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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday January 16th, 2023


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I do not really appreciate dragons and the closest I have come is Iguanas but those on the Westerdam may have seen Komodo Dragons recently.  I see a bit of a conflict between Do Nothing Day and the National Day of Service for Dr. King.  Will Rogers was a scamp.  I visited Hiroshima just once on the old Crystal Harmony in 2004 but don;t think I have any photos.  My alternative menu today is Canaletto Salad, Spaghetti Bolognese, and Pistachio Gelato as served on MS Prinsendam January 16, 2019.  I don't think I've ever had Chicken Marsala on a BHB, and I get it rarely.  I think the last time I had it was in 2019 returning from  a round trip Nieuw Statendam and Cunard transatlantic and it was served on Acela Express on my final trip leg home returning from New York:





The care list is far too long:


Today’s care list:

Grahaam’s Sarah in pain and waiting on needed injection
RIP St Paul’s Ryhope shop manager
Tana with pneumonia and another bad night
Vict0riann not feeling well
Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement
Marshhawk DH eye issues.
Scrapnana starting over on treatment
From the rotation:
Cruising-along niece awaiting a kidney
Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7)
Ominous scan for Marshhawk
Kazu with elbow fracture


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

6 days for Heartgrove (Carnival Legend 1/22 to 1/29)
cruszn single in Hawaii until 1/31
Aliaschief (Onward  to 1/17) Seasick Sailor and ger_77 (Rotterdam  to 1/25), DeeniEncinetas, and sailingdutchty   (Koningsdam  to 1/31),  lindaler and ottahand7(Volendam  to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty,richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12) at sea



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We actually left the house to get food!  I feel like I've been home for over a week!  We really didn't see anything at all destroyed until we got about a half mile from where one of the tornadoes touched down.  Looked like they're trying to get work started in the shopping center where Hobby Lobby was.  The signs were blown out at the street.  We didn't stop anywhere around there even though we need some items at Walmart which is across the street from Hobby Lobby.  Walmart is where the photo of the cars upended was taken last week.  We moved on another mile or so to Kroger.  It seemed like another tornado had come down around there but the store seemed fine.  It was the trees along the road all broken off or lying down.  Then I noticed the apartments across the street from Kroger had lots of damage.  One apartment was totally crushed.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLkMzCUMiuFgwMjuUzStQvzKwg5ydwHipy3aIZBf9dNYQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1673881597


Many other apartments had damaged roofs and blue tarps over them.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJhvCedUFExPN2BmrLQGMCMrnHjCyIZu59oV2we_kMG9A?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1673881598


With that many tall trees all around you can see how hard it is to prevent damage when they have high winds.  Ironic fact is that Kroger moved from the store where Hobby Lobby is about 10 years ago.  It was empty for quite a while then Hobby Lobby came in and put their store there.  Many overjoyed crafters when that happened!  So Kroger could have been the one shutting down to rebuild if they hadn't moved out and built a huge new store with fuel center 10 years back.  


I need to go read about Kathi @Scrapnanasince I haven't seen an update yet. Did I forget to mention Sarah this morning?  Haven't forgotten her in my prayers.  I hope she gets those injections soon!

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Good morning from a very white and cold Durango. @marshhawkyes, we are expecting heavy snow starting this afternoon or early evening. However we are getting light snow flurries before then- like right now. And this will be on top of the 10 inches we got yesterday which is on top of the 8 inches remaining from the previous storm. It will certainly help fill our reservoirs. I am hunkered down and except for moving the car when the plow comes and giving the dogs very short potty breaks, I am not venturing out. This next storm should clear out Tuesday evening and then temps are headed below 0. You would think being confined to the house I would get more done.... but I am celebrating Do Nothing Day for the past week. Various of my neighbors are building snow men..... but it looks like something is knocking them down as two have vanished. Deer maybe? There were lots of tracks in my yard this morning.


Prayers and best wishes going out to all who need them including Jacqui, Sarah, Kathi and Tana. And the news from the Ukraine is awful.


Well, off to clear up the kitchen and then maybe work on clearing out another file drawer. That is slow work and I will have to pile the papers up for awhile as I can not get to the recycle bin. There is all this white stuff piled in front of it. And in another few months I will whining about the heat.







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46 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I do not really appreciate dragons and the closest I have come is Iguanas but those on the Westerdam may have seen Komodo Dragons recently.  I see a bit of a conflict between Do Nothing Day and the National Day of Service for Dr. King.  Will Rogers was a scamp.  I visited Hiroshima just once on the old Crystal Harmony in 2004 but don;t think I have any photos.  My alternative menu today is Canaletto Salad, Spaghetti Bolognese, and Pistachio Gelato as served on MS Prinsendam January 16, 2019.  I don't think I've ever had Chicken Marsala on a BHB, and I get it rarely.  I think the last time I had it was in 2019 returning from  a round trip Nieuw Statendam and Cunard transatlantic and it was served on Acela Express on my final trip leg home returning from New York:





The care list is far too long:


Today’s care list:

Grahaam’s Sarah in pain and waiting on needed injection
RIP St Paul’s Ryhope shop manager
Tana with pneumonia and another bad night
Vict0riann not feeling well
Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement
Marshhawk DH eye issues.
Scrapnana starting over on treatment
From the rotation:
Cruising-along niece awaiting a kidney
Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7)
Ominous scan for Marshhawk
Kazu with elbow fracture


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

6 days for Heartgrove (Carnival Legend 1/22 to 1/29)
cruszn single in Hawaii until 1/31
Aliaschief (Onward  to 1/17) Seasick Sailor and ger_77 (Rotterdam  to 1/25), DeeniEncinetas, and sailingdutchty   (Koningsdam  to 1/31),  lindaler and ottahand7(Volendam  to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty,richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12) at sea



Thank you for today's lists Roy.

Thank you for your kind mention for Sarah and Margaret (church shop manager).


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It is a rainy, dreary day in Saint Paul. Temps are above freezing and the melting snow is starting to look a bit dirty and dingy. I am sure we will have fresh snow soon enough! 


So to brighten the day, here are some flowers from the Caribbean - 











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Oh my.  Since I got home we got some emails about neighborhood business and one that shows on a map the paths of the tornadoes that passed through this county last Thursday.  Four were on the ground at the same time!  #3 had a very long path, miles and miles long, and is the one that went through the business area in town tearing the roof off the Hobby Lobby.  But it continued on and went right past the south edge of our community.  It had to have been only a mile from my home!  I'm feeling super grateful now that everything we own wasn't destroyed.🙏😲

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A late good morning from a cloudy, but not very breezy central Texas.  It is currently 60F with a predicted high of 81F.  Last night was one of those nights I couldn't get to sleep until after 2:30 am, so I slept a little later, and then had some chores to do.


I appreciate dragons and hope one day to see them on Komodo Island.  That was supposed to be later this year, but we had to cancel the cruise.  National Nothing Day sounds nice, but maybe another day.  Martin Luther King Jr. did a lot to bring about racial equality, but we still have a long way to go to fulfill his dream.


I have seen the Will Rogers quote before, and I often agree with it.


Chicken Marsala sounds good, and I'm going between the first and third recipe.  We'll pass on the drink, and would love to try the wine, but only if someone else is paying for it.


We have been to Hiroshima twice, and both times were on Princess ships.  I'll go through my pictures in a few minutes.


@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanation of Nothing Day.  I hope Sarah is remaining comfortable while she awaits the injections.

@ottahand7  Nancy, thank you for the pictures of the medical evacuation.  I hope the patient is doing well in the hospital on shore, and will be able to return home soon.

@cunnorl  Charlene, I hope the dermatologist doesn't find anything new or that if he does, it is minor.

@smitty34877  Terri, I'm sorry Tana had another rough night.  It must be scary not only for her, but for everyone in the house.  I hope the nurse's visit can bring her some relief.  I agree that our pets have a sixth sense when we're not feeling well or are upset or sad.  Keeping Tana, and the family in our thoughts.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm sorry about the tv.  I hope the insurance company will cover the cost of the replacement since the tv was working when it was stored.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for sharing the pictures of the damage.  You were indeed fortunate last Thursday to escape injury and/or damage.

@durangoscots  Susan, I'm happy you prepared last week to be able to stay home this week.  Take care.




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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Will Rogers was a scamp.

Thank you, Roy, for expanding my vocabulary today. Scamp sounds like an insult with some admiration attached.

scamp: (n.) a person, especially a child, who is mischievous in a likable or amusing way.

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Good morning all!

We're having a rare day in January of 0% rain, mid-high 40's.  Unfortunately I have too much to do inside to get out and enjoy it.  So no celebrating "do nothing" day here.  I think I'll appreciate Puff the Magic Dragon (now that tune keeps going through my head), and I look forward to seeing the Komodo Dragons on the Grand Australia cruise in 11 months.  Otherwise I can do without dragons.


I would like the meal sans mushrooms, the drink sounds good and would like the wine if someone else is buying.  I'm not sure what we'll have for dinner tonight.  We've never been to Japan.


We got a lot done yesterday, the tree is down and more Christmas things put away.  Also we realized that our washer/dryer set is over 20 years old (how can that be??!!) and so not worth calling a repairman to see what's wrong.  So, we took advantage of the January sales and got a great deal on a new set and it will even be delivered this afternoon! We were surprised and unhappy, though, to learn that Lowe's has stopped the 10% military discount for appliances. That always paid for the tax at least.


Prayers for all in need, and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!





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Our first visit to Hiroshima was in 2000 on a cruise from Vancouver, I think, to Osaka on the old Regal Princess.  Unfortunately, all my pictures are pre-digital.  That day, we took the tram from the dock to the Peace Park with the skeleton of the A Bomb Dome, the only building left standing after the bomb was dropped as a reminder of the terrible destructive power of the atomic bomb.  We also visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, in addition to wandering through the Peace Park.


Our second visit was on Coral Princess in 2018, where we docked at the new cruise terminal further from town.  We took the free shuttle to the train station, and the train to the Peace Park.  We had planned to basically do what we had done 18 years earlier, but the couple with us had other ideas.  After seeing the A Bomb Dome, we headed to Hiroshima Castle.


Two views of the A Bomb Dome and two plaques about the dropping of the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.









A section of the river by the Peace Park and part of the park.





On our walk to Hiroshima Castle to passed this small area and the locomotive.





A nice area on our walk



Our first sighting of Hiroshima Castle



Two of the many gates to the castle





Hiroshima Castle is quite imposing.  That day, none of us had the desire to climb the many steps in the Castle, so we wandered through the grounds.  





The view of Hiroshima from the grounds.



On of the main roads in Hiroshima, and a small street with more local shops.  DH found some sake to take back to the ship.





The train back to the shuttle pick up spot.



Some of the vendors in the port terminal.  They had a little bit of everything, and the fruit and vegetables looked wonderful.







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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I appreciate fictional dragons (thinking of GOT). I'm working on doing nothing much today, if I can! I will salute MLK. Agree with the quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and the wine sounds good but is too pricey. 

I haven't been to Hiroshima City.


Another sunny day here, and somewhat warmer (40F now after 19 when I woke up). But rain is set to return overnight.


@ottahand7 Sorry there had to be a medical evacuation last night.

@aliaschief Yum, I would have liked a Chinese dinner night.

@dfish Those recipes look good.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana. I'm sure it's indeed scary when she is struggling.

@Cruzin Terri There's lots to be done, but just take your time. Sorry to hear about the TV and I hope they replace it for you.

@rafinmd Thank you for starting us up today, and our lists. 

@StLouisCruisers Sad to see the property damage, but hopefully no lives lost. You are blessed to not have been affected.

@durangoscots Stay safe with all that snow!

@grapau27 I hope Sarah is not in severe pain. Any word on a date for the injection?

@Cruising-along Cost aside, new appliances are always fun. Although some are so complicated these days.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Hiroshima photos. 


For MLK Day:


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52 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

That is really sad.  I hope the young lady passenger recovers fully.  Thanks for letting us know.




47 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Our first visit to Hiroshima was in 2000 on a cruise from Vancouver, I think, to Osaka on the old Regal Princess.  Unfortunately, all my pictures are pre-digital.  That day, we took the tram from the dock to the Peace Park with the skeleton of the A Bomb Dome, the only building left standing after the bomb was dropped as a reminder of the terrible destructive power of the atomic bomb.  We also visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, in addition to wandering through the Peace Park.


Our second visit was on Coral Princess in 2018, where we docked at the new cruise terminal further from town.  We took the free shuttle to the train station, and the train to the Peace Park.  We had planned to basically do what we had done 18 years earlier, but the couple with us had other ideas.  After seeing the A Bomb Dome, we headed to Hiroshima Castle.


Two views of the A Bomb Dome and two plaques about the dropping of the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.









A section of the river by the Peace Park and part of the park.





On our walk to Hiroshima Castle to passed this small area and the locomotive.





A nice area on our walk



Our first sighting of Hiroshima Castle



Two of the many gates to the castle





Hiroshima Castle is quite imposing.  That day, none of us had the desire to climb the many steps in the Castle, so we wandered through the grounds.  





The view of Hiroshima from the grounds.



On of the main roads in Hiroshima, and a small street with more local shops.  DH found some sake to take back to the ship.





The train back to the shuttle pick up spot.



Some of the vendors in the port terminal.  They had a little bit of everything, and the fruit and vegetables looked wonderful.








Looks like a very interesting place to visit.  Glad we have some photos today to check out, so thanks for posting.

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9 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

It was announced on the news this morning that both Devin and another passenger were killed.  They showed a young athletic female cheer leader.  But I didn't catch her name.

I heard Devin and a female recruiting staff member were killed.  2 others are injured.

Prayers for the injured and the families of all involved.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Our first visit to Hiroshima was in 2000 on a cruise from Vancouver, I think, to Osaka on the old Regal Princess.  Unfortunately, all my pictures are pre-digital.  That day, we took the tram from the dock to the Peace Park with the skeleton of the A Bomb Dome, the only building left standing after the bomb was dropped as a reminder of the terrible destructive power of the atomic bomb.  We also visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, in addition to wandering through the Peace Park.


Our second visit was on Coral Princess in 2018, where we docked at the new cruise terminal further from town.  We took the free shuttle to the train station, and the train to the Peace Park.  We had planned to basically do what we had done 18 years earlier, but the couple with us had other ideas.  After seeing the A Bomb Dome, we headed to Hiroshima Castle.


Two views of the A Bomb Dome and two plaques about the dropping of the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.









A section of the river by the Peace Park and part of the park.





On our walk to Hiroshima Castle to passed this small area and the locomotive.





A nice area on our walk



Our first sighting of Hiroshima Castle



Two of the many gates to the castle





Hiroshima Castle is quite imposing.  That day, none of us had the desire to climb the many steps in the Castle, so we wandered through the grounds.  





The view of Hiroshima from the grounds.



On of the main roads in Hiroshima, and a small street with more local shops.  DH found some sake to take back to the ship.





The train back to the shuttle pick up spot.



Some of the vendors in the port terminal.  They had a little bit of everything, and the fruit and vegetables looked wonderful.







Love all your pictures.....where haven't you been?

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Our first visit to Hiroshima was in 2000 on a cruise from Vancouver, I think, to Osaka on the old Regal Princess.  Unfortunately, all my pictures are pre-digital.  That day, we took the tram from the dock to the Peace Park with the skeleton of the A Bomb Dome, the only building left standing after the bomb was dropped as a reminder of the terrible destructive power of the atomic bomb.  We also visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, in addition to wandering through the Peace Park.


Our second visit was on Coral Princess in 2018, where we docked at the new cruise terminal further from town.  We took the free shuttle to the train station, and the train to the Peace Park.  We had planned to basically do what we had done 18 years earlier, but the couple with us had other ideas.  After seeing the A Bomb Dome, we headed to Hiroshima Castle.


Two views of the A Bomb Dome and two plaques about the dropping of the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.









A section of the river by the Peace Park and part of the park.





On our walk to Hiroshima Castle to passed this small area and the locomotive.





A nice area on our walk



Our first sighting of Hiroshima Castle



Two of the many gates to the castle





Hiroshima Castle is quite imposing.  That day, none of us had the desire to climb the many steps in the Castle, so we wandered through the grounds.  





The view of Hiroshima from the grounds.



On of the main roads in Hiroshima, and a small street with more local shops.  DH found some sake to take back to the ship.





The train back to the shuttle pick up spot.



Some of the vendors in the port terminal.  They had a little bit of everything, and the fruit and vegetables looked wonderful.







Nice photos Lenda.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I appreciate fictional dragons (thinking of GOT). I'm working on doing nothing much today, if I can! I will salute MLK. Agree with the quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and the wine sounds good but is too pricey. 

I haven't been to Hiroshima City.


Another sunny day here, and somewhat warmer (40F now after 19 when I woke up). But rain is set to return overnight.


@ottahand7 Sorry there had to be a medical evacuation last night.

@aliaschief Yum, I would have liked a Chinese dinner night.

@dfish Those recipes look good.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana. I'm sure it's indeed scary when she is struggling.

@Cruzin Terri There's lots to be done, but just take your time. Sorry to hear about the TV and I hope they replace it for you.

@rafinmd Thank you for starting us up today, and our lists. 

@StLouisCruisers Sad to see the property damage, but hopefully no lives lost. You are blessed to not have been affected.

@durangoscots Stay safe with all that snow!

@grapau27 I hope Sarah is not in severe pain. Any word on a date for the injection?

@Cruising-along Cost aside, new appliances are always fun. Although some are so complicated these days.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Hiroshima photos. 


For MLK Day:


Thank you Vanessa.

No information yet.


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21 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

Love all your pictures.....where haven't you been?


Thank you.  We have been to 139 countries on six of the seven continents, and have flown over Antarctica.  We are now looking for cruises that have new ports, and new countries are a bonus.  There are still places in the middle east, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Australia and New Zealand we want to visit.  Also, places in Europe that are inland and not near a port, are on the bucket list.  


Our fathers waited to travel until they retired, and then their health became a problem shortly afterwards.  They told us to travel while we were young and healthy, and we took their advice. 


Hopefully, our traveling days are not over, just on hold for a while.



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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Thank you.  We have been to 139 countries on six of the seven continents, and have flown over Antarctica.  We are now looking for cruises that have new ports, and new countries are a bonus.  There are still places in the middle east, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Australia and New Zealand we want to visit.  Also, places in Europe that are inland and not near a port, are on the bucket list.  


Our fathers waited to travel until they retired, and then their health became a problem shortly afterwards.  They told us to travel while we were young and healthy, and we took their advice. 


Hopefully, our traveling days are not over, just on hold for a while.



I'm looking forward to seeing your future cruise photos Lenda.

I hope your DH recovery is going well.


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