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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday March 13th, 2023


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From last year:


I've been to Dunedin/Port Chalmers twice, both times on Crystal, and both times I've met up with @erewhon.  In 2018 it was the Crystal Symphony enroute from Sydney to Miami.  I walked around Port Chalmers a little bit before the meeting.  One thing I enjoyed was the interior of Trinity Church.




Once we met they became my guests on the Symphony, having lunch in the Trident Grill, Crystal's equivalent of Dive-In.  DW does not like having her photo published but here are me and DH at the table as we waited for delivery of our sandwiches:




After lunch they took me into Dunedin and one of the highlights then was the train station that @StLouisCruisers has shown us.


In 2020 Dunedin was our final port of call in New Zealand (come to think of it perhaps my last Crystal port of call ever since Hobart was cancelled due to storms, and I disembarked in Sydney just before all hell broke loose.  This time I was taken to a brunch at a place near their residence called Luna, overlooking the harbor:




I enjoyed a very nice brunch:




After brunch we did a bit of shopping.  I had broken a shoe lace having difficulty finding them in New Zealand.  I was taken promptly the right display for the perfect pair of laces that I am still using.


On the way back we stopped at Signal Hill where there was a monument to New Zealand's Centennial


and a terrific view:




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Good day Dailyites!  
Happy Birthday Pauline!  

Cruisers to LIVE life!  I’m grateful for all it’s given me. We were in Dunedin twice, same trip, once by ship, once by camper van. The miles of piles of timber were staggering!  We went out the peninsula to the albatross rookery. Twice. The second time it was closed, Dec 25th!  Stunning place on this earth!  

Yesterday was a rough day for me to deal with. We tested positive for COVID. It’s not the COVID that is the problem but how it separates us from the medical system.  So today we must regroup, reschedule?… and do what we can to keep moving forward. I don’t know how that will look but in life’s earlier calamities I’ve learned to ask myself, “What’s good right now?”  So much good!  Yesterday I was panicky. Today I’m more grounded. I’m not strong or stoic but I have a lot of support. Thanks for being part of that!  

Blessings to all who need healing, comfort or hope!  Or all three!  
Congrats to all celebrating. Life is good!  
Bon Voyage to those cruising!  Living life!  You lift us all with that joy. 
Thanks to each of you. 
Remembering Jacqui and Kathi too!  

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info SLC.


Little late today. Went early morning shopping to Walmart to get those blue light specials. Found out when I got there those specials were at K-mart not Walmart.


First of all, Happy Birthday to Grapau27, Pauline! Please share the birthday cake I posted yesterday for QC. I’m sure she will give you a couple of twinkles.

Second, it is Smart & Sexy Day which means it’s time for rhyme time with RNB; based on famous song “I’m So Sexy”.


I’m so sexy for this thread

So sexy for this thread

Even though I have a hard head.


I’m so sexy for this ship

So sexy for this ship

Though I might not be hip


I’m to sexy for the Ocean Bar

So sexy for the Ocean Bar

So sexy by far.


Now for the RedneckBob ear muffs for ear muff day




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4 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Good day Dailyites!  
Happy Birthday Pauline!  

Cruisers to LIVE life!  I’m grateful for all it’s given me. We were in Dunedin twice, same trip, once by ship, once by camper van. The miles of piles of timber were staggering!  We went out the peninsula to the albatross rookery. Twice. The second time it was closed, Dec 25th!  Stunning place on this earth!  

Yesterday was a rough day for me to deal with. We tested positive for COVID. It’s not the COVID that is the problem but how it separates us from the medical system.  So today we must regroup, reschedule?… and do what we can to keep moving forward. I don’t know how that will look but in life’s earlier calamities I’ve learned to ask myself, “What’s good right now?”  So much good!  Yesterday I was panicky. Today I’m more grounded. I’m not strong or stoic but I have a lot of support. Thanks for being part of that!  

Blessings to all who need healing, comfort or hope!  Or all three!  
Congrats to all celebrating. Life is good!  
Bon Voyage to those cruising!  Living life!  You lift us all with that joy. 
Thanks to each of you. 
Remembering Jacqui and Kathi too!  


Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear the bad news about your positive Covid tests.  I hope you can get things settled with DH's procedure.  My advice is resting as much as possible because energy levels were the worst part of it for us.

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Thanks for our Monday Daily, Sandi. Hope everyone is ready to start another week and has adjusted to DST.




@0106thanks for the rest of the quote.  I like it much better now that you have filled in the blanks 👍 


@cat shepardtoday’s wine sounds lovely.  If I was allowed to drive, I’d be heading to the liquor store to see if they have it 😜 


@RMLincolnoh no on testing positive 😔 I hope you don’t suffer any major effects and can recover quickly 🙏 


And, a very happy birthday to Pauline!


I’m not sure what today’s meal suggestion is and will have to wait for Debbie @dfish.  I might opt for this one 😜 




Not celebrating any of the days.  Ear muffs will be for tomorrow if I were to go outside.  Another ‘Nor Easter heading here and it’s not sounding good.  If the weathermen are right (and they normally are when it’s bad news) there will be no physio on Wednesday.  I’ll wait and see - can’t have my driver risking their life to get me there.  I hope everyone in it’s path can stay safe 🤞 




Challenges just seem to be getting tougher lately.  It just seems to one hurdle after another I have to climb over.  One step forward - 2 steps back. ‘Sigh’


Loved Dunedin when we were there.  It was before my days on CC so didn’t get to meet @erewhonsadly.  


Prayers for everyone on the Care list and those that need them & a toast to those celebrating.




Have a good Monday everyone !!!

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42 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

From last year:


I've been to Dunedin/Port Chalmers twice, both times on Crystal, and both times I've met up with @erewhon.  In 2018 it was the Crystal Symphony enroute from Sydney to Miami.  I walked around Port Chalmers a little bit before the meeting.  One thing I enjoyed was the interior of Trinity Church.




Once we met they became my guests on the Symphony, having lunch in the Trident Grill, Crystal's equivalent of Dive-In.  DW does not like having her photo published but here are me and DH at the table as we waited for delivery of our sandwiches:




After lunch they took me into Dunedin and one of the highlights then was the train station that @StLouisCruisers has shown us.


In 2020 Dunedin was our final port of call in New Zealand (come to think of it perhaps my last Crystal port of call ever since Hobart was cancelled due to storms, and I disembarked in Sydney just before all hell broke loose.  This time I was taken to a brunch at a place near their residence called Luna, overlooking the harbor:




I enjoyed a very nice brunch:




After brunch we did a bit of shopping.  I had broken a shoe lace having difficulty finding them in New Zealand.  I was taken promptly the right display for the perfect pair of laces that I am still using.


On the way back we stopped at Signal Hill where there was a monument to New Zealand's Centennial


and a terrific view:




Nice photos Roy.


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Good morning all!  Another snowy morning here, but I don't think it will amount to much.  Our cruise was a month ago, and I think we've had more snow after than before we left.  @StLouisCruisers your train pictures reminded me of Skagway and our train trip there!  

@grapau27Happy birthday to your Pauline!  Birthday blessings to her!

I have earmuffs, but I'm hoping they can be packed away soon!  

@RMLincolnso sorry to hear you tested positive for covid, hoping you recover quickly and without issues.  I have a cardiologist appt. this week, i've been bothered with PAC's since I had it in March of 2020.  

Here's hoping everyone has a great day.  Karen

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Good morning, everyone!


I have an appointment with the endocrinologist this morning to determine what we are going to do with my adrenal mass.  The surgeon said they are going back and forth on when to intervene with high cortisol levels, but I think mine were high enough to warrant removal.  I'll report back on that tomorrow.  


We had a fantastic time with my friends, Sean and John, who drove up from Toledo yesterday.  They said they had a blast and that the food was outstanding.  I think they were telling the truth on that one as there wasn't much left.  


@kazu Jacqui, it was so nice to read your post this morning!   I hope you have a good Monday!

@RMLincoln I'm so sorry about the positive Covid tests.  You will get through this.  

@grapau27 Happy Birthday, Pauline!



@0106 Tina, I have read from others that it is better to do the trip from Santiago around to Buenos Aires.  That way the Chilean glaciers are more exciting because you see them before Antarctica.  If you go to Antarctica first, they seem to pale a bit.  Who knows about the Drake.  The Drake will be the Drake.  When I went before we did from Buenos Aires to Santiago.  It was one of the best cruises I've been on.  


Bucatini is a tubed pasta made of hard durum wheat flour and water. Its length is 25–30 cm (10–12 in) with a 3 mm (1⁄8 in) diameter. The average cooking time is nine minutes.

Bucatini all'amatriciana, a dish prepared with bucatini pasta.


In Italian cuisine, bucatini is served with buttery sauces, guanciale, vegetables, cheese, eggs, and anchovies or sardines. One of the most common sauces to serve with bucatini is the Amatriciana sauce, bucatini all'amatriciana. It is traditionally made with guanciale, a type of cured meat taken from the pork jowl.


Sugo all'amatriciana, or alla matriciana, also known as salsa all'amatriciana, is a traditional Italian pasta sauce based on guanciale (cured pork cheek), pecorino romano cheese, tomato, and, in some variations, onion. Originating from the town of Amatrice (in the mountainous Province of Rieti of Lazio region), the Amatriciana is one of the best known pasta sauces in present-day Roman and Italian cuisine. The Italian government has named it a traditional agro-alimentary product of Lazio and Amatriciana tradizionale is registered as a Traditional Speciality Guaranteed in the EU and the UK.


This first recipe has a long discussion on the difference between guanciale and pancetta.  Traditionally, guanciale has been used, but you will find some recipes that use pancetta as it is easier to find.   https://www.seriouseats.com/bucatini-pasta-amatriciana-recipe




Here's a slightly, and I mean slightly, different take on it.  https://www.insidetherustickitchen.com/pasta-amatriciana/




This one uses the pancetta and even suggests that you could substitute bacon.  I'm sure that sends horrors down the spine of the authors of the first recipe.    https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a34922698/bucatini-pasta-recipe/





I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!   


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@grapau27,  Graham, please pass on. Happy Birthday wishes to Pauline. The picture posted is especially nice. Enjoy the Birthday week.


The Storm coming to Jacqui will start around here later today but I think we will mostly have rain and wind. We have an appointment tomorrow afternoon that I hope will not be a problem to get to.

@RMLincoln, I am sorry to hear about your positive Covid results and hope things can be rescheduled soon. Feel better  and rest as much as possible.

We have not been to the port but appreciate Sandi’s pictures @StLouisCruisers. Thanks for keeping us going and providing our entertainment!

The new aide arrived bright and early and things are going well,I think. We hope for the best and I am so happy to have a cheerful person here. 
I used to love jewelry but have given almost all of it to either DD or DGD. Once upon a time I felt smart and sexy….

Enjoy the day everyone

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Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach     
       Not cool enough for earmuffs , I don’t even own any!

      We were in Port Chalmers back in December. It was a cold and rainy day. We took the shuttle into Dunedin. Great town, we enjoyed it. Maybe some day we can go back!

   @grapau27a very Happy Birthdsy to Pauline. Hope she enjoys her special day


stay safe and enjoy today





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Jacqui @kazu, it's very nice to see you posting today.  Fingers crossed about your weather this week and sending positive thoughts your way.


Debbie @dfishgood luck at your appointment today and I hope things can be finally settled.  The dish today looks great no matter which recipe.  I'm a big fan of pasta.


Nancy @ottahand7I hope today is a better day for you two in Roseau, Dominica.  Only two more port days on this cruise and if you don't mind, may I ask about the itinerary?  On my confirmation for this cruise (we cancelled of course) it shows San Juan on the 14th and Half Moon Cay on the 17th.  However cruisetimetables.com shows St. Thomas on the 14th and San Juan on the 15th.  I tend to think the latter since it's more recent.  I appreciate any help with this.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I used my ear muffs the other day when clearing off the driveway - I have a pair that wrap around the back of my head and find them really comfortable to wear.  I've basically stopped buying real jewels - at my age, and with only grandsons, it doesn't make sense.  Now if I see a bright shiny piece of Swarovski, I'm happy with that; I've always told DH I was a cheap date, LOL.   Smart and sexy - well, I still feel smart, I'll leave it at that.


It looks like it's going to be a grey, cloudy day out there - we're currently sitting at a temp of -15C, but there's a bit of a breeze that will make it feel colder.  Sending good vibes to @kazuas she faces yet another dang storm . . . it just doesn't quit in that part of the country!  @smitty34877 I hope the storm doesn't affect your appointment tomorrow.


@RMLincolnI'm sorry to hear you've both tested positive - what a rotten time for it to happen.  I hope your DH will be able to reschedule his surgery in the not too distant future!  Take care of yourself, though, and get plenty of rest.

@grapau27please wish Pauline a very Happy Birthday for me.

@dfishgood luck with your appointment today.


It's a friend's birthday today, so DH and I will pop over this afternoon with coffee and a cake to help him celebrate.  Other than that, not a lot is happening here, so I'll be able to continue with the blanket making.  I think we'd like today's menu suggestion, but there is a lot of goulash left from yesterday.  I froze a couple of containers of it, but we'll be having leftovers with crusty buns at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who struggles, especially those in Ukraine and the people of California dealing with nature's wrath.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Edited by ger_77
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Good morning from sunny and not windy yet central Texas   It is currently 45F and will reach 61F this afternoon.  We are in for typical March weather in Texas with the highs swinging between the upper 50sF to 81F for most of the rest of the month.  Our lows will swing from the mid-30sF to the 50sF.  


There's not much on the agenda today except laundry and a blood test for DH to monitor the blood thinner.


I still have a pair of ear muffs, but don't really need them in Texas or Arizona.  I save them for Alaska cruises that go to either Glacier Bay or Hubbard Glacier.  Jewels are nice, and I have a few that I take on cruises.  They don't really go with t-shirts though.  My paternal grandmother and great grandmother were names Jewel, another reason to celebrate Jewel Day.  DH thinks I'm still sexy and I think I'm smart.


The Maya Angelou quote is good, especially after @0106 gave us the rest of the quote.  Thank you, Tina, for the full quote.


I think we'll pass on the meal, but it all likelihood, we'll have spaghetti tonight.  We'll also pass on the meal and the wine.


We have not been to Dunedin or Port Chalmers -- yet.  They are on the bucket list.


@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm sorry your tour in Barbados was a no-go, but that is good news you could cancel and get your money back.  I hope the day in Dominica is a lot better.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for the pictures of Dunedin and Port Chalmers.  And thanks for getting the Fleet/Daily going again today.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you slept well last night, and there's nothing wrong with being lazy.  Thanks for adding your pictures.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm so sorry you both tested positive, and I hope you both have very mild cases.  I also hope your DH can get his needed surgery soon after you both test negative.  Take care and get plenty of rest. 

@kazu  Jacqui, good to see you here this morning.  I hope weather forecasters are wrong, and you can get to your physical therapy on Wednesday.  Enjoyed the memes.

@smitty34877  Terri, that is great news the aide arrived bright and early and that things are going well.  I hope you can get to your appointment tomorrow without any weather problems.

@cunnorl  Charlene, thanks for your pictures of today's port.






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Woke up late this morning, 9:30, to more snow. Enough even if it is pretty. Headed to the passport office to put my renewal application in. Promised turnaround is 29 days. We’ll see. I don’t need it until fall so trying to stay ahead of the game. Where did those ten years go! 

happy birthday to Pauline @grapau27. Prayers for those that need them and will celebrate later with those celebrating. Sorry to hear about Covid rearing it’s head and messing with surgeries. One DD and her family are down too. They think DSIL caught it on his recent business trip to LA but who knows.

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 42 and sunny.  Tonight we are supposed to get below freezing.  Cold and hunger have made the ferals much more friendly to each other, that and I gave Mr.. Bubbles his breakfast in bed, making sure he would not have to go fight with his son? brother?  We have never been sure.  They both showed up around the same time.  Fawn likes both of them.


@0106Thank you for giving us the whole quote.  

@RMLincolnSorry to read that you have Covid.  I understand what you mean about being separated from Medical help when you have Covid. My ex doctor wouldn't see me for two years because I had a cough.   And wouldn't treat me when I said I had lied to make an appointment, and then he screwed up my medical records.  I knew I didn't have Covid.  But that cough that started after my broken elbow surgery wouldn't go away.  Take care of yourselves!


@grapau27 Please share with Pauline-



for my wine loving friends-




Today is create a new work form for the choose your own sales that go on sale tomorrow.  But I still get to try to sell subscriptions, and then the CYO option.  And once those calls go down, I will be let go, sometime in April......

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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Yesterday was a rough day for me to deal with. We tested positive for COVID. It’s not the COVID that is the problem but how it separates us from the medical system.  So today we must regroup, reschedule?… and do what we can to keep moving forward. I don’t know how that will look but in life’s earlier calamities I’ve learned to ask myself, “What’s good right now?”  So much good!  Yesterday I was panicky. Today I’m more grounded. I’m not strong or stoic but I have a lot of support. Thanks for being part of that!

Best wishes and prayers 🙏🏻 For quick healing, for both you and your DH.

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1 hour ago, dfish said:

I have an appointment with the endocrinologist this morning to determine what we are going to do with my adrenal mass.  The surgeon said they are going back and forth on when to intervene with high cortisol levels, but I think mine were high enough to warrant removal.  I'll report back on that tomorrow.  


We had a fantastic time with my friends, Sean and John, who drove up from Toledo yesterday

Prayers for Doctors wisdom and skill to determine best treatment, and for full healing!  Hope they soon settle on treatment course.


Glad you had Toledo friends visit.  I grew up in West Toledo. Lots of memories. I so enjoy the warmer weather here in Texas, however I still miss the fall colors from “up north”   

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've never worn ear muffs. I'm not a hat person either; I always have a hood on winter coats. I like jewels and wear my birthstone ring often; but I've sold a lot of jewelry since there's no one to pass it on to and I wasn't wearing it. Let's all be smart and sexy! I like the quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine.

I have been to Dunedin on my first HAL cruise. I was on a road trip when this was the port last October, so I'll have to dig up pictures.


It's chilly here and lightly snowing, but the roads are ok. I woke up a bit early, posted the Care List, then went back to sleep for 2 more hours. Tonight we're supposed to get about 1" of snow. I should be fine to go to the viewing this afternoon.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting up the FR/Daily today. Great photos from Dunedin.

@richwmn We all appreciate you preparing the FR/Daily so we could continue while you cruise.

@grapau27 Happy Birthday to Pauline! And that's a lovely photo of her.

@ottahand7 Sorry to hear that you couldn't go on your tour, and that the Chefs Table dinner didn't live up to expectations. 

@rafinmd I think we all feel a bit lazy with the time change. Thanks for the photos from Dunedin and with @erewhon.

@0106 My Antarctic cruise was from Santiago to Buenos Aires. My favorite cruise of all time! And thanks for the rest of the quote.

@RMLincoln So sorry to hear about testing positive for Covid and the impact on DH's upcoming surgery. Prayers that you have mild cases and will be able to reschedule soon. It worries me for my upcoming cruise that you guys wore masks and still got it.

@RedneckBob Love the rhyme!

@kazu Nice to see you posting. I thought of you when I heard about the Nor' Easter. I pray the challenges gets easier soon.

@ktbraun I hope the Cardiology appointment is able to help your issues. 

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I hope you get some satisfaction when you visit the Endocrinologist.  

@smitty34877 Prayers that this aide works out for Tana and the family. And I hope the weather doesn't affect you going to your appointment tomorrow.

@cunnorl Nice pictures.

@superoma Sorry to hear DD and family are down with Covid; prayers for mild cases and quick recovery.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List.

Everyone take care of yourselves.

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Some photos from Dunedin in 2006


Aproaching Dunedin



Port of Otago and docking





St. Paul's Cathedral in the Octagon



The Municipal Chambers



Robert Burns Statue



Dunedin Railway Station






Dunedin First Church



Cadbury World








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Good morning, Everyone.  DH and I survived weekend babysitting of toddler and baby grandchildren, so now I'll start the week off easier with a "diet" to prepare myself for a "procedure" tomorrow.  Told ya March was a crazy month!


I have mink ear muffs.  It happened like this.  Saks Fifth Avenue had a sale table with a bunch of rabbit ear muffs on the table.  One pair of mink ones were mixed in with the lot, so I bought them at rabbit prices.  They are very warm.  But I can't hear a thing while wearing them.


Like others, I rarely wear any jewelry.  We're all so casual now.  Most of it was acquired in the "Dallas" and "Falcon's Crest" days of the 80s.  Long time ago.

Smart & Sexy?  Nah...notsomuch.


The food and drink all sound good.  We have been to Dunedin on our cruise from San Diego to Auckland -- one of our favorites.  @StLouisCruisersSandi and others posted many wonderful photos of the places we visited in Dunedin.  Sometimes I wish you could hit both "like" and "thanks" for posts.  I know how much effort goes into posting so many photos.


@grapau27Graham, I join in wishing Pauline a lovely birthday.  The birthday photo is beautiful.  🌹  🌷  🌹

@0106, we have been to South America, without Antarctica.  Our trip was west to east (departing from San Diego) and it was a fabulous trip in all respects.  Conventional wisdom is to book port side for that direction, but we were starboard and loved the sunsets and also seemed to have the best views at every port stop. 

@cat shepard, I used Nasocort for the first time this year for terrible allergies.  It's one of those steroid sprays.  It gave quick relief and seemed to stop the cycle.  I only used it for about a week.

@aliaschief, you outdid yourself with the jokes today.  Good ones!

@kazuJacqui, I'm sorry to hear things aren't more comfortable.  As Scarlet said, "Tomorrow is another day."

@RMLincoln, prayers that your Covid is over quickly and you can resume your activities.

@dfishI hope the endocrinologist gets a good plan going for you.  Tell him who's the boss!

@smitty34877, that's great that the aide is pleasant to have around.  It makes so much difference!


Thanks to our Daily Team.  Wishing everyone a good Monday and nice week ahead!

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Part 2

Speight Brewery, Dunedin





Taste testing



Pipers coming to give us a sendoff





Wood chips on the dock



Port Chalmers Flagstaff Point



Scenery as we leave



Flowers in bloom



Otago Peninsula, Dunedin

Head Gun fortifications



Royal Albatross Centre







Edited by JazzyV
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