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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday February 27th, 2023


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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

There is no friend as loyal as a book.--Ernest Hemingway

I ❤️ Today’s Quote. 📚 📖 !


Thanks for those who share their time, their knowledge, their stories and recipes every day!  

prayers to all in need, and smiles for those with good news, or cruising.


P.S. Books have been with me in Good times as well as bad. I can escape into a book and “ find myself “ in a new and exotic, or ancient location.  My books were a great help when we were all locked down and unable to travel .  

Edited by ocean sounds
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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says it's 59 an sunny.  It is sunny, but there is a big cloud bank to the west. The big weather news is that we are going to get "a mighty wind" this morning, starting around 10 and blowing on through until 7 pm.


@kazuyour meme about what you want a husband to say,  had me think-my first husband would tell me that 4 glasses of wine were not too much.  My second husband would cheer me on with my first year of sobriety, with you can do it...  And all my mother in laws have said I was amazing to put up with their sons.....


and now it's not sunny anymore, must have some strong winds in the upper atmosphere.....








wait......it's getting sunny again...Today is breakfast with my old work buddies, and then walk the dog, and then work.  And I guess fix dinner, which I should have fixed last night.  One meal a day is probably not the best way to go for me.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  There are some days it wouldn't surprise me to see a polar bear walking down the street.  Thankfully they don't live this far south, but you never know!  We love retro music, cars, etc.


What should have been a no brainer yesterday morning turned into a 45 minute exercise in futility.  I used the chat function on our internet/email provider's site to find out how to see all the emails in my inbox, not just a few recent ones.  Before we switched computers, we could see everything from the time the earth cooled, but now we get maybe a dozen and that's all.  Anyway, after giving this chat person all the information on our account about DH and myself, including shoe size (sarcasm), I wasn't allowed to pass the security section because I couldn't give them a) when we first activated our account, or b) the date of the last installation of equipment in our house.  Now I have to go to their office across the city to speak to a person who - I hope - will get me through this mess.  Seriously, it shouldn't have to be that hard!


I'd like to try today's drink, it sounds yummy.  While I won't be making today's  menu suggestion, I do like the recipes, so will tuck them away;  I'll be putting a pork roast in the oven with a package of onion soup mix over it.  It's looking like we'll have roast pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, and parmesan asparagus at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in disaster zones.  Cheers for all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️


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10 minutes ago, ocean sounds said:

I ❤️ Today’s Quote. 📚 📖 !


Thanks for those who share their time, their knowledge, their stories and recipes every day!  

prayers to all in need, and smiles for those with good news, or cruising.


P.S. Books have been with me in Good times as well as bad. I can escape into a book and “ find myself “ in a new and exotic, or ancient location.  My books were a great help when we were all locked down and unable to travel .  

The only books I read are holiday brochures and cruise brochures.

Pauline reads books while I am on cruise critic which is a lot.

When I was young I used to read lots of Western Books.


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@grapau27, Graham, Thank you for the good wishes for the day. We are managing here with some hiccups. Tana’s son returned to school so we had to find help for the week since I am busy with appointments for DH. Today one of Tana’s friends from work and a nurse herself is coming to stay for a few hours. We are so grateful for her help and hope she is available for either Wednesday or Friday.

I always admire your ability to say just the right thing and keep in touch with everyone on our Daily. I think you are a true gentleman.

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6 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

The only books I read are holiday brochures and cruise brochures.

Pauline reads books while I am on cruise critic which is a lot.

When I was young I used to read lots of Western Books.


When I was young, my siblings and I would walk to the nearest public library in Toledo, OH  once a week in the summer.  I was so excited to get my first library card!. If I recall, we could check out 3 books a week.  Those books were always finished before time to turn them in, even while spending full days outdoors - softball games in the neighborhood park, riding bikes, and just being a kid   I passed my love of reading to my daughters, and that  just makes me happy!

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28 minutes ago, ocean sounds said:

P.S. Books have been with me in Good times as well as bad. I can escape into a book and “ find myself “ in a new and exotic, or ancient location.  My books were a great help when we were all locked down and unable to travel .  


I also escape in books....I don't watch television...in fact...I gave away all our televisions to family...:)
I have Netflix, Prime and OPB on my laptop and kindle....and my family often call and suggest a new movie or series to watch....they also tell me which ones have a "high-body count" to avoid...!!
I put them on my favorites list....and then.....start another book....😅
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Good sunny morning, supposed to get some snow and ice tonight. I’m supposed to have a physical therapy appointment tomorrow morning, may have to cancel it, not worth getting in an accident.

Yesterday we went to Longwood gardens for members day, extra discount for dining and shop. The conservatory was full of orchids and Lillie’s. Had a lovely brunch at their fine dining restaurant. Stuffed French toast with a berry sauce. 
  Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.






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6 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@grapau27, Graham, Thank you for the good wishes for the day. We are managing here with some hiccups. Tana’s son returned to school so we had to find help for the week since I am busy with appointments for DH. Today one of Tana’s friends from work and a nurse herself is coming to stay for a few hours. We are so grateful for her help and hope she is available for either Wednesday or Friday.

I always admire your ability to say just the right thing and keep in touch with everyone on our Daily. I think you are a true gentleman.

Thank you so much for your kind words Terry I really appreciate them.

I hope your DHs appointments go well and pleased to hear you have help for Tana this week.


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Weird weather expected today. Calling for ice pellets starting around 10 until 2 then rain. Temps will be above freezing the whole time. One weather site is calling for heavy snow around noon! Woke up to unexpected snow on Saturday but it melted quickly. Lovely sunshine but a chilly wind yesterday. I am so done with winter. Not sure how @ger_77or @kazudeal with what they get. 

busy week coming up. My DSIL from Germany is currently visiting her sisters in Virginia and will fly up here on Wednesday for a few days. Having people in for dinner, some for coffee and cake, who have gotten to know her over the years. Sunday we will have a family party. She hasn’t seen some of my grandchildren in 10 or more years except in pictures. Should be a nice visit. The only part I dread is crossing the border- she is flying into and out of Detroit. I never enjoy the customs and immigration part of that crossing, either way!


so, I will be reading daily but maybe not posting. Will see how the days shape up.



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Good morning all,

I read the daily yesterday but did not post. I was busy with grands and then to tired. 

DGS loves polar bears and we adopt one from the Kansas City Zoo each year. I don’t think I want to get too close to one. They look pretty menacing. 

The wind is blowing here but nothing new. Unfortunately my dog dies not enjoy it and I have to force her out. 

I love all the jokes. It is a nice way to wake up. I appreciate everyone’s effort on this thread. 

I had a dream last night that I found a tool that was made to get under your cast to scratch that itch. I am glad there is not such a tool or I would be in big trouble. Maybe my trip to Sin City tomorrow will keep my mind off of it. I just hope flying out of the new airport the day it opens goes smoothly. I am curious to see it as the old airport was getting pretty run down. The big push to open this week is to be ready for the NFL draft here in Kansas City next week. 

Prayers and best wishes to all. 


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10 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning, supposed to get some snow and ice tonight. I’m supposed to have a physical therapy appointment tomorrow morning, may have to cancel it, not worth getting in an accident.

Yesterday we went to Longwood gardens for members day, extra discount for dining and shop. The conservatory was full of orchids and Lillie’s. Had a lovely brunch at their fine dining restaurant. Stuffed French toast with a berry sauce. 
  Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.






Nice photos.

I hope the snow and ice doesn't materialise so you can get to your physical therapy appointment tomorrow.


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Good morning. Slept until 7:30 Central. It’s already sunny and seventy degrees. Azaleas are almost full bloom, Amaryllis are booming as well as other flowering shrubs and trees. Feeling like spring but still waiting for the long leaf pines to spread yellow pollen all over the area.

It’s laundry day but just one load of clothes as I did bulky towels and other items yesterday. We watched a movie last night starring Dustin Hoffman and Sissy Spacek in Sam & Kate. Turns out Sam’s son in movie is Dustin’s real son and Sissy’s Daughter in the movie is Sissy’s actual daughter. Dustin is now 85 years old and Sissy is 73.

One more coffee and it’s time to get moving. Thanks for the Fleet Report and postings.

Have a great week.





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21 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Yesterday we went to Longwood gardens for members day, extra discount for dining and shop. The conservatory was full of orchids and Lillie’s. Had a lovely brunch at their fine dining restaurant. Stuffed French toast with a berry sauce. 
  Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

Beautiful flowers!  Thank you so much for sharing with us.  

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Well, no workers today.

Glad I didn’t rush to get dressed.  Just got a text from the Contractor that he is working on getting tilers for our bathroom and will be in touch as soon as he has them in place.  Any day now!

So I will go about my usual business and open more boxes.  

Service Master is supposed to come by and pick up the boxes that we have emptied.  That will give us a lot more room in the garage and access to the things they are blocking.

Maybe we will actually make some progress today.

More later.


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I do like today's quote as books are something I have always enjoyed.  I love a sea day, sitting on the promenade deck, and just enjoying a good book while the sea slides by.  I may be paranoid but having no brainer day, and meatball sub as the meal, makes me think that people are talking about me again, as I have been accused of resembling both.  

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Time to check back in this morning because things move pretty fast here each day and it's easy to get way behind.  DS called last night and mentioned he and DDIL were heading to Cancun this morning for a little getaway.  They are leaving the 18 and 16 year old boys home alone.  They can get themselves to school and practices, meetings, etc. on their own.  Guess this will be a test!  I remember my parents leaving me and my twin home alone on weekends while they spent time at the "river" enjoying boating, etc.  We never abused the privilege and even got up early on Sunday to attend 6 a.m. mass.  Speaking of my twin, her daughter and SIL are in Cozumel this week diving.  Not too far from my DS and DDIL but I doubt they run into each other.  Hope they all have a good time and stay safe.🏖️


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning from a sunny 42°F North East England.

Thank you Sandi for posting today's fleet reports and Daily.

3 good days.

Polar bears need protection.

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my mobile phone or Cruise Critic.

Retro items and buildings like these on Miami beach are much more interesting.

I will miss today's food and drink.

Prayers 🙏 our care list is shorter today and no new issues turn up.





Thank you for the photos of the lovely art deco buildings of Miami.  Quite appropriate on National Retro day.  I wish I had a few of my clothes from the 60's and 70's.  Navy wool bell bottom slacks, and a culotte dress with "chain" straps which I wore with a complimentary color turtleneck.  Lots of mini-skirts! 




3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning from Belem.   A tender ride to shore and then an hour bus ride into the city. Botanical gardens and some other sites and Rudi's pop up dinner tonight.   We really stink of bug repellent.   Have a great day! Nancy 


What a beautiful photo!  Thank you.  On our cruise we didn't take the bus to Belem, and only stayed right at the dock in Icoaraci.  Sorry to say Icoaraci was rather dumpy.  What did you think of Belem?




2 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Monday Daily, Sandi.


Polar Bears are magnificent creatures, worthy of celebration and saving.  No brainer day?  Well, I think it’s a no brainer to thank Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor starting the Daily for us in Rich’s absence & @richwmnfor creating it and setting it up, @JazzyVfor working on the lists in place of Roy and of course our F & B department @dfish@summer slope@cat shepard.  Thank you ladies.


LOL on the quote by Hemingway - how can a book be disloyal?  I must need more coffee 😉 




@StLouisCruisersboth of the puppies are so cute!  But, OMG - 2 puppies?  I’m afraid the work is going to be cut out for them 😘 


Yikes on your renovations yikes 😱 @bennybearA very happy belated milestone birthday to your DS




@erewhonso glad to hear that there are now only 10 people unaccounted for after the storm - hoping they are safe but oh no on more rain.  That’s the last thing they need 😔 


Temperatures have dropped dramatically again.  Woke up to a cold house (heat works just too cold out and I stupidly turned the heat down).  Oh well, it will warm up again just in time for another snow storm 😔




thinking of giving up alcohol for 3 days this month.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list, Ukraine, New Zealand, earthquake victims and those that need them.  And a bit toast 🥂 to those who need them.




Have a great Monday, everyone !!!!


Thank you for the memes Jacqui!  DH and I have decided to join you on skipping wine on Feb. 29, 30, and 31st.  Also, I have to agree with your comments about DD's two puppies.   I hope it all works out fine, but if one 11 month old is a lot of work I can't imagine adding a 2 month old will be easier.  Just like when you go from one baby to two babies.  Seemed like lots more than twice the work (but of course lots more JOY).  Hoping it all works out as they planned.🤞




2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Monday morning to all.

Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report.  You are up early this morning.  Thank you also for the photos of the port.

Interesting collection of days.  I like Polar Bears, lots of things are no brainers and it is amazing how some people can’t figure them out,  As for retro day, I have so many things that are old around here, that everything is retro.

I like the quote by Hemingway.

I have not been to the port.

As for the F&B department, I will pass on the meal.  I could never manage to eat a sub at this point in my life.  

As for the drink, I will never pass up a Maragarita.

I will wait on the wine to see what @cat shepard has to say about it.

Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the lists and your dedication to making sure we are aware of who we need to keep in our thoughts in prayers each day.  Also who to congratulate and celebrate with as well.


I pray for each of my friends here on the Daily each day.  


I am up and in my pj’s. I have no idea if workers are coming today.  Sure would like to get this project over once and for all.  We still have not found DH’s credit cards, sweater and shoes.  I have a feeling they are all in the same place.


Ordered a new TV table for the den from Wayfair.  I hope we are not disappointed.  When the previous TV broke and we bought a new one, the present TV table proved to be a bit small.  The TV fits but just about.  I feel that if I look at it crooked, it will fall off the table.  So I bought one that looks pretty and fits the furniture in the den.  Having never bought any furniture from Wayfair I hope I did the right thing. It’s supposed to be delivered tomorrow.


Not much else going on around here , especially at this hour of the morning.

Will check back later.

God Bless,



Yep, I'm up early every morning!  I hope you like the new table to place the TV on.  I purchased a couple things from Wayfair and they worked out well.  One was a black painted nightstand for a guest room because we had purchased a new headboard and mattress/box spring from a local store.  The nightstand turned out great and is quite stylish.  Then when we moved a king size bed into the "napping room" I ordered a headboard from them and it turned out nice.  I hope you like your new table and if not, I suppose returns are easy.  Good luck!




1 hour ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone, on our way to Bonaire from St. Kitts. I’m happy to say that I’m enjoying 79F and will be missing the weather that @Crazy For Catswill be having back home.  I hope the Polar Bears enjoy their day, sounds like they have the weather for it.  I like the quote today but think that I’ll ease off on the food and drink. I haven’t been to today’s port but we’re considering a cruise to Norway in 2024, the pictures are very nice. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events!  Now to start enjoying our sea day!

I hope you decide to take that Norway cruise.  Norway is a fantastic country to visit with gorgeous scenery and friendly people.  My favorite cruise Captain is Norwegian, too!😉




1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. Our local weather person is giddy with the news about a possibility of snow coming our way. It is expected to be three to five inches here and certainly not a blizzard but as we haven’t had any it is cause for much meteorological excitement. I guarantee every person my age is planning a supermarket trip today but I won’t be joining them.

Thanks you for getting us started Sandi @StLouisCruisers. I remember worrying  about you and your DH from afar after your thirty minute walk in Norway. It had to be difficult to feel that way so far from home. I felt that way with my Covid experience but at least I was already home.

I make all sorts of meatballs around here with every imaginable ingredient  but it sounds easy to turn it into a “hero” or “wedge” as they are called here. I am awaiting the input of our executive chef regarding dinner. I was thinking of making baked ziti and hope she agrees.

I had my first experience with a post being removed yesterday and I cannot figure out why it was verboten. I try to be diplomatic and keep away from drama in real life and here but I guess I annoyed someone. Oh well.

Have a great day everyone 

Terry, thanks for your concern for us while DH and I were recuperating from Covid on a ship.  Not ideal but thankfully we weren't kicked off like so many others were on turnaround day.  (good timing!).  Lucky that we didn't catch Covid on our following two cruises.  I was surprised we didn't on the very crowded Sky Princess!


I have no idea what you would have said that was controversial.  You are one of the sweetest persons I know on CC.❤️  It doesn't take much to annoy some people!  LOL!




1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


Today’s care list:

Roy recovering from pneumonia

Marshhawk’s Neko crossing the rainbow bridge

RIP 2/22/23 My BFF’s Uncle 

Durangoscot’s nephew and his wife with Covid

Cruising-along’s kidney issues, seeing Nephrologist this week 


East Palestine, OH environmental disaster

Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria and Sicily

New Zealand affected by cyclone/flooding

Citizens of Ukraine

From the rotation:

Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery

Tana’s pulmonary issues 

Cruzin Terri’s master bath renovation delays

Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy

Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care


Celebrations and Shout outs:

Luvteaching’s DH’s continued improvement and hospital release this week

Sarah doing better after her injections

CrabbyPatti’s Dad doing better physically

New Zealand now with few people left unaccounted for after the cyclone 

Cruising sister’s trip to Las Vegas 2/28 – 3/3

5 days for Suslor (Zaandam 3/4 to 3/18)

6 days for TAW1963 (Ruby Princess 3/5 to 3/12)


Lady Hudson (Enchantment of the Seas to 3/3), Mr. Boston (Celebrity Millennium to 3/4), RMLincoln family cruise (Rotterdam to 3/8), SusieKIslandGirl (Noordam to 3/11), Cruisercl (NCL Bliss to 3/12), ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea

Wonderful job keeping up with the Dailyites, Vanessa.  Thank you!




1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Monday, and thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, and the F&B ladies.  Polar Bears are magnificent and I've been lucky enough to see them in person a couple of times. 


3AM curse came up again last night although I slept a couple of hours in front of the TV in the evening and think I slept pretty well before that.


I see the podiatrist tomorrow afternoon.



I guess I've only seen polar bears at the zoo, thank the Lord!  If we'd seen them in Longyearbyen we would have been lunch.  No guns on us nor any bodyguards along as we walked from ship to town.


Sorry about the 3 a.m. wakeup but glad to hear you got some good sleep in somehow.  I hope the swelling in your foot has gone down so you get a good report from the podiatrist tomorrow.




1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


Mid-Michigan is in for some more snow and mixed precipitation today.  It is supposed to start around noon.  That gives me time to go to exercise class and get home. And that is all that is planned for today.


The meatball sub sounds good but I'd probably prefer it without the bun.  Too much bread for me.  This one looked the best to me.  https://thecuriousplate.com/french-onion-meatball-subs/




Lots of good onions here!   I'd probably cook them a little more until they were a more golden brown color.   https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/saucy-onion-meatball-subs/




The Gruyere cheese made this one sound good.   https://dempsters.ca/recipes/savoury-french-onion-and-gruyere-meatball-subs




I hope one of these sounds good to you!   Wishing you all a wonderful day.  Healing thoughts and hugs to those who need them and cheers to those who are celebrating!



The subs look sooo good, but probably have a lot of calories.  I could maybe eat half or a third so a great thing to share with someone.  Be careful out in all that snow!




43 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says it's 59 an sunny.  It is sunny, but there is a big cloud bank to the west. The big weather news is that we are going to get "a mighty wind" this morning, starting around 10 and blowing on through until 7 pm.


@kazuyour meme about what you want a husband to say,  had me think-my first husband would tell me that 4 glasses of wine were not too much.  My second husband would cheer me on with my first year of sobriety, with you can do it...  And all my mother in laws have said I was amazing to put up with their sons.....


and now it's not sunny anymore, must have some strong winds in the upper atmosphere.....








wait......it's getting sunny again...Today is breakfast with my old work buddies, and then walk the dog, and then work.  And I guess fix dinner, which I should have fixed last night.  One meal a day is probably not the best way to go for me.

Crazy weather!  Hope the breakfast is going well with your old work buddies.  Is that neighbor ever planning on finding another dog walker?  You are very nice to do it but I know you have a busy life and wanted to stop last year.  She'd better be paying you lots better!




22 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@grapau27, Graham, Thank you for the good wishes for the day. We are managing here with some hiccups. Tana’s son returned to school so we had to find help for the week since I am busy with appointments for DH. Today one of Tana’s friends from work and a nurse herself is coming to stay for a few hours. We are so grateful for her help and hope she is available for either Wednesday or Friday.

I always admire your ability to say just the right thing and keep in touch with everyone on our Daily. I think you are a true gentleman.

I wish you could find a good aide to help out while you are all so busy with doctor appointments, school, recuperating from surgery, going to work.  You have a busy household!  It's very nice of Tana's friend from work to offer to come stay with her while you are with DH.  Prayers his tests/appointment goes well.  And I completely agree that our Graham is quite a wonderful fellow.🤗




22 minutes ago, ocean sounds said:

When I was young, my siblings and I would walk to the nearest public library in Toledo, OH  once a week in the summer.  I was so excited to get my first library card!. If I recall, we could check out 3 books a week.  Those books were always finished before time to turn them in, even while spending full days outdoors - softball games in the neighborhood park, riding bikes, and just being a kid   I passed my love of reading to my daughters, and that  just makes me happy!

I enjoy hearing about your childhood love of books.  We all were outside playing all day unlike today's youth, but some of us still found plenty of time to read.  I remember vividly riding my bike to the bookmobile in the summer months to pick up the latest batch of books to read.  I had a basket on the front of my bike to put my bag of books in.  During the school year we had a bookmobile stop at the school one day a month and we all got to visit and choose our favorites to read.  School libaries weren't a huge thing in the 1950's unfortunately.  




15 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning, supposed to get some snow and ice tonight. I’m supposed to have a physical therapy appointment tomorrow morning, may have to cancel it, not worth getting in an accident.

Yesterday we went to Longwood gardens for members day, extra discount for dining and shop. The conservatory was full of orchids and Lillie’s. Had a lovely brunch at their fine dining restaurant. Stuffed French toast with a berry sauce. 
  Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.






I hope you enjoyed the garden and all the beautiful plants as well as the brunch.  Thanks for the photos of the flowers!



While I've been typing up this post I see there are 10 more replies to read.  Think I'll just go ahead and post.  See what I mean about keeping up??😀

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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Time to check back in this morning because things move pretty fast here each day and it's easy to get way behind.  DS called last night and mentioned he and DDIL were heading to Cancun this morning for a little getaway.  They are leaving the 18 and 16 year old boys home alone.  They can get themselves to school and practices, meetings, etc. on their own.  Guess this will be a test!  I remember my parents leaving me and my twin home alone on weekends while they spent time at the "river" enjoying boating, etc.  We never abused the privilege and even got up early on Sunday to attend 6 a.m. mass.  Speaking of my twin, her daughter and SIL are in Cozumel this week diving.  Not too far from my DS and DDIL but I doubt they run into each other.  Hope they all have a good time and stay safe.🏖️


Thank you for the photos of the lovely art deco buildings of Miami.  Quite appropriate on National Retro day.  I wish I had a few of my clothes from the 60's and 70's.  Navy wool bell bottom slacks, and a culotte dress with "chain" straps which I wore with a complimentary color turtleneck.  Lots of mini-skirts! 




What a beautiful photo!  Thank you.  On our cruise we didn't take the bus to Belem, and only stayed right at the dock in Icoaraci.  Sorry to say Icoaraci was rather dumpy.  What did you think of Belem?




Thank you for the memes Jacqui!  DH and I have decided to join you on skipping wine on Feb. 29, 30, and 31st.  Also, I have to agree with your comments about DD's two puppies.   I hope it all works out fine, but if one 11 month old is a lot of work I can't imagine adding a 2 month old will be easier.  Just like when you go from one baby to two babies.  Seemed like lots more than twice the work (but of course lots more JOY).  Hoping it all works out as they planned.🤞




Yep, I'm up early every morning!  I hope you like the new table to place the TV on.  I purchased a couple things from Wayfair and they worked out well.  One was a black painted nightstand for a guest room because we had purchased a new headboard and mattress/box spring from a local store.  The nightstand turned out great and is quite stylish.  Then when we moved a king size bed into the "napping room" I ordered a headboard from them and it turned out nice.  I hope you like your new table and if not, I suppose returns are easy.  Good luck!




I hope you decide to take that Norway cruise.  Norway is a fantastic country to visit with gorgeous scenery and friendly people.  My favorite cruise Captain is Norwegian, too!😉




Terry, thanks for your concern for us while DH and I were recuperating from Covid on a ship.  Not ideal but thankfully we weren't kicked off like so many others were on turnaround day.  (good timing!).  Lucky that we didn't catch Covid on our following two cruises.  I was surprised we didn't on the very crowded Sky Princess!


I have no idea what you would have said that was controversial.  You are one of the sweetest persons I know on CC.❤️  It doesn't take much to annoy some people!  LOL!




Wonderful job keeping up with the Dailyites, Vanessa.  Thank you!




I guess I've only seen polar bears at the zoo, thank the Lord!  If we'd seen them in Longyearbyen we would have been lunch.  No guns on us nor any bodyguards along as we walked from ship to town.


Sorry about the 3 a.m. wakeup but glad to hear you got some good sleep in somehow.  I hope the swelling in your foot has gone down so you get a good report from the podiatrist tomorrow.




The subs look sooo good, but probably have a lot of calories.  I could maybe eat half or a third so a great thing to share with someone.  Be careful out in all that snow!




Crazy weather!  Hope the breakfast is going well with your old work buddies.  Is that neighbor ever planning on finding another dog walker?  You are very nice to do it but I know you have a busy life and wanted to stop last year.  She'd better be paying you lots better!




I wish you could find a good aide to help out while you are all so busy with doctor appointments, school, recuperating from surgery, going to work.  You have a busy household!  It's very nice of Tana's friend from work to offer to come stay with her while you are with DH.  Prayers his tests/appointment goes well.  And I completely agree that our Graham is quite a wonderful fellow.🤗




I enjoy hearing about your childhood love of books.  We all were outside playing all day unlike today's youth, but some of us still found plenty of time to read.  I remember vividly riding my bike to the bookmobile in the summer months to pick up the latest batch of books to read.  I had a basket on the front of my bike to put my bag of books in.  During the school year we had a bookmobile stop at the school one day a month and we all got to visit and choose our favorites to read.  School libaries weren't a huge thing in the 1950's unfortunately.  




I hope you enjoyed the garden and all the beautiful plants as well as the brunch.  Thanks for the photos of the flowers!



While I've been typing up this post I see there are 10 more replies to read.  Think I'll just go ahead and post.  See what I mean about keeping up??😀

Thank you so much Sandi for your very kind sentiments.

A few more Miami Art Deco building photos I took.








Edited by grapau27
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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Slept until 7:30 Central. It’s already sunny and seventy degrees. Azaleas are almost full bloom, Amaryllis are booming as well as other flowering shrubs and trees. Feeling like spring but still waiting for the long leaf pines to spread yellow pollen all over the area.

It’s laundry day but just one load of clothes as I did bulky towels and other items yesterday. We watched a movie last night starring Dustin Hoffman and Sissy Spacek in Sam & Kate. Turns out Sam’s son in movie is Dustin’s real son and Sissy’s Daughter in the movie is Sissy’s actual daughter. Dustin is now 85 years old and Sissy is 73.

One more coffee and it’s time to get moving. Thanks for the Fleet Report and postings.

Have a great week.





The Costco toilet paper is so funny. Me and the Misses were just at Walmart shopping and bought toilet paper. On the way home we talked about our visit to our daughter in Houston a few weeks ago and how large their toilet paper was and the Misses said, “I guess they shop at Costco.”

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1 hour ago, superoma said:

Weird weather expected today. Calling for ice pellets starting around 10 until 2 then rain. Temps will be above freezing the whole time. One weather site is calling for heavy snow around noon! Woke up to unexpected snow on Saturday but it melted quickly. Lovely sunshine but a chilly wind yesterday. I am so done with winter. Not sure how @ger_77or @kazudeal with what they get. 

busy week coming up. My DSIL from Germany is currently visiting her sisters in Virginia and will fly up here on Wednesday for a few days. Having people in for dinner, some for coffee and cake, who have gotten to know her over the years. Sunday we will have a family party. She hasn’t seen some of my grandchildren in 10 or more years except in pictures. Should be a nice visit. The only part I dread is crossing the border- she is flying into and out of Detroit. I never enjoy the customs and immigration part of that crossing, either way!


so, I will be reading daily but maybe not posting. Will see how the days shape up.


Eva, sounds like a very special visit coming up with your DSIL from Germany.  I hope you all enjoy the family parties and get togethers.  Sorry to hear about the crossing the border issues.  




1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning all,

I read the daily yesterday but did not post. I was busy with grands and then to tired. 

DGS loves polar bears and we adopt one from the Kansas City Zoo each year. I don’t think I want to get too close to one. They look pretty menacing. 

The wind is blowing here but nothing new. Unfortunately my dog dies not enjoy it and I have to force her out. 

I love all the jokes. It is a nice way to wake up. I appreciate everyone’s effort on this thread. 

I had a dream last night that I found a tool that was made to get under your cast to scratch that itch. I am glad there is not such a tool or I would be in big trouble. Maybe my trip to Sin City tomorrow will keep my mind off of it. I just hope flying out of the new airport the day it opens goes smoothly. I am curious to see it as the old airport was getting pretty run down. The big push to open this week is to be ready for the NFL draft here in Kansas City next week. 

Prayers and best wishes to all. 

Have a good trip to Las Vegas!  Hope the new airport works out well.✈️




1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Slept until 7:30 Central. It’s already sunny and seventy degrees. Azaleas are almost full bloom, Amaryllis are booming as well as other flowering shrubs and trees. Feeling like spring but still waiting for the long leaf pines to spread yellow pollen all over the area.

It’s laundry day but just one load of clothes as I did bulky towels and other items yesterday. We watched a movie last night starring Dustin Hoffman and Sissy Spacek in Sam & Kate. Turns out Sam’s son in movie is Dustin’s real son and Sissy’s Daughter in the movie is Sissy’s actual daughter. Dustin is now 85 years old and Sissy is 73.

One more coffee and it’s time to get moving. Thanks for the Fleet Report and postings.

Have a great week.





More great memes today, Bruce!  The last one reminds me that the concept of rotary dial phones is lost completely on the newer generations.  Funniest videos of them trying to figure out how to dial a number, all while the receiver is still on the hook.  Always good for a laugh!




55 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

In 2017 while cruising around the Polar Ice Cap on the MS Prisendam we came across these two well sated Polar Bears who had been dining on a beached whale! Fellow cruiser took this picture.



Great shot of the polar bears!  Your fellow passenger must have one of those foot long lenses on his camera.  Thanks for sharing with us.




20 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you so much Sandi for your very kind compliments.

A few more Miami Retro building photos I took.






Thanks for the additional photos Graham.  I've never been to Miami, except for flying in to the airport in 2004 and taking a transfer to a Fort Lauderdale cruise.  It's nice that you two took the time to stay and visit Miami before and after your latest cruise.


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