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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 11th, 2023


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Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to Rich and all the providers of the daily news!  Here we are having fairly warm weather - in the 20's - but no rain in the forecast for weeks to come.  July and August are our driest months, I'm having to water almost daily, and the fear is that watering will be forbidden soon, as the reservoir is getting lower and lower.  Bowdlerism still exists!  I think blueberry muffins are more like cupcakes, but I do like them.  We are picking up a friend in a care home this morning and going to Timmie's for coffee, so perhaps I will have one.  As Jacqui said, we were in Cabo in January,  before the terrible elbow accident, and had a nice boat trip to join many other boats watching a family of whales.  Then we headed along the shore to a bar where we had a lunch of a delicious guacamole plus seafood and Mexican beers.


One whale came quite  close and we could see its giant mouth.




But it was hard to catch them on the camera


Lunch, prepared in front of us




For the garden club, one dahlia that survived the winter in the courtyard started blooming a couple of weeks ago, I was picking a flower almost every other day, but we went away for three days and came back to this






Edited by Vict0riann
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Good morning again.  It's still cloudy, but the sun is beginning to break through.  When I got back from my errands, I put the car that often stays parked on the driveway in the port, so hopefully it will be cooler inside this afternoon when we head to Waco.


3 hours ago, Heartgrove said:


Sue is the more pragmatic one of us and realizes that smaller ships have a higher fare. Me, I just enjoy being at sea and how smaller ships have more movement. I guess that I was lucky to choose the Veendam as our first HAL ship. She did enjoy that cruise.


- Jack


Jack, I can understand being pragmatic, but in the case of the Sea of Cortez cruise, the itinerary not the ship may be the bigger factor in the price.  That particular cruise is usually only offered once or twice each year, so it is naturally a bit pricier.  We did it once, and I'd love to do it again.  HAL offered it twice last winter, and one was a bit longer with a couple of ports on the mainland too, so that added to the cost.  Keep working on Sue if you really want to do the cruise.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I'm wary of Cheer Up the Lonely Day, because the typical effort to cheer people up is just to exhort them "Cheer up!" It seems to me that relieving the loneliness is what's needed. Would have been happy to have a blueberry muffin this morning, but I think that Bowdler's Day could be abolished.


What I learned in kindergarten: (1) I was very clumsy and uncoordinated (still am); (2) some kids liked to eat paste.


I would like the cucumber salad but I'd like Roy's alternative better. No on the cocktail, yes on the champagne. Sheldrake Point 2021 Riesling Bubbles would be an interesting alternative from the Finger Lakes. My only acquaintance with Cabo San Lucas is from episodes of The Love Boat that called there.


Yesterday I booked flights for Utah next spring, using the last e-credits from cancelled travel, and ordered tickets for our community orchestra, which for a change is going to play a few works that I would want to hear. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night but had to get up this morning to take out the trash.






Paul, we also had kids who ate paste even in first and second grade.  One kid also like to eat the modeling clay in first grade.  That was disgusting, and I shared a desk with him.  Your alternative wine looks interesting.  Glad you got the flights booked for Utah, and tickets for the community orchestra.


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

🙏 Great to hear baby Murphy is improving!  
🎂 Happy Birthday to Fr David!  I enjoy his messages.  Last Sunday’s on Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde was very clever and useful. 
@kazu path forward for Ivan and you! 👍

@Denise T things are looking up!  A cruise booked, yay!  And a path forward on keeping your BGL down. Excellent! 

Robert Fulcrum’s book by the title of the quote is interesting. Unfortunately what I learned in kindergarten was that hurled were not allowed to play in the blocks corner!  I learned that life was going to be an uphill battle. Maybe kindergarten gave me the spark to work harder for what I wanted. I’ve been rewarded!  

Best outcomes wished for those with doctor appts today. We’re going to meet with the financial advisor, working on simplifying our accounts so a family member could more easily help me/us/DH when the time comes. 🤞


MaryKay, following your downsizing and estate sale!  We did 90% downsizing when we moved to MD from our large NM home of decades. Now we’re are looking at relocating closer to the granddaughter who’ll watch over us but to a Continuing Care Retirement Community Independent living. We found one we like but getting that last 10% sorted and dispersed will be a bear! I think it’ll take us 5 times as long as the big move!    


Thank you Vanessa for keeping DH on the rotation. We are 3 weeks from his eye surgery, trying to stay away from crowds and avoid COVID and a possible schedule bust. It was 4 months for this appointment. His pressures taken twice daily have been mostly good to a little high but acceptable. The return of the severe itching a couple of weeks ago has abated and he’s back down to one Benadryl at night. 👍. Thanks to you all for your caring support.  

We have a lot of family in the Hudson Valley and southern Vermont. Lots of calls yesterday!  So far all have come through the flooding. I haven’t heard from my sister in the Bennington VT area yet. Last week her culverts and stream near her house were running higher than ever. 🤞 She’s in a cabin up a hillside so I’m hopeful they’re ok. 


Blessings to all on our Care list and all in need of healing, comfort or hope. 

Cheers for all those celebrating!  Life is good!  🌈

Smooth travels to all away. Thinking of our cruisers!  

Check back later, have to get ready and I’m slow mornings.  



Maureen, I'm glad you family was safe during the floods, and hope your DS is all right.


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

I'm enjoying your photos Lenda.

It's nice to put faces to names too.



Thank you, Graham.


36 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny and about 60 here right now. No rain in the immediate forecast but it is sneaking in an forecast appearance in a little over a week.... maybe. I have been watering some of the shrubs who are beginning to look unhappy.


Have been to Cabo a couple of times.... and I love cucumber salad during the summer. Glad to hear that baby Murphy is improving. And good news on Ivan too. Here everyone seems to be doing ok except that we had another fall among our "not so young" group. A friend that I don't see too often fell in her kitchen and was evidently down for a few days!!! before the postal delivery noticed her mail was piling up and checked on her. Nothing broken thankfully.  I am becoming a strong advocate for those of us living alone to wear some sort of alert device. They may be annoying at times... but when you need them, you need them. Of course that means you have to keep them charged.


Need to see about the lab work before my upcoming routine doctor's appointment. And I promised the Bandit a longer walk this morning. His was cut short due to a couple of loose and very large dogs. So off I go.


Take care all.






Susan, I hope you get some rain soon.  Sorry your neighbor fell, and thank goodness on the mail carrier who thought to check on her.


8 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Ugh. Just another couple minutes to scan posts…. I see auto corrected errors in my post earlier. Robert Fulghum’s name wrong. And in kindergarten it was GIRLS who were not allowed in the blocks corner. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lovin the Cabo pictures!  First time there DH went parasailing 🪂.   Seems 100 years ago!  Glad we did things while we could. We were there several times again but no more parasailing….  more the usual which is wonderful enough. 

Off into the heat for appointments. 
Later, m—


I strongly dislike autocorrect.  Some times it can be way off the mark.  I have it turned off on the computer and tablet, and just have misspelled words underlined.  Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to turn it off in messages on my phone.  Sometimes ever after correcting autocorrect, I'll find it has changed the word again just as I hit send.



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Good morning all!

I'll celebrate cheering up the lonely and blueberry muffins, but won't celebrate censorship.  The drink looks good as does the champagne, and I would like the meal as a side dish (minus the dill).  I don't think I've been to Cabo San Lucas.  Thanks for the great photos!


Today will be more cruise planning and gardening.  We have pretty much the same weather that @Vict0riann has, no rain in the forecast.  I need to do some watering today.  Sure enjoying this weather!


I hope everyone has a great day!

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Good morning, 

Happy Birthday to Father David! @grapau27


I'm home today and starting off with the DS working away. The last of the lumber was delivered this morning so he'll finish the railing on the back porch and then start on the pumphouse. 

Yesterday was a good day/sad day in a way. I picked up DH's ashes, the small urn for me to carry with me, and his death certificates. He rode home in his spot in the front seat! Not sure where I'm going to place him yet. My Mom put my dad in his shop in the parking garage of her condo as that was where he liked to hang out (until they interred his cremains). Yesterday DH was nearby as we had tea and cookies. 


It's overcast and a bi the cool side but no rain in site on the long-range forecast. 

Thanks everyone!


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Good hot and sunny but not too humid afternoon. Tomorrow and Thursday will be in the low nineties.

The cleanup from the flooding continues, especially in the Antietam Valley area of the county. The high school was badly damaged. It had 6 feet of water in the basement where the heating system and electrical systems are located. The first floor was also flooded. The school sits across the road from a small creek that is usually low. There are numerous homes that were also damaged. The community center is accepting donations of water, cleaning supplies, etc.   I dropped off 2 cases of water and some food. I’ll probably go back later this week. The damage is heartbreaking.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Thanks to all who contribute to The Daily. In June, DH talked about a HAL cruise in 2025, RT San Diego to San Diego, Hawaii and Tahiti. I reminded him that we had enjoyed that cruise in 2022 on the beautiful Zuiderdam. He agreed and said that as we grow older we might not enjoy flying across the USA, the pond or the poles to Europe to cruise, so why not build up loyalty and points to ships near our home.

I emailed our TA a few days ago and this morning received a quote with a cabin that we like and a request for a $2.00 deposit. I quickly responded to our TA yes, please! Another cruise booked! 
Then we drove to Sedro-Wooley for my passport picture. Across Deception Pass, mountains, forests, farmland to the charming post office in Sedro-Wooley. The best post office staff in a beautiful, built in 1938 took a not bad photo, $15.00 and I was finished in less than 10 minutes. A stop for “senior” coffee at McDonalds and we were headed home. What a beautiful world!


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46 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Happy Birthday to Father David! @grapau27


I'm home today and starting off with the DS working away. The last of the lumber was delivered this morning so he'll finish the railing on the back porch and then start on the pumphouse. 

Yesterday was a good day/sad day in a way. I picked up DH's ashes, the small urn for me to carry with me, and his death certificates. He rode home in his spot in the front seat! Not sure where I'm going to place him yet. My Mom put my dad in his shop in the parking garage of her condo as that was where he liked to hang out (until they interred his cremains). Yesterday DH was nearby as we had tea and cookies. 


It's overcast and a bi the cool side but no rain in site on the long-range forecast. 

Thanks everyone!



Karen, I know yesterday was a hard day, but I'm glad you are doing well.  It sounds like DS is making good progress on the projects.


27 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good hot and sunny but not too humid afternoon. Tomorrow and Thursday will be in the low nineties.

The cleanup from the flooding continues, especially in the Antietam Valley area of the county. The high school was badly damaged. It had 6 feet of water in the basement where the heating system and electrical systems are located. The first floor was also flooded. The school sits across the road from a small creek that is usually low. There are numerous homes that were also damaged. The community center is accepting donations of water, cleaning supplies, etc.   I dropped off 2 cases of water and some food. I’ll probably go back later this week. The damage is heartbreaking.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


All the flooding and damage is so sad, and the cleanup from floods is difficult.  I'm glad the community is helping the victims.



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While I was quite hungry by the time I got out of the doctor's office at least the visit was not bad.  The appointment was 10, I went in at 9:45, and was headed out at 9:52.  Quite hot today (almost 90 but fortunately low humidity.



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5 hours ago, 0106 said:


I’d like to suggest a way to celebrate Bowdler’s Day.IMG_7646.png.4eecab30b2d4a4807fdfab2518367af5.png



I am totally with you on this.  👍 


5 hours ago, 0106 said:



Ditto 👍. Can’t believe books I hear about being banned that we read in our younger years.  And some I even enjoyed as a child.  It’s crazy 😡 



5 hours ago, 0106 said:

@kazu Cupping was recommended for my DH by his acupuncturist.  It worked for him, I hope it works for you.  


Thanks I hadn’t heard of it before but I’m happy to try it.  If it gets this skin more flexible, I’ll be home free 🤞 



5 hours ago, 0106 said:

@dfish  My grandmother taught me to make cucumber salad too.  Place cucumbers in jar.  Mix up pickling brine, twice as much sugar as vinegar.  Add to jar.  Sometimes I add onions or fresh dill.  Great easy salad for a summer picnic.


My mother did it with sour cream but she made a delish vinaigrette with sugar & vinegar, oil and other herbs.  This sounds good.



2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Yesterday was a good day/sad day in a way. I picked up DH's ashes, the small urn for me to carry with me, and his death certificates. He rode home in his spot in the front seat! Not sure where I'm going to place him yet. My Mom put my dad in his shop in the parking garage of her condo as that was where he liked to hang out (until they interred his cremains). Yesterday DH was nearby as we had tea and cookies. 


That’s a tough one, Karen 💔.   Keep him as close as you like.  I have some of Jose’s ashes in a heart in a bear and it and the other heart are always close to me.  I confess to taking the bear for my final surgery as I was warned it would be a major ouch and hugged it while the needles went in to freeze.


I am so glad your DS is helping with your renovations ♥️. So helpful.



2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good hot and sunny but not too humid afternoon. Tomorrow and Thursday will be in the low nineties.

The cleanup from the flooding continues, especially in the Antietam Valley area of the county. The high school was badly damaged. It had 6 feet of water in the basement where the heating system and electrical systems are located. The first floor was also flooded. The school sits across the road from a small creek that is usually low. There are numerous homes that were also damaged. The community center is accepting donations of water, cleaning supplies, etc.   I dropped off 2 cases of water and some food. I’ll probably go back later this week. The damage is heartbreaking.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


That is such sad news 😢. Bless you for helping them out ♥️ 

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We have been to Cabo San Lucas many times and most recently I was there in April. Here are a few pictures. 

Watching the tenders. You can see the arch in the distance. 



I took a Salsa and Salsa excursion which was a lot of fun. Unlimited margaritas, of which some had too many. I heard stories later from trivia friends that their tender ride back was quite rowdy and discovered that some were from my excursion.  It was a fun time but I was concerned that we weren’t going to make it to the ship in time for sail away. I ended up being on the next to the last tender and was surprised when my kind MDR steward assisted me aboard. I was irritated though that the tender wasn’t a HAL tender but a port tender and the “drivers” were asking for tips. Sorry but they were unprofessional and because I was one of the last to board I was near them. It took forever to board because of the back up of tenders. 



After the Salsa


Sail away. 




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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

@Norseh2o - that's my post office!! It is truly a great post office with wonderful staff. 



Karen - I thought of you and your dear DH as we traveled to Sedro-Wooley. ❤️ Norseh2o (Kathy) 

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Happy Tuesday, I'll help the lonely with some blueberry muffins and a visit!  We've been to Cabo, DD got married on the beach there.  That was a beautiful vacation.  We visited Lovers beach for an afternoon, went to Cabo Wabo, and also to The Office, that was a nice dinner on the beach!  Thanks for sharing your pictures!  (mine are on cd's, and the new computer doesn't have a cd reader!)  The cucumber salad sounds good, Mom always made it with sour cream and I think sugar.  I picked one yesterday, and there are a lot of small ones on the vines.  @grapau27Wish Fr. David a very happy birthday!  Good to hear that Baby Murphy is making improvements on a daily basis...still praying for her, her family, and her caregivers.  Have a good afternoon.  K

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6 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

We have been to Cabo San Lucas many times and most recently I was there in April. Here are a few pictures. 

Watching the tenders. You can see the arch in the distance. 



I took a Salsa and Salsa excursion which was a lot of fun. Unlimited margaritas, of which some had too many. I heard stories later from trivia friends that their tender ride back was quite rowdy and discovered that some were from my excursion.  It was a fun time but I was concerned that we weren’t going to make it to the ship in time for sail away. I ended up being on the next to the last tender and was surprised when my kind MDR steward assisted me aboard. I was irritated though that the tender wasn’t a HAL tender but a port tender and the “drivers” were asking for tips. Sorry but they were unprofessional and because I was one of the last to board I was near them. It took forever to board because of the back up of tenders. 



After the Salsa


Sail away. 




Lovely photos Sharon.

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Sadly, I got an email this afternoon from her DM saying that my friend Ruth passed away this morning. She was only 60 and put up a brave fight against her cancer. Her parents are in their 80's and she was their only child. BFF and I are very sad as we send our condolences to her family across the pond.

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1 minute ago, JazzyV said:

Sadly, I got an email this afternoon from her DM saying that my friend Ruth passed away this morning. She was only 60 and put up a brave fight against her cancer. Her parents are in their 80's and she was their only child. BFF and I are very sad as we send our condolences to her family across the pond.

How sad to read this - just a brief time ago, your friend said she wasn't that sick, and appeared to be doing reasonably well.  We never know when our time comes, do we?  My condolences to you, her family and friends, as you deal with her passing.  Bless her soul as she continues her journey.

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50 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Sadly, I got an email this afternoon from her DM saying that my friend Ruth passed away this morning. She was only 60 and put up a brave fight against her cancer. Her parents are in their 80's and she was their only child. BFF and I are very sad as we send our condolences to her family across the pond.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, Vanessa.   Condolences to her family and thankfulness that she is now at peace.

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58 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Sadly, I got an email this afternoon from her DM saying that my friend Ruth passed away this morning. She was only 60 and put up a brave fight against her cancer. Her parents are in their 80's and she was their only child. BFF and I are very sad as we send our condolences to her family across the pond.


Vnessa, I was sorry to read that your dear friend had passed away.  Our condolences to you, your BFF and especially to Ruth's family and friends.



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Good Evening, thank you for today’s report.  It was a busy in office day.  I was able to get a blueberry muffin this morning and I’ll have it after I give the kids their meds.  When I left work it was 90F and DH was kind and turned the ac on when he got home. @aliaschief I remember getting glasses and S&H green stamps when they pumped the gas.  I hope everyone has a good night.


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I'll post a couple of photos from what I think was my first visit to Cabo in 2012, but first a little story.  It was one of the final ports on a Crystal Symphony cruise that was supposed to be New York to Los Angeles,  Supposed to be but a nasty little girl named Sandy had other ideas.  Planned departure was supposed to be October 31 and I was in New York a couple of days early.  October 30 was a miserable day and my B&B had no power, no internet, and no cell service,  I did stop by Crystal's Hospitality desk and learned the port was closed as well as the airports, trains, and most buses, and the ship would bypass New York completely and proceed to the next port, Charleston.


Fortunately, a Panera near Penn Station opened October 31 and had power, wifi, and cell service.  My resourceful TA had been at work and had devised a plan.  While most everything was closed one thing that was open was the car rental area at Laguardia airport.  She said "Take a cab to the airport where you have a one way rental reserved to Baltimore.  Go home for the night and you have a flight to Charleston tomorrow and a hotel for tomorrow night.


I did get on the ship and fortunately from then on things worked.


In Cabo I had a very different tour reserved.  We drove about an hour north of Cabo to a desert area where we took a driving tour on the back of a huge truck and a stop for a camel ride.  I'm in the middle of the photo of the truck and on the camel.







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