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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday May 9th, 2023

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Good morning! 


Thanks for all the birthday wishes for DH and the congrats on Ivy Dawn. DH loves moscato but it's too sweet for me. I've solved a bit of the button problem for him and get him magnetic shirts from Duluth Trading Company. Best things ever! As for missing socks - we have those. I have told the staff at the facility I'll do DH's laundry (they wanted $250.00/month to do it) but it keeps being sent out even with a sign prominently displayed. Most have come back but still missing a few pairs of socks. 


DH is making progress. Yesterday he surprised the PT people with getting himself into a sitting position by himself and helping with the transfer to the wheelchair. He did some standing in the parallel bars as well but that was with assistance. Still working on trying to get him closer to home as it's an hour drive each way (50 miles) and it's wearing on me. Yesterday I took in mini-cupcakes to celebrate, his brother called and his sister came in (she's about 30 minutes away) and brought him a strawberry shake. Overall, I'd say he had a good day for not being home. 


We have a long spate of good weather coming with temps in the upper 80's by the weekend. I need to see if DS can come over and mow for me as the grass is taller than the moss! 


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Good morning. Sunny here. We may get some rain later in the week. Temp here was 29F when dogs and I walked. High today forecast for the mid-60's today and tomorrow, then due to drop into the mid-50's for a high. "They" are saying a wet end to May and  into June. We will see. Our ski area is still open on weekends and they may get more snow showers. They will have to close down some time.


Those sweet potatoes look really good. Will have to try at some point.


Little news from here. My Sister called to tell me she had taken a fall similar to the one I took that broke my glasses and nose and gave me a black eye. She has the black eye and she is due to go to a memorial for our step-Mother on Saturday. She is not pleased with how she is going to look... but says it is what it is. In her mid-90's she was so lucky not to have broken any bones and her glasses flew off but did not break.  We are both swearing to walk carefully.


Ivan, you handsome dog, you. He has very expressive eyes.


Take care all.... and watch where you put your feet.








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13 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:



  Jacqui, Ivan is a handsome boy!  Our Lab, Trapper, had lipomas, one of which we had to have removed as it was affecting his walking, it was around the size of a chicken  breast, under a front leg.  He was happy to have it gone!   And I think the vet managed a good tooth cleaning while he was out.

Our Eskipoo, Max, has had & does have so many lipomas ---some have been removed, some remain.....

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Ivan thanks everyone for the compliments and kind words.  He seems much friskier now without his mats 😉 





2 hours ago, ger_77 said:


@kazu Ivan looks like a new man!  He has such an expressive face - does he bark or "talk" to you?


He does talk and the odd bark when I ignore his fetch demands LOL.  He’s too good at whining (when I am out of sight in the house) and barking when I leave.  He does stop though and will eventually learn “I’ll be back”.  So far he doesn’t eat his kong until I come back and waits at the front door.  He’ll learn, I hope.  He likes me in his sight & close by - silly boy.



2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

I just heard on the news that a Saskatchewan Indigenous journalist, Connie Walker, has been awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her podcast about her father surviving residential school.  That's wonderful news for our province and for the Indigenous community!


Wonderful news indeed.  So nice to see that honour bestowed on her 👍 



4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

After the excursion in Rotterdam, then the flight here, and ride from the airport to BFF’s cousin’s home, my legs were very unhappy. Lots of swelling and pain. I even considered an urgi-care, but they really don’t have them here. So I’ve been resting and off my feet for yesterday and today, and feeling better but still not great. Still lots of bruising and painful spots. I won’t go on a planned day trip as the area has lots of hills and steps. 


Oh Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear this. 😔. I was hoping they would start to improve and saddened it is the opposite.  Not a great way to enjoy your vacation 😔. You are wise to pass on the day trip.  Hopefully with rest  they will be a bit better tomorrow 🤞 



3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

  We had a great cellar Master, Fernando, and he pulled together a wonderful premium tasting.  Only chance we would ever be able to try it. 


Fernando is a fabulous cellar master!   Love him!  You were lucky to have him and a taste of that very pricey champagne, indeed 👍 



1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

I wouldn't have known that they were the same dog, or even the same breed. What is the preferred length for his fur?


He’s a labradoodle and their hair is normally kept quite short but fluffy.  My groomer says a lot keep them sheared or close to it as he is due to their shedding. (Forget the line that labradoodle’s don’t shed.  Poodles don’t unless they aren’t groomed but labs are notorious shedders - I’ve had both.  So Ivan will shed less than a lab but not shed proof).   But his face should have a beard, and more hair around his face a bit of a top on the top of his head, etc.  He was just too matted to even do his head as it would be.  No worries - hair grows and my groomer will now have a non matted dog to work with.  My dogs don’t wait 6 - 8 months to be groomed 😉 



1 hour ago, kochleffel said:


I've learned a little more about the littermates. They were adopted at different times: my friends chose one, and went back to the shelter weeks or months later for the other. I hope that I will actually get to meet them on Wednesday, given that they hide when anyone comes to the door. Fergus and Sasha did the same thing, although Fergus would come out if, and only if, he sensed that a guest was afraid of cats.


Oh I hope you get to meet them tomorrow and it is not too much of a waiting game 🤞 



1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

We're packed and will leave early tomorrow morning for Yellowstone -- coming back just in time for the DGSs birthday party (one will turn 10 on the 16th, and the other 8 on June 2).  So far we've been successful in never missing their birthdays. 


Wishing you very safe travels!  How lovely that you are back in time for those precious birthdays!



1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:


Jacqui @kazu WOW! I wouldn't have known Ivan was the same dog in both photos.  What a sweetie.  I hope your elbow will start feeling better soon.


Thanks - part of the scab cracked on the weekend so it’s like there’s another cut there.  It’s not deep and doesn’t need stitches but it’s an ouch. Trying steri strips to see if that helps after talking to the physio.  She still found exercises for me until it doesn’t hurt to bend it.  Takes a while after surgery.



13 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

DH is making progress. Yesterday he surprised the PT people with getting himself into a sitting position by himself and helping with the transfer to the wheelchair. He did some standing in the parallel bars as well but that was with assistance. Still working on trying to get him closer to home as it's an hour drive each way (50 miles) and it's wearing on me. Yesterday I took in mini-cupcakes to celebrate, his brother called and his sister came in (she's about 30 minutes away) and brought him a strawberry shake. Overall, I'd say he had a good day for not being home. 


Wow!  He is really making progress, Karen 👍 So happy to hear it 🙂. I hope you can get him moved closer soon so it won’t be so hard on you.



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Slowly the laundry is getting finished.  With the new washer holding more clothes than the old one, the dryer is taking longer to get the clothes dry.  Our high humidity today is not helping the situation.


When I went into town this morning, I stopped at the donut shop and got DH donuts for today and tomorrow.  🍩  Okay, you've caught me, there were some in the box for me, too.  It's been a long time (about five years) since we had good donuts, so we have a lot of catching up to do.  🤣


@ottahand7  Nancy, we've wanted to try Cristal, but I'm hesitant to spend that much money on something before I know we'll like it.  When we really want to celebrate we get Dom Perignon, but someone gave our DD and DSIL a bottle when they got married which gave us a taste of it.  

@Rowsby  Sue, the memorial tree for your DH is a wonderful way to honor him, and the flowers are lovely.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, safe travels tomorrow.  I know you will have fun in Yellowstone in spite of the weather.  It's such a magical place.  Glad you will be back for the DGSs birthday celebration.

@bennybear  Brenda, thanks for the pictures of Bletchley Park and Wrest Park.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I'm sorry you are still fighting that headache.  I'm glad Pat is improving and may get to come home Friday.  Then, your job of keeping him from misbehaving will begin.  

@luvteaching  Karen, I'm happy your DH is progressing so well, and I hope they can find a place closer to home so you don't have to drive so far everyday.  $250/month for laundry? 😱  There was never a question of the rehab facility doing DH's laundry.  I would take the dirty clothes home every few days and with my clothes added would do one load.  That kept me from having a lot of laundry to do at one time.

@durangoscots  Susan, I'm sorry your sister had such a bad fall.  She was lucky she didn't break anything and that he glasses didn't break.














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For today I once again have a sunset rather than a sunrise.  This is from my 2017 Crystal Symphony voyage from San Diego to New York.  On May 9 we visited Fuerte Amador, Panama.





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5 hours ago, Rowsby said:


Gorgeous blossoms on the memorial tree my son and his wife planted in honor of DH...so pretty...❤️



Doug's Memorial Tree  - 2023.jpg


That is beautiful.  We had a lovely walk in the gardens this morning.  We usually walk for an hour, but today we went almost 2 hours.   Here's some of the pictures:








You'd almost think I was in Holland!










The smell was so heavenly!












We're going to make a point of going back once a week.  

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Thank you Sandi, thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Eva, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Greetings from Watertown, NY.  I made it to the hotel and had a nice hot turkey sandwich for lunch at Shorty’s.  May go back there for dinner since I’m tired and will want something quick.  My primary contact at Wednesday’s meeting decided to continue her PTO another week.  I booked this week at her request, otherwise I would have done this last week.  Now my first meeting will be at 2.  At least I can take my time tomorrow morning.  

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@kazuI thought you brought the wrong dog back from the groomer. What a difference!  I don’t lose socks, just buttons. I manage to lose the bottom button on most all of my shirts. Lots of safety pins until I get ambitious enough to get sewing.

Just about finished packing for the flight to Amsterdam Friday. Finally found my warm jacket which was a relief-Norway is bound to be a bit cooler.

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@kazu Jacqui, Ivan has a regal look about him. And of course he wants to keep you in his sight - his entire world has been shaken up! Your love will help him adjust very quickly, though. 

@dfish  Debbie, your tulip pics remind me of the tulip gardens of the DC Tidal Basin. That park is just gorgeous, may you have many wonderful hikes there. 

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32 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

@kazuI thought you brought the wrong dog back from the groomer. What a difference!  I don’t lose socks, just buttons. I manage to lose the bottom button on most all of my shirts. Lots of safety pins until I get ambitious enough to get sewing.

Just about finished packing for the flight to Amsterdam Friday. Finally found my warm jacket which was a relief-Norway is bound to be a bit cooler.


LOL, Susie - I had to look twice.  But, since my groomer only takes one dog at a time.  She laughed as I said I can’t help staring.  I was shocked.

Safe travels to you and an easy arrival in Schipol 🤞 Wish I were with you but…


Bon Voyage my friend!



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Checking in after returning from 42 days on the Westerdam.  Our first cruise since we left her in Cambodia in 2020 when Covid started.  When we boarded her in Yokohama on 27 March masks were required thru out the ship unless you were at your table eating.  When we left Japan for Alaska, it became "masks optional" for everyone including the crew.  By the time we reached Seattle maybe 20% were wearing masks.  Yesterday I stopped at the Navy Hospital and was surprised that masks were no longer required there.  So I guess covid is officially over here in the U.S.  

When we left our azalea hedge was budding.  We were greeted with this when we got home.


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5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I have just received by courier from the US this loyalty Crystal block from Royal Caribbean Crown& Anchor society.


Nice and I got my older version for Vision recently.

next one in late 2024 hoping for new style.

I enjoyed Vision as she was smaller than others and they were generous with cookies in WJ too.

going on Liberty June 29th from NJ/NYC area



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13 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

Nice and I got my older version for Vision recently.

next one in late 2024 hoping for new style.

I enjoyed Vision as she was smaller than others and they were generous with cookies in WJ too.

going on Liberty June 29th from NJ/NYC area



Nice Schooner bar on Vision too.

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3 hours ago, dfish said:


That is beautiful.  We had a lovely walk in the gardens this morning.  We usually walk for an hour, but today we went almost 2 hours.   Here's some of the pictures:








You'd almost think I was in Holland!










The smell was so heavenly!












We're going to make a point of going back once a week.  


Beautiful flowers. Debbie, and no jet lag.  😉


2 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Greetings from Watertown, NY.  I made it to the hotel and had a nice hot turkey sandwich for lunch at Shorty’s.  May go back there for dinner since I’m tired and will want something quick.  My primary contact at Wednesday’s meeting decided to continue her PTO another week.  I booked this week at her request, otherwise I would have done this last week.  Now my first meeting will be at 2.  At least I can take my time tomorrow morning.  


Jake, that's too bad you rearranged your schedule for her convenience, and then she is a no show.


1 hour ago, USN59-79 said:

Checking in after returning from 42 days on the Westerdam.  Our first cruise since we left her in Cambodia in 2020 when Covid started.  When we boarded her in Yokohama on 27 March masks were required thru out the ship unless you were at your table eating.  When we left Japan for Alaska, it became "masks optional" for everyone including the crew.  By the time we reached Seattle maybe 20% were wearing masks.  Yesterday I stopped at the Navy Hospital and was surprised that masks were no longer required there.  So I guess covid is officially over here in the U.S.  

When we left our azalea hedge was budding.  We were greeted with this when we got home.



Welcome home, Tony.  I'm glad you had a good trip, and that ended better than the last one on Westerdam.



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Good afternoon everyone.

I am exhausted.  We had to remove all the patio furniture from the patio so that the house can be power washed tomorrow morning.  Lots of work in 90 degree weather today.


Thanks for all the positive comments about our legal woes.  The truth is that this will take care of the Beaufort County end of the problem and have the checks from Capital One reissued.  However, we are nowhere near finished with New York State.  The case remains in the hands with their Estate Tax Department and will not get out of there until the checks are reissued and then, and only then, will New York State tell us what the tax is on the estate.  i think we are looking at another year at least.  So there we are.  So we move on.  Thank God we are not relying on this money for our livelihood.


Tomorrow is an early day since the guy who will do the power washing will be here at 8 am.  I am usually in my pjs at that time of the morning.  


Hoping that tomorrow I can try to finish my purging of the second closet and get those clothes to the Thrift shop by the end of the week.  It just seems that there are too many things to do these days.  Just can’t fit everything in one day.


Prayers for everyone, especially those on the cares list.

Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

Have a good day everyone.

God Bless,


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8 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Beautiful flowers. Debbie, and no jet lag.  😉



Jake, that's too bad you rearranged your schedule for her convenience, and then she is a no show.



Welcome home, Tony.  I'm glad you had a good trip, and that ended better than the last one on Westerdam.



You are right, the ending was better with disembarking in Seattle and being met by our son to take us and our baggage home.  However, the 2020 trip ended with HAL refunding all of our costs and Cambodia was a fun place with perfect weather.  Japan not so much.  Heavy rain our first four days in Yokohama, rain off and on for a month and weather so bad we had to miss our stop in Northern Japan and go straight to Kodiak, with 50-60 mph wind and 20 foot seas.  Luckily the ship has stabilizers so it didn't rock too much, but we couldn't use our balcony most of the time.  Looks like early Spring isn't the best time to travel to Japan.


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11 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Sandi.


Fun collection of days.  I grew to curse buttons and aimed for easier garments having only one hand for a while 😆 Lost socks are a huge mystery.  Never been able to figure out where they go to - especially when they mysteriously appear later.


Love the Sykes quote.  It’s true, too.  The champagne today sounds wonderful…and pricey 😉




Well, yesterday was a bust.  Only got some of what I wanted accomplished.  Errands for Ivan took longer than anticipated but he is now l licensed with the town and has his stuff to help his arthritis.  And my elbow is NOT being co-operative.  So tired of it. 😔 


But, Ivan semi co-operated getting in the car and met his groomer.  Before and after:




Sadly all his lumps now really show.  Vet results are back and all is good except the lumps have to be watched.  If they continue to grow, they will need to be removed as will interfere with his mobility.  It’s hoped with weight loss, they won’t 🤞 Next time,  he’ll have his beard and all the nice stuff around his face, but he was so matted, best to start fresh.




Busy morning - physio shortly - ugh.  Not sure if I should have cancelled but hoping she can help.  Ivan needs to have all his morning routine finished before I go.  And it’s c-c-c-cold out there.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I think this would be me with a treadmill 😉 




Have to get moving - like it or not.  Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a great Tuesday everyone !!!!


Wow!  What a transformation from Ivan the scruffy dog to Ivan the super cool dog. So handsome. He sort of reminds me of Scooby-Doo. Ruff Ruff!






10 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon (here) and thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. 
Interesting days. Maybe on the meal and pass on the drink and wine. I haven’t been to today’s port. 

I am here in Germany. Enjoying the wonderful Brot (breads) already. After the excursion in Rotterdam, then the flight here, and ride from the airport to BFF’s cousin’s home, my legs were very unhappy. Lots of swelling and pain. I even considered an urgi-care, but they really don’t have them here. So I’ve been resting and off my feet for yesterday and today, and feeling better but still not great. Still lots of bruising and painful spots. I won’t go on a planned day trip as the area has lots of hills and steps. 

@Vict0riann I am glad Pat is doing well. 
@dobiemom I’m glad things look good with your eye, but the continued restrictions don’t sound easy. 
@kazu Wow, Ivan looks great! Sorry the elbow is still bothering you. 
@superoma Great job on the lists. 

Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. 


Vanessa, I hope the swelling and pain go away soon. I had a problem this trip with the same thing and it’s not been pleasant but I’m coping and doing less than I planned. I’ve worn compression socks and everything else I can think of. Take care and enjoy your time in Germany. 

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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.


We stopped at a couple of greenhouses and ended up picking up 4 pots of multi coloured dahlias.  I've never had them before, and am hoping they are continuous blooming, or we'll be replacing them.


I wanted to share my mom's button box - I'm sure some of you still have one like it around.  It was interesting opening it, because in addition to very old buttons, there were earrings, a cuff link, a belt buckle, and even a little ivory handled pen knife.  Great memories in that one container.



Button Box.JPG

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8 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I have just received by courier from the US this loyalty Crystal block from Royal Caribbean Crown& Anchor society.



2 hours ago, Oceansaway17 said:

Hey Roy 

Vision OTS is heading to your area soon.

I enjoyed her for the most part. Loved WJ in front and CD Bal. Generous with cookies every day unlike the larger ships.

Next up is Liberty OTS in June after my May 27 on Disney Fantasy.

hope you are well.


@Oceansaway17 you raise a thorny issue.  I was hospitalized with pneumonia in early February and really have not recovered that much.  Actually, I should have been on Vision as we speak but did not feel like I could safely make the trip.  I've been following a live thread by @DragonOfTheSeas and very impressed by what I see of Vision, especially a couple of differencees from other Vision class like a few outdoor tables behind the Park Cafe,


@grapau27 you seem to be lucky in the UK.  @DragonOfTheSeas and DH got new blocks but were told them if they did not carry them off the ship they would not get them.



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