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The Daily for Sunday 02/27/2022


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Good morning Daily friends from a quiet house in VA.  I guess the Post Gremlin remains around - I know I hit "enter" this morning but my post is gone.  Oh well...


Still on watch - my daughter...it's getting harder and harder for her to get comfortable and she is SO ready.  My prediction of a birth on Saturday didn't come true, so I guess any career possibilities as a fortune teller are out.


Polar bears are gentle giants...from a distance.  I have a friend who is very much into retro-design and I love seeing photos of her home - lots of mid-century style and kitsch.  Strawberries are perhaps one of my most favorite fruits...love them in so many ways, especially in salads with some balsamic dressing.


Aside from helping out with the normal tasks here of shopping, cooking and playtime/walks with my granddog, I've starting working on crochet.  I joined a kit club to both learn multiple stitches and ultimately create an afghan.  I'll get supplies for three blocks every four weeks - there are video tutorials to help me learn, which is helpful.  I've got the makings for the first three blocks with me.  


@smitty34877 what a precious picture of Miss Camilla!  She's a cutie!!


Thinking of all those still in the throes of winter, and all the gardeners waiting for spring.  While out walking my granddog this morning we went to the park down the street from the house, and there are signs that spring is headed here soon - trees are starting to flower already:



Prayers to those on our care list, with a special round for the people of Ukraine.  Will raise a glass to celebrate all those with good things happening!!






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Good morning and thanks all!  Continued prayers for those on our care list.  One of our neighbours had a stroke and is in hospital.  Such a crazy world right now.  

We had a lovely dim sum meal in the park to celebrate with DS.   We will be glad when the pandemic  birthdays end.  Our granddaughter is facing her third.    I’m thankful for a few signs of spring.  

We haven’t visited Ilfracombe but were in Devon and Cornwall prior to our last cruise.  











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Good morning. I have been reading the Daily the past few days, but just have not had the energy to reply. The work at the shelter is in full swing after the snows and I have been focused on that. The roof still needs to be done - they are working on some structural issues from the inside just now and it is a mess to say the least.


Love the days as I am a great fan of polar bears with a distance between us. As to retro.... well the other day as I was driving I had radio tuned to a 40's station and suddenly, to my horror, realized I knew the words to all the songs and can remember "singing" some of them as a child. I do like that music and some of the songs brought back some memories.


Wishing everyone a good day and sending prayers out to all that need them. Like all of you, I am horrified by the situation in the Ukraine. As the song says ... "When will we ever learn?"





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3 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Continued prayers for those on our care list.  One of our neighbours had a stroke and is in hospital.  Such a crazy world right now.  

We had a lovely dim sum meal in the park to celebrate with DS.   We will be glad when the pandemic  birthdays end.  Our granddaughter is facing her third.    I’m thankful for a few signs of spring.  

We haven’t visited Ilfracombe but were in Devon and Cornwall prior to our last cruise.  











Sorry to hear about your neighbor's stroke.


I'm also looking forward to the pandemic birthday's ending.  Last year there were some restaurants open at least.  Hoping this year will be different by May.

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Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday!


Today’s meal suggestion is “retro” for me and brings back so many memories. My DM made this soup every Christmas Eve when my stepfather was alive. I believe that the recipe they used came from him and was passed down in his family — he was from San Antonio. Many Mexican restaurants here have it on their menus, including the one I frequent with DM. I couldn’t resist posting her handwritten recipe— she gave me her recipe box full of all her handwritten recipes and I really treasure them all. BTW, this makes A Lot of Soup!  And the meatballs are meant to be little— note her comment about the size “size of a quarter” and that it makes 100 meatballs. 





Prayers for 🇺🇦 Ukraine 🇺🇦  

Have a great day everyone!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days. I like Polar Bears and we need to protect them from climate changes. A salute to Retro Day (I used to collect old cameras). Love strawberries, although I don't have any right now. I do have strawberry jam that I could have on my homemade bread. Great quote.

I'd never heard of the meal, but it looks like something I'd like. The drink and the wine sound good.

I've been to England, but not this destination. 


It's sunny here today, although chilly and windy. I got my completed tax returns in the mail yesterday, but got an updated dividend 1099, so I'll have to notify my tax guy tomorrow.


@grapau27 Thanks for today's sermon.

@rafinmd Thank you for maintaining the lists.

@kazu I hope you're done with snow. Continued prayers for Jose and you.

@JAM37 Welcome back from your cruise.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the update on Jen and DB, as well as your niece's DH. Prayers for continued improvement for Jen and that Amy's DH can withstand the rest of his treatment.

@aliaschief Good news that you're starting to feel better.

@ger_77 Wishing the best for DH with his presentation

@dchip Bon Voyage! Have a great cruise.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the post by Naki Ataman, it says what we all feel. I was crying during the news last night, seeing those running for a safe place and those standing their ground for their country.

@Sea Viewer It's good to hear DH got a good night's sleep.

@atexsix Nice to see you here Bruno.

@Tbay Sorry to hear your SIL tested positive; hopefully a mild case.

@msmayor It sounds like the birth will be any day now!

@bennybear I hope your neighbor's stroke isn't severe.

@Sharon in AZ Thanks for your DM's recipe. I was just looking at some of my Mother's handwritten recipes (she's been gone 29 years this past Friday).


Prayers for the care list and the people of Ukraine. A toast to the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good Afternoon, thanks for the daily report.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds very good.  @dfish the pictures inspired me to book the Canaletto for next month’s cruise.  I enjoy their veal and sage meatballs.  I’ve been a little productive today.  I checked us in for the March cruise and boarding docs are completed.  I also finished up our taxes and we filed the federal taxes.  States taxes will be mailed In tomorrow along with payments.  Next project is to finish the bottle of wine that I started yesterday!

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Good afternoon, Dailyites!

Thank you to everyone here for such a friendly, caring place to come to each day.  Healing thoughts and hugs to those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


We just finished packing our checked bag for our 3/6/22 Nieuw Statendam cruise to celebrate our 22nd anniversary (3/7).  My back went out Thursday (been to chiropractor Friday and again tomorrow).  It’s 🤬 when you have so much stuff to do and have to keep taking timeouts to rest/ice!  We will leave Saturday to drive down to FLL…it’s only 4 - 4.5 hours, but you never know what the turnpike or I-95 has in store so just better to go and spend the night near the port.





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I'm enjoying the comments about retro.   I remember loving the fashions back in the day so I did a search.  

Remember the Poor Boy sweater?  I think that is what the pink one is.  We all had skirts like this - our version of the kilt.  



I was into sewing my own clothes in high school.  Otherwise, I would have had two outfits to choose from.  All my babysitting money went to fabric.  Shifts were the thing!



This one got me.  I made that long sleeved orange dress.  



And here I am wearing it.  I made it in orange as well.  This was back in the days when I hated to have my picture taken because I thought I was fat. If I could only be so fat now.


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@kb4683  I am sorry to read about your back, that  4 hour road trip may feel like 15 by the time you get there, so I hope your chiropractor works wonders for you.


The skies never cleared today, the temps never went up today, so I played cat.  Turned on the Indy race, laid down on the love seat, and slept through the race.  DH was printing and organizing information about his new campaign for the Lyric Theatre, and when he gets dressed (OMG it's almost 3) we will go out to the Chinese Buffet, have a late lunch/early dinner which is known here as linner or dunch, and make sure we have something to eat for breakfast tomorrow, as DH has another dr's appointment tomorrow morning.  


I am praying for the people of Ukraine, and for the protestors in Russia.  But when I hear about more political talks between a dictator who is attacking a country and a president of that country, planning talks, all I can say is that the aggressor just needs to have someone shut him up.


Edmund Burke said this in 1795- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing."                  this quote is on my fridge and i read it every day.

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7 hours ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Polar bears are fun to watch. Love strawberries. We celebrated retro last week on the ship when they had a 70's dance hour.


Not sure about the meal yet. Thought provoking quote.


The cruise was good overall. We mostly relaxed. I'm not sure why, but I was extremely sleepy most of the cruise and still am this morning. I am hoping to relax today and maybe take a nap, but really should go to the store. Although since today is DMIL's birthday we will go out for dinner so I could possibly push the groceries off another day.


@grapau27 thank you for sharing the sermon, Graham.


I look forward to catching up to see what everyone here has been up to. My thoughts and prayers have continuously been with you all.


Have a great day.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

I goofed today and still had you at sea.  Welcome home.  I do have a couple of questions.  I haven't yet sailed on your class of ship but will in May.  How was the wifi.  It was awful on Enchantment.  And was the buffet open for dinner.  I know things are changing but was just wondering if that will be an option.



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Funny (at least to me) retro story.  DH and I had just gotten into our pool this afternoon when a very loud plane went over and my first words were    “Wow, that sounds like a jet fighter” .  Don’t think I’ve said that since the 50’s 🤪 — now it’s just a fighter, etc., the jet part is pretty much a given.  Then we went on to talk about all the changes/advances we have seen in our 75 years — pretty amazing stuff!



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Good Sunday afternoon everyone!

I agree with all the sentiments about Ukraine.  I just hate the whole mess.  And Ukraine will now negotiate, and likely make some concessions to, the vandals who just broke into their home.  An unbelievable tragedy.  


@dfishand @smitty34877I love that Tana is reviewing and selecting menus from Debbie’s wonderful suggestions.  I’m sure Tana knows she now has good friends around the world. 🤗

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I’m glad you extended your K’dam trip.  Your additional week will overlap with our first week.  I hope to meet you aboard!

Everyone, take care, hug your loved ones whether of 2 or 4 legs.  Spring is just around the corner, I’m sure of it!

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Good afternoon.  Basically, it's a lazy afternoon.  We did go out this morning for a drive-thru breakfast.  We ate in the car and watched the traffic go by.  What a difference in traffic today compared to the busy time in January.  I know the vendors like having all the people in town, but we like it when the short term visitors leave.  We went over our taxes again, and they are about ready, but one form will not be available until next month.


@JazzyV  I'm glad you like Naki Ataman's comments.  He is an amazing person to talk with. 

@StLouisCruisers   Sandi, thank you for the update on your niece's DH and his treatments.  Sending positive throughs that the last chemo treatment and the radiation do what they are supposed to do, and that he begins to heal from his ordeal

@Tbay  Good to know you are fine after your issue last week.  Glad you enjoyed having your DGS, and sorry his dad has Covid.  Hope DGS and his mon stay virus free.

@bennybear  Hope your neighbor's stroke was was not serious and they are home soon.

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, I have my mother's recipe box with her handwritten recipes and all the recipes she cut out of magazines and newspapers.  The past two years, I've made several of them and that brought back many good memories from my childhood.

@dfish  Debbie, my mother made many of my clothes before she was diagnosed with MS.  After that, my grandmother made many of my clothes.  She even made some going by pictures in ads and not using a pattern.  Unfortunately, I did not inherit their sewing abilities.  I took after my other grandmother who really couldn't sew.  I've come to realize that the apron she "made" for me for a school play, was actually sewn by my other grandmother but kept quiet about it.  Either way, I still treasure it.  It's the one thing I have not out grown.

@Live4cruises  Glad to have a fellow Dailyite on that cruise.  Hope we can arrange to meet one day.




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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

when he gets dressed (OMG it's almost 3) we will go out to the Chinese Buffet, have a late lunch/early dinner which is known here as linner or dunch,


I often have linner or dunch.  I guess it depends on whether this meal is closer to noon or evening.  If it past 3 pm, it is linner.  


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Edmund Burke said this in 1795- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing."                  this quote is on my fridge and i read it every day.


This is so true and so many people do nothing.  


39 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@dfish  Debbie, my mother made many of my clothes before she was diagnosed with MS.  After that, my grandmother made many of my clothes.  She even made some going by pictures in ads and not using a pattern.  Unfortunately, I did not inherit their sewing abilities.  I took after my other grandmother who really couldn't sew.  I've come to realize that the apron she "made" for me for a school play, was actually sewn by my other grandmother but kept quiet about it.  Either way, I still treasure it.  It's the one thing I have not out grown.


Mom used to make my clothes, but when I got old enough she taught me how to sew.  I was in 5th grade when I made my first shift.  She had three other girls to sew for, so I needed to step up.  The next one down learned to sew as well and she made her prom gowns.   The next one down was happy in jeans and a t-shirt and never learned to sew.  She could play a mean guitar and is a great artist, though.  She can also embroider, something I can't do.  The last sister is also a good seamstress.  


29 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

@kb4683, I sympathize and empathize with your aching back!  My “regular” doctor suggested lidocaine patches (Salonpas) for car or plane trips.  I had little optimism about using them, but have found they work great!  I hope you have something that helps too.


They do work!   I load up on them before any trip.

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Update Re Kakalena:

After reading through todays posts which are for the most part upbeat I really am reluctant to give this update now. I asked Kakalena if she wanted me to post this and she said yes, that she needs all the prayers she can get.  Her lung tumor has increased in size to the point that it  has caused her esophagus to collapse meaning she can not eat any solids and can only take small amounts of liquid nourishment. Hospice has suggested placing a feeding tube permanently in her stomach which she has refused. She told me the life expectancy after placing such a tube is 30 to 60 days and that she was relying on me to notify all her friends on both Cruise Critic and on Facebook when she passes. 


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10 minutes ago, dfish said:

Mom used to make my clothes, but when I got old enough she taught me how to sew.  I was in 5th grade when I made my first shift.  She had three other girls to sew for, so I needed to step up.  The next one down learned to sew as well and she made her prom gowns.   The next one down was happy in jeans and a t-shirt and never learned to sew.  She could play a mean guitar and is a great artist, though.  She can also embroider, something I can't do.  The last sister is also a good seamstress.  



My grandmother tried to teach me to sew, but that just didn't work out.  She would show me something and start to let me do it.  Then, she just do whatever it was.  I did take sewing lessons in the mid-70s, and that helped some, but I was never the seamstress my mother and grandmother were.  I did make some of the DD's clothes when they were little and didn't care how they looked, but that ended in elementary school.  Younger DD does sew some, and is basically self taught.


@lazey1  Jane, thank for the update on Kakalina.  It is sad news, and thoughts and hopes are for as comfortable and pain free time left for her.




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