getting up to -5C (23F) with a few flurries.  We're planning on bottling a batch of Pinot Grigio. 🙂


Interesting days.   A big thank you to Susan B Anthony.   


Love the quote.


Not sure about the meal it might be too spicy.

I'll pass on the drink of the day but I'm sure I'll like the wine.🙂


Prayers for everyone.


Have a wonderful Tuesday.   Stay safe.

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Good morning from SW Florida, 75 today and for the rest of February the forecast is for 80s everyday, here's hoping the weatherman is right on the money, my body  is a bit sore from cold and windy conditions on the golf course yesterday.

As a voracious reader I really like the quote. 

Hope everyone is well.

Thanks for The Daily.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Good morning everyone from a very cold 11°F Boston.  Nice collection of days, I remember when Susan B Anthony was honored with a $2 coin.  The USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898 and prompted the war with Spain.  I will reach out to my single friends and say hello today. Great quote today by Mr. Twain.  The meal suggestion sounds nice.  Not sure how kindly my office would take to me drinking a bloody mary though.  I’ll look forward to seeing the photos of today’s port since I haven’t been.  Prayers for everyone on today’s list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events.

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Good morning, Daily friends!  @Mr. Boston just barely warmer here in Jersey at 13 degrees.  The third main heater at my office had a problem yesterday...there are two already waiting for replacement so I'm expecting it to be very cold in the office today.  Wearing my long sweater coat to be prepared...


Not a fan of jerk spice anything so I'll pass on the meal.  Husband is the one who loves his bloody mary's...that's one of his favorite cruise indulgences each morning is to enjoy one (or two!) with his breakfast.  Never travelled to that side of the world so looking forward to seeing photos from others who have visited South Korea.


Husband completely surprised me yesterday with chocolate covered strawberries and some Godiva chocolates...he even baked fresh corn muffins to go with the chili we planned for dinner.  He's definitely a keeper!


Though we may not cruise until 2023, I'm considering this year trying to rent a nice beach (or close to the beach) house in Virginia Beach this August for the family.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to taking a look.  My concern now is that I've waited too long and the best properties are probably already booked.


Hope everyone has a great day...February is half over.  My goodness...

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Thanks for the Tuesday Daily, Rich


I will happily celebrate Susan B Anthony & all she did for the women’s movement. I am getting very aware of being single - or at least, alone most of the time. February 15th is a special holiday for many chocolaholics




Love the Mark Twain quote.  So true.  Interesting meal - will wait to see Debbie’ description..  I do enjoy a Bloody Mary with clamato juice (aka a Caesar).


Storm is over and we are back to the deep freeze.  Getting tired of it.




More coming tomorrow and Thursday  apparently. Not sure if it will be rain or snow.  The news says snow the weather station says rain and high winds.  If it is rain, hopefully it dries up before the deep freeze is back so the roads are clear.  Well, they will be clear except for the potholes of which there are plenty with all the temp changes.




Got a nice surprise last night.  My sisters knew Jose always gave me flowers and sent me a Valentine’s bouquet.  So sweet.  




Looks like 4:30 in the morning is going to be the new normal for Master Marley.  A small sacrifice I guess if the pills help him.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.  


Have a good Tuesday everyone !!!!  Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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Thank you for the Tuesday Daily, Rich.  I look favorably on all 3 days, especially Singles Awareness and Susan B. Anthony.  I like the quote but will pass on the meal.  I've been to Korea just once but as a couple days stop on a flight and nowhere near Jeju.


Still cold here (19 now) but a warming trend coming with temps in the 60's Thursday when I board Enchantment.


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui Jose, the doctors and a happy remaining life for Marley
Welfare of furloughed crews
ger_77 DH Cardiac issues and cancelled cruise
Cruisin Terri autoimmune flareup and hand pain
Cruising along niece awaiting a kidney
From the rotation:
Marshhawk awaiting surgery
rafinmd recovering from radiation side effects
StLouisCruisers Niece DH undergoing throat cancer chemo
NextOne  DDIL with mystery illness


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

6 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Welcome home hghland cruiser
5 Days for GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to 2/27)
4 days for DeeniEncinitas (Riviera to 2/19 to 3/8)
2 days for rafinmd (Enchantment OTS to 2/25)
0106 {Zuiderdam to 2/27),  ottahand7 (Nieuw Statendam to 3/6),  Cruiser Bill (Koningsdam to 2/20), kb4683  (Regal Princess to 2/19),  and Lady Hudson(Enchantment OTS to 2/25)at sea
HorizonChaser1957 to Palm Springs
Granddaughter  coming for Heartgrove
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Good afternoon.

Many thanks to @richwmn for creating another excellent day.

Most of today's day's were unknown to me being British but interesting to know now.

The food sounds nice but not sure about the wine and drink.

Today's port is one we have never been to and one I have never looked at so it will be interesting to see real life photos.

We said prayers for a close friends 5 years old grandson and thankfully he is a lot better this morning after 3 non epileptic seizures last night.

I extend my prayers 🙏 to all on @rafinmdcare list which he so eloquently supplies every day.

We are going for a walk on the beach so I will wish everyone a lovely and rewarding day.

Take care.









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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


A nice collection of days. I love the quote and will pass on the meal.


It is a chilly 45F in East Orlando this morning, but will warm up to 73 later today.


A week from today we will be heading to Port Canaveral to board the Mariner OTS. 🎉


Off to get the allergies under control as something has really gotten to my eyes and nose this morning.


Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday. 


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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Good morning from 35 F degree’s NW Florida. Growing up we were always reminded about the Maine as their was always a historical placard stating birthplace of Admiral Dewey. He was born in Montpelier, Vermont.


I do hope all enjoyed Valentine’s Day. We tend to celebrate year long versus one day out of the year. I guess that means I will be replacing flowers soon.


Great quote. It seems that I read upon awakening until bedtime and no not just

Cruise Critic post!😁


Awaiting recipe for the drink of the day. Sounds interesting.


Prepping the house as grandchildren are coming for a visit Thursday night through Sunday morning. The two year old is a kleptomaniac and requires full time assigned sentry duty!


Rich! Thanks for you’re  ever faithful Fleet report.


Enjoy your day folks.



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Good morning Dailyites! Thank you Rich for the Daily, and thank you Roy for our Care List 🙏 and Celebrations & Shoutout List. 🥂🎉 And thank you all for caring and sharing. ❤️

I haven’t been to South Korea but probably should one day. My cousin wrote a couple books on Jeju Island. Moon Tides: Jeju Island Grannies of the Sea is one. And Jeju Island was on PBS a few weeks ago. 

I’m still trying to catch up on reading the Daily. I’m up to Monday so I’m almost caught up. 😉

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Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! Thank you for keeping our lists, Roy! I hope you find closure and peace when you visit Port Canaveral. Morning all. It is a lovely sunny, but nippy morning here. Frost on the roofs again. But Bindi seems to love it. 🤔


I am juggling my class schedule around, since I have appointments tomorrow morning. We’ll see how Bindi deals with her revised schedule. She has our mail carrier’s “normal schedule” memorized, and just mopes around, if we get home without seeing her. 

Our animal series continues……



Bindi fetches, but has yet to figure out the concept of return.😎







Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone!


Taylor Fladgate 2018 Vintage (Port) Portugal

Port lovers take note of this superbly rated wine. A little goes a long way, and it needs to age, but critics rave about this one. The lowest online price I found for the 2018 vintage was $90.95. But “wines til we’re sold out” was offering the 2017 vintage for $79.99. And that vintage shares the same superb ratings as the 2018. My Pepere would have loved this one! He had a New Year’s tradition of gathering the family and pouring a glass for all of us. As a child I never appreciated it, but maybe I would now. 

Winemaker Notes

Impressive purple-black core with a narrow purple rim. An intense burst of powerful woodland fruit, a dense coulis blackberry and blackcurrant, almost overwhelms the nose. The black fruit aromas are infused with discreet notes of cherry and mocha. As would be expected of Taylor’s, the fruit is very fine and focused, but the year seems to have given it an additional layer of density and weight. A familiar veil of violet scent hangs over the wine, together with a fragrance of rose petal and wild, minty herbal aromas. 

On the palate, the wine has beautifully ripe tannins, which integrate perfectly into the mid-palate, providing both structure and volume, and then break out on the finish with a firm wiry, grip. The palate closes with a powerful tide of fresh, complex fruit flowing endlessly through the finish. In the 2018, the Taylor traits of fine fruit and inner power combine seamlessly with the ripeness and depth typical of the vintage.

WE98 Wine Enthusiast
This is an exceptional vintage, most unusually the third declared in a row from this producer. Intensely perfumed and richly structured with dark black fruits and concentrated tannins, it is set for seriously long-term aging. The power of the wine, based around the producer's Quinta da Vargellas, is magnificent. Drink this major Port from 2029.
WS96 Wine Spectator
Remarkably harmonious already, with a beautiful display of unadulterated blueberry, blackberry and plum sauce flavors that fan out, while anise, ganache and cassis accents fill in. So lush and seductive through the finish, it’s nearly drinkable. But just wait. Best from 2030 through 2050. 7,800 cases made.
RP95 Robert Parker's Wine Advocate
Aromatic and expressive, this adds a big bang for a finish that reminds you that it is, indeed, Taylor's. After opening it on the first day tasted, it tightened fast and showed the structure I like to see in serious Ports. It has that classic flavor profile as well and shows fine concentration. Even 48 hours later it had no problem showing off a little muscle, even though it drank decently at that point. The fruit is expressive, as noted, but it is still a bit closed just now.
Edited by cat shepard
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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I think women everywhere are grateful for Susan B. Anthony and her brave stance.  Thanks to @grapau27for the explanation on Remember The Maine Day - I thought it was referring to the state.  I appreciate all the singles in my life, both at the Daily and closer to me.  Today the chocolates are half price - go out and splurge on the good stuff!


Right now it's only -14C (7F), but looking out into the dark I can see we've had some snow overnight.  Good thing DH covered the windshield of the SUV last night.  I'll have to see if it's light enough to be taken care of using the leaf blower, otherwise I'll get the small shovel out.  There isn't enough for the snow clearing crew to come - they do after "significant" snowfalls, or when we call them. 


We haven't been to Jeju Island, but friends lived in Seoul for 14 years and went there frequently for vacations.  It looks very pretty and over the years they've sent us photos - which of course I can't find right now.  I did go on the internet and found one that looks quite similar to one they sent.



Last night's dinner from our favourite Italian restaurant was a real let-down.  We picked it up before it got busy (there was only 1 couple at a table), came home and sat down to find that DH's entree had almost no curry sauce (had asked for double), and no pineapple.  Mine was extra light on the sauce as well, they didn't include the sauteed garlic, and although there was Focaccia bread, it was dry, and didn't have oil and balsamic vinegar included.   When we called back, they said we could come back and pick up the missing ingredients.  Uh, no.  Upon reading the reviews online (which I never thought to do), many people over the past few months have had similar complaints.  I guess we'll have to find a new favourite.  For tonight though, we'll have chicken, just not the jerk chicken in today's menu suggestion. I'll be lightly breading it with plain yogurt and crushed saltines, baking it in the oven and serving it up with some garlic mashed potatoes, sauteed green beans and a side salad.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  We'll raise our glasses to cheer on all on the happy list - which is getting longer than the care list - yay!  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear your masks, be well, wash your hands, and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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Good Morning Dailyites!  One of the reasons we want to get back to Key West is to see the Maine Memorial at the cemetery.  That and the gravestone that says " I told you I was sick."  


For the last two years our local Krogers has put away all remaining Valentine's day candy around midnight on the 14th.  The store will probably not have any when we go in today to get my meds.

Where does it go?  Are they storing it for the next year? 


In one hour the Hollywood Bowl will release the performers for the season, and tonight we have a rather lengthy zoom meeting to cover the information.  So regardless of how tired i am today, it's back to work.  Might be easier to sell a ticket when I can tell a person the artist they are paying to see.  And we are running out of the "preferred" seating seats, so then what do i sell them?  it's a mystery.  Oh well, guess I will find out today.


To you all, have a wonderful day.

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Good morning, everyone.


I woke up to a very frosty 5F.  It is supposed to get up to 35F today and I will welcome that!   Tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be in the 50s.   And next week we will be flirting with 60F.  It is a nice sunny day so far.


I wasn't aware of Singles Awareness Day until this year.   Here is my take on it.



Today's meal sounds wonderful and I'll probably save the recipe for late spring or summer.  It is great for those watching carbs, @JazzyV and @Cruising-along, or those following the South Beach diet @aliaschief.  Hmm, maybe I should make it for tonight.  But 5F makes me want hot food.


The first recipe has this advice:  Anyway, let’s focus on this Jamaican jerk chicken. It is spiiiiiiiicy! So if you can’t handle the heat, please reduce the Jamaican jerk seasoning, but if you love spicy then this chicken is for you.  I would say just leave off the jerk seasoning and season the chicken the way you like best.  https://www.jocooks.com/type/healthy-eating/jamaican-jerk-chicken-lettuce-wraps/




They look so good!   


The red cabbage in these make it visually interesting and provide a nice crunch when you eat them.  https://www.nourish-and-fete.com/jerk-chicken-lettuce-wraps/




This one is quite different as it uses ground chicken and adds in some mango.   You could skip the jerk chicken and use a rotisserie chicken that you shred.  https://meikoandthedish.com/jerk-chicken-lettuce-wraps/




I love the lime.  I love anything lime.  


Prayers for those who need them and cheers to those who are celebrating.  Wishing you all a wonderful day.



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Good morning friends!  Frost on the roofs here today again.  It's been way too cold this winter.  Thanks to Rich @richwmn for the Daily.  I'm happy to see 6 BHB's back at sea and 3 others in the shipyards getting ready to get back to service.  Thanks Roy @rafinmd for keeping the lists up to date.  Prayers for all our friends and family who need them.  I'm glad to see the long list of Celebrations.  Yay for Roy and Julia @JAM37who have cruises coming up soon.  What beautiful flowers Jacqui @kazufrom your sisters!  Sorry to hear Marley has settled on 4:30 am for wake up call.  Right now 5:30 sounds a lot better, doesn't it?  😴  Graham @grapau27I hope your friend's grandson recovers and makes his way back to good health.  Five years old is too young for those types of troubles.


Nice to remember Susan B. Anthony and all her work for women's voting rights.  Singles deserve a day for themselves especially after all the couples celebrated Valentine's Day.  A salute to the Maine and all who served on her.  I can't handle Jerk spiced anything - sorry!  I pass.  The port of Jeju City was one I hadn't heard of so I looked up the location.  Just a tiny island off South Korea.  I have only been to Busan, South Korea so Jeju City is another port I haven't seen.  Getting to be a lot of those lately!  I hope someone can fill us in on details and show us some photos.


Have a great day my friends!

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