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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 27th, 2022


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Again this morning DH had a fever.  With all tests being negative, the doctor determined the fever was a rare side effect of one or more meds.  DH is off them and the fever broke.  The hospital cleared him and the rehab will take him, but waiting to see when they can arrange transportation.  I have 30 minutes to checkout of the hotel or pay for a night I might not need.  The drain is out and both incisions look for good.  I won't share those pictures.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for checking on the pictures for me.






I hope you have a wonderful birthday dinner with your two lovely ladies, Pauline and Sarah.



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Good morning, Dailyites.  I'm so sorry there are ones still troubled with health issues, and when they conflict with cruises, that is so worrisome.  Happy birthday, Graham!  Thanks for the recipes, @dfish.  I have quite a collection now of interesting ones stored in my computer, but I think this won't be one of them - I'm not a soup lover, and definitely not of Arborio rice.  Just the regular long grain white rice for me, please!


In 2014 we took a Far East cruise on Volendam with DD and Pat's DS and her hubby.  As there were 5 of us, I organized a lot of private tours, I had never done it before, and I was terrified, but we ended up with about 10 "regulars" who went with us on some interesting days, even Rangoon, Pat's birthplace.  We had a long day in Danang and Hoi An, just looking at the pictures now, I am amazed at all we did, climbed a mountain, visited a silkworm farm, museum, beaches, rice paddies, towns and markets, I could post a hundred pictures.  The whole cruise was extremely interesting, but I have no desire to ever return!





The "old town"




The beach, and some fishing boats - those dots in the water are plastic water bottles, there was so much pollution.








The "Harbour City" Danang




The Dragon bridge - I was fascinated as I was born in the year of the dragon, I've got umpteen pictures!






The garden of the museum, and a couple of pictures inside.













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2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

RNB reporting live from the City of Los Wageous! I was told everything would be hot here but everything is cold, especially in the casinos, if you know what I mean. No, that is not my story today for National Telling Story Day. I will call my cruise story,


Kidnapped in Paradise


I would say this happened over twenty years ago when HAL made regular stops in Trinidad and Tobago.  It was our first time there so we decided to go on a ships tour of the island, a three hour tour, not a Gilligan tour but close to it. Apparently since there was a limited number of tour buses in town, the tour provided taxis with two couples for each taxi for the three hour tour of Trinidad. The tour stated at promptly 9 am and immediately the taxi driver began giving us the best he could a description of everything he saw. And I quote, “This is a coke cola truck, this is a McDonalds, this is a church, this is a Wendy’s, this is a Fed Ex truck” and on and on and on for one and a half hours until we got to a park to roam around in for 30 minutes. It was so bad the we decided to request the driver to take us back to the ship early. Well, this did not go over well. He said, “I will get in trouble with my boss if I take you back early.”  We convinced him to take us back to the ship by offering a $20 tip from both of us. It worked, thank goodness. But he complained all the way back to the ship. So we paid a ransom to not be kidnapped in paradise.


I hope this meet the requirement of a story today. RNB back to the slots. 

@RedneckBobYour ransom was a lot less than ours in Chile. We flew into Santiago for a cruise on the Zaandam out of San Antonio, Chile. We had made arrangements with a small botique hotel in San Antonio to pick us up for our pre-stay with them. When we got outside the airport, we couldn't find the driver and a gentleman with an official airport badge around his neck offered to help. Since our phones didn't work in Chile, he phoned "our hotel" on his phone and then handed the phone to us. We were told by "the hotel manager" that our driver was stuck in traffic and to just take a taxi and we would settle the charges when we arrived. 

The gentleman with the official airport badge hailed us a taxi, we had our luggage put into the trunk of the cab, we hopped in the back seat, and then the gentleman got into the front seat. At this point we were beginning to wonder what was happening, but the back doors were locked. The cab took us into an industrial area outside the airport and stopped and a couple of black SUV's pulled up. Our airport gentleman  got out and got a credit-card-reader from someone in one of the SUV's. The following "business" took place through the window with us locked in the back seat. He kept asking us for a debit card and the PIN number. We knew better than to fall for that, but he insisted we had to pay. We had agreed on a $150 fare to get us to the hotel in San Antonio. My DW handed a credit card to him and he ran it and then wanted her to sign the receipt. He was folding the receipt over so we couldn't tell what amount it was for, and when I tried to look at the amount, he got agitated, and grabbed the receipt back from her and went and got in one of the SUV's. 

Our taxi driver then drove us away. We were chatting wiith him in Spanish and trying to make some friendly connections (talked about his family, his country, his job, etc.). Things seem to be going okay according to the road signs. At least we were going in the right direction. The taxi stopped at a couple of roadside shrines for a quick prayer, and then he stopped the taxi just before going through a toll section. He insisted that he needed another $100 to get through the toll booth, and wouldn't drive until he received $100 cash. We gave it to him, and then he drove us to the hotel. When we reached the hotel he asked for more money, and I don't think he would have let us out without paying more, except two gentlemen from the hotel came out, took a picture of his license plate, and a picture of him, and they demanded he let us go. We got our luggage and made it safely into the hotel. Calling the local authorities didn't pan out, and we were not able to make connections with our bank until after getting on the ship. The airport gentleman had charged $2,000 to our credit card.

We disputed the charge and it took a couple months to straighten it out, but these theives had already been paid by the credit card company and are probably still scamming people to this day.

The real hotel manager/owner was not pleased. The driver from the hotel was at the airport waiting for us for a couple hours. They would not take money for her efforts, but when she took us to the cruise port a couple days later we were able to slip her a pretty big tip to help make up for it.


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

@kazu, I am sorry to hear of your BIL's




Thanks kindly


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

@kazu where does your BIL live.  It sounds like a very short time frame but I pray things can go quickly.




They live in Ontario, Roy.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear your news, sending good thoughts for a quick recovery.   It’s so very disappointing when you’ve been trying to make this happen for so long! 


Thanks Brenda.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

I join your prayers.


Thank you.


Hit a kerfluffle when I went to check in for my flight.  Had to call to discuss Jose’s ashes as check in conflict with cremation remains site.  He told me what to do so I will be ok, but it meant time to re-do things as he recommended.  That’s 2 things. - what’s next?

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2 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks kindly



They live in Ontario, Roy.



Thanks Brenda.



Thank you.


Hit a kerfluffle when I went to check in for my flight.  Had to call to discuss Jose’s ashes as check in conflict with cremation remains site.  He told me what to do so I will be ok, but it meant time to re-do things as he recommended.  That’s 2 things. - what’s next?

Jacqui, praying that your DBIL is cleared in time to sail. 

Hoping that there is no “third thing”.

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

OK, I am back from voting, actually have been for almost an hour.  It was a 10-minute walk to the senior center, 12 minutes to vote and I took a couple of detours for another 20 minutes back home.  During the primary I arrived about a half hour before the center opened but was still the first customer.  This time there were several ahead of me but still more workers than voters.  I was expecting a heavier turnout but I think a LOT of people are voting by mail.  It was definitely better than 10 years ago when I waited an hour in line to get done before Superstorm Sandy.  We now have 2 ways to vote.  The default is a regular paper ballot that you blacken a square.  New this year is an electronic machine where you touch your selections and when all is done the machine prints out a scannable ballot on a blank form.  With either method the completed ballot is scanned and the scanner prints out "ballot accepted" when it is done.


There was also more good news yesterday.  I have Blue Cross Federal Health Insurance with just Part A of Medicare.  Almost 2 months ago I was alerted that they had not reached agreement for covering the major Baltimore System that runs my local hospital, as well as is affiliated with my cardiologist.  Medicare would have substantially softened the blow if I the ambulance took me to the local hospital but coverage for the cardiologist would have been a big problem, and I would need either a different health plan or a new cardiologist.  Fortunately, agreement was reached yesterday.


I have the Auto Train next Friday to meet my cruise on the Eurodam.  I'm glad to be ok for next Friday but if the railroads go on strike November 19 I'll be stuck driving all the way home.


I also went to my Health Department yesterday for a PCR test.  I do want to get a good result reasonably soon before  heading for the ship. 



Roy, nice to hear you have voting taken care of.  Also glad to hear about your insurance plan agreement.  We are trying to straighten out what seems to be a data base issue with the insurance we have chosen for 2023 and the darn local hospital.  They have the wrong hospital listed for our county.  Someone is looking into it though.  It was hard to get through to anyone who understood what the problem was.  If I had to choose a hospital though it would be one about 18 miles away which is highly rated while the closest one is at best, average.  And lastly, I hope the railroad doesn't have a strike!  There's always something!  Do you need a pre-cruise Covid test for your cruise?




3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

I lost my comments for today.  I will be brief as we are running out of the house.  DB had surgery yesterday and replaced a part in his knee implant and took tissue samples for culture to check for infection.  He may get out Friday or stay through the weekend.   It is never good if you pick up an infection in the hospital.   

Thanks for the Daily Reports and for the Cares and Celebration lists.   Prayers for all on our list and for those cleaning up in Florida and for the people of Ukraine.  Have a wonderful day!   

I really hope your brother's surgery this time takes care of the problem, and that he is free from infection.  Hard enough to have to have one surgery much less two!  My Dad had a hip replacement, and had a second emergency operation on Thanksgiving one year.  The ball came out of the socket and he crumpled to the floor.  It was very scary to have that complication.  Can you imagine? 




3 hours ago, cruzn single said:

This will be quick, as the internet is so sketchy.  I am still on American Star.  It is “nice” , but definitely not a BHB!  Would I do this again -  - - -maybe, and maybe not.  I really don’t like the shortened amount of sailing time, activity level of excursions has been sorely misrepresented, and food is so-so. I have enjoyed being with my two friends, meeting the other passengers, the fall color.  Looking forward to our visit to West Point tomorrow.


My step-son is still waiting for pathology report on his surgery.  It has been sent to Mayo - don’t know which one.  @rafinmd, please put him on the rotation.  My prayer for him right now is that can improve his attitude and coping skills.  Otherwise, he won’t be able to put up much of a fight.  

Have a great day, everyone.

I'm glad your river cruise is at least "nice", but understand it must be very different from a BHB cruise.  Enjoy West Point!  I hope things work out well for your stepson.  They take much too long to get results back sometimes.🤞




2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 

A salute to black cats. I'm not a storyteller. Thanks to the Navy!  The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal as well.

I haven't been to Da Nang.


It's cool and cloudy so far today. I go to get my flu and bivalent vaccines soon, then maybe a stop at the big box store.

Today we're remembering the 11 innocent lives lost during the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue on Oct 27, 2018.



@grapau27 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great time at dinner with Pauline and Sarah.

@aliaschief Thanks for the photos posted from your cruise.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope DH is fever free today and will be able to be transferred.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Lou's test results and for Tana.

@rafinmd Good to hear that your health system and health insurance reached an agreement.

@ottahand7 Prayers that this will be the last surgery needed for DB's knee. 

@cruzn single Sorry the cruise is not meeting your expectations.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Vanessa, good thoughts to you as you have the shots today.  I hope you feel okay in the coming days, besides the sore arm we all seem to complain about.  Thank you for bringing today's significance up on the synagogue shootings there.  Senseless.




2 hours ago, dfish said:

Sandi, I went with the moving van.  Cost is about the same.  With the pods you have to store things for 10 days minimum and I didn't need that much time.   Turns out I will be able to move right in the day after I load up.  Things are falling into place.

I didn't know about a 10 day minimum on PODS but perhaps that's a new rule.  The move dates and moving van working out so perfectly is a sign from above.  This is great news for you and Sis.  We want pictures once you settle in and arrange your furnishings.




2 hours ago, kazu said:

Good morning everyone!


I’m going to try to come back later and read but there’s a lot to do today and I didn’t get much sleep last night 😔 


My BIL ended up at the hospital last night.  He thought it was a kidney stone - no just something else BUT his heart has them very concerned.  He had a serious AFib problem and talks to the cardiologist today.  

Not sure if he is going to be cleared to travel with us or able to go on the cruise 😔 😢 


We are all supposed to fly out tomorrow.  Praying he is stable enough and it will be safe enough he can go after 3 years of waiting to be together on this. 🙏🏻 

Oh my gosh, that is sad to hear!  I do hope they can clear him in time to leave tomorrow.  I know how you've looked forward to this time with your family.  I hope the cardiologist can take care of the AFib problem today.  Prayers for you all.  DH was in the ER one night a few years back with stomach pain, and we were still able fly to Barcelona the following afternoon, with two antibiotic prescriptions in hand.  He had less energy for about a week, but still made it and enjoyed our cruise.🙏




2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Thank you all for letting me rant about the change to the Yellow Fever requirement.  We have appointments tomorrow (changed) at 4.  This will make 4 shots in 2 months for me.  We both are really nervous about the side effects but will have 3 weeks until we sail.  STILL have not heard back from the doctor, will be changing to a new one when we return.

I can't blame you for deciding to change doctors after this.  I hope you find a compatible one.  Good news about moving the appointments up.  I remember all the cautions we had to look over and sign before we got ours.  They succeed in making everyone very nervous!  But I believe we had very little side effects afterwards, probably just a sore arm.  Keeping fingers crossed as well as in my prayers that you both do well too.🤞🙏



In neighborhood news, a medical transport vehicle pulled up to Linda's house about an hour ago and she was wheeled into her home on a gurney.  She was sitting up and her daughter met her outside the house.  There is a posterboard taped to her garage door that one of her friends made that says "Welcome Home Linda".  I bet she is very relieved to make this journey back to her new life after spending over 2 months in the hospital.  It was so nice to see her home!  It looks like a mobility company is there now probably delivering items to help her get through her healing process.  Roy, I believe you can safely remove her from the Care list.👏


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserinteresting about the medications causing the fever.  Thank God he is finished with that.  Good luck with the transport and getting him moved.🙏


@bennybearthanks for the photos today!  Great to finally get a look.  And yes, more photos is a treat for us.  Go right ahead!


@HAL4NOWI remember this story from once before.  We had problems with our driver not showing too.  Next time I will know better how to handle these crooks.


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Seems like a day to mention some Navy experiences in Danang in 1972.  My ship, USS Hector (AR-7), a repair ship was there for a few months repairing mostly Navy ships.  There was a concern with the enemy placing explosives underwater on ship's hulls, so we had to leave port every evening and steam up and down the coast at 5 knots and come back in the morning.  I had qualified as officer of the deck for underway steaming, so I stood a lot of those watches.  The biggest concern was to avoid fishing boats and their nets in the fog.  An example of the problem was a freighter in the area.  It was carrying tanks to Vietnam and a deck hand saw a swimmer in the water.  He was about to throw him a life ring when an explosion blew a hole in the ship at the waterline.  The captain quickly had a crane pick up a tank on the deck and held it over the other side of the ship from the hole, lifting it above the waterline.  Our ship then patched it and it went on its way.  That's my sea story for Navy Day.

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Good Afternoon, I just got a call from a PCC just checking in to see if I had any last minute questions for our upcoming cruise.  Apparently I’ve been assigned a new one and didn’t know it.  She seemed nice.  This felt like a pre shutdown call.  I’m hoping that means that customer service will be improving.

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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

 Thanks for the recipes, @dfish.  I have quite a collection now of interesting ones stored in my computer, but I think this won't be one of them - I'm not a soup lover, and definitely not of Arborio rice.  Just the regular long grain white rice for me, please!

I'm not a fan of rice.  Of all the starches, rice is the one that spikes my blood sugar the most.  I do love soups in the fall and winter, though.  

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I'm going to try to be brief with Hue as I am start.ing to think seriously about packing.  I spent the day at the Imperial City of Hue, about 50 miles north of DaNang.  It dates to the early 19th century.  It was built about 1804-1833 and is very reminiscent of China's Forbidden City but sustained severe damage from the Viet Cong









The Long Walk at the Citadel, perhaps more reminiscent of Beijing's Summer Palace




Our other stop was at the tomb of TuDuc who reigned for about 35 years but had no heirs, possibly as a result of catching Cholera:




Edited by rafinmd
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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Again this morning DH had a fever.  With all tests being negative, the doctor determined the fever was a rare side effect of one or more meds.  DH is off them and the fever broke.  The hospital cleared him and the rehab will take him, but waiting to see when they can arrange transportation.  I have 30 minutes to checkout of the hotel or pay for a night I might not need.  The drain is out and both incisions look for good.  I won't share those pictures.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for checking on the pictures for me.






I hope you have a wonderful birthday dinner with your two lovely ladies, Pauline and Sarah.



Thank you Lenda.

Best wishes to yourself and your DH.


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On October 26, 2018,  Coral Princess docked in Chan May, Vietnam.  This was the port for tours to either Danang or Hue.  Out tour was to Hue, the ancient imperial capital, with stops at the Imperial Palace, a Pagoda, a ride on the Perfume River and a visit to six of seven royal tombs.


On the drive from the port to Hue



Crossing the Perfime River



The Citadel which encloses the grounds of the Imperial City, seat of the Ngguyen Dyanasty.  Hue was the capital of Vietnam from 1802 until 1945.













The gate we exited the Citadel



Nearby was the inevitable display of military materiel left behind.  The display also included a MIG.



The next stop was the Then Mu Pagoda.  Buddhist monks live in this pagoda which was built in 1601.





Next we took a dragon boat ride on the Perfume River to reach a resort for lunch, and then returned to our buses by dragon boat.



A couple of street scenes.





There seven important royal tombs in Hue.  One is one the Citadel side of the river and the other six are in an area on the other side of the river.  We visited those tombs.  I have pictures of three tombs and the area.









The tombs are lined up in a row.  To reach the tombs, you climb up one, down the other side, and repeat with each tomb.  There is also was walkway around the tombs.  We climbed two, and then just wandered around the area until it was time to return to the buses.


We enjoyed our three days in Vietnam, and I'd go back if given the opportunity.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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9 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

On October 26, 2018,  Coral Princess docked in Chan May, Vietnam.  This was the port for tours to either Danang or Hue.  Out tour was to Hue, the ancient imperial capital, with stops at the Imperial Palace, a Pagoda, a ride on the Perfume River and a visit to six of seven royal tombs.


On the drive from the port to Hue



Crossing the Perfime River



The Citadel which encloses the grounds of the Imperial City, seat of the Ngguyen Dyanasty.  Hue was the capital of Vietnam from 1802 until 1945.













The gate we exited the Citadel



Nearby was the inevitable display of military materiel left behind.  The display also included a MIG.



The next stop was the Then Mu Pagoda.  Buddhist monks live in this pagoda which was built in 1601.





Next we took a dragon boat ride on the Perfume River to reach a resort for lunch, and then returned to our buses by dragon boat.



A couple of street scenes.





There seven important royal tombs in Hue.  One is one the Citadel side of the river and the other six are in an area on the other side of the river.  We visited those tombs.  I have pictures of three tombs and the area.









The tombs are lined up in a row.  To reach the tombs, you climb up one, down the other side, and repeat with each tomb.  There is also was walkway around the tombs.  We climbed two, and then just wandered around the area until it was time to return to the buses.




Great photos Lenda.

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Good morning from sunny SE Arizona. We have spent the morning at the vets office. Blue has had a few seizure type episodes, usually after a long car ride or after a vet visit. It could be several different things like a stress reaction, but it also could be Valley Fever. It’ll take a week to get blood test results back but he did have a spot on his lung on the chest X-ray. Hopefully it’s something as simple as that. In the meantime he’s on an anti seizure medication and an antibiotic for the possible lung infection. If it’s Valley Fever there is a medication, so that’s good.  We leave in a week for Charleston for an annual get together with my women’s group. I hope everything goes okay while we are gone. 

Jacqui @kazu, I’m praying for your BIL and that he gets a go ahead to cruise. 

Debbie @dfish, sounds like things are moving smoothly for your big move. 

Graham @grapau27, Happy Birthday!!  Enjoy your special day. 🎈🎈🎈



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Well, I got my vaccines. But before I knew what was happening, I got both in the same arm! I'm sure it'll be fine and I can sleep on my right side as that arm won't be sore.


@dfish Good to hear that you'll be able to move right in to the new place. Things are happening fast now!

@kazu Sorry to hear about BIL's health issues. I hope he can go on the cruise after waiting for this trip for so long.

@summer slope Good luck with the YF shots.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad to hear DH is able to be transferred to rehab today. Meds can sometimes cause a fever. Great photos.

@Vict0riann Thanks for the photos. And yes, to more.

@HAL4NOW That's a scary story!

@StLouisCruisers It's nice to hear that Linda is now home.

@USN59-79 Wow. And thank you for your service.

@rafinmd Thank you for the photos, Roy.

@Rowsby Beautiful sunset. Safe travels tomorrow.

@grapau27 Thanks for sharing your birthday dinner photos.

@Sharon in AZ Keeping good thoughts for Blue's health. 

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19 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning from sunny SE Arizona. We have spent the morning at the vets office. Blue has had a few seizure type episodes, usually after a long car ride or after a vet visit. It could be several different things like a stress reaction, but it also could be Valley Fever. It’ll take a week to get blood test results back but he did have a spot on his lung on the chest X-ray. Hopefully it’s something as simple as that. In the meantime he’s on an anti seizure medication and an antibiotic for the possible lung infection. If it’s Valley Fever there is a medication, so that’s good.  We leave in a week for Charleston for an annual get together with my women’s group. I hope everything goes okay while we are gone. 

Jacqui @kazu, I’m praying for your BIL and that he gets a go ahead to cruise. 

Debbie @dfish, sounds like things are moving smoothly for your big move. 

Graham @grapau27, Happy Birthday!!  Enjoy your special day. 🎈🎈🎈



Thank you Sharon.


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