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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday October 8th, 2022


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3 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


I had a great night's sleep here at Le Chateau Frontenac.   I was so tired last night that I went to bed at 9:30 and slept through until 6:30.  

As Sharon @Sharon in AZ mentioned, I was demoted in boarding time.  I don't leave the hotel until 12:15 and who knows when I'll actually board.  I guess I'll find out when I get there.   The good news is that they have picked up my luggage as planned and I hope to see it on the ship.  


More good news:  We received the final inspection report from the inspector and submitted some requests, mostly concerning some questionable electrical wiring and flashing around skylights that needs repair.  The seller agreed to perform all the work we requested, so we have moved one step closer to closing.  The only thing holding us back now is waiting to close on our current homes.   BTW, the original house we wanted is still an active listing.  So sad.


About the original house you wanted --Karma!



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Good morning all.  Today we begin our journey back to Boston with an overnight at my sister’s in Royal Oak. The colors here in northern MI have begun popping this week with the advent of much cooler weather.  Great collection of days today. The meal suggestion sounds delicious.  Bon voyage to @Sharon in AZand @dfish,QC looks as lovely as always.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today. Prayers for everyone that needs them. 

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Good Saturday morning to all. Little warmer this morning but a cold front is on it’s way.Tonight we are making French Onion soup which is always a treat. Cooking the onions overnight in the crockpot really makes an easy task of it.

A Commissary run today and other then that maybe watch some NASCAR racing.

A big Bon Voyage to all who are starting their cruises today. 
Roy I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into your daily Care List. Don’t make it a job and beat yourself. 
Have a great day everyone and continued thoughts for those still recovering from Ian.


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't played touch tag in years - at this stage, I'd be pretty easy to tag!  No motorcycles in our family, but there is music in our house every day - I love having music in the background.


An interesting day ahead for us; this afternoon we're going to a surprise party at a sports bar - our friend who just lost his wife is turning 80 on Monday and his kids have flown in from Vancouver for the Thanksgiving weekend.  We're gathering at the bar and will have lots of fun and celebration for a few hours.  After that we will be going to a different family gathering - where they are mourning the loss of their father.  He was truly a pioneer of our province, passing at age 97, but it doesn't matter what age we lose our parents, it's always a sad time.  


Bon Voyage to all our Daily-ites who will be boarding BHB's today; I'm excited for all of you!

@rafinmdyou're much too hard on yourself - we're grateful that you put so much effort into your lists.

@kazuwow, you and your assistant really did an amazing job with all you had to do in your yard - good for both of you!


I had my own mini-excitement this morning when I opened my email - there were our boarding passes for our upcoming trans-Atlantic.  My excitement was tempered when I saw they hadn't given us a boarding time, so there wasn't much point in printing them.  


I love caprese salads, but won't be making one today - we'll be enjoying pub grub at our friend's birthday later today.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is hurting, cheers to all who have celebrations in their life.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning!  I had the sr flu shot yesterday and my arm is a bit sore.  Will get COVID booster in a few weeks, I want it closer to Jan cruise departure.


we watched the Rays lose yesterday.  Will watch today- I predict they will win today, but on Sunday who knows??


last night we went to theater to see Benise- Spanish Nights.  As theater members we can go to lounge for drinks and appetizers! 

Today I will write more checks from IRA to satisfy my RMD and help with disaster relief!  I hate being on charities mailing lists - to me it is a real turn off.  I write on donations do not send me solicitations more than once per year.  Unfortunately it doesn’t work, oh well, I have a trash can.

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44 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Here’s a link to Quebec port web cam. Not sure if this is current or the NS is not in sight.




When I enlarged the screen I can just barely make out the NS stack. Right after large white building and below Chateau Frontenac. So one should be able to watch sail away with this cam.

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Good morning Dailyites. 

Bon Voyage to our Daily friends!



I had a few chores this morning that are half finished. Cleaned bird feeders, took plants and pots back to our neighbor (I plant sat for them) started my pork chops in the crockpot,  walked our little house guest, 2 loads of laundry and still need a few chores to complete my morning. 


I bought more gift cards yesterday for our Hawaii Tahiti cruise and paid for the Have it All. Lots of sea days for reading my kindle and having cocktail hour at noon..




Roy I think you are wonderful at posting the Care and Celebration lists. I appreciate everything you do! So here's an atta boy my friend!





Prayers for all including Ukraine. Will toast to all embarking today! Cheers!!


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I was gong to write about chilly and cloudy, but the sun has suddenly made an appearance. I think today is going to be one of those minute to minute type days as far as the weather is concerned.


The meal looks lovely. Have been to Russia but not that port. Somehow I think it is off the bucket list for now. When I did the Trans-Siberian RR I came up from Outer Mongolia so missed the start of the train run. I really envy all of you starting the QC to FLL cruise, but it is a long way to the east coast from here.


Little news from here. I just heard a helicopter go over the condo which is not usually good news for someone. As far as I know, our hiker is still lost. My plans for the day...#1...go get dog food!!!


Take care all.



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Last evening @Quartzsite Cruiser concurred that the electric linemen working to restore Florida power after Hurricane Ian are truly unsung heroes. 


Well, I want to do a little singing:


In 1998, the Michigan town we lived in and many other communities nearby were hit by 130mph straight line winds. Thousands lost power and lineman came to help from throughout the nation. 


On the 11th day, while driving, I heard a local radio announcement thanking the linemen and wishing them safe travels home as all power had been restored. But, when I reached home, we were still out. 


Knowing where the lineman were being fed, I drove there hoping to plead our case. A group of Texas linemen were just heading in for dinner but they stopped, listened, marked a map, and one said, "Ma'am, we were headed home, but we'll be there right after we eat."


I went home and excitedly told my DH about the Texans who were coming to our rescue. He suggested I was wasting my excitement as he doubted they would. In fact, to prove his point, he parked himself on our front lawn to await their arrival that he was sure wouldn't materialize quipping,  "I'll still be here tomorrow!"


Imagine DH's surprise when two trucks with longhorns on their hoods came to a skidding halt in our driveway! Followed by a lineman emerging saying, "Sir, your missus tells us you need power. We're here to figure that out."


It didn't take them long to determine that our house was at the corner of two power grids. Both grids had been restored but we hadn't been reconnected to either. An hour later, and after 11 very long days, we had power. And, with nary a whoop nor a holler but only a "Welcome ma'am" to my thank you, they were headed on their long road home to Texas.


Just like the linemen (and women) helping in Florida today, those Texas linemen were then and remain still -- HEROES!



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Today's sunrise is from one of my more unusual combinations.  It started with a voyage on New York's Erie Canal System and the St. Lawrence Seaway from New York to Montreal and a return to New York on the Crystal Symphony.  On October 8, 2011 Blount's Grande Mariner had reached the end of the Erie Canal system at Oswego, New York.






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Good morning from mostly sunny and breezy central Texas.  We have rain in the forecast for Wednesday afternoon, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 it will actually happen.  Fortunately for us, we will be home from the hospital before the rain is scheduled to begin.  


American touch tag will not be celebrated here.  Even when I was younger, I was always tagged.  DH had a Honda scooter and a Gold Wing many years ago, and our DSIL has a Harley.  Music day is a definite day to celebrate.  DH and his brothers, plus our DDs were all in the band in high school, and DH's sister-in-law taught piano.  My role in all this was to be the audience.  😀


I like the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote.  The meal sounds good, and I had Caprese salad last night.  For me, I'd have to add the tomatoes after everything else was cooked since I do not like cooked tomatoes.  We'll pass on the drink and the pricey wine.


We were in Vladivostok in 2000 on the old Regal Princess.  We took a tour in the morning and walked around town in the afternoon.  A lot of young people wanted to talk to us to practice their English.  As it was not raining, we enjoyed the day.  The Trans-Siberia train was in the station, and DH talked his way on board to look around.  I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes.


@Cruising-along, @dfish , @NextOne, @richwmn. @Live4cruises, and @Sharon in AZ




@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, a great picture of you and @dfish Debbie, and what a wonderful way to start off a cruise experience.

@kazu  Jacqui, you and your helper certainly got a lot done yesterday.  👍 👏 🍷  The meme about the superpower fits DH to a T;, therefore, we have boxes and boxes and drawers full of spare parts, wires and cables, etc.  

@rafinmd  Roy, we all appreciate your work on the lists, and please do not be too hard on yourself about them.  I know I would have trouble keeping everything straight and getting in the lists correctly.  Thank you for taking on that part of the Fleet/Daily.

@GTVCRUISER  🛳️  BON VOYAGE!  🍾 and enjoy Mexico.

@ger_77  Gerry, I know your friend will enjoy his birthday celebration, and it will be a good time had by all.  I'm sorry the second gathering will be to mourn the loss of and honor your friends' father.

@Cat in my lap  It's good to see more Dailyites getting their flu shots and boosters.  I saw yesterday that only 1 in 4 are getting their boosters, which means we need the protection even more than ever.

Hope the Rays win today and tomorrow.

@Overhead Fred  Beautiful sunset!

@durangoscots  Susan, until sometime in the 1990s, the Trans Siberian train stopped ten miles out of town.  Until then, Vladivostok was a closed city because of the naval facilities there.

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, I really appreciated your story about the Texas linemen.  My father worked for the electric utility company in my hometown, and DH worked for a sister company in Corpus Christi for several years when he got out of college.  Last night when I mentioned the linemen working in all kinds of weather, I had this picture that was posted on FB in mind.   It was taken during that horrific cold and snow storm that hit Texas in February 2021.


A true hero!

May be an image of 1 person


The picture was posted on February 16, 2021, and the following is what the OP wrote under the picture.  It adds a human touch to all who are working in the recovery areas.


Before you complain, look at this a few minutes. It’s 12 degrees, wind is blowing 20-30 mph and he’s 25’ in the air standing on two metal spikes driven into the side of the wooden pole. One wrong move and he’s electrocuted. He’s been out since 1:00am this morning. Walked 1/2 mile to get to this pole carrying 60 pounds of gear and supplies. He’s had a cup of coffee since leaving his family which is at home without power. Remember all this when you head to the next council meeting to voice your displeasure. Perhaps a warm handshake and a thank you is more in order.




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This is what I posted on August 9, 2021 about our visit to Vladivostok.  The pictures I scanned did not turn out the best, but do give an idea of the city.


All our pictures of Vladivostok are either pre-digital or videos.  I scanned a few into the computer, while DH checked his videos and added a few screen shots.


We both remember video DH took inside the Trans-Siberian train, but so far they are elusive.  After walking through a car or two, which the cleaning lady let him look at, he wanted to take the train to Moscow.  Our younger DD had just graduated from UT and had taken Russian.  She told her professor, who likes Russia, and his response was that even he would not take the train across Russia.


When we were in Vladivostok in 2000, the city had just been opened to the general population for 8 years.  Before that, as the headquarters for the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet, it was a closed city   Even the Trans-Siberian train stopped 10 miles outside the city.  In 2000, there was not a modern mall, but a series of department stores.  The big bridge is new too.


In one store, there was a female security guard that could have come from central casting, complete with the wool uniform, wool hose, heavy tie shoes and a very stern scowl.  I decided to err on the side of caution and not take her picture.


We also went into the bank to change a ruble or two into coins, which was a procedure in itself.  While I was waiting for DH to complete the transaction, I noticed a older lady looking at her receipt and trying to figure it out, then looking for someone to help her.  Well, she chose me, and was very surprised when I said in English, I didn't speak Russian.


Some of these pictures are from our morning tour and others are from our walk around town.  In the morning, we stopped at an overlook outside the city.



Another view of the WWII submarine, which we got to walk through.  It is even tighter than the US subs we've toured.




Two statues that were not Lenin.




Street scenes from our tour and our walk.




Where many locals shopped, and some of the younger ones were very fashionable.



Russian Navy



One of their trams



A local train



The Trans-Siberian 



The Navy band serenaded us as we reboarded the ship and as we sailed.572530771_Screenshot(35).thumb.png.07e122e293264f9a1511db6aa19ee214.png


Every time we left the ship, we had to have our passport, then return it when we reboarded.  The passports were also checked by Russians as we came and went.  At that time we did not need a visa to visit the east coast of Russia.  One of the Russians was a very beautiful, young lady who DH did has best to get to smile, but she never did.



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3 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This is what I posted on August 9, 2021 about our visit to Vladivostok.  The pictures I scanned did not turn out the best, but do give an idea of the city.


All our pictures of Vladivostok are either pre-digital or videos.  I scanned a few into the computer, while DH checked his videos and added a few screen shots.


We both remember video DH took inside the Trans-Siberian train, but so far they are elusive.  After walking through a car or two, which the cleaning lady let him look at, he wanted to take the train to Moscow.  Our younger DD had just graduated from UT and had taken Russian.  She told her professor, who likes Russia, and his response was that even he would not take the train across Russia.


When we were in Vladivostok in 2000, the city had just been opened to the general population for 8 years.  Before that, as the headquarters for the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet, it was a closed city   Even the Trans-Siberian train stopped 10 miles outside the city.  In 2000, there was not a modern mall, but a series of department stores.  The big bridge is new too.


In one store, there was a female security guard that could have come from central casting, complete with the wool uniform, wool hose, heavy tie shoes and a very stern scowl.  I decided to err on the side of caution and not take her picture.


We also went into the bank to change a ruble or two into coins, which was a procedure in itself.  While I was waiting for DH to complete the transaction, I noticed a older lady looking at her receipt and trying to figure it out, then looking for someone to help her.  Well, she chose me, and was very surprised when I said in English, I didn't speak Russian.


Some of these pictures are from our morning tour and others are from our walk around town.  In the morning, we stopped at an overlook outside the city.



Another view of the WWII submarine, which we got to walk through.  It is even tighter than the US subs we've toured.




Two statues that were not Lenin.




Street scenes from our tour and our walk.




Where many locals shopped, and some of the younger ones were very fashionable.



Russian Navy



One of their trams



A local train



The Trans-Siberian 



The Navy band serenaded us as we reboarded the ship and as we sailed.572530771_Screenshot(35).thumb.png.07e122e293264f9a1511db6aa19ee214.png


Every time we left the ship, we had to have our passport, then return it when we reboarded.  The passports were also checked by Russians as we came and went.  At that time we did not need a visa to visit the east coast of Russia.  One of the Russians was a very beautiful, young lady who DH did has best to get to smile, but she never did.



Great photos Lenda.

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It's 10 degrees warmer than yesterday morning, 58F.  Our expected high will be lower than yesterday, however at only 76 but sunny.  Not a lot on my agenda today although I would like to finish making the 2023 wall calendar I started a day or two ago.  I was having problems with one section of embellishments not showing up on my computer.  So I called Shutterfly and the representative could see that section on his computer when he signed into my account.  He said he would send a report to engineering (?).  After the phone call I decided to try Edge instead of my usual Chrome and there were the missing embellishments, right there!  So some setting is off for Chrome and next time I'll know better and use Edge.  I may even make the long delayed photo book now from our Island Princess cruise this past summer.


Thanks to both Rich @richwmn and Roy @rafinmdfor your contributions today.  You are both doing an outstanding job even though traveling (Rich), and a late night out (Roy).  We appreciate you both!  I saulte American touch tag and music today.  Also motorcycles.  DH has had two, an off road one and a nice street bike.  In addition to that my first boyfriend had a Harley and that was a lot of fun.  We are long past those days though.  Thank you Tina @0106for the wonderful looking caprese chicken dishes.  I would definitely eat that!  Today's quote is a deep thinking one.  Have no idea what that wine is so I'll say no to that and the drink.  Happy Thanksgiving weekend to our Canadian people!  🦃


Prayers were said before I even got on the treadmill today.  I hope all our Dailyites will be doing better soon, as well as the family and friends listed.  Add to that Ukraine, wildfire sufferers, and especially hurricane victims.


Today's port is Vladivostok, Russia which was shown here on Aug. 9, 2021.  I was there one time.  Here's the link to that day's Daily for your convenience in retrieving photos.



Vladivostok was a stop on our Diamond Princess 2010 Bangkok to Alaska cruise.  I have had ports from that cruise come up several times this week.  Let me start by saying it was a completely miserable day in Vladivostok on May 5, 2010.  The rain was coming down heavily and the winds were whipping it sideways at times.  Nevertheless we decided we HAD to get off here since it would be a totally different experience from St. Petersburg over on the opposite side of the country.  We would come back drenched but had plenty of days before we had to pack up our wet shoes and disembark the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKt4n0Wk181AGhhkely3El84xJ2Twu75QF_jizMkB1ZdA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium



We planned on heading towards the railway station and then up that main road to see what the downtown area looked like.  No tours were planned here - we wanted to stick close to the ship.  On this cruise we had several couples we were traveling with so we all stayed together.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJksWvlRveaZSijHilARtlX4xJ2Twu75QF_jizMkB1ZdA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


This was parked nearby.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIjCQ0n0Gnx5Ju_MgV2-zgkV7ntXQOewWgszVPDOQPWWw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Inside the train station.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJJV5zM5SvsbrPT1eM-1ILfqCe7ffHDJpwno-pEcjtJnw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Our photos were horrible back then.  IPhones have improved my photo taking ability a lot.



A sunny day would have made a big difference in our visit there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ3yPE7UnOnrNJw6_s_YpTzVZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Everything was so bleak!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJvsdtMONquZHTbpTpZTYiI5cYdfB3jRoL_VZILaXEufg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




The ancient looking public transportation.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJJBqRAtaecxDXM5Dpl-R3T?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


The weather was so wild, you couldn't even use an umbrella.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI3As-ShqNHjIzXjo4cXEKJVZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




We decided we'd all better get indoors to do some shopping.  At least it would be dry.  So we found a mall.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLBlr57rRFf-BBsbFDxekPHqCe7ffHDJpwno-pEcjtJnw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


A view out the window at the mall, looking back towards our ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIaVgTRWj2b6c2GLBNRbu-l?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


At the entrance to the famou GUM department store we saw lots of souvenirs.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIM_uP_tpZRe9T7mqMGiNS5VZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Two of our friends shopping for something to take home with them.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKVEaru8H9PKiUpUCLHJRQmldMTLfbtJ__wYVBQ_4iTow?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Most of this department store consisted of stalls, selling things like dusty electronics on the same shelves as the beauty supplies.  It was rather dismal except for this souvenir section.  It was very surprising.


Back to the ship!  This guy pointed the way.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJj5g8aefzu_p9QZRWgG4VtV7ntXQOewWgszVPDOQPWWw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


That evening we had some local entertainment come on board.  The theater was jammed with people, even lining the walls, standing room only.  A scary thought nowadays!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKu7d-KRkqpwjDS8pb-MIF6rnHjCyIZu59oV2we_kMG9A?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium








I very much doubt I'll ever get back to Vladivostok again but if we do it had better be sunny or at least not raining cats and dogs!😉

Nice selection of photos Sandi.

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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning from a chilly QC!  I woke up very early this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. I finally dozed off when Craig’s alarm went off at 7:00.  We had a great time with Debbie @dfish last night. 



The hotel was beautiful on the chilly walk back. 



We meet in the lobby for our transfer to the ship at 11:45 but It was booked when Debbie arrived so she leaves 30 minutes later. 

Have a great day everyone!

Nice photo of Debbie and yourself Sharon.

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17 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from mostly sunny and breezy central Texas.  We have rain in the forecast for Wednesday afternoon, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 it will actually happen.  Fortunately for us, we will be home from the hospital before the rain is scheduled to begin.  


American touch tag will not be celebrated here.  Even when I was younger, I was always tagged.  DH had a Honda scooter and a Gold Wing many years ago, and our DSIL has a Harley.  Music day is a definite day to celebrate.  DH and his brothers, plus our DDs were all in the band in high school, and DH's sister-in-law taught piano.  My role in all this was to be the audience.  😀


I like the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote.  The meal sounds good, and I had Caprese salad last night.  For me, I'd have to add the tomatoes after everything else was cooked since I do not like cooked tomatoes.  We'll pass on the drink and the pricey wine.


We were in Vladivostok in 2000 on the old Regal Princess.  We took a tour in the morning and walked around town in the afternoon.  A lot of young people wanted to talk to us to practice their English.  As it was not raining, we enjoyed the day.  The Trans-Siberia train was in the station, and DH talked his way on board to look around.  I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes.


@Cruising-along, @dfish , @NextOne, @richwmn. @Live4cruises, and @Sharon in AZ




@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, a great picture of you and @dfish Debbie, and what a wonderful way to start off a cruise experience.

@kazu  Jacqui, you and your helper certainly got a lot done yesterday.  👍 👏 🍷  The meme about the superpower fits DH to a T;, therefore, we have boxes and boxes and drawers full of spare parts, wires and cables, etc.  

@rafinmd  Roy, we all appreciate your work on the lists, and please do not be too hard on yourself about them.  I know I would have trouble keeping everything straight and getting in the lists correctly.  Thank you for taking on that part of the Fleet/Daily.

@GTVCRUISER  🛳️  BON VOYAGE!  🍾 and enjoy Mexico.

@ger_77  Gerry, I know your friend will enjoy his birthday celebration, and it will be a good time had by all.  I'm sorry the second gathering will be to mourn the loss of and honor your friends' father.

@Cat in my lap  It's good to see more Dailyites getting their flu shots and boosters.  I saw yesterday that only 1 in 4 are getting their boosters, which means we need the protection even more than ever.

Hope the Rays win today and tomorrow.

@Overhead Fred  Beautiful sunset!

@durangoscots  Susan, until sometime in the 1990s, the Trans Siberian train stopped ten miles out of town.  Until then, Vladivostok was a closed city because of the naval facilities there.

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, I really appreciated your story about the Texas linemen.  My father worked for the electric utility company in my hometown, and DH worked for a sister company in Corpus Christi for several years when he got out of college.  Last night when I mentioned the linemen working in all kinds of weather, I had this picture that was posted on FB in mind.   It was taken during that horrific cold and snow storm that hit Texas in February 2021.


A true hero!

May be an image of 1 person


The picture was posted on February 16, 2021, and the following is what the OP wrote under the picture.  It adds a human touch to all who are working in the recovery areas.


Before you complain, look at this a few minutes. It’s 12 degrees, wind is blowing 20-30 mph and he’s 25’ in the air standing on two metal spikes driven into the side of the wooden pole. One wrong move and he’s electrocuted. He’s been out since 1:00am this morning. Walked 1/2 mile to get to this pole carrying 60 pounds of gear and supplies. He’s had a cup of coffee since leaving his family which is at home without power. Remember all this when you head to the next council meeting to voice your displeasure. Perhaps a warm handshake and a thank you is more in order.





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