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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday November 24th, 2022


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Good morning, 


Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! We do both the Canadian one and the American one in this house. 

@VictOriann Happy #60 to you both!

@kaz Happy heavenly birthday for Jose and hugs to you! 


The dough is in the bread machine and the machine should be beeping soon for the next step. I'll be heading out to the care facility to spend the day with DH. He's having some ups and downs this week. Our good (very good) friends are bringing Thanksgiving dinner to us. The care facility brought a table and some chairs into DH's room yesterday and we can eat in privacy which will be nice. Covid has reared its head in the facility but no cases in DH's wing so that's good. So far several patients and at least 7 staff members. I'm hoping his wing stays Covid free. 

Enjoy the day everyone!



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My sister is due in about 30 minutes.  A quiet day for the three of us and I am sure a lot of wine will be consumed.    So many things to be grateful for in this house.    

I have been to today's port mainly flying through to southern Caribbean islands.  We were there in February 2019 on the old Rotterdam.  It was raining so we stayed aboard.   

@dfish I will share some food porn later today and I am looking forward to everyone elses'.   Have a fun day!! 

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Good morning all and Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow US citizens!

(Vanessa @JazzyVI just saw your post, I'm SO sorry for many reasons.  I hope your BFF's DF will be ok.


I'm rushing this morning as we should be leaving in an hour and a half for my sister's house.  I'm looking forward to staying there today and tonight, always a good time!  There will just be 6 of us, our "kids" can't make it -- DD is in Canada on their yearly week in Whistler with her DH's family, and DS has a new puppy who wouldn't do well on that long car ride.  So missing them, but I'll be bringing them leftovers tomorrow. 🙂  


I'll just add a few photos from San Juan...we've been there twice I think.  The first time DH and I walked to the fort, and this last time (just last month) we took an excursion to El Yunque Rain Forest to beat the heat.  It was extremely hot, "felt like" 97F.  The rain forest was delightful and beautiful.















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@kazu,Wishing Jose a happy heavenly birthday today.Days like this can be bittersweet. 

@JazzyV,I am so sorry that you had to cancel but I am sure the worry about the family member  has been difficult for you both  


We are not Italian  but our neighborhood was and my mom started a tradition  of spinach lasagna that I make every year. Will provide the recipe tomorrow. 


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Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating this count your Blessings day.

We have changed our dinner plans as I’m the only one who has no symptoms from granddaughters pre school head cold. Everyone else is sniffling and coughing. So DIL’s mother delivered an entire meal here! Everyone has tested negative for Covid so we will stay home and minimize spreading our germs. It’s another beautiful sunny day here so maybe I’ll get a walk in but will let it warm up some from current 48 degrees.

Thanks for the reports and post. Have a great and thankful day.



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27 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Well, after talking with BFF’s DF’s doctor, we are heading home and cancelling our cruise. 


Oh no!  I am SO sorry to hear this 😢. But health first for your BFF - I hope all will be well for her. 🙏 

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to all for the anniversary wishes.  It is really just a reminder of how old we are!  Jacqui, we'll be thinking of Jose today, too.  


Happy Thanksgiving to all the American Dailyites!  For many years here, the Seattle cousins would come for a visit on Thanksgiving, and the custom was to go out for Chinese.  But today, I'm not sure what we will have.  We were supposed to go out to dinner with my cousin and her DH, but he has just been diagnosed with pancreatitis, and they are waiting for an appointment with a dietician so we'll wait until he knows what he can eat to decide on a restaurant.  As long as I don't have to cook, I'm happy with just about anything - it will most likely be takeout.  It's funny, we eat i restaurants when we travel, but we hesitate when we are at home.  


Good news today is that my Holter monitor test came back normal.  Pat is feeling pretty much back to normal, so we are hoping for good news for him on Monday, too.  


We have visited SanJuan, just once on the Atlantic Adventurer cruise on Maasdam in 2014.  That was an amazing cruise, one I would love to do again.  I'll post the itinerary so you can see how interesting it was.  In San Juan we went on a tour with another couple from CC , and as they had been there before, we did not go to the big fort, but to another one, plus some old buildings and the Bacardi factory.  I was looking forward to going there again on Rotterdam in the spring, but the itinerary was changed around completely for the 150th anniversary of HAL, so we will miss it.  








Our ship from the fort




And San Juan as we left



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Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate today.

Happy 60th Anniversary to @Vict0riann Ann and Pat.  I wish you many more happy years together.

Thank you to Rich for the Fleet report and Daily and to Roy for the Cares and Celebration List,

And thank you to all of you who contribute everyday to make this such a great place to be.


Jim and I do not have any family with whom to celebrate today. Nor do we have a home right now to cook our own dinner.  So we are going out to dinner at a very nice restaurant.  


i love the quote.


As for the destination, San Juan is near and dear to my heart.  Back in  1972 (i am dating myself) i spent a summer in Puerto Rico studying Spanish.  It was a wonderful experience.  

I also was the liaison with the SSA New York Regional Office to Puerto Rico and had to go to San Juan on business quite often.  So I have a number of friends there.  We will be stopping there on our next two cruises. One on Christmas Day and another in February. Hope on the second one to meet up with some friends for the day.

I hope everyone has a nice day with family and friends or however you wish to honor this day.

God Bless and stay safe,


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Despite the rain, I made it to Waco to have Thanksgiving dinner with DH.   It was foggy when I left, but the visibility was good enough to see where I was going and the other cars.  Part way here, a big thunderstorm hit, but it wasn't so bad I couldn't drive.  The problem was the water on the highway.  The ruts were full, and at times it was across the entire lane.  The good news is the intermittent wipers adjusted to the rain and kept the windshield clear enough to see.  I may try another way home this afternoon.


There are more visitors here today, but the place is very quiet.  They have a small staff on duty.  This is the only time I've seen the gym empty and quiet.


@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry you had to turn around and cancel your cruise.  Your BFF's DF's health comes first.  I hope you have a safe trip home, and that DF gets the care he needs to get well.  

@rafinmd  YEAH, Roy on the desired results on the covid test.

@Crazy For Cats  Good diners are a treasure, but we really don't have them where we are.  In 1969-70, when DH was at Picatinny Aresenal, there was a diner on Rte.46 in Dover, NJ, we liked.  When we were there in 2012 sadly, it had been torn down to make way for a new road.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for finding Rich's @richwmn thread for San Juan.  I just didn't have time for a through search.

@0106  Tina, thank you for sharing why Marylanders always have sauerkraut.  A very interesting story.

@lindaler  Linda, your vegan Thanksgiving sounds interesting.  Younger DD and her SO are vegetarians, and I do good to make vegetarian meals for them.

@luvteaching  Karen, I'm sorry there is an outbreak of Covid in the care facility, but glad it is in the other wing.  I hope neither of you catch it.  How nice of your friends to bring Thanksgiving dinner to you at the facility.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry almost everyone caught your granddaughter's cold.  I hope you don't get it too.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I'm glad your report was good, and I hope Pat gets good news Monday.  Waiting is so hard. I'm glad Pat is feeling better.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, enjoy your dinner out.


A big thank you to everyone who shared their pictures of San Juan.  I can't believe it's been more than 20 years since we've been there.


We have finished Thanksgiving dinner and it was good.  Since we normally skip lunch, we shared one meal, and I'm stuffed.  They severed it in the formal Styrofoam contains with their best plastic utensils.  Normally, lunch comes on plates with metal utensils.


I didn't take pictures, but it was the traditional dinner, which DH selected from the menu.  Wenhad turkey with gravy, ham, dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.  Between the two of us there were no pesky leftovers.  So we could each have a plate, I cut the lid off the container and used it.






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Sending best Thanksgiving wishes to al U.S.-based Dailyintes.  To all other Dailyites, I certainly wish you a great Thursday.


Mrs. XBGuy likes to go over the top for Thanksgiving.  She was prepping all day yesterday.  My personal favorite is her cranberry sauce.  She puts a little bit of crystallized ginger in it for a very distinctive zip.


I am not much of a Cava/Champagne/Cremant/Prosecco/Sekt/Sparkling Wine drinker, but we usually have some on hand for festive occasions.  Here is today's wine:




Paula Kornell is the daughter of Hanns Kornell who founded his eponymous Hanns Kornell Champagne Cellars in 1958 and operated it until 1992.  Paula Kornell had a very full career in the hospitality and the wine industries when she established her label in 2019.


The "hook" for me, however, is the winemaker--Robin Akhurst.


Robin Akhurst is a Scotsman who decided to sell his motorcycle and become a winemaker.  He studied in Burgundy and New Zealand before coming to Napa Valley.  There he apprenticed with two very highly regarded winemakers--Thomas Rivers Brown and Mike Smith.


In addition to being the winemaker at Paula Kornell, Akhurst is also the winemaker for Clos Pegase and Swanson Vineyards.  However, these jobs are what pay the bills.  Akhurst is also the owner and winemaker of Apsara Cellars.  At Apsara he crafts small lots of truly excellent wines.  The largest production run I have seen of any Apsara wine is 150 cases.  The smallest I have ever seen was 37 cases.  I am particularly impressed with Apsara red wines.  Over the years two were particularly outstanding:  the 2013 Amoenus Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon and the 2015 Las Madres Vineyard 100% Whole Cluster Syrah.  The latter of these is still available at the winery's website.  I just took delivery of three more bottles.


Thank you for indulging me.

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A couple of setbacks in the cooking, one minor and one not so minor.


Minor: I managed to find both the nutmeg grater and a nutmeg, but thought that the grater was too dirty to use, so I washed it. Now it has to dry, but there is enough time that the squash can be seasoned right before reheating it.


Not so minor: the schnitzel recipe requires marinating the chicken in the egg and spices mixture for several hours, and the chicken is at most half thawed. As soon as I can get the slices apart, I'll lay them out in the shallow casserole that I'll use for the marinating.


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3 hours ago, 0106 said:

@dfish I love your idea of sharing our Thanksgiving traditions.  Marylanders always have sauerkraut.  I drain sauerkraut, put it in a crockpot,  add some turkey broth and the turkey neck and let it cook on the porch all day.


When Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863, about one-fourth of Baltimore’s population was German. One of Thanksgiving’s social functions is to ease feelings of social dislocation felt by immigrants, and there is no better way to do that than to add an ethnic dish to an otherwise American meal. Sauerkraut on Baltimore Thanksgiving tables is now regularly served with turkey, with or without the pork, and represents a custom spread across cultures in the region. This illustrates the American ability to adapt and absorb ethnic cultural traditions.  




The sauerkraut sounds divine and DB and DS agree that it would be a great addition to the Thanksgiving table.  I do have German ancestry although my great grandmother insisted we were not German, we were Austrian.  But, we all love sauerkraut.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Well, after talking with BFF’s DF’s doctor, we are heading home and cancelling our cruise. 


I am so sorry you have to cancel, but you have to follow your heart in these matters.  You can always rebook a cruise for later, but a DF is a one and only.  Blessings to you and your BFF.


@kazu Jacqui, birthday remembrances for Jose today.  I know he'd rather be with you.   


We're getting to crunch time on the cooking so I guess I'd better get to work!

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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Well, after talking with BFF’s DF’s doctor, we are heading home and cancelling our cruise. 

I’m so sorry to hear the disappointing news that you had to cancel the cruise. But you always have to do what feels right. I hope a replacement cruise is in the near future. Prayers for the friend of your BFF.🙏🏻

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@dfish Now you have struck fear in my heart-I decided to make real mashed potatoes, and after reading about your Autumn Gold hand mixer, I looked at mine (my mom's-same as yours) and said a prayer...I'll let you know in a few hours.  We were apparently raised in the Autumn Gold/Avocado generation.


@kochleffelIt's been years, YEARS since i have roasted a chicken.  I used to get a Perdue oven stuffer roaster, basically cannot find them in my area now,  DH found a Publix chicken, we bought it, and noticed that it had to be used by the 20th, so I froze it, until the 21st, and put it in the fridge on Monday.  There were no pieces parts to make giblet gravy with, but they had filled the cavity with water, and it was a block of ice when i was ready to stuff.  So that got postponed for a half hour.  I said dinner would be at 5:30, thinking maybe a bit later.....


@JazzyVI am so sorry that you had to cancel your cruise.  Was your BFF's father ill before you left, or was this THE emergency call we all hate to get.  I hope all is well, and this will give you more time to get that tummy healed.  And plan for another cruise.


@VictOriann Happy Anniversary to you both!  I hope it's a wonderful Happy Day!




@kazuI know this is another hard day on you, you have had a hard year, but remember, you had lots of love in your life, and all the love that we Dailyites can send you today and forever.


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