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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday June 9th, 2023


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Hi Everyone!

We also had smokey skies earlier this week but no where near what is happening on the East Coast; that looks ominous! Our skies cleared up after 2 days as it shifted towards the East Coast. We have had beautiful weather here the last part of the week; today is beautiful. We get some days of smokey skies every year from the fires in Canada.

Thanks to the reliable contributors to the FR&D.Your contributions are fun and let me learn about things that I did not even know I should learn!

I like Donald Duck as I am a bit of a Disney geek; went to visit WDW just last month.☺️

I do like Strawberry-rhubarb pie-I will look for rhubarb tomorrow when I go the the farmers market. Nice reminder to make a pie, rhubarb seems hard to get if you don't grow it yourself. My parents had a rhubarb plant in their garden but dug it up when it got old and the leaves were too woody to use. It came up every year after that, for years, in the same spot; they could not get rid of it! Must have had very long roots.

I was a medical scientific writer before I retired; glad to see writers have rights, didn't know that! 

I have not been to Korcula; the pictures everyone has posted are beautiful! It looks like a place I want to go to.

Bon Voyage @ocean sounds (missed it earlier this week) and @Nickelpenny. Safe travels too.


Prayers for everyone, especially those with challenges, health and other things. It breaks my heart sometimes to see how difficult things can be right now. I try to be grateful.

Celebrate all things good in your lives, we all deserve good things.


Take care all!





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Good afternoon?

We had a large patch of rhubarb in my childhood yard in Minnesota. We had rhubarb everything. I shudder to think how much sugar my mother used to make it sweet.


I agree with the others about layers for Norway. As long as you have a waterproof top layer you can put layers underneath. I had thin long underwear that kept me warm that I put under my water resistant travel pants. My Brooks waterproof tennis shoes were great. I will wear them at home too so not a bad purchase. If you don’t plan on lots of walking you will not need a lot if waterproof clothing. An umbrella to get you on and off a bus is all you need. 

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Rhubarb is ubiquitous in the Faroes and Iceland because it is so cold-hardy. It's pretty much the only fruit-like thing that can be grown in the Faroes. Saskatoon/service berry/June berry is probably hardy enough, but I'm not sure that even a fruit that grows in Saskatchewan could stand the wind there. Houses in the Faroes are typically wood-framed, nowadays with steel cladding (formerly they were tarred), but every stick of wood is imported.


Rhubarb is also common throughout Scandinavia. Last  year I had rhubarb soda in Copenhagen, purchased from a street vendor along with a vegan sausage sandwich. I would have gone out today in search of strawberry-rhubarb pie if it hadn't rained so hard.

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6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Friday Morning Dailyites!  At least I think it's Friday.  I worked this week, but I think only about 8 hours....it's all kind of fuzzy with no actual schedule set, and me not being able to stay awake through most of what schedule I have had.


@StLouisCruisers, our air is hazy due to our own pollution.  Atlanta is famous for it.  We created a highway that goes in a circle that millions of cars drive around all day, then we have three major highways that go north south, east to west, and we add all those cars and trucks, and Atlanta is the second highest major city, and we filled it with tall buildings, and all that automotive pollution is trapped and slowly oozes out to the burbs....Ah, summer in Atlanta.  We need a Mighty Wind.  But the temps are nice today...


DH found out yesterday that seniors that drive less than 5000 (?) miles a year can get an exception for having their car go through inspection.  Since my car has not been driven since January, he thinks this may be the way to go until he can get the car fixed.  But he wanted to check the mileage.  I told him I didn't think he had to worry or lie, he drives the car (when it does work) and all other drives are in his car.  He has only driven the car 500 miles in the last year.  So he wants to go to the car tax place this morning, well i'm still ill and really dont want to go today.  Thinking next week will be fine.  So I am letting him sleep.


I hope you all have moments of joy and serenity today, if not for the whole day, at least for some of it. Hugs!










Annie, lucky for us we don't need inspections for the cars in our county.  The county north of us does but we are far enough out of the Big City to not worry about that.  Let your auto insurer know about the low annual mileage and you can get a small discount for that too.




3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like Donald Duck, not sure about strawberry-rhubarb pie, and support writers' rights. Local strawberries haven't done well due to our drought, and some strawberry festivals were cancelled. I like the quote. Pass on the meal (fish), maybe on the drink, no on the wine. I'll take Roy's meal.

I haven't been to Korcula Island.


I'm back from the PCP. I'm all congested and coughing again. after I thought I'd gotten over the cold I picked up in Germany. She thinks maybe the hours spent outside doing yard work on Tuesday and Wednesday are the culprit, with the bad air quality (it didn't seem that bad to me). She wants me to stay indoors this weekend; I have plenty to do inside this house. She also was concerned about my 2 falls. Then I had bloodwork done after the visit. But this afternoon I'm going to a local park with BFF, where a plaque in his late Dad's memory is bring put up. His Dad (and Dad's GF) walked there almost daily for the last 20+ years, and his Dad photographed lots of the flora there which the park kept much of. 


@cruzn single I hope you're doing ok.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry your mailbox got messed up.

@kazu Congrats on paying for your cruise.

@dfish Have a great time at the lake house.

@cunnorl Scary about the nearby tornado; good news on no injuries. Good to hear you're doing better. 

@RMLincoln I'm glad things are slowly getting straightened out with the banking issues.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Korcula. 

@marshhawk I got an exemption from emissions check (still had to pay for the sticker), but not general inspection, for driving less than 4000 miles a year. Good to hear you were able to sleep in your bed last night.

@ger_77 So sorry to hear of the death of your friend's son. Condolences to you, and her family and friends.

@aliaschief It sounds like you're having a fabulous time. I went to Fatima when I was in Lisbon.

@loveandpeas Nice to see you posting and thanks for the recipe link.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.


Vanessa, I think I will wait until tomorrow after mail delivery to remove the mailbox (again) and try to get the finish back to its shiny finish again.  I'll let it sit in the garage for 24 hours and put it back Sunday night.  I can give the post and newspaper box and scrollwork a once over with the Rust-oleum paint restorer wipes, too.  The surface should be kept dry for 24 hours if at all possible.  Depending on the weather report I could wait until Monday to replace it.  Mail comes late here.


I'm sorry to hear you're so congested and coughing.  Hopefully things improve soon, especially if the air quality had anything to do with your current situation.  Take care!

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8 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Having a great time with my friend. Touring Long Island and eating great food. Thank goodness the smoke has cleared. It was horrible Wednesday. Checking I have all my stuff packed for the cruise as I fly up to Boston tomorrow morning at 0715. Check in is not until 1400 (2pm) but I will try to board early. 


Good to hear that you are enjoying your time and especially the smoke has cleared 👍. Very safe travels to you tomorrow.



6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

especially to our lovely DIL, Noriko, who is celebrating her 40th birthday today.


Ahh - a very happy birthday to Noriko.  




6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

  I actually slept all night in the bed.  11:30 to 7:15!  I woke up with one cat scratching my back as she was running away from Furnando.  The boy cats are out on the porch. There are squirrels outside!


YAY 🙂 that is really great news.  I hope you can get an even sounder sleep tonight 🤞 



4 hours ago, loveandpeas said:

BUT my mama makes a rhubarb custard pie and it's one of my very favourite desserts. I highly recommend you try it this season! 


Rhubarb Custard Pie (thecreativebite.com)



thank you so much for the recipe and welcome to the Daily 🙂 



4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

I'm back from the PCP. I'm all congested and coughing again. after I thought I'd gotten over the cold I picked up in Germany. She thinks maybe the hours spent outside doing yard work on Tuesday and Wednesday are the culprit, with the bad air quality (it didn't seem that bad to me). She wants me to stay indoors this weekend; I have plenty to do inside this house.


I think her advice is very good.  Stay indoors and if you go outside, as Roy @rafinmd suggested please wear the N95 mask (the same ones recommended for covid).  they do help keep the particulates out.  Take care, please.



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Good afternoon.  It turned out to be another long morning doing yard work, but it is done.  I got out a little later than planned, but that did not make a difference.  Because of yesterday's rain and the heavy dew, I had to wait after I trimmed the grass to start mowing.  Even then, it was heavy and wet enough to need to be cleared out from the mower before I could finish the yard.  I used the time between trimming the grass and mowing to do a little trimming of dead branches on the Silverado sage.  I also finally had a chance to spray the weed killer again after mowing since it was not windy earlier.  I'm not holding my breath that the weed killer will kill the weeds I want killed.  It didn't do that good a job with the first two applications.  Since it is not supposed to harm the Bermuda grass, I took a chance and made the spray double strength.  🤞


8 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Daily TGIF, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  I’ll gladly celebrate them all but I’d substitute the pie with a compote, crumble, crisp or even the jam - which reminds me, I should buy rhubarb while it is in season.  Writers rights are vital.  


The drink of the day sounds refreshing on a hot day.  Not sure what a salmon collar is.  I’ll wait for Debbie to describe it for us.  We’ve been to Croatia on the P’dam but not the port of the day.  Love the Abraham Lincoln quote.


@cruzn single thinking of you and hoping your recovery from surgery is not too difficult 🤞 


I bit the bullet and paid for the cruise and 2 of my tours that have to be prepaid for it.  The bank account just got a lot lighter 😝  




Looks like the rain demolished some of my flowers.  The early Trollius kept some flowers at least.




I have no idea why this one blooms so early and is so much shorter than the others.  




My friend and old dogs’ second mother was by yesterday to return my jam jars  (hint for this year?) and seek some Garden Club advice on her rhodo that the deer had eaten (and fuss on Ivan.  Of course he brought his stuffed toy to greet her with).  She was impressed at how good he was. 👍 


Just watching the weather - it will dictate today’s schedule. Can you tell I don’t want to do the paperwork 😂 😉  




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a great Friday everyone !!!!!




Jacqui, I'm glad you went head and paid for your cruise and two tours.


7 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Friday Morning Dailyites!  At least I think it's Friday.  I worked this week, but I think only about 8 hours....it's all kind of fuzzy with no actual schedule set, and me not being able to stay awake through most of what schedule I have had.


@StLouisCruisers, our air is hazy due to our own pollution.  Atlanta is famous for it.  We created a highway that goes in a circle that millions of cars drive around all day, then we have three major highways that go north south, east to west, and we add all those cars and trucks, and Atlanta is the second highest major city, and we filled it with tall buildings, and all that automotive pollution is trapped and slowly oozes out to the burbs....Ah, summer in Atlanta.  We need a Mighty Wind.  But the temps are nice today...


DH found out yesterday that seniors that drive less than 5000 (?) miles a year can get an exception for having their car go through inspection.  Since my car has not been driven since January, he thinks this may be the way to go until he can get the car fixed.  But he wanted to check the mileage.  I told him I didn't think he had to worry or lie, he drives the car (when it does work) and all other drives are in his car.  He has only driven the car 500 miles in the last year.  So he wants to go to the car tax place this morning, well i'm still ill and really dont want to go today.  Thinking next week will be fine.  So I am letting him sleep.


I hope you all have moments of joy and serenity today, if not for the whole day, at least for some of it. Hugs!










Annie, beginning in 2025, Texas will no longer require inspections of cars. The metropolitan areas will still require an emissions test.  The Dallas Morning News had an editorial critical of the new law.  It questioned if car owners could be trusted to keep their cars in good condition by asking if people had seen the way Texans drive.  😁


7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!   I like Donald Duck - a dear departed friend of mine could talk just like him and would use the voice to cheer me up when I was in a bad mood.  I like strawberry pie and rhubarb pie, but don't care for the two together; I think they combine them so the rhubarb doesn't seem so tart.  I'm all for writer's rights - they are in danger of being phased out with AI.


Well we've got the smoke back and our air quality is at High right now, and it's expected to stay that way throughout the day.  I knew something was up when I opened the curtains and the sunshine coming in was apricot coloured.  We don't have any outside events planned, so shouldn't have to worry about taking precautions.   Yesterday DH decided it was time to cut away the dead branches on our Japanese Maple tree, so we worked for a couple of hours out there.  While I was in the yard, I decided to measure our papyrus plants - one of them has grown 11" since we got them a month ago.  The others are little slower growing, which is strange, because they get the same amount of water, sun and shade.  


We had a great visit with my godson yesterday, hearing all about his life in Seoul.  We spent a couple of hours together and look forward to another visit with him and his wife later in the summer.  Unfortunately earlier in the day I learned that a friend/colleague of mine's son suddenly passed away overnight, so DH and I went over to the grocery store where I picked up a rotisserie chicken, a large Caesar salad and a fruit tray, as another colleague is going to pick everything up from a number of us to deliver to the family home this morning.  It's really sad, as this woman lost her husband only 2 years ago and now has to deal with the loss of 1 of her 2 sons.


@Heartgrove sending prayers for Sue's heart issues; hopefully it's something minor that can be easily remedied.

@summer slope keeping you in my prayers as you deal with your health.

@marshhawk I hope you and Chuck recover soon - maybe it's time to check in with the doctor if you're still having to sleep semi-prone.


I've spent a couple of days cleaning off the shelves in the spare room; I look at all the little things I've collected over the years from various places we've been and realized that they mean something to me, but to nobody else, so it's time for them to go.  Although I don't have the things, I still have the memories, and now someone else can enjoy the little dishes, figurines, and other little delights I brought home.


Today it's time to get to work on cleaning the house, as our older friends are coming next week for their medical appointments again.  She's a pretty meticulous housekeeper, so I'm going to have to be diligent about dusting and cleaning.  I usually only dust as high as the tallest person, but guess I should get up on a step stool to do the tops of things today.  LOL  I think I'd like to try today's drink, although I'd call it Adult Lemonade, would try the wine, even though it's a white, but the price is right, and have not heard of salmon collars before.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us.  Because of the smoke, instead of dining outside, we'll enjoy our pizza at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who has needs.  Cheers to all with celebrations, especially to our lovely DIL, Noriko, who is celebrating her 40th birthday today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, our condolences to your friend and her family on the loss of her son.  It is hard to lose a child, but especially hard so soon after losing a spouse.  Please wish Noriko a HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY for us.


4 hours ago, loveandpeas said:

Happy Friday all! I sure do love reading the Fleet/Daily, and am appreciative of everyone who contributes even though I'm not "here" that often.


I don't love fruit pies that much except for apple, BUT my mama makes a rhubarb custard pie and it's one of my very favourite desserts. I highly recommend you try it this season! 


Rhubarb Custard Pie (thecreativebite.com)

I did not know about fish collars so that was an interesting read - not sure if I've tried one but I do love salmon almost any way I can get it. 

I am working today and I think it might be a busy one, but then a couple days off for the weekend. June is so busy and it feels like a struggle to keep up sometimes - I'm really looking forward to SUMMER and CRUISING.


Welcome to the Fleet/Daily and thank you for the recipe.  I hope we will see you here often.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like Donald Duck, not sure about strawberry-rhubarb pie, and support writers' rights. Local strawberries haven't done well due to our drought, and some strawberry festivals were cancelled. I like the quote. Pass on the meal (fish), maybe on the drink, no on the wine. I'll take Roy's meal.

I haven't been to Korcula Island.


I'm back from the PCP. I'm all congested and coughing again. after I thought I'd gotten over the cold I picked up in Germany. She thinks maybe the hours spent outside doing yard work on Tuesday and Wednesday are the culprit, with the bad air quality (it didn't seem that bad to me). She wants me to stay indoors this weekend; I have plenty to do inside this house. She also was concerned about my 2 falls. Then I had bloodwork done after the visit. But this afternoon I'm going to a local park with BFF, where a plaque in his late Dad's memory is bring put up. His Dad (and Dad's GF) walked there almost daily for the last 20+ years, and his Dad photographed lots of the flora there which the park kept much of. 


@cruzn single I hope you're doing ok.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry your mailbox got messed up.

@kazu Congrats on paying for your cruise.

@dfish Have a great time at the lake house.

@cunnorl Scary about the nearby tornado; good news on no injuries. Good to hear you're doing better. 

@RMLincoln I'm glad things are slowly getting straightened out with the banking issues.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Korcula. 

@marshhawk I got an exemption from emissions check (still had to pay for the sticker), but not general inspection, for driving less than 4000 miles a year. Good to hear you were able to sleep in your bed last night.

@ger_77 So sorry to hear of the death of your friend's son. Condolences to you, and her family and friends.

@aliaschief It sounds like you're having a fabulous time. I went to Fatima when I was in Lisbon.

@loveandpeas Nice to see you posting and thanks for the recipe link.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.


Vanessa, I'm sorry you are coughing again.  Wearing a mask outside as Roy @rafinmd suggested should help.  How nice of the park department to put up a plaque in your BFF's Dad's memory.


6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you for your nice photos Lenda.

Dubrovnik is lovely and your photos show this port is a smaller version of Dubrovnik.


Graham, Korcula is a miniature Dubrovnik, and since not many ships visit, it also does not have the crowds.  I like it better because it is not crowded, and I really like it better than Split.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I am not a fan of Donald Duck, but DH does do a good imitation of him...I love rhubarb pie, without strawberries.  @ger_77I actually slept all night in the bed.  11:30 to 7:15!  I woke up with one cat scratching my back as she was running away from Furnando.  The boy cats are out on the porch. There are squirrels outside!


Annie, I'm glad you slept all night in your bed.  That should be a big help in getting enough rest.


Some how this posted while I was still writing it.  And for once, it was not because the cursor was on the submit reply button when I used the mouse.  In fact, I wasn't even touching the mouse.





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I’ve been distracted… have we heard from Mary Kay?  

@Cruzin Terri I’m confident you’ll do fine with clothes you have for those rare cooler days in SC. Go enjoy!  If you get wet you’ll dry out, and if you get cold, go warm up…. it’ll all be transient and part of a fabulous trip!  

@durangoscots Thank you Susan. Counting our blessings. We learned some important things about account security restrictions beyond Lock Down, especially important for our investment accounts. 

I wish everybody’s problems could be resolved too!  
@JazzyV Hoping your blood work comes in ok, or shows anything that can be addressed to help you feel better. You can take our bank issues off the Cares list, grateful for all the support and encouragement here!  Keeping DH’s eye issues on the rotation is appreciated!  Surgery August 1. 

I’m loving the pictures of this lesser visited port today!  Already forgot its name!  Beautiful place. Thank you all for sharing. 

Annie @marshhawk I’m not surprised about your fatigue, but I am getting more concerned about your breathing and coughing. 🙏 



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I have been sick all week but have continued to test negative for Covid. All in my stomach. 
I have not caught up but know difficult things have been happening, so prayers to all who need them.


My niece just sent this:



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Another beautiful Port is hi lighted today Korcula . We have been there a couple of times and had a couple of  wonderful small independent tours with our guide Stanka Amadeo , these pictures are from when we were on the Koningsdam in 2019 

On our way to the Western end of the Island we visited a small museum with old tools ,  utensils and furniture 
The small pleasure boat harbour of Vela Luka where we made a coffee stop 
From there on our way back we enjoyed our first Croatian wine tasting with 4 different wines  ( …and we did not spit it out  !!! It was very nice ! ) 
Computer does not like pictures taken on iPad of DW  but you get the picture  ! 
After another short drive we visited the the next winery Grk  so now we were in great shape to stroll through the old town of Korcula 
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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  We decided to head out of the city to a small town not far away because they have a Mennonite thrift store there where DH has always found some interesting items.  Today it was my turn - they were having a bake sale and fundraiser for some folks who were going to Africa, and they had . . . . rhubarb!!!  I bought a couple of bags of it (at the ridiculous price of $3 per big vegetable bag), and will cut some of it up for freezing. 


I'd like to first welcome @loveandpeas to our Daily family, and thank you for the Rhubarb Custard Pie recipe.  My mom made a rhubarb custard pie that I've never been able to replicate, so I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow (after I buy some heavy cream) and will let you know if it's close.  @Horizon chaser 1957 what a good idea combining Saskatoons with rhubarb, a combination I've never considered.  We still have some Saskatoons in the freezer - ours are the juicy, flavourful kind, not the dry, tasteless variety - that I can combine with rhubarb in the future.  This place is just full of good ideas!!


The smoke has become heavier as the day progresses; right now our skies are a funny brown grey and although there's a wind, the smoke doesn't seem to want to go away.  I'm sure the wind is just bringing more to us.  As we were on the highway coming home from our foray out of the city, we couldn't actually see buildings in our city until we were about 2 miles away.  And my eyes have been tearing ever since early morning - something that rarely happens, so there's lots of stuff in the air.


Take care everyone, see you tomorrow!

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48 minutes ago, srdancer said:

I have been sick all week but have continued to test negative for Covid. All in my stomach. 
I have not caught up but know difficult things have been happening, so prayers to all who need them.


My niece just sent this:




I'm sorry you have been sick the past week, and hope you feel better soon.  I loved the meme.  More than 30 years ago, DH used a laser for our cats to chase.  About two years after he discovered they like chasing the red dot, he also discovered someone had gotten a patent for using a laser dot for cats to chase.


35 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  We decided to head out of the city to a small town not far away because they have a Mennonite thrift store there where DH has always found some interesting items.  Today it was my turn - they were having a bake sale and fundraiser for some folks who were going to Africa, and they had . . . . rhubarb!!!  I bought a couple of bags of it (at the ridiculous price of $3 per big vegetable bag), and will cut some of it up for freezing. 


I'd like to first welcome @loveandpeas to our Daily family, and thank you for the Rhubarb Custard Pie recipe.  My mom made a rhubarb custard pie that I've never been able to replicate, so I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow (after I buy some heavy cream) and will let you know if it's close.  @Horizon chaser 1957 what a good idea combining Saskatoons with rhubarb, a combination I've never considered.  We still have some Saskatoons in the freezer - ours are the juicy, flavourful kind, not the dry, tasteless variety - that I can combine with rhubarb in the future.  This place is just full of good ideas!!


The smoke has become heavier as the day progresses; right now our skies are a funny brown grey and although there's a wind, the smoke doesn't seem to want to go away.  I'm sure the wind is just bringing more to us.  As we were on the highway coming home from our foray out of the city, we couldn't actually see buildings in our city until we were about 2 miles away.  And my eyes have been tearing ever since early morning - something that rarely happens, so there's lots of stuff in the air.


Take care everyone, see you tomorrow!


Gerry, I'm sorry you are getting more smoke and that it's bothering your eyes.  I hope they are better soon.



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Greetings!  It is a good day for me!  Thank you to all who wished me well with my second surgery.  All went well, and finally I will be able to begin to re-enter the real world.  I put my glasses on last night, and shouldn't have.  Had some minor bleeding around my stitches.  Guess I will give that idea a rest for a couple of more days so that more healing can take place.


Surgery went very fast, and I was sitting up in the bed before they even got my step-daughter in the room.  Worst part of the whole thing that it was scheduled for 4:15 pm and the doctor was running behind.  Oh well, I lived.  Needless to say I was very hungry when we got home.  Stayed by myself last night.


Again, thanks to all for concern and well wishes.  I will be able to post more in a few days!  (When I can wear my glass3s).


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

Mary Kay

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

I'd like to first welcome @loveandpeas to our Daily family, and thank you for the Rhubarb Custard Pie recipe.  My mom made a rhubarb custard pie that I've never been able to replicate, so I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow (after I buy some heavy cream) and will let you know if it's close.

Ha - I don't guarantee it! My mom's recipe is surely older than the internet... but it looks pretty close and pretty good, anyway.

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I did make strawberry-rhubarb jam today, and also plain strawberry, as the first local berries are in here this week, just beautiful berries!  Strangely enough, the strawberry-rhubarb required less than half the amount of sugar - 3 cups to 7 cups, for the same amount of fruit.  The pectin in the rhubarb must be immense!  Of course I only got 4 jars of the straw/barb jam and 6 of strawberry, but it will be like eating 1 teaspoon of sugar for every teaspoon of the strawberry jam!  I thought of making a straw/barb crumble, but I don't have any ice cream, and you can't have a crumble without ice cream.  Maybe tomorrow.  I had the most gorgeous rhubarb plant when we were in our house, I know you're not supposed to let it bloom, but I figured nothing would kill it, so I let it bloom one summer and the bugs thanked me!




We enjoyed our tour with Tony in Korcula,  I remember the guide saying the town is laid out so that the narrow side streets bring in the summer breezes, and deflect the winter winds.  Good planning.  They also claim to be the port where Marco Polo set out from to go to China (after Venice...)











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Happy Friday, what's left of it.  We went to Disney World with my 3 yo niece years ago...she was so excited to see Donald Duck, we had to go to the same stage 2 days in a row, so she could see him up close and personal!  Sorry to here about the medical issues people are having, prayers for better health for all.  I'm not a fan of rhubarb.  I did plant some, but it never really grew, and died off after a few years.  The custard recipe sounds good!  Have a great evening, Karen 

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1 hour ago, cruzn single said:

Greetings!  It is a good day for me!  Thank you to all who wished me well with my second surgery.  All went well, and finally I will be able to begin to re-enter the real world.  I put my glasses on last night, and shouldn't have.  Had some minor bleeding around my stitches.  Guess I will give that idea a rest for a couple of more days so that more healing can take place.


Surgery went very fast, and I was sitting up in the bed before they even got my step-daughter in the room.  Worst part of the whole thing that it was scheduled for 4:15 pm and the doctor was running behind.  Oh well, I lived.  Needless to say I was very hungry when we got home.  Stayed by myself last night.


Again, thanks to all for concern and well wishes.  I will be able to post more in a few days!  (When I can wear my glass3s).


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

Mary Kay


So glad to hear you're doing so much better.  Yes, forget the glasses for a bit.  We can wait a few days to hear back.  Just take care and begin to heal!

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Talking about salmon collars, I forgot to show you the fish that DD and her BF caught off Tofino when they were here.  The guide kept the heads, so I guess she got the collars,  I got to clean the rest!  But we will be eating it for months..


When they got back to NL they were accused of posing with cardboard cutouts,  but we can attest to the fact that the fish were real!



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Had to share this story, as so many stories are sad -- the children who survived a plane crash and the jungle.  I have a feeling the eldest child must be quite extraordinary -- keeping them all going.  



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Well, yesterday was a good news, bad news and terrible news day. Saw the ortho doc and my hip has healed well. How did that year go so quickly? Also, I don't need a knee replacement any time soon, just an injection that I think is helping already. Bad news-our Samsung refrigerator, that was replaced once under warranty, has an ice maker that freezes up when we're gone. We tried turning it off this time before we left but it still froze. We thawed it out, again, but this time it didn't start. Will never buy another Samsung appliance. From what everyone has said, guess we'll look at Whirlpool. The terrible news is that my half-sister, who I didn't really know until I was grown, battled ovarian cancer and was clear but now has had surgery to remove a rather large mass on her colon. She has named her new, permanent attachment Winston. There are also 2 small spots on her lung which are being tested to see if they are associated with the ovarian cancer. This cancer crud that is hitting everyone has to go away!!!!

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Good evening, everyone.


It is a beautiful day at Golden Beach.  We had an easy trip up this morning and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon on the back deck overlooking Grand Traverse Bay.  






Have a great evening!

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3 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Greetings!  It is a good day for me!  Thank you to all who wished me well with my second surgery.  All went well, and finally I will be able to begin to re-enter the real world.  I put my glasses on last night, and shouldn't have.  Had some minor bleeding around my stitches.  Guess I will give that idea a rest for a couple of more days so that more healing can take place.


Surgery went very fast, and I was sitting up in the bed before they even got my step-daughter in the room.  Worst part of the whole thing that it was scheduled for 4:15 pm and the doctor was running behind.  Oh well, I lived.  Needless to say I was very hungry when we got home.  Stayed by myself last night.


Again, thanks to all for concern and well wishes.  I will be able to post more in a few days!  (When I can wear my glass3s).


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

glad Mary Kay


Mary Kay, thank you for the update.  I'm glad the surgery went well and was quick.  I hope the recovery and healing gpes quicklyntoo.


31 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Well, yesterday was a good news, bad news and terrible news day. Saw the ortho doc and my hip has healed well. How did that year go so quickly? Also, I don't need a knee replacement any time soon, just an injection that I think is helping already. Bad news-our Samsung refrigerator, that was replaced once under warranty, has an ice maker that freezes up when we're gone. We tried turning it off this time before we left but it still froze. We thawed it out, again, but this time it didn't start. Will never buy another Samsung appliance. From what everyone has said, guess we'll look at Whirlpool. The terrible news is that my half-sister, who I didn't really know until I was grown, battled ovarian cancer and was clear but now has had surgery to remove a rather large mass on her colon. She has named her new, permanent attachment Winston. There are also 2 small spots on her lung which are being tested to see if they are associated with the ovarian cancer. This cancer crud that is hitting everyone has to go away!!!!


That is good news that your hip has healed well and you only need an injection for your knee.  I'm sorry about the refrigerator.  When we replaced our refrigerator a few years ago, after some research, we decided a Samsung refrigerator was not what we should buy.  I'm so very sorry about your half sister's medical situation, and I hope the spots on her lung can be treated successfully.



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13 hours ago, loveandpeas said:

Happy Friday all! I sure do love reading the Fleet/Daily, and am appreciative of everyone who contributes even though I'm not "here" that often.


I don't love fruit pies that much except for apple, BUT my mama makes a rhubarb custard pie and it's one of my very favourite desserts. I highly recommend you try it this season! 


Rhubarb Custard Pie (thecreativebite.com)

I did not know about fish collars so that was an interesting read - not sure if I've tried one but I do love salmon almost any way I can get it. 

I am working today and I think it might be a busy one, but then a couple days off for the weekend. June is so busy and it feels like a struggle to keep up sometimes - I'm really looking forward to SUMMER and CRUISING.

A big welcome from me in the UK.



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11 hours ago, srdancer said:

I have been sick all week but have continued to test negative for Covid. All in my stomach. 
I have not caught up but know difficult things have been happening, so prayers to all who need them.


So sorry to hear this. 😔 I hope you are feeling better soon 🙏🏻 



10 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Greetings!  It is a good day for me!  Thank you to all who wished me well with my second surgery.  All went well, and finally I will be able to begin to re-enter the real world.  I put my glasses on last night, and shouldn't have.  Had some minor bleeding around my stitches.  Guess I will give that idea a rest for a couple of more days so that more healing can take place.


Surgery went very fast, and I was sitting up in the bed before they even got my step-daughter in the room.  Worst part of the whole thing that it was scheduled for 4:15 pm and the doctor was running behind.  Oh well, I lived.  Needless to say I was very hungry when we got home.  Stayed by myself last night.



Thanks for posting 👍 Please - no glasses. Go without until you have healed and I hope that is very quick and you recover quickly 🙏🏻. Yikes on that late operation - I’m sure you were starving!



7 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

Had to share this story, as so many stories are sad -- the children who survived a plane crash and the jungle.  I have a feeling the eldest child must be quite extraordinary -- keeping them all going.  




Saw this on the news (all too) early this morning.  Such great news and a true miracle after 40 days in the jungle. 



7 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Well, yesterday was a good news, bad news and terrible news day. Saw the ortho doc and my hip has healed well. How did that year go so quickly? Also, I don't need a knee replacement any time soon, just an injection that I think is helping already.



That is really great news, Susie 👍 



7 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:


Bad news-our Samsung refrigerator, that was replaced once under warranty, has an ice maker that freezes up when we're gone. We tried turning it off this time before we left but it still froze. We thawed it out, again, but this time it didn't start. Will never buy another Samsung appliance. From what everyone has said, guess we'll look at Whirlpool. The terrible news is that my half-sister, who I didn't really know until I was grown, battled ovarian cancer and was clear but now has had surgery to remove a rather large mass on her colon. She has named her new, permanent attachment Winston. There are also 2 small spots on her lung which are being tested to see if they are associated with the ovarian cancer. This cancer crud that is hitting everyone has to go away!!!!


Oh ugh on the appliance gremlin.  Good luck with the fridge search.


So sorry to hear about your half - sister.  Prayers that the 2 spots on her lungs are not cancer, too 🙏🏻 

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