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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday May 13th, 2023

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Sunny here. Supposed to be in the mid-70's today but I doubt that it will make it. Was 38F when I walked the pooches and rain showers are supposed to move in. Who knows. On the disappointment side, my hair did not get trimmed yesterday as my gal forgot we had rescheduled the appointment. She will try for Tuesday. I may head out to the dog shows looking shaggier than any of the dogs. However, it may have been a good thing since I was available to run a neighbor to the ER and then pick her up a few hours later..... she fell. A reminder to me to watch where I am putting my feet. They kept fussing about her due to her age and she is much younger than I am. I suspect it was a slow day at the ER.


@rafinmdThanks for letting us know about Scrapnana. Hope she makes it to the GWC next year. Looking forward to cruises really helps with ones outlook on life.


Am off to toss, file, and shred.



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Good Morning Everyone, many thanks for the reports and prayers to all in need.


Got back from our NA Alaska cruise last Sunday.   It was a fabulous trip, really enjoyed everything.  Got rained out in Juneau bit still managed to tour around and enjoy it.  Took the train and bus tour to Yukon in Skagway, was nice that we were early in the season and leaves were not on the trees.  Into the snow right away, the scenery was so stunning.  Glacier Bay was clear, calm, and snow right to the waterline. So many sea otters.


We did our renewal of vows, I can't say enough about how magic the HAL staff made it.  Shocked at how much time the Captain spent with us, it felt like he really enjoyed doing it.  Upon return to our room our attendant was smiling ear to ear.  He opened the door and there were towel swans on the bed, rose petals everywhere, another bouquet of flowers.


Well back to reality again.  Turned on my data about 100 miles out of Vancouver and the work phone exploded with issues.  First two days back were dawn to dusk.  Went to bed at 9 last night, the moment I pulled up the covers the phone pinged and I was back out to 1am.  So today is sit back and relax day  everyone enjoy the weekend, time for me to work on my next cruise

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


That is really good news.  Take it easy with your recovery.  Don’t rush things too much.




So glad to hear you are getting the help you need and especially from someone you trust 👍 




So glad to hear this.  Mine are crossed for you, too 🤞 




Dam on the knee pain 😔. I was hoping it would improve 😔 I hope it gets more bearable fast 🙏🏻 




He wasn’t nervous before, Maureen.  Somehow he associated the white flags for the training with the grass.  He only got a vibration and apparently it was too much for him. (White flags are down, collar is off).  He’s getting training treats on the grass out back and is getting to be more himself.  the front yard and walks are the next challenge.


Thanks on the elbow.  My neighbour - a retired nurse took a peak at where it split.  I had steri strips on it but she said it wouldn’t hold it together because of location and split.  So a different bandage covering on it after it was sterilized again. It’s going to take time and bears watching, she said and she warned me not to try to use the elbow much until it is healed.  That’s why I told @cunnorlnot to push it.  I’m sure I overdid unwittingly causing it.


Glad to hear you have someone close guiding your healing. 
And thank you for the explanation of the boundary flags/grass issue with Ivan. Makes more sense now. Poor guy has a lot to adjust to. I know you will help him through it!  


@rafinmd Great to hear from Kathi!  Was checking her blog just 2 days ago. Thanks for the update. 

@Vict0riann Best of luck with Pat’s return home!  Always great to get discharged, always a handful first day home. 

Edited by RMLincoln
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5 hours ago, Denise T said:

Good morning, everyone. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. 

I do love hummus so today is my day!

I am feeling better today. Looks like I had a 24-hour virus. 

I checked my boarding documents, and they have the official barcode! Yeah! Two weeks from today is my travel day to Anchorage. 

The suitcases are coming upstairs today. Going to get stuff packed. 

Cruise day is almost here!

Thinking of everyone today. 

Have a safe and healthy Saturday!

Hi Denise,

I just found your live review thread today. 

I will be following along with you on the cruise.I have been to Alaska and look forward to hearing your impression of it. I loved it. Very exciting!

Glad you are feeling better and can get to packing! 

The time until you leave will go by fast. 😊🛳️✈️



Edited by Cruisercl
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6 hours ago, Denise T said:

Good morning, everyone. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. 

I do love hummus so today is my day!

I am feeling better today. Looks like I had a 24-hour virus. 

I checked my boarding documents, and they have the official barcode! Yeah! Two weeks from today is my travel day to Anchorage. 

The suitcases are coming upstairs today. Going to get stuff packed. 

Cruise day is almost here!

Thinking of everyone today. 

Have a safe and healthy Saturday!

have nice cruise to Alaska.   I did Alaska in 2010 my first on Amsterdam.  Been back a few times and this year going on Princess for 2 weeks r/t Vancouver.


Oh BTW I am next town up from you.  Enjoy going down 422 to Phila airport.  Such joy.

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6 hours ago, 0106 said:

Happy Saturday!


Although I do not like the word choice of the quote, I think it is important you understand the speaker and the context. The Fault in Our Stars is the story of two teenagers who have terminal cancer.  Hazel and Gus fall in love and go on an adventure.  The book was extremely popular with my students; it was made into a movie.


I love hummus, easy to make and good for you.  I’ve recently started adding a roasted beet, adds a bit of sweetness and makes it a pretty color.


I would happily raise a glass of Prosecco to those celebrating and cruising.  Positive thoughts to those who need them.

Such a great book! 

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Birth mothers deserve recognition although we need to understand that not all want it to be public. Jumping frogs are OK as long as they jump somewhere other than here. To my mind, frogs are a Biblical plague. I like hummus but, oddly, most of the local Jewish community does not.


It seems to me that time is more often portrayed as man, i.e. Father Time.


Dinner tonight will probably be garlic naan pizza and I could add herbs, but not steak. The cocktail sounds awful. The wine is probably OK. I haven't been to Brazil, but what else is new?


The wedding was great. Here's a picture.


This is when they were exchanging the equivalent of wedding vows. In a traditional Jewish ceremony, the groom would say to the bride (in Hebrew) "You are consecrated to me according to the law of Moses and Israel," but the bride would say nothing, just accept the ring or any other object of value; in a modern ceremony, the bride might reply "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine," a quotation from the Song of Songs. A same-sex wedding now uses a different formulation, "I consecrate myself to you," which I think should be standard for everyone.


Their only attendant was another of my students, a woman in her 70s who carried flowers and the rings. The job of the witnesses is done before the ceremony, where the couple symbolically indicate their acceptance of the wedding document, which only the witnesses actually sign.


And here's a photo from the Bar Mitzvah ceremony this morning, during the reading of Torah.


In another respect, these were sad occasions, because one of them is moving to a new job, as head of food service at a large Jewish camp in California, next week. The other is staying for a while to sell their house and complete the period of notice in his job.


They did not bring Davinci and Mona Lisa to the synagogue, nor did they bring their dogs. This is in contrast to an infamous bar mitzvah service about ten years ago when an eccentric relative brought a small dog (not a service dog) in a tote bag. The young person's mother prayed fervently during that service, mostly that the dog would not bark.



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4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, the cleaner didn’t show.  She had an emergency.  So I am ending up with all the work.  I can’t have her during the week.  Jim is having surgery on Monday, Dryer coming on Wednesday (hopefully this time it is not damaged) and I am sure we will have to go back to the doc a few times.

So I don’t know when I will see her.

I am really bummed out.



What a shame!   I hope you can work something out.


3 hours ago, lobsternight said:


Got back from our NA Alaska cruise last Sunday.   It was a fabulous trip, really enjoyed everything.  Got rained out in Juneau bit still managed to tour around and enjoy it.  Took the train and bus tour to Yukon in Skagway, was nice that we were early in the season and leaves were not on the trees.  Into the snow right away, the scenery was so stunning.  Glacier Bay was clear, calm, and snow right to the waterline. So many sea otters.

Welcome home!   I remember our first cruise after the pause was to Alaska.  It rained a lot and was freezing cold and we loved every minute of it.  

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Checking in with you all this afternoon.  I've been working hard on my photo book and have completed 4 pages, so will continue and maybe get another done this evening.  Time to do Parintins now!  Oh, want to mention I misspelled Boi Bumba this morning.  I don't like being inaccurate.  It's got a b not a p in Bumba.


The Jaguars game was at 11 am and this was not a good day for them.  They took the lead with one goal just before half time (Colton scored with an assist by Ren).  They only took a break for 10 minutes at half time trying to keep the tournament on schedule.  There was a lot of trouble with the referee who didn't seem to know all the rules, or else wasn't catching everything.  He would overlook a foul three times in a row when it was committed by the other team, but the fourth time he would call that same foul against the Jaguars.  Ren had two defenders on him.  The other side scored halfway through the second half, and there were two injuries that took quite a few minutes but the referee only added about 1 minute at the end for that so less time to try to score again.  Anyway, with the score tied at the end they did penalty kicks and the other side won.  Fortunately the Jaguars have the most points so are still number one in their group.  Another game on Monday and let's hope we reverse today's bad luck!



7 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

      Just a quick checking to thank everyone for their kind words prior to my surgery. It was a little rough for a few days but I think I have turned the corner  I am home ( YEAH) and even though I have a little bit still to go thru, all will be well. I believe that I can come off the Care List.

     How will I fill my time now that the World Cruise is over? I really enjoyed following along thru the blogs. Maybe someday???


Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, good wishes for continued recovery and better health!




6 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I know I’m missing a lot and will try to catch up when we return home. Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all on the celebration list. 

We continue to have a wonderful time. The crowds are thin and weather good. My favorite time to come!


Sadly there are signs of the aftermath of the flood last year. We were here with family just days before it happened! We found out yesterday that the Mammoth Hotel and restaurant are closed due to sewage problems due to the flood. 

Yesterday we saw dozens of baby bison, Old Faithful and Lake Yellowstone (still frozen over). We also saw wolf tracks there at the beach. Today we’re on the hunt for bears. Some years we see none, other years up to 8. Fingers crossed!


Photos from yesterday. 



IMG_0538.thumb.jpeg.5d2a7213dafb90b6b2c14a805e2dd795.jpegRoaring Mountain


IMG_0540.thumb.jpeg.d885dc6c0f4e7232ac7825b21b8fe674.jpegIce on Lake Yellowstone 


IMG_0550.thumb.jpeg.2f237676c77f6d169bc64dae9274b411.jpegOld Faithful 




IMG_0554.thumb.jpeg.2cc4657d69290f1bf3a2ea1b60921f9e.jpegA couple 2-year olds going by


IMG_0565.thumb.jpeg.0f083f25c9317d81f557b7ce0bef34f6.jpegTraffic jam at Mammoth 





More beautiful and interesting photos!  Thanks so much for sharing them with us.




5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, big day here, Pat is coming home.  He will have the staples (25) out this morning, and I can go in and pick him up around 11.  Yesterday he had a scan and the stents out, so nothing more will need to be done, except the community nurse will be coming in to help him with the "bag" until he is comfortable with it.  Then he needs to make an appointment for June 3 to hear the results of the pathology.


I am a fan of hummus, but Pat is not, so I've been eating it in his absence.  We've also had pizza and MacDonald's while he was in the hospital;  now we have to go back to regular stuff...  I think we will be holding off a bit on the prosecco, but all in all, I don't think he will have any dietary restrictions.  I have been trying to get the house organized for guests next weekend, so Pat doesn't have to do any heavy lifting, but I think I will have to get a house cleaner in, in fact maybe for a few months.  That would be a great help.  I do wish this headache would go away!  Yesterday the internet went down, and Pat told me how to fix it, but I did it wrong, and DD had to work on it later in the day.  I'm finding it hard to focus.  


My best wishes to everyone on a beautiful weekend in Victoria - we are supposed to break records and go up to 28 Celsius - about 86 Fahrenheit - unheard of here!


I'm happy to hear Pat came home today.  I hope all the news from now on is good news.




4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I think many here have enjoyed the postings of @Scrapnana.  For those who haven't seen it she posted to yesterday's sailaway thread:




Thank you for letting us know how she's doing.  Prayers she can make that WC next year!🙏




4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, the cleaner didn’t show.  She had an emergency.  So I am ending up with all the work.  I can’t have her during the week.  Jim is having surgery on Monday, Dryer coming on Wednesday (hopefully this time it is not damaged) and I am sure we will have to go back to the doc a few times.

So I don’t know when I will see her.

I am really bummed out.



So sorry the cleaner had an emergency.  I hope Jim's surgery Monday goes okay and the dryer arrives with no damage.  My niece is waiting for her third refrigerator in her new home due to damage to them.  They finally went out and got a smaller one and bought it off the "showroom floor" to keep in their garage to tide them over.  Second refrigerators are always handy.  We've had one for drinks, extra freezer space, and extra items for many years. (Don't want to jinx it and say how old it is!).  Hope this is the last of your bad luck.




3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Sunny here. Supposed to be in the mid-70's today but I doubt that it will make it. Was 38F when I walked the pooches and rain showers are supposed to move in. Who knows. On the disappointment side, my hair did not get trimmed yesterday as my gal forgot we had rescheduled the appointment. She will try for Tuesday. I may head out to the dog shows looking shaggier than any of the dogs. However, it may have been a good thing since I was available to run a neighbor to the ER and then pick her up a few hours later..... she fell. A reminder to me to watch where I am putting my feet. They kept fussing about her due to her age and she is much younger than I am. I suspect it was a slow day at the ER.


@rafinmdThanks for letting us know about Scrapnana. Hope she makes it to the GWC next year. Looking forward to cruises really helps with ones outlook on life.


Am off to toss, file, and shred.




Good thing you were home then to help out your poor neighbor.  I have a hair appointment Tuesday, too.  Do all hairdressers take Monday off?  Mine owns the shop and is off Sunday and Monday.



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Good afternoon.  I've spent the day catching up on things I've neglected and working more on our family trees on Ancestry.  When the various records mostly agree, it is not difficult to add ancestors.  However, in some of the family trees available the information has been gathered from were, shall we say, a bit creative.  It amazes me how some have ancestors marrying before they were born or after they died.  I guess people don't check dates to carefully.  This is in addition to the hazy records, but I've been amazed at how accurate, and precise some records are.


So far, all the predicted rain has missed us.  We think our lake has an effect on the rain near us.  The areas south of us, including Austin and Georgetown where Joy @Seasick Sailor lives.  I hope our DDs and Joy are high and dry.


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Sunny here. Supposed to be in the mid-70's today but I doubt that it will make it. Was 38F when I walked the pooches and rain showers are supposed to move in. Who knows. On the disappointment side, my hair did not get trimmed yesterday as my gal forgot we had rescheduled the appointment. She will try for Tuesday. I may head out to the dog shows looking shaggier than any of the dogs. However, it may have been a good thing since I was available to run a neighbor to the ER and then pick her up a few hours later..... she fell. A reminder to me to watch where I am putting my feet. They kept fussing about her due to her age and she is much younger than I am. I suspect it was a slow day at the ER.


@rafinmdThanks for letting us know about Scrapnana. Hope she makes it to the GWC next year. Looking forward to cruises really helps with ones outlook on life.


Am off to toss, file, and shred.




Susan, I hope your gal doesn't forget the appointment again, but it was good you were there to help your neighbor.


4 hours ago, lobsternight said:

Good Morning Everyone, many thanks for the reports and prayers to all in need.


Got back from our NA Alaska cruise last Sunday.   It was a fabulous trip, really enjoyed everything.  Got rained out in Juneau bit still managed to tour around and enjoy it.  Took the train and bus tour to Yukon in Skagway, was nice that we were early in the season and leaves were not on the trees.  Into the snow right away, the scenery was so stunning.  Glacier Bay was clear, calm, and snow right to the waterline. So many sea otters.


We did our renewal of vows, I can't say enough about how magic the HAL staff made it.  Shocked at how much time the Captain spent with us, it felt like he really enjoyed doing it.  Upon return to our room our attendant was smiling ear to ear.  He opened the door and there were towel swans on the bed, rose petals everywhere, another bouquet of flowers.


Well back to reality again.  Turned on my data about 100 miles out of Vancouver and the work phone exploded with issues.  First two days back were dawn to dusk.  Went to bed at 9 last night, the moment I pulled up the covers the phone pinged and I was back out to 1am.  So today is sit back and relax day  everyone enjoy the weekend, time for me to work on my next cruise


A belated welcome home.  I'm glad you enjoyed your cruise in spite of the weather.  Your renewal of your vows sounds amazing along with the cabin when you returned afterwards.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

A friend on RCL forums posted this which some of us mentioned in response to Rich about wondering what day it was.

They do this with every lift at midnight.



I think the carpets on HAL ships are easier to change.


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

Birth mothers deserve recognition although we need to understand that not all want it to be public. Jumping frogs are OK as long as they jump somewhere other than here. To my mind, frogs are a Biblical plague. I like hummus but, oddly, most of the local Jewish community does not.


It seems to me that time is more often portrayed as man, i.e. Father Time.


Dinner tonight will probably be garlic naan pizza and I could add herbs, but not steak. The cocktail sounds awful. The wine is probably OK. I haven't been to Brazil, but what else is new?


The wedding was great. Here's a picture.


This is when they were exchanging the equivalent of wedding vows. In a traditional Jewish ceremony, the groom would say to the bride (in Hebrew) "You are consecrated to me according to the law of Moses and Israel," but the bride would say nothing, just accept the ring or any other object of value; in a modern ceremony, the bride might reply "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine," a quotation from the Song of Songs. A same-sex wedding now uses a different formulation, "I consecrate myself to you," which I think should be standard for everyone.


Their only attendant was another of my students, a woman in her 70s who carried flowers and the rings. The job of the witnesses is done before the ceremony, where the couple symbolically indicate their acceptance of the wedding document, which only the witnesses actually sign.


And here's a photo from the Bar Mitzvah ceremony this morning, during the reading of Torah.


In another respect, these were sad occasions, because one of them is moving to a new job, as head of food service at a large Jewish camp in California, next week. The other is staying for a while to sell their house and complete the period of notice in his job.


They did not bring Davinci and Mona Lisa to the synagogue, nor did they bring their dogs. This is in contrast to an infamous bar mitzvah service about ten years ago when an eccentric relative brought a small dog (not a service dog) in a tote bag. The young person's mother prayed fervently during that service, mostly that the dog would not bark.




Paul, thanks for the information and the pictures of the wedding.


52 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Checking in with you all this afternoon.  I've been working hard on my photo book and have completed 4 pages, so will continue and maybe get another done this evening.  Time to do Parintins now!  Oh, want to mention I misspelled Boi Bumba this morning.  I don't like being inaccurate.  It's got a b not a p in Bumba.


The Jaguars game was at 11 am and this was not a good day for them.  They took the lead with one goal just before half time (Colton scored with an assist by Ren).  They only took a break for 10 minutes at half time trying to keep the tournament on schedule.  There was a lot of trouble with the referee who didn't seem to know all the rules, or else wasn't catching everything.  He would overlook a foul three times in a row when it was committed by the other team, but the fourth time he would call that same foul against the Jaguars.  Ren had two defenders on him.  The other side scored halfway through the second half, and there were two injuries that took quite a few minutes but the referee only added about 1 minute at the end for that so less time to try to score again.  Anyway, with the score tied at the end they did penalty kicks and the other side won.  Fortunately the Jaguars have the most points so are still number one in their group.  Another game on Monday and let's hope we reverse today's bad luck!



Sandi, it sounds like you are making good progress on your book.  I'm sorry the Jaguars lost today, and that they had a less than stellar referee.  Better luck to the team Monday.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  I've spent the day catching up on things I've neglected and working more on our family trees on Ancestry.  When the various records mostly agree, it is not difficult to add ancestors.  However, in some of the family trees available the information has been gathered from were, shall we say, a bit creative.  It amazes me how some have ancestors marrying before they were born or after they died.  I guess people don't check dates to carefully.  This is in addition to the hazy records, but I've been amazed at how accurate, and precise some records are.


So far, all the predicted rain has missed us.  We think our lake has an effect on the rain near us.  The areas south of us, including Austin and Georgetown where Joy @Seasick Sailor lives.  I hope our DDs and Joy are high and dry.



Susan, I hope your gal doesn't forget the appointment again, but it was good you were there to help your neighbor.



A belated welcome home.  I'm glad you enjoyed your cruise in spite of the weather.  Your renewal of your vows sounds amazing along with the cabin when you returned afterwards.



I think the carpets on HAL ships are easier to change.



Paul, thanks for the information and the pictures of the wedding.



Sandi, it sounds like you are making good progress on your book.  I'm sorry the Jaguars lost today, and that they had a less than stellar referee.  Better luck to the team Monday.



Found the same issue son ancestry numerous times.  Makes it hard to trust the info.


I agree, I prefer the HAL Eleanor mats! 

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11 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Safe travels home Rich.  Thank you Rich, Sandi, Eva, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann.  I'll salute Birth Mothers but pass on both the frog jumping and Hummus.  The quote is interesting.  We seem to have a run of Amazon ports recently.  My recollection is that the treatment of Australian convicts was pretty shabby.  I  like both steak and pizza but don't think I would combine them.  My alternative is Apple and Pear Gazpacho with Passion Fruit Sorbet, Oven Roasted Beef Ternderloin with Button Mushrooms, and Key Lime and White Chocolate Tart as served at the Mariner brunch for my 2016 Veendam Bermuda cruise.





Oh how I loved those old Rosenthal plates with the ship at the top.

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