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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 21st, 2022


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4 hours ago, richwmn said:

I've been to Paris once if you count sitting in Charles De Gaulle Airport for 4 hours between flights.

I think Paris is a city that needs several full days to visit, and have attempted to do so at least three times at the beginning or end of a cruise, but those were all cruises that were canceled. Hopefully, one day it will work out.

I think Rouen is a stop on the World Cruise, but I'm not sure if I will venture to Paris just to be rushed back to the ship.

We cancelled our cruise to Norway in August and instead will be spending a week in Amsterdam with a number of side trips and then a week in Paris with a number of side trips.  It will be our second time in Amsterdam and our 3rd time in Paris.  We don’t plan on any museums this trip ( other than a Moet tour in Epernay), but mostly to walk and explore and of course eat too much. 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report and the Daily.

Welcome Summer! No skateboarding for me, and I'm not flexible enough for Yoga. I like the quote.

I'll pass on the carby pasta meal, and wine. I'll take the drink.

I've been to Paris on a land trip, but not the port of Rouen. 


It's sunny and heating up here, with a high of 90 later. I've watered plants outside earlier, and will stay inside. We have an air quality alert too.


@StLouisCruisers So sorry to hear you're both still positive 🥲. And it's horrible that you don't have a balcony to get fresh air! No wonder you're so stressed. Prayers for Buddy continue.

@dfish Thanks for the adorable photos of the baby and of Oliver. 

@smitty34877 Ouch on DH's painful gout! I hope he feels better soon with the meds. I am so sorry to hear that Tana has pneumonia again; such a difficult situation. And I'm sure she's unhappy that she can't attend her son's 8th grade graduation. Prayers for your DH, Tana, and the family as well.

@kazu Lovely photo of the old clock. The rhubarb strawberry jam looks delicious.

@Cruzin Terri It's good to hear you felt well enough to tackle some tasks. 

@kochleffel Ugh on all the flight issues. It's making travel so tough.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for posting Sandi's pictures.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine and all victims of gun violence (it seems there are overnight shootings here daily). A toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.

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@cat shepard,I spoke to the principal  yesterday and she assured  me the graduation  will be  streamed  .We have a lot of really big extended families in the school district  and each graduate is given only 4 tickets.Theceremony will hopefully  be outdoors but they will move it to the gym if rain comes.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Summer everyone!  I'm smart enough to now which forms of transport I should and shouldn't be going on, so skateboarding is out for me.  I've thought about yoga, but wonder how I'll get up when I get down there.  


Late to the party this morning - had to get Sochi up and out of the house(without breakfast, she was NOT happy) between 8 and 8:30 so she could get her annual haircut.  She'll come home later this afternoon, stoned, but looking more like Puss 'n Boots than a typical Ragdoll.  Then I had my hair cut at 9:30 and this afternoon I'm getting my nails done.  I guess it's a spa day for the girls in this house.


We had quite the day yesterday; DH and I were out running some errands and by the time we got back into the car around noon the clouds were looking pretty threatening.  Raindrops started sprinkling the windshield just a couple of blocks from home, but we made it inside before it really started raining.  Well rain it did - the south and east side of the city took on 4 inches of rain in 3 hours, with major flooding - literally cars floating in parking lots, etc.  The insurance companies are going to be busy with vehicle claims and house/business claims due to all the water that came pouring in.  A friend works at an elementary school who said the water was coming in over the threshold of the front doors like a waterfall and she was ankle deep in her office.  This is what one of the exits onto the freeway looked like about an hour into the rain.



Today is also National Indigenous Persons Day, a day to honour the achievements, culture and heritage of Indigenous peoples of Canada.  I've put my little flag out on the front lawn and am wearing orange in celebration.



I have to head to the dentist tomorrow - yesterday while eating some popcorn, one of the fillings seem to have popped out; thankfully it couldn't have been a deep one, as there has been no pain, but it certainly needs replacing.  Hopefully it lasts longer than @JazzyV's seem to.


@StLouisCruisershow awful that you're still testing positive - I can only imagine how unhappy you feel cooped up in that cabin.  

@smitty34877sorry to hear DH has a case of gout; I'm told it's very painful.  And I'm sad that Tana can't attend her son's Grade 8 graduation, but was pleased to see she can watch it live streamed.  Prayers for a quick and full recovery of her latest round of pneumonia.

@kazuyour jam looks delicious!


Today's menu suggestion doesn't do it for me, but I'm not wanting to chew much of anything with the missing filling, so I think I'll be making lemon garlic pasta with shrimp for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who continue to support them. We'll salute all who are on the happy list by raising our glasses to them.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

For the garden club,  I tried growing black Pearl peppers last year,  and none bore fruit.   Well our DS’s partner has a green thumb and overwintered this one,  and after nearly a year and a half,   Lol! 



Glad someone had some success 👍 No more of this variety for me - any chili needing overwintering to bear fruit is a write off in my book 😉 


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Like Jacqui, we have been to Rouen, France too.  Maybe we were on the same unique cruise on the Prinsendam in Sept. 2018?  European River Explorer. 



Sorry to say - we weren’t on with you even though we went to Rouen in 2018 on our Rotterdam cruise.  We were on the Prinsendam’s River Explorer cruise in 2019.  Absolutely love it ♥️ 


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

It’s about a 12 inch pizza and there is a room service charge of $3 but they waive charges on quarantine rooms.


I would certainly HOPE and EXPECT they would waive the service charge on quarantine cabins!  Sheesh!


7 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

  Well rain it did - the south and east side of the city took on 4 inches of rain in 3 hours, with major flooding - literally cars floating in parking lots, etc.  The insurance companies are going to be busy with vehicle claims and house/business claims due to all the water that came pouring in.  A friend works at an elementary school who said the water was coming in over the threshold of the front doors like a waterfall and she was ankle deep in her office.  This is what one of the exits onto the freeway looked like about an hour into the rain.




Yikes on your rain and flooding, Gerry 😱   I saw pictures yesterday and just horrendous.  Hope your home is safe.


7 minutes ago, ger_77 said:


I have to head to the dentist tomorrow - yesterday while eating some popcorn, one of the fillings seem to have popped out; thankfully it couldn't have been a deep one, as there has been no pain, but it certainly needs replacing.  Hopefully it lasts longer than @JazzyV's seem to.


I sure hope that filling lasts a very long time  - and certainly long after our cruise 🤞 


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Good afternoon, everyone.  


My doctor ordered an x-ray of the hip area on my right side.  I don't really think it is the hip because if I roll over on it, it doesn't hurt.  But, if it is, a shot of cortisone can go a long way in helping.  I'm ready for some quick fixes and not looking for more surgeries.  


My nephew won out and the baby has been named Wrenlee Mae.   I guess it could have been worse.  She could have been Titmouse Sue or Grackle Jane.  


Time to get ready for the pool.

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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

The doctor had changed my reflux pill, so I am hoping that by the time we leave I will be able to swallow at least small Tylenol pills.  I am missing my bedtime dose, and I really don't want to have to take everything as liquids in my suitcase. (Especially if my suitcase isn't going to make it.)



If you do need to take liquids with you, see if your doctor will write a prescription for them. Then you can pack it in your carry-on. They did that for my large tube of fluoride toothpaste. (Glad I for once read before I posted. Fluoride was changed to flounder😳)

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Good morning, all! 

Thank you for the Fleet Report. 🙏 for everyone on the Care list (& those that are not but need prayer also), and 👏🎉 to those on the Celebrations /Shout Outs list.

I’m (hopefully) all packed… brought my luggage to work and leaving right after. So if I forgot something, I’ll just have to live without. 😉

Have a blessed day! 

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Thanks to RIch and Roy and all the others who contribute to this site.

@dfishYour recipes always look delicious.  Sweet babies. Is there a name yet?

@StLouisCruisersSending positive thoughts for negative tests.

@smitty34877I am sorry to hear Tana has had another set back. She has been through so much.

Have you ever thought about getting an Instant Pot?  I know you use your 'crack' pot. They are so quick, and make clean up easy. One pot.   Soups ready in about 1/2 an hour.  Just a thought.

As for gout.....someone else suggested cherry juice. My DH used to have gout attacks.  The doctor told him to drink black cherry juice, and it seemed to work.  Now he takes cherry concentrate tablets and hasn't had an attack in years.  They can be found in health food stores.  So much better than taking the gout drugs. 

I will celebrate International Yoga Day.  My DD recently opened a yoga studio, and had the ribbon cutting ceremony last Saturday.   @ger_77 There are chair yoga classes.  @rafinmdThe studio is in a building that originally housed a fire company.  It is on the historic building registry, near the city hall in Brockville.  Honouring the building, it is Engine House Yoga.

Heading out to pick up DGS from school, and meds for his sister, who has pneumonia.  Of course, DS is out of town, so we try to help DDIL.

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We have been trying to stay inside in this heat, and if we have to go out, we try to run our errands early in the morning.  Unfortunately, this afternoon I had to go to the Post Office, so I added the grocery store while I was out.  there was a piece of good news.  Gas prices have dropped 6 to 8 cents a gallon.  👍 👏  I hope the trend continues.


I think I've mentioned that the PO Quartzsite doesn't have home delivery.  Everyone who owns property is eligible for a free PO box.  Each year, we have to fill out a renewal/verification form and mail it back by June 30.  This year when we received the form in the mail today, there was a new wrinkle.  We had to show proof we owned the property and have a photo ID to prove we were who we claimed to be.  Since we were not in Quartzsite, I had to take the filled out form and the two proofs to the PO here to be verified.  This was new to the clerk and the Postmaster since our little town has home delivery.  However, they looked at the proof and initialed and stamped that the information had been verified.  The form is now in the mail to Quartzsite.  Our fingers are crossed they will accept the form as others have reported they were denied a box for their address.  I added a letter that we had owned our lot and had our PO box for 21 years.


@ger_77  Gerry, I picked up the ingredients for the Lemonade Pie.  How small is the small lemonade concentrate you use?  The smallest one they had was 12 ounces, but if less is needed, I'll make lemonade with the rest.


@smitty34877  Terry, I'm happy they will be live streaming the graduation.  It will not be the same as being there, but at least Tana will be able to see the graduation.


@ger_77  Gerry, that flooding is awful.  I hope no one was hurt in the floods.  Hope your new filling lasts a long, long time.


@dfish  I hope they find the problem with the x-ray.  A possibility could be tendonitis in the bursa sac.  DH had that and steroid shots into the bursa using ultrasound worked wonders.


@SusieKIslandGirl  Don't you just love autocorrect?  It's always interesting to see what the computer thinks you're trying to say.





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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone.  


My doctor ordered an x-ray of the hip area on my right side.  I don't really think it is the hip because if I roll over on it, it doesn't hurt.  But, if it is, a shot of cortisone can go a long way in helping.  I'm ready for some quick fixes and not looking for more surgeries.  


My nephew won out and the baby has been named Wrenlee Mae.   I guess it could have been worse.  She could have been Titmouse Sue or Grackle Jane.  


Time to get ready for the pool.

I hope they find the issue with the x-ray. 

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Good afternoon, I hope everyone is having a great day.

I just came back from my travel agent, trying to find out if my FCC can be extended since I am medically unable to travel at this time. She was on hold with customer service for at least 20 minutes, she will get back to me.

Also, trying to find out if it’s transferable. It may be up for grabs. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.❤️🙏

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16 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good afternoon, I hope everyone is having a great day.

I just came back from my travel agent, trying to find out if my FCC can be extended since I am medically unable to travel at this time. She was on hold with customer service for at least 20 minutes, she will get back to me.

Also, trying to find out if it’s transferable. It may be up for grabs. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.❤️🙏

I had some transferred to me because someone could not cruise any more (medical). It still has to be used by the end of the year

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@kazuwe're in a pretty good location, higher ground than a lot of the city.  We're about midway on our block and get rain pouring down the street to the storm drains whenever it rains.  Yesterday it was coming down so hard and fast that the entire street and sidewalks in front of our house were covered by the water, but fortunately it drained away.

@Tbaythank you, I hadn't thought of chair yoga.

@Quartzsite CruiserI used the small can (I think 6 oz), but even with the rest of the ingredients, it made enough filling for 2 graham wafer pie shells.   Thankfully there were no physical injuries, just many vehicles that sustained water damage, as well as homes and businesses with flooding.  We watched the news report last night where they showed people in a church foyer using snow shovels to try to scoop the water out the front doors.  Again, glad we're on higher ground.


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2 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning, all! 

Thank you for the Fleet Report. 🙏 for everyone on the Care list (& those that are not but need prayer also), and 👏🎉 to those on the Celebrations /Shout Outs list.

I’m (hopefully) all packed… brought my luggage to work and leaving right after. So if I forgot something, I’ll just have to live without. 😉

Have a blessed day! 

Sounds great.

I hope you have an amazing time at the county fair.


Edited by grapau27
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Shaking my head. The news is reporting about a wrong way car crash last night around midnight. The road it happened on can be tricky even during the day and I don't go on it too often. The person going the wrong way was driving a minivan with 8 children in it, ages 1-11. 4 of the kids were unrestrained and the driver had no license! Those 9 plus 2 adults in the other car were taken to the hospital, but fortunately no fatalities.


@smitty34877 Good to hear they'll be streaming the graduation ceremony.

@ger_77 I'm glad you got home before roads flooded and that you're on higher ground. Good luck with the new filling.


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I will pass on todays meal and say yes to Roy's alternative. I like peach iced tea but without the vodka please. The wine sounds wonderful. Never tried to skateboard or tried yoga; now I am to old and inflexible to even try.

We are now officially in our Monsoon season. Wind and the posssibility of rain every day this week. So far we have only had a couple of light sprinkles that left spots on the windows. Right now it is hot, 108 in the shade in my carport, and muggy with dark grey clouds all around. The predicted low for tonight is 84. I believe that whoever says "but it's a dry heat" has never lived through Monsoon season in Arizona. When and If the rain comes it will coll off for a short time.

@smitty34877I am so sorry that Tana has pneumonia. She is on my prayer list.

@1ANGELCATKakalena was able to transfer all her OBC and FCC to me before she passed. ( I still had to use all of them before 12/31/22).


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Finally the cold and dreary weather is over here.  Did some yard work this morning and had to put away my winter clothes and put on a t-shirt and shorts when I came in.  We don't do yoga, but Sara does Tai Chi every day.  Saw an interesting thing on the health area of Google news.  They were talking about a study of people up to 75 and whether or not they could stand on one leg for at least ten seconds.  If you couldn't, it implied that you might die sooner than one who could.  I'm seven years older than that and I can do it on either leg, so that is good news for me.


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@grapau27 I would like to be boarding a ship where testing is obsolete, and boosting in mandatory.  Thanks for that update. 


I am being Gumby again, heading to Louisville Symphony via my phone connection starting on July 5th.  Arizona Opera stopped us today instead of July 1, and I was notified, I had a choice of 3 things.

Symphony, Michigan Opera or Theatre under the Stars in TX.  Based on my background, and wanting a break from the bosses I have for awhile I chose symphony, and of course Boss 1 told us about AZ after the fact, and starting tomorrow I am to pick up my balance of hours with Theatre under the stars. 


Symphony was able to give me 25 hours a week, which during the month of July, and my friend's pool having been completed (new liner)  it seemed the perfect way to spend the summer, and I kept trying to tell boss 1 that I didn't want to work 35 hours a week, I didn't want to be working for two people at once, and just like my neighbor, she doesn't hear the word NO.  DH is doing very well with his new campaign, so I cant really ask him to take some time off, and goof around town with me, but I really really need some me time, yard time, jewelry time, art time, etc.  So I need to grow a back bone!  





Off to watch more of Silk on Britbox....


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Thanks for the Fleet report and the Daily, contributions to this thread.

Yesterday the 21st, was the shortest day of the year for us, so now we look forward to summer! meantime we are having frosts, some very icey roads.

@kazu your jam looks great.

@Copper10-8 thanks for the humour today.

@StLouisCruisers sorry that you and DH remain in Covid jail.  I have discovered that an ice cube held on the cold sore several times a day, is very effective.  

@smitty34877 sorry that Tana has developed pneumonia, very disappointing for her not to be able to attend her son's graduation,  pleased that the streaming option is available.

You mentioned that your DH has gout, it's a very painful affliction, DH has suffered with it for years, but at the end of last year I read that Cherry Juice helps,  he has now  been taking Cherry juice daily for 6 months with no more attacks of gout. 

Stay safe, take care everyone.

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