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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday March 12th, 2023


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Good morning everyone. Happy Birthday to Lenda. Welcome to day light savings time. Wish we would just keep this time forever already instead of having a debate every year.

My grandson returns to college today and I reminded him 2 times to set his clock ahead so he won’t miss the bus to Rochester. It’s a long walk if he misses it. 
Stay safe everyone,


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3 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General info SLC

Forgot to include my Genealogy. Ancestry goes way back to the 1700’s in Alabama. I believe we came from a long line of famous farmers whose name was Turnipseed. Wonder what they planted! 😀

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Good morning,

Lots of early activity for clocks moving ahead. I would still be in bed but I have to get DGS to his soccer game. He is really dragging this morning. 

Happy birthday to anyone celebrating today. 


Prayers to those on care list. I need to get DGS moving or we will be late. 

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2 hours ago, ski ww said:

In the Spring the clocks go forward, in the Fall they go back

For us we are on a ship whose time went back on the same day as the US went forward so many had phones that auto reset to daylight canceling the hour we reset. and was very confusing. We are in Bridgeport so no daylight time here. 

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Thanks to Ann @cat shepardfor helping us remember everyone's birthday.  You must have a list similar to my port spreadsheet.  I somehow missed Mitzi's birthday mention so happy birthday to you Mitzi!  Celebrate with some birthday balloons!🎈00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIf6bL0fcHES6KmJJdKUwhmVZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1666872740


And here are some birthday cupcakes for Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.🧁00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLcaII2t-CnJ2xiYISM_P6v4xJ2Twu75QF_jizMkB1ZdA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1666870892


I went back to bed around 5:30 and didn't get up until 8:15!  Still tired so may even need a nap later.  I have the sheets in the washer and after we remake the bed that should be it for my chores today.  By the way, when we got up we heard some thunder and it began to rain hard so we checked the gutter DH cleared of a clog yesterday.  It's working like a charm so three cheers for hubby's to do list accomplishments this week.  He deserves a vacation somewhere.🚢

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@Overhead Fred and Lenda have a wonderful birthday!  🎂🍾


We are in Barbados going ashore in a while for a shore excursion to the botanical gardens in addition to a few other spots then Chefs Table tonight.  We missed the crew show.  Packed auditorium a half hour before the show because everyone was smart and grabbed a seat for the port talk the hour before. I hear it featured some wonderful singers in solo acts. 

Thanks for the Daily and care reports. Prayers for all needing them and the people of Ukraine.   @summer slopeyesterday's Sauza Tequila cocktail was wonderful. I asked Catherine to make it with Patron anejo, half the sugar free syrup and it was wonderful.  On honor of plant a flower day today. 🌷 Day lily Dublin Elaine planted in July 2021. Nancy 




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2 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

Ugh.  It's still dark out.  I don't like the time change.  Pick one and stick with it (I know that will never happen)

I’m with you!  welcome to a week of feeling tired and just “off” , sigh,  Even the dogs didn’t want to get up this morning 🐶🐶😂


I feel for those of you with sleep problems and insomnia.  You feel like this every single day!


Good morning, Daily friends. Thanks SLC for starting us off every morning.  Love looking forward to the Days, Meal, Drink,Wine, Port, and Fleet.   

Thanks to those who cheerfully provide food and drink recipes and photos, our Care and praise lists.  

Now that the sun has FINALLY come up (ha!) it sounds and feels like Spring outside.   ❤️ Spring.


Prayers for those in need, and smiles for those sharing good news. 


Edited by ocean sounds
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  A number of years ago when I seriously searched for my Metis roots, I used a book entitled "The History of the First Metis Nation" and with DH's assistance one weekend, we were able to trace my ancestry back to the 1600's in France.  Our small town only had Brownies, no Girl Scouts.  If it was late April or early May, I might plant a flower - right now we've got drifts along our driveway that I can barely see over and I'm 5'6".  


@Quartzsite CruiserHappy Birthday to you; wishing you many returns of the day!

@Overhead Fredplease wish Mitzi a Happy Birthday as well!

@StLouisCruisersI am so happy to hear your DB's medication will be covered; what a relief that must have been for the family.

@luvteachingI'm sorry DH is back in hospital; hopefully this time that nasty infection will be taken care of once and for all!


We are on central standard time, so we never change our clocks.  We do have to be aware of other provinces, though, when making phone calls, or when traveling to them.  It's nice not having to change clocks twice a year!


This afternoon a friend is coming over for a while; over 50 years ago she and DH sang at her friend's wedding.  Well the fellow passed away on Friday and his wife has asked if the two of them could sing at his funeral.  They'll go over a number of songs, but at this point it's looking like What a Wonderful World and On The Wings of a Dove are the two they're favouring.


I'm still struggling with Outlook on my new PC.  I finally broke down and bought a new program for it (couldn't find the old product key) and installed it.  I was able to transfer the info from the old to the new, but then was unable to receive emails.  A friend did a remote and was able to fix that, but after he departed, I realized my address book was empty.  Argh; there's always something.  Maybe DH has it right that you can fix a computer with an axe!


Some of you who are observing Lent may be able to identify with this:
No photo description available.


I like today's menu suggestion.  I remember as a child, especially during curling season, the women would get together while the men curled, and would make what they referred to as goulash.  It had a beef gravy type of base, rather than tomato soup for chili, but had many of the usual ingredients; ground beef, onions, beans, mushrooms, etc.  Most often it was served along with a large bowl of rice.  I haven't made it in ages and am pretty sure I have all the ingredients in the house, so I think I'll put together my version of it and we'll enjoy Gerry's Goulash at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for those dealing with man-made and natural disasters.  Cheers to all who are celebrating today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Good Morning from a sunny but cool day at the beach

      Girl Scouts was not an organization around me growing up. We were all " Campfire Girls". The younger girls were called "Bluebirds" and then you flew up to be a full fledged Camp Fire Girl.

     My cousin is very much into Genealogy and has discovered some amazing facts. 

     I do like Goulash but tend toward the "American " version.

     @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda A very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more!

      I wish Day Light saving time would stay all year.  I like longer days. 

      I hope everyone is doing OK. 


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Gotta love Genealogy Day....!!


I've been addicted to genealogy for over 50 years...actually it's getting closer now to 60 years...
I post all of my research on Ancestry...so that it has a public forum and can be seen by anyone who might be searching...
Four of the genealogy trees are our family....and 25 trees are a mix of friends who have asked for help.....and complete stranger's who have hit a brick wall...
I love helping and finding their problems...I love the "dig"....my DH always said I should have been an FBI investigator...:)
And I've loved all the research trips here in the US....and especially those in London...!!
Two days ago I was reading a bit of fluff and escaped into a Regency book...it was fiction....when suddenly a name came up in an actual fact the author had thrown in..........dropped the book, grabbed my laptop....and off I went.......!!
Turned out to be a great hint...and I'm still working on it....:)
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend....!!!


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Happy birthday @Overhead Fredto Mitzi and @Quartzite cruiser lenda. Can’t get the blue bubble for some reason. Hope you both have good days.


word is that Ontario May be changing to daylight savings time for the last time - if the USA decides to stop changing. Let’s see what happens.


snowing very lightly this morning. Enough already! 

prayers for those that need them and will raise a glass later fir those celebrating.

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55 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks to Ann @cat shepardfor helping us remember everyone's birthday.  You must have a list similar to my port spreadsheet.  I somehow missed Mitzi's birthday mention so happy birthday to you Mitzi!  Celebrate with some birthday balloons!🎈



No list. As people share birthdays I pop them on my calendar app & ask for reminders. Love my calendar app. 

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Good morning. Just back from church and catching up on today’s Daily. We hosted and enjoyed a dinner last night with friends and it was a lovely evening.

Between the rush for church I haven’t really had much discussion with Sue if we have any plans for the day. If schedule allows I have been enjoying watching the Players Golf Tournament and today is NASCAR race from Phoenix.

A Happy Birthday wish to Lenda🎂 that you have a wonderful and memorable day.

Temps in the seventies this morning but so far no sunshine.

Thanks to all for your Daily contributions. 


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Springing Forward today!  
So many to thank for all your kindness and prayers. I am feeling better, DH worse yesterday but I think this will pass quickly. Cold meds helping!  Rest helping!  I tried to make a list of all to thank but really it is all of you being here for your uplifting sharing. 

Happy Birthday celebrations to Lenda and Mitzi!  Life is good! 

Great news shared by Sandi on her DBs med coverage!  Miracles are around us every day!  


@luvteaching Karen, you are inspiring through all the roller coaster of your DH’s issues!  One day at a time is everything!  🙏


To: Lenda (no bubble), @marshhawkAnnie, @ottahand7Karen, @TiogaCruiser, @smitty34877,

@rafinmd, Roy, @JazzyV for adding us to the care list!, @bennybear, @grapau27 Graham, @Cruizinalong, @erewhonJ&P 💕, @ger_77Gerry…. and all I’ve missed…. I am so grateful for your good wishes, encouragement and condolences. This is a hectic time in my heart, mind and body. I feel your loving care!  

A huge thank you to all who helped get SailAway screenshots of us! Especially Lou and Co. who made it possible. Treasures!  

I was a Girl Scout long long ago;  have enjoyed some very meaningful travel to ancestors’ lands, especially Cornwall; and I always thought Goulash had beans, but if I make it without beans I think DH would enjoy it. I doubt I’ll get to Reunion but that’s ok, there’s abundant beauty and joy in my world!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Bon Voyage to today’s cruisers!  Cheers to all celebrating!  Life is good!  One day at a time is everything.  


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My mother was in Camp Fire, not Girl Scouts. Maybe their country village didn't have both. As a student in Vienna a long time ago I ate Goulasch frequently; it was ubiquitous then because so many of the cooks (in restaurants) were from Hungary, have crossed the border during the 1956 uprising. Goulasch denoted a stew; the soup version was Goulaschsuppe. On my last visit to Vienna, however, I never saw Goulasch anywhere.  I will pass on the cocktail but would like the wine, only not with goulash.


This morning I taught a Hebrew class over Zoom at 9:30, and after posting this I'm going back to bed--I didn't get to sleep until 3:00 a.m.


I take it that those who are posting from Bridgeport are in Barbados, not Connecticut.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

word is that Ontario May be changing to daylight savings time for the last time - if the USA decides to stop changing. Let’s see what happens.


Actually, members of Congress are proposing that the US use Daylight Saving Time year round. I think that this is a horrible idea; I'd rather stay on Standard Time all year. The original reason for DST was to conserve energy, but with changes in work patterns and the prevalence of air conditioning, it no longer applies.





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Sending all who read the Daily warm wishes on Plant a Flower Day. Flowers bring us happiness, love and smiles.  This picture was taken at Longwood Gardens last week.FD24A076-2B70-4C9B-8938-11654B5207B7.thumb.jpeg.bf059b01c913f2296fd69be32b69ad9c.jpeg


Yesterday, I planted spinach and lettuce seeds in window boxes.  If there is a threat of frost, I’ll bring them in.  I usually wait until May to plant my annuals outdoors.  

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25 minutes ago, cat shepard said:


No list. As people share birthdays I pop them on my calendar app & ask for reminders. Love my calendar app. 


Great idea and it's appreciated by all!  We can't forget tomorrow's big birthday for one of our family members.  😉


@RMLincolnI'm glad you are feeling better and hope the cold meds help DH today.  Good luck to him on his medical visit tomorrow.


Hint for Lenda's blue bubble not coming up, Quartzsite has an S after the Z.  


I looked up the name of the company DB mentioned regarding his benefactor.  A quick search showed it's one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies and the largest private one.  I'm not familiar with the name, but he said this one is considered a last resort if none of the other companies had a grant available.  This last resort paid off and we are all so grateful.🙏

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