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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday April 30th, 2023


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40 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


My neighbor is home from church and the rain has stopped.  He drove the SUV onto the trailer and is figuring out how to chain it properly now.  I ran out and took some photos to show you.  The trailer behind the motorcoach is actually 25' long with the hitch so a total of 68' long.  I wish them well and hope they get home safely in October.






Getting out the chains00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLcVyRCmwBGm_J6BVcvhTLfaAUrgnwgvQnZ_1RWb7NZPA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1682870148






Sandi, I can’t help thinking about this movie. It was really funny.





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Good morning again.  We're back from W-M where they said the battery was good, and just needed charging according to their test equipment.  It's now being charged, but DH is beginning to think the alternator is causing the problems.  It is working, but not as well as it should.  Either a diode is bad, or we need a new alternator.  In the past, he would have changed or repaired the alternator, but now it's still a little too much for him to tackle.  I could help, but it would still be too difficult.  However, it's the original alternator in a 28 year old car.  Then, there is the possibility that both the battery and the alternator have problems.  Oh, the joys of an older car.  😁


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I appreciate my hairstyle for the fact that it's easy to maintain.  To be perfectly honest, I'm just not a fan of jazz.  Especially the stuff where there are just a bunch of notes being played seemingly at random.  


Although it went down to 0 last night, this morning we've got bright sunshine and clear blue skies again.  I'm starting to see the little nubbins on the poplar trees which means in a couple of weeks we should see leaves popping out.  And last night as we were having dinner on the deck, we saw 2 little mourning doves having a date in the back yard.  I do hope they make a nest nearby, one that is safe from predators like magpies and crows.  The last time a pair nested in one of the spruce trees, it was raided by the flying killers.  


@JazzyV sorry to hear about your fall; I hope the bruising is minor.

@kazu I hope you're feeling much better soon.


I heard on the news yesterday that the town of Udan where our young Ukrainian family came from (and where many family members still reside) had been hit by a rocket .  Apparently an apartment only a couple of blocks away from a sister's house was hit, causing great devastation.  I contacted our friends to make sure everyone was okay, then made another donation to the Red Cross for more assistance.  It's hard to know what to do when you're so far away.


It will be a busy day for us today, as the executive from DH's historical group is meeting at our place.  The deck is all ready for them (I can't believe how dusty it got in just 1 day!), but will have to run the swiffer over the floor and a duster over the surfaces one last time before they arrive.  I'm making a big charcuterie board for them to enjoy after the meeting, so I won't have to make dinner for us tonight, as the meetings usually go late in the afternoon.  Once the group is gone, we can just sit on the deck enjoying the sun and warmth and listen to the returning robins fighting for real estate in the trees.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone in need, cheers for those with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, it must be very hard on your young friends being so far away from their families.  I hope all their relatives continue to stay safe.  I'm glad you are beginning to see signs of spring.




2 hours ago, lobsternight said:

Good Morning Everyone  

Yay the big day is here, leaving to the cruise terminal in a couple hours.  Well the cats figured it out.  The big fluffy one got inside my suitcase, got hair on everything and shredded the lining.  No good kitty treats this morning.


Since we have 5 going and it's our anniversary I ordered a big limo for fun.  Got a call that woke me up, the limo had a bo bo last night and won't be coming  oh well.  Couldn't fall back asleep




That's too bad about the limo.  It would have been a great way to begin the cruise.  That kitty does not deserve treats this morning.


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.



Thank you, Graham.


1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My grandson and his sweet girlfriend slept over last night and we had a wonderful visit. They are heading back to college. My DH, Sam, is thankfully better and no more pneumonia.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, that is good news all around.  I'm glad Sam is better.  Safe travels to your DGS and his girlfriend.


44 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'm running late, another night of lying awake.  This time it was 1 1/2 hours, not 3 hrs. like last time, but still made it a later than usual start to my day.  And after looking at the weather forecast, I'm still changing what clothes I'm bringing....sigh.  You'd think a little 5-day cruise would be easier, but since we're both just bringing a carry-on, it's a little harder.  Even though it's just a 5-day, we'll have a dressy night and an Orange Party too.  


Vanessa @JazzyVI'm SO sorry about your fall!  Rest up and heal.  So glad it was "only" bruises, but that can be very painful.


I'll try to check in, hopefully send some photos.  All will depend on the internet. 

Have a great day everyone!




Carolyn, just remember, it's likely you'll never see those people on the cruise again.  So pack what is comfortable and don't worry.  Have a safe trip today and tomorrow, and a great cruise.


2 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

That is the longest mobile home/trailer combo I have seen. Their mpg’s will be in the negatives. I hope they have a great time. 


That is a long combination for a motorhome and tow trailer.  Usually the legal length limit in most states is 65 feet.  The motorhome looks like it's in great condition.  Blue Bird ended production in 2003 when they sold the motorhome production and rights to the Wanderlodge name to Complete Coach Works.  That company ended the production in 2009.


I think I'll do something constructive this afternoon while enjoying our good weather.  It will weeding, mowing and trimming the grass this afternoon, before it gets much hotter.









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@JazzyV and @57redbird ice is good for those bruises- as often as you can for 15 minutes. Vanessa, hoping the troublesome knee issues don’t flare up!  🙏


@mamaofami thanks for the good news Carol!


@ger_77 You’re a hearty bunch on the frozen tundra, having meetings and meals in the deck when it was zero, even zero C.  Prayers for your Ukrainian friends and their families. Feels like it’ll never end. 💔

Wonderful pix of Norway. We didn’t get to that particular port, it’s lovely. 

We had rain Friday and today but yesterday was a good day to open get the kayaks out!  First day is a chore finding everything, and then found that someone had turned the boats over to rummage the hatches for things to steal (they are locked to a post on the shore at a nearby lake.). They were filled with water and leaves and yuck, the hatches too. But no damage, just had to hand pump them. Getting on the water was heavenly, saw bald eagles 🦅!  Today is indoor chores!  

Blessings to all in need. Cheers for those celebrating. And Bon Voyage to @lobsternight even without the limo!  


Edited by RMLincoln
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4 hours ago, richwmn said:

I don't quite fit either part of that description and as far as I know my health is fine.

@richwmn, yes, a few posts later I admitted I had no idea why I added the health part! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


 I’m so glad you are in good health! happy cruising 

Edited by ocean sounds
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@AncientWanderer I haven’t forgotten Your request.  We spent two weeks in Japan broken up with 11 days pre cruise and 4 nights post in Tokyo.  We found it to be the perfect balance, and we worked up to Tokyo a city of near the same population as our country of Canada.  We visited the imperial palace,  and the wisteria flower gardens there as well. 

It was surprisingly easy to navigate,  and the people were friendly and helpful.   

I am a bit of a fairweather sailor so chose to fly both ways, but my cousin took the ship back to North America.   I think it can be quite rough, and I was just not up for that. YMMV.  

As  we had never been  to Japan before all the ports were new for us. we thoroughly enjoyed Sakaiminato and Kochi as well as ports on Hokkaido,  Aomori and Hakkodate.  Kanazawa allowed us to see the amazing villages of Shirakawa Go 

  We highly recommend you spend several nights in Kyoto,   There is just to much to see to make a day trip feasible,   We also really enjoyed Hiroshima, surprisingly,   It is a very modern vibrant city with beautiful parks and great food as well as the peace  park and museum.  The island of Miyajima  is worth a visit , so we spent two nights there.   

We also  spent a night in Himeji, and a couple of nights in a small onsen town, near where they raise the waygu beef,  it was wonderful and gave us a sense of the countryside!  

Please ask any questions you may have!   I got a couple of guides from the library to see wha ti was interested in seeing and that helped me plan.  




Edited by bennybear
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Good Afternoon!  Thanks for all the pictures and updates.  


Today is cooking day for me:  hoping the gnocchi I made yesterday is good (doesn't fall apart when I cook it), making pesto for it and some cauliflower puree.  Love tofu (after living in China for 4.5 years I really love it) and would love to learn how to make it homemade.  


Some day I will get to the Scandinavian countries.  Seems I've missed them in my world travels.  


Have a wonderful day everyone!!

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Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital.  I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks.  Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern.

Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster.

Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney,  Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know.  Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me.  The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it.  Returning to the room,  I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad.

It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics.  That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center  the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week.

Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.  Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life. 

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5 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@AncientWanderer I haven’t forgotten Your request.  We spent two weeks in Japan broken up with 11 days pre cruise and 4 nights post in Tokyo.  We found it to be the perfect balance, and we worked up to Tokyo a city of near the same population as our country of Canada.  We visited the imperial palace,  and the wisteria flower gardens there as well. 

It was surprisingly easy to navigate,  and the people were friendly and helpful.   

I am a bit of a fairweather sailor so chose to fly both ways, but my cousin took the ship back to North America.   I think it can be quite rough, and I was just not up for that. YMMV.  

As  we had never been  to Japan before all the ports were new for us. we thoroughly enjoyed Sakaiminato and Kochi as well as ports on Hokkaido,  Aomori and Hakkodate.  Kanazawa allowed us to see the amazing villages of Shirakawa Go 

  We highly recommend you spend several nights in Kyoto,   There is just to much to see to make a day trip feasible,   We also really enjoyed Hiroshima, surprisingly,   It is a very modern vibrant city with beautiful parks and great food as well as the peace  park and museum.  The island of mIyajima is worth a visit , so we spent two nights there.   

we also  spent a night in Himeji, and a couple of nights in a small onsen town, near where they raise the waygu beef,  it was wonderful and gave us a sense of the countryside!  

ask any questions you may have! 




Thank you!  Very much appreciated!   I need to rethink our booking.  Some of the ports you mention are not on our itinerary.  We're probably making a mistake devoting time to the transPacific, rather than longer sailing around Japan.  

Thanks again.  I may indeed have more questions as we make plans.


BTW, it's really something how useful the Daily has become on CC for port info.  Doing searches, the best stuff is usually here.

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15 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital.  I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks.  Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern.

Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster.

Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney,  Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know.  Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me.  The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it.  Returning to the room,  I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad.

It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics.  That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center  the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week.

Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.  Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life. 


That is quite a riveting story about your fight against a spider bite!  It gives you chills to think if it weren't for the medical center and doctors on the Noordam you would not have made it to the hospital.  I hope there are no lasting effects from the toxins and you are home soon.  Thanks for telling us about it!  When you get home we hope to see you here on the Daily.

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26 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital.  I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks.  Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern.

Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster.

Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney,  Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know.  Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me.  The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it.  Returning to the room,  I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad.

It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics.  That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center  the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week.

Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.  Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life. 

So sorry St Pete Cruiser. Hope you will be able to return back to the Tampa Bay Area soon. Several years ago on one of our South Pacific cruises I was also bitten by a spider on my finger. It was not fun. But fortunately I was put on antibodies without going to the hospital. Someone I met on the ship from Canada had this laser like pen that he put over the bit that seemed to help.

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36 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital.  I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks.  Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern.

Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster.

Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney,  Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know.  Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me.  The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it.  Returning to the room,  I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad.

It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics.  That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center  the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week.

Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.  Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life. 

Thankful that the medical staff was able to take care of you until you reached Hawaii. We will continue to keep you on the care list and hope you can fly home soon.

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@St Pete Cruiser  Thank you for taking the time to update us on your situation. I cannot begin to imagine what you have been through so far and hope you continue to improve so you can return home, sooner rather than later.


It is very kind of you to give such a full-throated endorsement of Noordam's Medical Unit and its staff. Although our encounter with the Nieuw Statendam MU in November was much less dramatic than yours, we certainly appreciated their professionalism and caring while in their care. 




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@lobsternight yikes on the destroyed suitcase 😬 Bad, bad kitty.  Back when I had cats, they got in them but never destroyed them - just got hair all over the clothes and suitcase 😂. So sorry about no limo.  Hopefully the  worst is over and you are about to have a trip to remember.


Bon Voyage 🚢 



3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'm running late, another night of lying awake.  This time it was 1 1/2 hours, not 3 hrs.


Sorry your lack of a good sleep continues to haunt you 😔 


46 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital.  I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks.  Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern.

Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster.

Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney,  Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know.  Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me.  The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it.  Returning to the room,  I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad.

It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics.  That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center  the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week.

Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.  Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life. 


Oh my heavens!  That is one scary time you had 😬. I am so glad that the medical staff on board the Noordam did a good job and saved your life 🙏🏻 

Hoping you are on the way to a complete recovery and can escape from the hospital soon 🙏🏻 My very best wishes for your continued recovery.

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59 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital.  I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks.  Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern.

Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster.

Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney,  Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know.  Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me.  The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it.  Returning to the room,  I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad.

It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics.  That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center  the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week.

Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.  Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life. 

I am so sorry about the bite and the serious consequences. Thank goodness you had such good medical assistance  on the ship. I hope you will get home soon.

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3 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital.  I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks.  Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern.

Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster.

Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney,  Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know.  Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me.  The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it.  Returning to the room,  I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad.

It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics.  That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center  the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics.  Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week.

Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.  Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life. 


It's hard to imagine how scary this has been for you.  I'm very glad you got such good care of from it Noordam medical team, amd that they kept you alive until you could reach the hospital in Hilo.  It's good to know you are improving.  I hope you are able to fly home soon.  Please listen to the doctors and don't rush things.  We care about our Daily family, and want all of them to be healthy.



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Add me to the cancelled cruise club 😢 but at least it's not because of a medical issue. Just received the quote on a new roof, gutters and a paint job-$25,300. It was our Sept. Alaska cruise so will be easily replaced in a year or so.  Happy May everyone-and my sister turns 92 tomorrow.

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It was a very successful morning.  I had moderate rain as I left for church but not enough to be a real problem.  The young boy was only 8 years old but led much of the service, liturgy bible passages, and prayers with dignity and confidence.  The award was presented by the Cubmaster and Committee Chair with a reception afterwards.  Fortunately there was no rain as I returned home, so the morning went very smoothly. 


While the afternoon was not stormy every time I looked outside there was a drizzle, so my entire walk for the day was house to car to church and back.



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