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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 18th, 2023


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Good morning. Today we have wildfire smoke, humidity of eighty percent and temperatures reaching 88 or so.Thunderstorms are predicted as well.

@cat shepard Ann, we have had many close lightening strikes as well and I often see my neighbors venturing out as your did to check for damage. It makes the ground shake when it hits so closely.

We have not been to the port, Marilyn is not correct and I can’t make spicy food here for anyone lately. Imagine if we listened more!

Yesterday was a long one for DH with lots of waiting. Chemo starts on July 31. A port will be placed on July 27th. DD and I will learn how to manage the port and how to disconnect the pump utilized for the 48 hour infusion. Lou was a trooper but one could see the exhaustion as the hours went on. 
Today will be a shorter visit, I hope.

@Denise T, I hope you adopt a dog. 
 The blue bubbles are being difficult but I hope Joy and Allen enjoyed their first day with their new fur baby.

Be careful today between smoke, heat and storms.

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Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich and welcome back!


I’ll happily celebrate global hug your kid day by hugging Ivan (as if he didn’t get any already - LOL) and World Listening Day.   I’m not sure Marilyn Monroe was right with that quote.


Today’s meal sounds yummy! And @summer slope that Bloody Mary Queen of Scots drinks sound good.  Another muggy day here with threats of some serious rain still.




So sorry for all of those suffering from the wildfire smoke.  Sadly, another fireman has lost his life fighting them 😔. the number of hectares of forests lost in Canada this year is horrifying 😢 


I have a bit of hope.  I was prepared yesterday for Ivan to be lethargic and have to give him additional pain meds.  Every time he has gone downhill it has been this type of weather.  But no!  He was perky, happy and even wanted to run on the walk.  Could the injection be working?  I hope so.  Next week his pain meds to go one every other day to begin weaning him off (unless he is in pain) in prep for the 2nd injection when it is hoped he will not need meds any more 🤞 




Student workers coming tomorrow to do windows and stuff so I better get moving and tidy up my messy office & Jose’s which still has stuff I am sorting on his desk.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list, those suffering losses and health issues and those that need them.  Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 




Have a good Tuesday everyone. 

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Good morning, everyone!


It is a brisk start to a nice, sunny day here in mid-Michigan.  The temps are only supposed to get to 77 today, which I like.  We've got a lot to do to get ready to fly out on Friday.  Unfortunately, we are also dealing with a drain backup.  I've called the drain company, but to response so far.  If they haven't called in an hour, I will try someone else.  We'd like to be able to take showers and wash dishes. So far, only the washing machine seems to cause a backup, but we don't want to let it go too long.  It is always something!   


Today we have hair appointments and tomorrow we are having pedicures.  Thursday is laundry day followed by finishing the packing.  Busy times!  


Today's meal sounds really good.  Keep in mind that Cajun does not always mean hot and spicy.  It means flavorful.  There is a Cajun seasoning called Ragin Cajun Louisiana Mild for those who don't like heat.   Me, I don't mind a little heat.  This first recipe only uses a small amount of Cajun seasoning.  You can limit that to control heat.   https://natashaskitchen.com/grilled-garlic-cajun-shrimp-skewers/




The next recipe calls for homemade Cajun seasoning.  If you make your own, you can limit the amount of cayenne pepper to control the spiciness and then you can just get flavor!  https://gimmedelicious.com/cajun-seasoning



This recipe also grills the shrimp along with sausage, peppers, and onions.  https://gimmedelicious.com/grilled-cajun-shrimp-kabobs/




Here's one last entry.  This would be great for a quick and easy meal.





I hope this finds you all well.  Wishing you a wonderful day.

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The Powerball lottery has now risen to $1 billion dollars for tomorrow night. Definitely buying more tickets.

Dinner tonight with be hot dogs and corn on the cob and beans.

Have a great day. Stay cool .

Edited by 1ANGELCAT
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Welcome back Rich; I hope your brief absence was for a good reason, not because you were ill.  I'll be able to hug my boy in a couple of weeks when they come for a visit - for now it'll have to be DH who gets the hugs.  Not a fan of sour anything, I'm more of a sweet person.  I love sitting out on our deck in the early morning and late in the evening to hear the sounds of the city waking up and settling down for the night.   I don't care for Marilyn's quote - I like to think  If you respect a woman, she'll do almost anything for you.


Our thunderstorm predicted for today showed up 24 hours early with a lot of lightning and thunder late afternoon and early evening.  It also brought rain which will keep the lawns and planters happy - not too much, but enough to say we had some.  This morning we've got cloudy skies and only a temp of 15C (59F) with a predicted high of 17C (62F), so definitely going to need a sweater when running errands today.


After seeing all the beautiful photos from the Daily Garden Club members, I thought I'd share a pic of the lovely Mandevilla  growing on our deck.  Apparently it likes the light conditions, as it seems to be thriving in that location.



Thank you for your condolences on the loss of my dear friend; it's difficult to lose someone when they're only in their early 60's.  Just last week she was complaining about all the paperwork that she had before her so she could start receiving her pension in a couple of years.  A blessing is that she is now with her dear husband who passed away 9 years earlier.  They didn't have children, so her sister will be left to deal with her estate.


I'll give today's drink a pass (don't like the smokey Laphroaig), and think I'd like the wine if I didn't have to sell an organ for it.  I like the recipe suggestion, but we don't have any shrimp in the house.  Because it's cool, I think today is a good day to thaw a bunch of ground beef and make up a large batch of porcupine balls that can be frozen and tossed into a casserole when needed.  I know they'll come in handy when the DGS's come in a couple of weeks.  At this point I think we're going to be enjoying porcupine balls, baked potatoes and steamed green beans on the deck (with the windows closed) tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Good morning to all!  It is a beautiful morning here, although quite warm.  Think we will be way over 100 today.  It was 108 about 5pm yesterday when I joined family for trivia with the DGGrandkids at the local brewpub.  Lots of fun, but we ended up tied for 4th among about 12 teams.


And still the downsizing, purging continues.  Things are moving along, but I am hating the hard decisions that I am having to make.  Guess that it will all be worth it when my big move is done, but right now I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I was happy to see that monsoon rain had started in AZ.  Last week when I was on a county call, the NWS predicted AZ monsoon toward the end of this week, and then ours to start in about another week. Surely hope that this is right, as we are having too many small fires.  So far, firefighters are getting the upper hand, but it is scary to think something bad could pop up at any time.


I am reading the Daily most days, and want to respond, but time isn't allowing.  I send prayers to all those in need, and I love when many are celebrating happy times.  My thoughts are with all!


Have a great day, everyone!

Mary Kay

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Good morning to all. Still sunny and dry. It was 60 when I went out with dogs .... high today back up to the mid-90's (we don't get as hot as Grand Junction but it is hot enough for me). I am planning a fairly easy day... will run a few flyers for the snake clinic out to some of the local vets and then slowly down-sizing will continue in the condo. I have a couple of storage areas and a closet which I m gong to have to work up my nerve to tackle. Will also make a couple overdue phone calls. Just a slow day.


Will check back later.





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Good morning, all! With DD home from Taiwan for the summer, I got to hug my kid yesterday! She’s accompanied a student group from Taipei studying in Kamloops for a month. We see her on weekends at my sisters house on Lake Kalamalka. @cat shepard, Ann yikes on the close lightning! As @richwmncan attest, the Zuiderdam was hit by lightning in Panama on the GWV. I was standing on upper outer deck at the time. The noise and flash were incredible, and long black shreds of the antenna that was hit spiralled down onto the dome over the pool. 

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2 hours ago, happywandering said:

What event did you swim?

I was nationally ranked in backstroke and I always did the butterfly in the med relay. Breaststroke could be a hit or miss depending on any growth or weight gain. Couldn’t swim free to save my soul!  Mediocre at best. My fav?  Definitely butterfly!!!!  Less competition!

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@kazu and others, thanks for the welcome back

@ger_77 this was just a get away weekend to relive WC memories with two travelers I met on that cruise. I had a wonderful time and for once hardly turned on my laptop or tablet. I didn't move my email to the laptop so I had a bunch to catch up with last night.


This was the longest I have driven in a very long time. The last time I took on a trip this length I wasn't overjoyed while driving. This time went much better. I might even try something similar again.


Hope everyone is well



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No kids to hug here. Some sour candy is ok. We should all listen more. Typical Marilyn quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine if someone else is buying ($$$). I remember watching Nadia get that 10. I haven't been to Mare Island.


It's still a bit hazy here, but better than yesterday; high of 82F. We're code yellow at AQI of 95, but likely to go into orange later. I think we'll finally dry out, so I can mow the lawn tomorrow. I'll be heading to PT early afternoon. And, yay, mammogram and bone density tests were both normal! I was in a study called TMIST for the past 6 years looking at 2D vs 3D mammograms (I got the latter), and this was the last year for that.


@StLouisCruisers That should be a fun time in Dallas with Ren; and hopefully cooler by then.

@Mr. Boston Your work days are dwindling down!

@Cruzin Terri I'm sorry your tour wasn't what it was advertised to be. I have to try to find things without too much walking too, due to my knee issues. I hope tomorrow is better. 

@Denise T Exciting to be considering getting another dog.

@marshhawk It sounds like it would be good for DH to stay a bit longer, if he can.

@aliaschief I just spent time the last couple of weeks watching the whole Jack Ryan series on Amazon Prime. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Unreal that it's taking so long to get things scheduled for DH. 

@smitty34877 Prayers for DH and you as you go through this process. 

@kazu I heard that Canada had lost areas to fire that is the size of Ohio. Good news that Ivan was so perky yesterday.

@dfish Sorry to hear about the drain backup, especially when you're busy trying to get ready to leave. Thanks for the recipes.

@ger_77 Love the Mandevilla.

@cruzn single All that downsizing and purging is a big undertaking.

@Horizon chaser 1957 I'm sure you're over the moon to have DD home from Taiwan this summer.

@luvteaching I hope you are doing ok.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. 

Stay well everyone.


Edited by JazzyV
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4 hours ago, Denise T said:

Might be adopting a dog. I do miss my Abby who went over the Rainbow Bridge last year. I think it is time to help another dog. 


It sounds like it is time.  You’ve waited long enough.  I hope you find one and your new fur baby realizes how lucky they are to have a home with you.



3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH is still debating about coming home this week.  Nothing really has been resolved about Mom or the brat. I suggested that since the other brother asked them to be there, that he should stay while home care people are being interviewed, and he knows the plan for Mom in case of a change in her health.

Once any treatment starts for his cancer,  he wont be able to leave, and we will be gone most of October and November.  And without working during that time period, there wont be extra money to fly back until January..


I think your suggestion is a wise one, Annie - as difficult and trying as it will be for Chuck.  


Sorry about the smoke 😔 



58 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Good morning to all!  It is a beautiful morning here, although quite warm.  Think we will be way over 100 today.  It was 108 about 5pm yesterday when I joined family for trivia with the DGGrandkids at the local brewpub.  Lots of fun, but we ended up tied for 4th among about 12 teams.


And still the downsizing, purging continues.  Things are moving along, but I am hating the hard decisions that I am having to make.  Guess that it will all be worth it when my big move is done, but right now I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.



Hang in there.  You are doing great.  I know it’s painful at time but you sure sound like you are making progress to me.  I keep telling myself not to look for the light at the end of the tunnel - but to look at what I have gotten done (doesn’t always work, though).  Just in case it helps.  Kudos to you for working away at it.



48 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I am planning a fairly easy day... will run a few flyers for the snake clinic out to some of the local vets and then slowly down-sizing will continue in the condo. I have a couple of storage areas and a closet which I m gong to have to work up my nerve to tackle.


Kudos to you on continuing with the downsizing.  Mine is slow too - so don’t feel badly.  Baby steps….

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Good morning all!

I'm later than usual, another poor night of sleeping.  Strangely I slept better finally after 4:30 am and then until 8:30 (very late for me).  Another beautiful sunny day and mid 70's here.  


I won't see any of my kids today to hug, but was able to hug some of them a couple days ago.  Not a fan of sour candy, and listening is an art we all need to perfect.  The quote isn't true for anyone I know, will pass on the drink and red wine.  We'll be in New Caledonia on the Grand Australia, but not this port.  I would like the meal but would have to cut the spice and the salt. Otherwise it sounds very good.   Last night I made the Penne Pasta with Pesto, it was a hit!  I added some peas, tomatoes, fresh basil and chicken.  Not sure yet what will be for dinner tonight.


Today we'll hopefully be making a trip to the dump (garage clean-out) and DH will be making a visit to Comcast....big billing mistake.  Oddly our next-door neighbor also had a billing mistake this week.  You'd think with what they charge us they could afford to hire better people...🙄


@Nickelpenny I loved hearing about your swimming experiences.  Our son was a swimmer (not the caliber you were, but he did get 2nd in State in the 100-yard backstroke.  He missed 1st by 3 one hundredths of a second).  His main event was the 50-free.  One of his competitors in that event went on to the Olympic Trials.  It was always a thrill watching that boy swim!

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Good morning and thanks all! 


  @richwmn glad you had a little break, it’s good to disconnect electronically and see people face to face!  Glad the drive went well! 

@smitty34877 praying all goes well for the chemo.  


@kazu so hoping that things continue to go well for Ivan!  


@Horizon chaser 1957 lake Kalamalka has to be one most exquisitely coloured lakes, what a lovely place to see your DD.


Sorry to hear so many are feeling the effects of this nasty smoke.  After nearly a week of 150 to 200 on the index we finally had a break!  Although we visited beautiful Waterton glacier international peace park,  the very end of the lake was in the US.  So nice to see clear skies!  Also wondered if the Saskatoons and Huckleberries are related? 




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5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich and welcome back!


I’ll happily celebrate global hug your kid day by hugging Ivan (as if he didn’t get any already - LOL) and World Listening Day.   I’m not sure Marilyn Monroe was right with that quote.


Today’s meal sounds yummy! And @summer slope that Bloody Mary Queen of Scots drinks sound good.  Another muggy day here with threats of some serious rain still.




So sorry for all of those suffering from the wildfire smoke.  Sadly, another fireman has lost his life fighting them 😔. the number of hectares of forests lost in Canada this year is horrifying 😢 


I have a bit of hope.  I was prepared yesterday for Ivan to be lethargic and have to give him additional pain meds.  Every time he has gone downhill it has been this type of weather.  But no!  He was perky, happy and even wanted to run on the walk.  Could the injection be working?  I hope so.  Next week his pain meds to go one every other day to begin weaning him off (unless he is in pain) in prep for the 2nd injection when it is hoped he will not need meds any more 🤞 




Student workers coming tomorrow to do windows and stuff so I better get moving and tidy up my messy office & Jose’s which still has stuff I am sorting on his desk.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list, those suffering losses and health issues and those that need them.  Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 




Have a good Tuesday everyone. 



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Good afternoon from central Texas were it is heating up.  It's about 101F but will definitely be hotter later this afternoon.  It's been a busy morning with errands, a haircut and laundry.  The laundry is almost finished.  The last load of clothes are in the drier and the sheets are in the washer.  I would pick the hotest day to do laundry, but it was time.


5 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny and humid morning. We have another air quality advisory for today for orange.

Possible rain tonight.

 The search continues for Conrad and Mattie, prayers that they are recovered 🙏

In an update from the flooding last week, the school that was damaged was deemed unusable for the coming year. The district is looking for alternatives.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


I hope you get some rain to help with the air quality.  I also hope they are able to recover Conrad and Mattie.  Seeing their pictures on the national news last night was heart wrenching.  After seeing the pictures of the flood, I can understand why the school was deemed unusable for the coming year.


5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. Today we have wildfire smoke, humidity of eighty percent and temperatures reaching 88 or so.Thunderstorms are predicted as well.

@cat shepard Ann, we have had many close lightening strikes as well and I often see my neighbors venturing out as your did to check for damage. It makes the ground shake when it hits so closely.

We have not been to the port, Marilyn is not correct and I can’t make spicy food here for anyone lately. Imagine if we listened more!

Yesterday was a long one for DH with lots of waiting. Chemo starts on July 31. A port will be placed on July 27th. DD and I will learn how to manage the port and how to disconnect the pump utilized for the 48 hour infusion. Lou was a trooper but one could see the exhaustion as the hours went on. 
Today will be a shorter visit, I hope.

@Denise T, I hope you adopt a dog. 
 The blue bubbles are being difficult but I hope Joy and Allen enjoyed their first day with their new fur baby.

Be careful today between smoke, heat and storms.


Terry, I hope all of you but especially Tana and Lou are not adversely affected by the bad air and the humidity.  I hope Lou can rest some today even with an appointment and recover from yesterday.  Managing the port and the infusion pump sounds daunting, but I'm sure you and DD can handle it, especially if it keeps Lou home and out of the hospital.


5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich and welcome back!


I’ll happily celebrate global hug your kid day by hugging Ivan (as if he didn’t get any already - LOL) and World Listening Day.   I’m not sure Marilyn Monroe was right with that quote.


Today’s meal sounds yummy! And @summer slope that Bloody Mary Queen of Scots drinks sound good.  Another muggy day here with threats of some serious rain still.




So sorry for all of those suffering from the wildfire smoke.  Sadly, another fireman has lost his life fighting them 😔. the number of hectares of forests lost in Canada this year is horrifying 😢 


I have a bit of hope.  I was prepared yesterday for Ivan to be lethargic and have to give him additional pain meds.  Every time he has gone downhill it has been this type of weather.  But no!  He was perky, happy and even wanted to run on the walk.  Could the injection be working?  I hope so.  Next week his pain meds to go one every other day to begin weaning him off (unless he is in pain) in prep for the 2nd injection when it is hoped he will not need meds any more 🤞 




Student workers coming tomorrow to do windows and stuff so I better get moving and tidy up my messy office & Jose’s which still has stuff I am sorting on his desk.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list, those suffering losses and health issues and those that need them.  Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 




Have a good Tuesday everyone. 



Jacqui, that is good news that Ivan is himself even with the weather the way it is.  It seems the injection is working and I hope the second one keeps him feeling good, and off the pain meds.  Such sad news that another firefighter has lost his life keeping others safe.


5 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a brisk start to a nice, sunny day here in mid-Michigan.  The temps are only supposed to get to 77 today, which I like.  We've got a lot to do to get ready to fly out on Friday.  Unfortunately, we are also dealing with a drain backup.  I've called the drain company, but to response so far.  If they haven't called in an hour, I will try someone else.  We'd like to be able to take showers and wash dishes. So far, only the washing machine seems to cause a backup, but we don't want to let it go too long.  It is always something!   


Today we have hair appointments and tomorrow we are having pedicures.  Thursday is laundry day followed by finishing the packing.  Busy times!  


Today's meal sounds really good.  Keep in mind that Cajun does not always mean hot and spicy.  It means flavorful.  There is a Cajun seasoning called Ragin Cajun Louisiana Mild for those who don't like heat.   Me, I don't mind a little heat.  This first recipe only uses a small amount of Cajun seasoning.  You can limit that to control heat.   https://natashaskitchen.com/grilled-garlic-cajun-shrimp-skewers/




The next recipe calls for homemade Cajun seasoning.  If you make your own, you can limit the amount of cayenne pepper to control the spiciness and then you can just get flavor!  https://gimmedelicious.com/cajun-seasoning



This recipe also grills the shrimp along with sausage, peppers, and onions.  https://gimmedelicious.com/grilled-cajun-shrimp-kabobs/




Here's one last entry.  This would be great for a quick and easy meal.





I hope this finds you all well.  Wishing you a wonderful day.


Debbie, I hope you get the drain unclogged.  What a nuisance.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Welcome back Rich; I hope your brief absence was for a good reason, not because you were ill.  I'll be able to hug my boy in a couple of weeks when they come for a visit - for now it'll have to be DH who gets the hugs.  Not a fan of sour anything, I'm more of a sweet person.  I love sitting out on our deck in the early morning and late in the evening to hear the sounds of the city waking up and settling down for the night.   I don't care for Marilyn's quote - I like to think  If you respect a woman, she'll do almost anything for you.


Our thunderstorm predicted for today showed up 24 hours early with a lot of lightning and thunder late afternoon and early evening.  It also brought rain which will keep the lawns and planters happy - not too much, but enough to say we had some.  This morning we've got cloudy skies and only a temp of 15C (59F) with a predicted high of 17C (62F), so definitely going to need a sweater when running errands today.


After seeing all the beautiful photos from the Daily Garden Club members, I thought I'd share a pic of the lovely Mandevilla  growing on our deck.  Apparently it likes the light conditions, as it seems to be thriving in that location.



Thank you for your condolences on the loss of my dear friend; it's difficult to lose someone when they're only in their early 60's.  Just last week she was complaining about all the paperwork that she had before her so she could start receiving her pension in a couple of years.  A blessing is that she is now with her dear husband who passed away 9 years earlier.  They didn't have children, so her sister will be left to deal with her estate.


I'll give today's drink a pass (don't like the smokey Laphroaig), and think I'd like the wine if I didn't have to sell an organ for it.  I like the recipe suggestion, but we don't have any shrimp in the house.  Because it's cool, I think today is a good day to thaw a bunch of ground beef and make up a large batch of porcupine balls that can be frozen and tossed into a casserole when needed.  I know they'll come in handy when the DGS's come in a couple of weeks.  At this point I think we're going to be enjoying porcupine balls, baked potatoes and steamed green beans on the deck (with the windows closed) tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, thanks for the picture of your beautiful flower.  Whatever you're doing or not doing is working.


3 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Good morning to all!  It is a beautiful morning here, although quite warm.  Think we will be way over 100 today.  It was 108 about 5pm yesterday when I joined family for trivia with the DGGrandkids at the local brewpub.  Lots of fun, but we ended up tied for 4th among about 12 teams.


And still the downsizing, purging continues.  Things are moving along, but I am hating the hard decisions that I am having to make.  Guess that it will all be worth it when my big move is done, but right now I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I was happy to see that monsoon rain had started in AZ.  Last week when I was on a county call, the NWS predicted AZ monsoon toward the end of this week, and then ours to start in about another week. Surely hope that this is right, as we are having too many small fires.  So far, firefighters are getting the upper hand, but it is scary to think something bad could pop up at any time.


I am reading the Daily most days, and want to respond, but time isn't allowing.  I send prayers to all those in need, and I love when many are celebrating happy times.  My thoughts are with all!


Have a great day, everyone!

Mary Kay


Mary Kay, good work on continuing the difficult job of downsizing.  It will be worth it when you're finished and in your new home.


2 hours ago, richwmn said:

@kazu and others, thanks for the welcome back

@ger_77 this was just a get away weekend to relive WC memories with two travelers I met on that cruise. I had a wonderful time and for once hardly turned on my laptop or tablet. I didn't move my email to the laptop so I had a bunch to catch up with last night.


This was the longest I have driven in a very long time. The last time I took on a trip this length I wasn't overjoyed while driving. This time went much better. I might even try something similar again.


Hope everyone is well




Rich, I'm happy you could get away and enjoy a reunion with some GW cruisers.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No kids to hug here. Some sour candy is ok. We should all listen more. Typical Marilyn quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine if someone else is buying ($$$). I remember watching Nadia get that 10. I haven't been to Mare Island.


It's still a bit hazy here, but better than yesterday; high of 82F. We're code yellow at AQI of 95, but likely to go into orange later. I think we'll finally dry out, so I can mow the lawn tomorrow. I'll be heading to PT early afternoon. And, yay, mammogram and bone density tests were both normal! I was in a study called TMIST for the past 6 years looking at 2D vs 3D mammograms (I got the latter), and this was the last year for that.


@StLouisCruisers That should be a fun time in Dallas with Ren; and hopefully cooler by then.

@Mr. Boston Your work days are dwindling down!

@Cruzin Terri I'm sorry your tour wasn't what it was advertised to be. I have to try to find things without too much walking too, due to my knee issues. I hope tomorrow is better. 

@Denise T Exciting to be considering getting another dog.

@marshhawk It sounds like it would be good for DH to stay a bit longer, if he can.

@aliaschief I just spent time the last couple of weeks watching the whole Jack Ryan series on Amazon Prime. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Unreal that it's taking so long to get things scheduled for DH. 

@smitty34877 Prayers for DH and you as you go through this process. 

@kazu I heard that Canada had lost areas to fire that is the size of Ohio. Good news that Ivan was so perky yesterday.

@dfish Sorry to hear about the drain backup, especially when you're busy trying to get ready to leave. Thanks for the recipes.

@ger_77 Love the Mandevilla.

@cruzn single All that downsizing and purging is a big undertaking.

@Horizon chaser 1957 I'm sure you're over the moon to have DD home from Taiwan this summer.

@luvteaching I hope you are doing ok.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. 

Stay well everyone.



Vanessa, that's great news the mammogram and bone density scan were normal.  I found out last year, our little regional hospital is using a 3D mammogram.  The tech said they now rarely have any callbacks with the new machine.  UTSW is not only a teaching hospital but one of the big medical schools in Texas.  The neurology department is considered one of the best, if not the best, so it is in high demand.  Having the best for DH is important, but the waiting is not fun and worrying.


52 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 


  @richwmn glad you had a little break, it’s good to disconnect electronically and see people face to face!  Glad the drive went well! 

@smitty34877 praying all goes well for the chemo.  


@kazu so hoping that things continue to go well for Ivan!  


@Horizon chaser 1957 lake Kalamalka has to be one most exquisitely coloured lakes, what a lovely place to see your DD.


Sorry to hear so many are feeling the effects of this nasty smoke.  After nearly a week of 150 to 200 on the index we finally had a break!  Although we visited beautiful Waterton glacier international peace park,  the very end of the lake was in the US.  So nice to see clear skies!  Also wondered if the Saskatoons and Huckleberries are related? 





Brenda, thanks for the pictures.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Happy Tuesday!  Not sure about the drink or meal for the day.  DH got a big hug this morning!  The pesto dish yesterday looked good, I have some basil growing I might need to use up!  @kazuGood to hear that Ivan is feeling better, hoping all goes well with his meds.  My niece and her DH live in Tucson, she said a monsoon went through yesterday.  In her words, it was "messy."  She didn't say much more, but they do have a wash area near their house.  So sad about the missing little children in the flood waters.  Weather sure has been "something else" around here lately.  Our air quality is in the fair range here today, it was rather hazy a few days ago.  Hoping everyone is surviving that.  Prayers for all that need them, and cheers for the rest!  K

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Finally, there is some progress.  DH now has an appointment for the lumbar puncture on August 8.  We have to be at the hospital at 9:30 am for a 11 am appointment.  After the puncture, we are supposed to keep a diary of how he is doing, both from his perspective and from mine.  Then, they will schedule an appointment to see a doctor about scheduling placing the shunt.  It's progress, but it still seems slow when you're living with the situation. 


I just glad things are beginning to move, but it seems the orders were issued today instead of the day we saw the NP or the next Monday.  I can't help thinking if DH hadn't become a squeaky wheel Friday and yesterday, we might still be waiting.



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Good afternoon, all!


@kazu I am happy to hear that Ivan is doing better.  I hope the injections really do help long term for him.  He seems like such a good match for you.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser The drain company called back and they will be out tomorrow morning.  The only thing causing water to come up out of the drain is the washing machine, but I fear there is something building further down the line.  I'm going to have them inspect the entire line to make sure we don't have tree roots or any other problem.  Just what we need 4 days before a cruise, right?  Well, it gives us focus to help pass the time.


I'm glad to read that your DH now has an appointment and that the wheel is beginning to turn.  Continue being the squeaky wheel!


It is so sad about the family in Pennsylvania.  The dad is probably suffering from survivor's guilt along with grieving the loss of his wife and children.  


The weather is awful this summer.  I hope people wake up and see the need to change some of our practices to prevent things from getting worse.  


@ger_77  A very tardy acknowledgment of the loss of your friend.   She sounds like she was a wonderful person and gave so much to make her community better.  We should all hope to do as much. I hope you enjoy your family visit.  


@JazzyV Yippee on the test results.  


@smitty34877  Thinking of you and Lou as he goes to all his appointments.  I'm hoping his treatment  will show a great improvement for him in a short time.  Thinking of Tana as well. The poor air quality and heat cannot be good for her. 


@rafinmd I hope all your appointments are going well and only have good news.


@Cruzin Terri  Your cruise sounds exhausting to me.  I can understand why your nap lasted till mid afternoon one day and why you feel so worn out.  I no longer feel the need for excursions that last all day or that take me to a dozen places.  If all I do is walk around a bit and get ice cream, I'm good with it.  


@bennybear Gorgeous pictures and I love the lake one.  


Good luck to all the downsizers.  I threw out so much before I moved.  I was pretty merciless and did my best not to let emotion get in the way.  My sister, on the other hand, is very protective of a fishing tote of our grandfather's.  She never went fishing with him and wasn't particularly close to him, but she has an attachment to this ratty old bag and we had to save it.



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2 minutes ago, dfish said:

Terri  Your cruise sounds exhausting to me.  I can understand why your nap lasted till mid afternoon one day and why you feel so worn out.  I no longer feel the need for excursions that last all day or that take me to a dozen places.  If all I do is walk around a bit and get ice cream, I'm good with it.  

You are right.  I am too old for this #$%^


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