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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday April 2nd, 2023

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1 hour ago, GeorgeCharlie said:

We visited Cherbourg (Normandy) on board the Zuiderdam in 2019, just a few days before the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Some of the sites had restricted access due to the upcoming celebrations, but it was still an impressive sight.  


The simple epitaph on this D-Day memorial at Courseulles-sur-Mer reads: "Here on the 6th June 1944 Europe was liberated by the heroism of the Allied forces."




For over 90 years, a grand two-storey home has sat alone on a beach in the village of Bernières-sur-Mer, in Normandy, France, looking toward England across the English Channel. It wasn’t built by Canadians, and Canadians don’t own it. But on June 6, 1944, it became a part of Canadian military history. On that day, it was the first house to be liberated during Operation Overlord, the Allied military operation to try to liberate France


Sadly, more than 100 Canadians were killed on the beach in front of the home during the first few minutes of the battle.






The house is, and has always been, two semi-detached homes in a single building. The left-hand side is owned by the family of Hervé Hoffer, whose grandfather owned the home during the war but was evicted by the Germans. 


The Hoffer family has lovingly maintained the spirit of their home's wartime history, and the memory of Canada's sacrifice. Today, visitors are almost always welcome, and inside they will find a living shrine to remembrance — a summer home festooned with maple leaf flags, regimental insignia and a large collection of wartime maps, photographs, uniforms and other artifacts.


There was also fighting inside the Hoffer house, as Canadians cleared the building of enemy troops. A veteran, who returned to visit in 2009, left this message in Hoffer’s guest book: “Ernie Kells, Queen’s Own Rifles — one of five soldiers who arrived at this house on D-Day, now 84 years old. Sorry about throwing grenades into your cellar.”


Thank you for sharing this!  I had one extended family member who landed on Gold beach. My own father served but not in Europe. We’ve been spared so much by their courage and sacrifice. I hope to get to Cherbourg someday. m—

Edited by RMLincoln
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Good morning again.  It has warmed up to 73F, but unfortunately, we still have clouds, so it's still a gray day.


We will definitely celebrate children's book day.  My father and my grandmothers read to me often when I was little.  My father was an avid reader and instilled a love of reading in me.  DH and I read to the DDs every night, and once they were in school, it was books from the library.  Mainly, they would bring home Curious George and Dr. Seuss books, and I would read the Dr. Seuss books while DH read the Curious George books.  Both DDs still like to read when they have time.  Add me to the rare ones who do not like peanut butter.  Ramadan is a very important time of reflection for a great many of the world's population.


Today's quote by Oscar Wilde is another interesting one, especially if you know the story of The Picture of Dorian Gray.


We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine.


@MISTER 67  Have a great time on your cruise.







@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, safe travels to your DS today.  I hope Ren's new team does well in the tournament.  

@kochleffel  Paul, thank you for the explanations about the Jewish and Muslim calendars.  I knew both religions used the lunar calendar, but did not know about the leap month added periodically to the Jewish calendar.

@mamaofami  Carol, it sounds like celebrating the Seder at the synagogue is a good decision for this year.  For us, just having the family together during the Christmas holidays is more important than having then on Christmas Day when that's not possible.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad your Ohio friends are all right and have power after yesterday's storms.

@ger_77  Gerry, your story about helping the young Ukrainian couple, and the outpouring of items and money by your friends, helps restore my faith in my fellow human beings.

@Vict0riann  Ann, how sad about the passenger dying.  Our condolences to the family and friends.  I hope by now, the ship has been cleared and you get some time on shore at HMC.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm sorry your friend's husband is dying.  I hope he has an easy and comfortable passing, and that she can find peace in the good memories of their time together before the cancer battle.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I hope your fight from Atlanta to Tucson is on time.  I like your attitude about not getting upset.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm sorry you are still feeling bad.  I hope you are feeling better soon.

@GeorgeCharlie  I especially liked reading the note left by the WWII soldier apologizing for throwing a grenade into the cellar.

@sunviking90  Thank you for your pictures from Cherbourg.  We also liked the Umbrellas of Cherbourg.

@luvteaching  Karen, the news that the blood tests are continuing to move in the right direction and that the PT got your DH to sit up are all good signs.  The tele sitter is an interesting addition to his medical team, and I'm glad he is obeying.




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Good morning!  Will happily celebrate Palm Sunday and children’s books!  My favourite is probably Robert Munsch, I’ll love you forever.  It always brings A tear to my eyes. Highly recommend if you aren’t familiar with it.  

We found a visit to Normandy very profound.  Our DD felt it was her whole Grade 12 Social studies; she was shocked to see the ages of the dead at the Canadian war cemetery to be like hers at the time.   Highly recommend a visit to Juno Beach and the Imperial war museum in Caen. We need to return to see the new Canadian war museum there.  It was surreal to visit Vimy Ridge and see Canadian signage as it has become Canadian land.   100 hectares given in gratitude from France for the Canadian sacrifice.  

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I found three pictures taken on our first two visits to the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach that I've not shared before.


On our first visit on May 28, 2004, on Noordam III, the visitor's center at the cemetery was still a small building, but this picture says a lot about how the people living near the D-Day beaches feel about the allied soldiers who liberated France beginning June 6, 1944.




Our second visit to the area was in 2011 on Prinsendam.  We visited the new visitor center at the cemetery and found it very moving.   The two displays that say it all are in these pictures.


The flags of the Allies in Europe in WWII.



This one makes me tear up every time I see it.  The tribute to the fallen soldiers.  It is just outside the door as you leave to walk to the cemetery.





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Lunch today was tacos, this time with mashed avocado from Target. Still have filling, taco shells, and everything else.


Startling story on the local news: a truck carrying blood overturned on the interstate highway in a neighboring county. From the number of cartons showing in the photo, I think it must have been coming from the regional blood bank, perhaps making deliveries to hospitals. I donated recently enough that one bag might contain my blood. The news report is half-baked like all local TV reporting here, but it doesn't mention any spillage.


Also slightly startling: the big online merchant that used to be a bookstore opened a warehouse in that same county recently, and now delivers here in its own trucks. The delivery notice includes a photo of the package resting on the doorstep.

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47 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Thank you for sharing this!  I had one extended family member who landed on Gold beach. My own father served but not in Europe. We’ve been spared so much by their courage and sacrifice. I hope to get to Cherbourg someday. m—


My DW (Lynne) father was in the Canadian Army and landed on Juno Beach shortly after D-Day. He then carried on with the liberation of Netherlands/Holland.

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For the Dailyites who are wondering if spring will ever arrive, I thought these pictures might give you some hope that spring is moving north, if somewhat slowly.  I see these Texas Bluebonnets, the state flower, on my walk every day.


But first, the small patch of bluebonnets in our far backyard, which grows a little larger each year.



These are in a neighbor's front yard growing around the paving stones.



These bluebonnets are in the field across the street and fence from the yard above.



A popular spring activity for families is to head for the country and take pictures of their kids sitting in the bluebonnets.  There is a big bluebonnet festival in a town about an hour or so from here.  We drove up a couple of years ago, but the traffic was so bad, we just headed back home.  Now, we enjoy the bluebonnets nearer home.



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Not all mornings are created equal.  Today's "sunrise" is from my first voyage on Queen Elizabeth 10 years ago today, a transatlantic from New York to Southhampton.  There's only a trace of color on a nasty North Atlantic Morning where the photo was taken from the Commodore Club (Crystal think Palm Court or HAL think Crow's Nest),





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So the questions of the moment are (1) how did I mislay a dishcloth while I was using it, and (2) where is it now? It's not anywhere around the sink, nor is it in the refrigerator, the oven, or the flatware drawer.


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11 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

So the questions of the moment are (1) how did I mislay a dishcloth while I was using it, and (2) where is it now? It's not anywhere around the sink, nor is it in the refrigerator, the oven, or the flatware drawer.



Could it have fallen into the trash?



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Happy Palm Sunday, Dailyites! I got my palms leaves after the service this morning & placed them on the mirrors in the house. A family tradition, which I was told was a German custom which is supposed to bring good luck. Does anyone else do this?

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36 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

So the questions of the moment are (1) how did I mislay a dishcloth while I was using it, and (2) where is it now? It's not anywhere around the sink, nor is it in the refrigerator, the oven, or the flatware drawer.


The Laundry perhaps?

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48 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

So the questions of the moment are (1) how did I mislay a dishcloth while I was using it, and (2) where is it now? It's not anywhere around the sink, nor is it in the refrigerator, the oven, or the flatware drawer.


Hanging on your shoulder?

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@kochleffel  Been there, done that!  Isn't it amazing how that happens! 

Happy Palm Sunday.  Our school kiddos came down the aisle with palm branches this morning, and then they all sang a song. 

  The play that they did last night was fabulous!  Lots of talent!  The sun is finally coming out here.  It's been a quiet day.  Church, then my exercise walk, then puttering with some other projects...a quilt I started, some knit washcloths for Christmas baskets, and then nothing!  Our dinner is Mongolian chicken in the crockpot.  

@Quartzsite Cruiserthose flowers are beautiful.  Our spring bulbs are up, we just need some warm days now.

Prayers, and cheers for all that need them.  


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3 hours ago, kochleffel said:

So the questions of the moment are (1) how did I mislay a dishcloth while I was using it, and (2) where is it now? It's not anywhere around the sink, nor is it in the refrigerator, the oven, or the flatware drawer.


is it in the trash or refrigerator?  Funny how things walk away.  

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3 hours ago, kochleffel said:

So the questions of the moment are (1) how did I mislay a dishcloth while I was using it, and (2) where is it now? It's not anywhere around the sink, nor is it in the refrigerator, the oven, or the flatware drawer.


Never to be seen again. A common occurrence.

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3 hours ago, kochleffel said:

So the questions of the moment are (1) how did I mislay a dishcloth while I was using it, and (2) where is it now? It's not anywhere around the sink, nor is it in the refrigerator, the oven, or the flatware drawer.


Never to be seen again. A common occurrence.

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Good evening,


I have my work cut out for me tomorrow.  Our flights have disappeared from the airline website and when I figured out how to get into Flight Ease with the new arrangements, it said there was a schedule change and it was being processed or something like that.  Well, that message sends danger signals.  Last year processing went on for months.  And then you end up with a lousy schedule.  I'm calling tomorrow and will see what we can do.


Otherwise, a nice day here.  I did a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood this morning and then did a load of wash.  Not much on the agenda.

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Good morning friends from the Grand Princess, on the way to New Zealand ...


Well, not so good for us...both DH and I tested positive for covid yesterday!  We were moved from our Oceanview room to a balcony. Better, but spending 7 days together....should be interesting! I'm feeling good, just cold symptoms..DH is coughing and achy. He is able to take Paxlovid, I can't because of one of the meds I take. 


Other than this, the cruise has been great. We'll miss a couple of NZ ports unfortunately. 


Prayers for all on the care list, cheers for all celebrating and cruising.



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58 minutes ago, kplady said:

Good morning friends from the Grand Princess, on the way to New Zealand ...


Well, not so good for us...both DH and I tested positive for covid yesterday!  We were moved from our Oceanview room to a balcony. Better, but spending 7 days together....should be interesting! I'm feeling good, just cold symptoms..DH is coughing and achy. He is able to take Paxlovid, I can't because of one of the meds I take. 


Other than this, the cruise has been great. We'll miss a couple of NZ ports unfortunately. 


Prayers for all on the care list, cheers for all celebrating and cruising.



So sorry to read this.  Hope your symptoms clear quickly.  Katherine 

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