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The Daily for Monday 02/28/2022


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4 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

We were on the same trip then Oosterdam in March 2018.  Whenever someone is in a tropical area the risk of "Killer bees" is real. It was one of those horrible events that one sees unfolding and quickly have to figure how to save oneself. I still remember the first guy I saw who was thrashing at the bees and a woman in a white shirt had to pull her shirt off to get the bees from underneath. I would go back to that beautiful farm in a heartbeat.  I am sure they would have a pest control company after that. There were three buses of HA passengers. Ours was the final group to go into the gift shop when the bees attacked. It sure was something to remember.  

I think I would have to be sure Pat had an epi-pen with him!  And they are not easy to get here.  (When we lived in Nairobi, one time a huge swarm of bees appeared in our garden - we all raced indoors and left them to the gardener to take care of, I don't know if they were the "killer bees" - and twice here in Victoria we had swarms of honeybees arrive in the garden - that's what you get for having lots of flowers.  Here, we had a beekeeper come and retrieve them.)


And @Horizon chaser 1957, could you share the name of the lab in Bellingham where you are getting tested ?  I'm longing for a trip down there, my favourite restaurant  (Anthony's) is having all their oyster specials in March!


We are about to go out so Pat can have a steroid shot into his hand for a trigger finger, so I will be back  later to talk about the goings-on today!  (I think we will definitely have Pantry Pasta tonight - maybe with artichokes!)

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Good Morning from a very damp Pacific Northwest, the heavy rain is continuing to fall, it's pelting the windows as I sit here typing, and it's not unpleasant.  Mother nature did her best to make sure we weren't wrapping up February as one of the driest on record, as we otherwise would have.  I'm going to have to brave a walk to the mailbox sometime today, it's been a few days since I've been up there. 


@ottahand7 @What was that? I'm glad you shared these stories in case we ever decide to take the SA sailing down the coast from San Diego (if HAL ever offers it again); I'm deathly afraid of bees and no way could Dear Dad outrun them.  Do the cruise lines warn about this possible danger in tropical regions?  Seems to me it's worth a mention.  


@kazu so sorry to hear about your knee, you have a great excuse to spend the day off your feet.


@StLouisCruisers wonderful you can walk that much, do you walk the promenade each day while sailing?  Hugs regarding your neighbor Damon.  We sold a condo as is like that once, and lost a ton of money, but we just didn't have the time nor the inclination to sink into fixing it up.  


On the cruise front, Dear Dad is really open to the idea of cruising on the new Discovery Princess this year, but only if Skagway is open.  We are toying with another Hawaii trip, but might wait until next spring for that.  


Have a great day everybody!



Edited by atexsix
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9 minutes ago, atexsix said:


@StLouisCruisers wonderful you can walk that much, do you walk the promenade each day while sailing?  Hugs regarding your neighbor Damon.  We sold a condo as is like that once, and lost a ton of money, but we just didn't have the time nor the inclination to sink into fixing it up.  


On the cruise front, Dear Dad is really open to the idea of cruising on the new Discovery Princess this year, but only if Skagway is open.  We are toying with another Hawaii trip, but might wait until next spring for that.  


Have a great day everybody!




Hi Bruno.  We try to walk an average of 15 miles per week.  We have to stay in shape for cruising because walking around ports is a common practice of ours.  DH walks the promenade on ships and I sometimes accompany him.  If the weather will wreck the hair I usually don't!😄🤷‍♀️


I know that Damon can't do any housework, and his kids come over daily now to get things done for him.  So having to fix up the house, and especially tidying up for showings would be too much for them.  It's just a shame he can't stay in his comfort space.  He says he has to move in with one of the nine offspring until he finds a place to rent in the neighborhood.  I'm afraid it won't happen and he's gone for good.  😔

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30 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

I think I would have to be sure Pat had an epi-pen with him!  And they are not easy to get here.

That's too bad that epi-pens are difficult to get there. What do people do who have allergies?

I do carry mine all the time (I have one in my purse at all times, and one at home).  If I go on an excursion and leave my purse in the cabin, I make sure to bring the epi-pen along in our excursion bag with other necessities. I just got my new ones recently, they're replaced each year along with my other meds. Can't be too careful.

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Good Morning Everyone!

       We enjoy Chili frequently, when I make it always send some home with the daughters for their families as you just can't make a small amount! (or at least I can't!)

       It has warmed up to 48 degrees which is much nicer then the 12-18 degrees we had last week.  Friday I took some warm water out to the Grandsons ducks and as I leaned over the fence, the panel gave way and splat I was on the ground!  I thrashed around in the snow and mud, finally able to get up and on my feet.  Well my ego, knees, and arm are very black and blue bruised.  Been pretty sore the past couple of days, but today knees feel much better and it is warm enough I don't have to take warm water to the ducks! @kazu hope your knee is healing. 

        @StLouisCruisers and others who have posted the pictures of Helsinki, I have really enjoyed them, I am adding the destination to my list of ideas for future travel.

Stay safe everyone.


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2 minutes ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Morning Everyone!

       We enjoy Chili frequently, when I make it always send some home with the daughters for their families as you just can't make a small amount! (or at least I can't!)

       It has warmed up to 48 degrees which is much nicer then the 12-18 degrees we had last week.  Friday I took some warm water out to the Grandsons ducks and as I leaned over the fence, the panel gave way and splat I was on the ground!  I thrashed around in the snow and mud, finally able to get up and on my feet.  Well my ego, knees, and arm are very black and blue bruised.  Been pretty sore the past couple of days, but today knees feel much better and it is warm enough I don't have to take warm water to the ducks! @kazu hope your knee is healing. 

        @StLouisCruisers and others who have posted the pictures of Helsinki, I have really enjoyed them, I am adding the destination to my list of ideas for future travel.

Stay safe everyone.


Oh no I'm sorry!!  Hope you aren't too bruised up. 😞 

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5 minutes ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Morning Everyone!

       We enjoy Chili frequently, when I make it always send some home with the daughters for their families as you just can't make a small amount! (or at least I can't!)

       It has warmed up to 48 degrees which is much nicer then the 12-18 degrees we had last week.  Friday I took some warm water out to the Grandsons ducks and as I leaned over the fence, the panel gave way and splat I was on the ground!  I thrashed around in the snow and mud, finally able to get up and on my feet.  Well my ego, knees, and arm are very black and blue bruised.  Been pretty sore the past couple of days, but today knees feel much better and it is warm enough I don't have to take warm water to the ducks! @kazu hope your knee is healing. 

        @StLouisCruisers and others who have posted the pictures of Helsinki, I have really enjoyed them, I am adding the destination to my list of ideas for future travel.

Stay safe everyone.



I'm sorry to hear you had that nasty fall!  Better have all the panels checked out when they fix the damaged one.  You wouldn't want to do that fall all over again!

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Well, good morning again.  I finally read the Daily.


All the days are interesting.  My go to method of flower arranging was put water in a vase and stick the flowers in it.  Older DD had to take an elective her freshman year in high school, and she chose flower arranging.  She taught me a few things, including "make sure the stems are pointing down before putting the flowers in the vase".  🤣  We like chili here.  Starting Sunday, we may (make that will) see quite a bit of public sleeping.


Emerson's quote makes a point, but like some of the others, I think there is more to a minute of anger for everyone.


The pasta looks good, but tonight we are having pad Thai to use some of the veggies in the fridge.  Maybe that's a form of pasta since it has rice noodles.  Will pass on the drink, but the wine sounds good, but not the price.


@rafinmd  Roy, I hope you don't know something about our cruise that we don't know.  😄  Actually, we'll be on the Koningsdam until April 3.

@cat shepard  Thanks for the memes and the laughs.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm happy that DH's video presentation was so well received.  

@kazu  Jacqui, so sorry you hurt your knee.  Take it easy until it feels better, which I hope is soon.  BTW, I couldn't say no to Marley either with that beautiful face.  Thanks for the memes and the laughs.  I've had a cat take up residence on my keyboard.

@aliaschief  An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish.

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news that Tana joins you in the kitchen and helps with meal prep.  I'm sure it makes her feel useful.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for the update on Jen.  She's been through so much, I hate that she is facing a long recovery.  Sorry about the situation with Damon.  He sounds like a very nice person who has to make a change no one but his wife really wants.  Hope you will be able to keep in touch.

@mamaofami  Carol, glad your DS and DGS could fix your computers and everything else.  Sorry, about the hassle with the server, but good you got it fixed.

@ottahand7 and @What was that?  Sorry about your encounters with the killer bees.  Glad neither of you were badly stung.

@HAL4NOW  Thank you for the information about Runeberg.  It was very interesting.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Hope you are negative on your test and that you make it home before the heavy rains hit.

@CrabbyPatti  Glad you are feeling better after that nasty fall.

@TiogaCruiser  Great news that they are working on the island.  I know you'll be glad when this project is complete.


Kakalina remains in my thoughts and hopes for a peaceful and hopefully pain free final days.


The people of the Ukraine and of the nations helping the Ukrainians and those being threatened by Russia remain in our thoughts.  I think Putin got a surprise when the people of Ukraine, NATO countries, other European countries, and even some Russians protested and stood up to him.  



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2 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

@kazu Glad to hear you are resting the knee today, are you icing it? ( or is icing a bad word for you with your current weather?)


LOL - yes I iced it but honestly when I went out with Marley the bitter wind was whipping so hard I didn’t need to when I came in.  It got “iced” outside.  LOL.


2 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

@rafinmd Ok to take DH off Care List, he seems to be well on the way recovery.


Happy to hear this Mary


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

@kazu ouch, do take care and rest your knee! 
our mask mandates ends today as well, far too early! 


We have loosened up a lot here.  Frankly I’m confused right now.  

No matter, I’ll be wearing my mask.  It’s a requirement at the hospital (along with gown and gloves now) and I’m not taking any chance I put DH or anyone else there at risk.


29 minutes ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Friday I took some warm water out to the Grandsons ducks and as I leaned over the fence, the panel gave way and splat I was on the ground!  I thrashed around in the snow and mud, finally able to get up and on my feet.  Well my ego, knees, and arm are very black and blue bruised.  Been pretty sore the past couple of days, but today knees feel much better and it is warm enough I don't have to take warm water to the ducks!


Oh my.  You could have broken something!  😱 Sorry you are sore and hope the panels have now all been fixed / checked so it doesn’t happen again.


Take care please.


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Hi Bruno.  We try to walk an average of 15 miles per week.  We have to stay in shape for cruising because walking around ports is a common practice of ours.  DH walks the promenade on ships and I sometimes accompany him.  If the weather will wreck the hair I usually don't!😄🤷‍♀️


I know that Damon can't do any housework, and his kids come over daily now to get things done for him.  So having to fix up the house, and especially tidying up for showings would be too much for them.  It's just a shame he can't stay in his comfort space.  He says he has to move in with one of the nine offspring until he finds a place to rent in the neighborhood.  I'm afraid it won't happen and he's gone for good.  😔

That's a good motivator, to stay in shape for cruising later on.  I like it!

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Good afternoon!  We stepped off Koningsdam yesterday after a perfect week away.  A lot of the crew members mentioned that contracts are ending and the future is uncertain.  I had a pad and paper with me at all times to write down names and you bet there were a lot of "mentions" in our post-cruise survey.  The service onboard was as good as I've ever experienced.  I hope they all get great new contracts!


Lots of catching up to do here.  I'm never online much when on a cruise, so other than a few quick peeks, I'm out of the loop.  We have been to Helsinki and it was a great stop.  I'll post any photos I can find that are different than what's here already.  There have been a lot of really good ones, so unlikely.  I purchased a sterling silver cross necklace at the beautiful Rock Church there.  It's a treasured keepsake that I wear quite often.


Many thanks to Rich and all Contributors here.  Wishing all a lovely afternoon/evening.  😊


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Back from the doctor - Pat has been told to take it easy with the hand for a couple of days, but he drove anyway!  At least it is his left.    We stopped on the way home at a local drug store and picked up our free test kits (5 tests per box).  We are allowed one box per month, so will start to collect them for travels!  We hope to  be in England this summer and will plan to test ourselves when we go to visit Pat's elderly relatives.  Also I'll have my unvaccinated cousin test before she visits us. Graham, I believe England has stopped giving out free tests?  (Here, they are just beginning.)


Good afternoon, friends!  We will have the pantry pasta tonight, DD has approved and she is going to marinate some chicken to have with pierogis tomorrow!.  Then, it's Ash Wednesday and we'll have fish.  After that, I have no idea, I'll wait for the daily menu.


Jacqui, sorry for your sore knee.  The other day when I opened the freezer door, a frozen tub of chicken stock jumped out and banged into my shin on its way to escape - I now have a big bump and bruise there  - fortunately I didn't have to undress for my CT scan Saturday night!    Marley is a very handsome boy, and of course you can't say no to those eyes!


We have been to Helsinki, my pictures are much like the others on the thread, thanks for the memories!   The highlight of any Baltic cruise, of course, would be St. Petersburg, I wonder how long it will be before the ships start visiting there again.   This is all so sad.  I spend most of the day watching the news of Ukraine. I pray for peace, along with thoughts for Kakalena, Jose, Tana, Jen, and all who need them.  



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I was in Helsinki in 2008 when we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. As usual all our photos are in an album and unavailable to post here. Thank you @StLouisCruisersfor posting the photos showing the inside of the rock church. When we were there it was closed and we couldn't get close enough to see the inside.

For all of us who cruised with Kakalena her wonderful CC meet and greets aboard are sorely missed.



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I just went back and read through all the posts following my post about Kakalena and I thank all of you. I just couldn't bring myself to do that yesterday. She knows that so many of us are praying for her and she greatly appreciates all our thoughts and prayers.


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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

 I purchased a sterling silver cross necklace at the beautiful Rock Church there.  It's a treasured keepsake that I wear quite often.

I have a cross from there too.  I often buy a pendant as a souvenir. They are small, and not usually expensive and bring back good memories when I change them.

@kazuHope the knee is feeling better.  Love the picture of Marley.  Our new neighbours have a 'Marley'. Her name is Lola and she is very sweet.

We have kept an epi pen handy for DGS who had a peanut allergy.  And he was just tested again, and has outgrown it.  We are all relieved.

Prayers for all those suffering.

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😊This morning we reacquainted ourselves with the gym.... membership has been "on-hold" a LONG time. It's good to be back and we've heard that the mask mandate might be lifted for our county. (?)

We were in Finland while sailing with the Emerald Princess in 2011. That was our first and most likely our last time in the Baltics.

🙏Continued prayers for Ukraine.🙏 



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11 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

I love flowers but usually just plunk them into a vase, my arrangements are not great. 

I do the same thing! 😆


10 hours ago, dfish said:

 I am more hopeful for our Norway cruise this summer as time passes and Omicron burns out.   I


Me, too. I really want to go. 🤞


10 hours ago, ger_77 said:

I can power nap for 10 - 15 minutes and get up feeling like a new woman, whereas others need a longer time to feel refreshed.

I’ve always been envious of those that can power nap. If I only nap for a few minutes, I wake up groggy and less productive than before. My “naps” are at least 90 min, preferably 2 hours. 😏


10 hours ago, kazu said:

Speaking of wine, I’m joining the 3 day challenge.  Who’s with me ? 😉 




I’ll join you! 😆

9 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

,Debbie,we are deciding which recipe to make.The albondigas soup was very popular yesterday so we have a lot to live up to today.Tana has taken to sitting at the kitchen table and helping with chopping and slicing.It is nice to have a companion in the kitchen.


I’m sure that helping out makes Tana feel like she’s getting back to “normal.” 🙂


8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

By the way DB posted another update last night on Jen.  He said: "Cognitively very slow.  Struggles with remembering where she is. Finally starting to remember the fall.  Having severe lower back & right leg spasms."   He said he had just FaceTimed her and she seemed very down.  I think most of us would be!  I just hope the therapy she's getting helps her a lot.  

I also hope the therapy will help lots. 🙏🙏

1 hour ago, lazey1 said:

I just went back and read through all the posts following my post about Kakalena and I thank all of you. I just couldn't bring myself to do that yesterday. She knows that so many of us are praying for her and she greatly appreciates all our thoughts and prayers.


Thank you for keeping us up-to-date. Prays and hugs going out to Kakalena. 🙏❤️


Thank you @StLouisCruisers Sandi and @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda for the pics of Helsinki. 


Hi @atexsixBruno! <waving back>

Ques: Could someone please tell me how to write ABOVE a quoted post? I’m on my iPad or phone, not a laptop or PC. TIA. 

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Thanks for the “welcome home” Roy.  It was a fantastic cruise through the canal. I’ll let everyone know when I post my review.  Got into BWI after 11 last night and had to work today but thought I’d check in quickly.  First time in 2 weeks I need to prepare my own dinner.


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Rabbits, white rabbits, the first words I spoke this morning on this the first day of March.

Thanks for all the daily contributions, have appreciated seeing the photos of Helsinki, thank you, as it's another place we have not visited.

@kazu sorry that you bumped your knee, is it bruised?  hope it will recover very quickly,  Marley has such a lovely face, will you phone Jose, instead of visiting today?

@smitty34877 good that Tana is helping with meal preparation, does she do other activities during the day?

@CrabbyPattisorry that you fell, hope that the bruises quickly subside.

@StLouisCruisers thanks for the update of  Jen, hope that her condition will soon improve.

@aliaschief Sending you best wishes for a very Happy Birthday tomorrow.

Very quiet at the local supermarket when we went along for a few items this morning,  not many customers in the shop, maybe people are staying at home hoping to avoid Omicron, the number of cases are increasing each day.

Stay safe, take care everyone.

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7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


And @Horizon chaser 1957, could you share the name of the lab in Bellingham where you are getting tested ?  I'm longing for a trip down there, my favourite restaurant  (Anthony's) is having all their oyster specials in March!

Ann, the lab is called ARCpoint Labs. They are on Meridian Street, a few blocks up from Bellis Fair. You make an appointment online, fill out an online form, and show up. The cost is $75 USD.  It is very fast. We did see people who were walk ins, although it took a little longer for them.

We were told it would be 1 - 2 hours before our results were emailed to us. We actually got them 20 minutes after we took the test!

Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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