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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 23rd, 2023


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Good Morning Dailyites!


A great start to the day here (65F) to watch the sunrise and burn off a little fog in a nearby ridge. Coffee tastes particularly good at times like this. DH declared it a 'romantic start to the day' -- I'm all for that 🥰


We are thinking about heading out to Charlottesville to take in a film. So many choices right now. All the IMAX screens have gone to Oppenheimer (definitely on The List) and Barbie sounds like a hoot, but DH is such an Indiana Jones fan, I suspect that will be our target. Bonus: Costco, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are all within spitting distance! All of which are definitely not options in our town of 5,000 souls.


Love the F&B suggestions today! I have bookmarked the recipe, would definitely try the drink on a BHB, and enjoy the wine (especially is someone else is buying) 😉


The historical marker is very interesting: it would take another 27 years to get to Confederation in Canada.


Sending positive thoughts to those on the Cares list and applauding those who are celebrating. And wishing Bon Voyage to those lucky enough to be boarding or are already on board a BHB.


Cheers everyone,



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Just now, StLouisCruisers said:


A very special week in your family!  Happy birthday wishes to your son and daughter.  I hope you get to see them to help celebrate.





Thank you Graham.  You are a very thoughtful person!

Thank you for your kind words Sandi.

I hope you both have an amazing cruise starting next Saturday.


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Good morning. It will be hot again today but this morning  it was 68 and pleasant  for dog walking.I love vanilla anything but especially  ice cream.I use tempeh a lot for recipes and it readily absorbs marinades and sauces.We were fortunate  to learn at a very young age to swim and encouraged our children  to do the same.My DSIL  who grew up in the Bronx with few opportunities  to learn often regrets that he never mastered this. We were on a  beautiful  Hawaiian  beach and he never went in the water.

@summer slope, Dixie , a very Happy Birthday  to you.Thanks too for your daily contributions. Tana and I drool over them in spite of not drinking.We have made a few non alcoholic as well!

@cunnorl, I am so glad you have been freed from restrictions!Enjoy!

Enjoy the day everyone. 

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35 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Yesterday was my son’s birthday and Wednesday is my daughter’s birthday. It’s still too hot to sit around the pool so I’m reading and bingeing TV.

Stay safe everyone,


Happy belated birthday yesterday for your son.

Happy birthday to your dear daughter on Wednesday.




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@summer slope Dixie have a wonderful birthday.  Today's cocktail would be a good substitute for birthday cake.   🍾🎂

Good morning everyone.  My mother enrolled us in swimming lessons pre school.  Another  drowning preventer is to heed the posted signs at the beach.  Cowboys are a needed occupation and vanilla ice cream is wonderful.  Pass on the vegetarian wings, the sweet cocktail but today's wine reads like a winner.  Great quote today!  Thanks for the photos of today's port @StLouisCruisers

Prayers for baby Murphy and the medications can treat her sepsis, prayers for her parents who must be distraught.  Prayers for everyone on our Care list and the people of Ukraine. 

Today we are having lake neighbors over for a brisket.  I got the smoker going at 5:15 and it was ready for the brisket at 5:45.  I am smoking it at 275 today, a little bit hotter than normal so we might be able to enjoy it before 6pm.  Kosher salt, pepper, garlic powder and some Montreal Steak Seasoning.  Have a nice Sunday!  Nancy 


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Good thing I got up early this morning to watch the Final day of the Tour de France and also the F1 Race in Hungary .............But first some nice pictures and wonderful memories of Naha , Japan ! 
Naha , Japan is located on the island of Okinawa and is the largest city and capital city of that Japanese Prefecture .
Okinawa  was part of the Ryukyu Kingdom from 1429 and officially annexed by the Empire of Japan in 1879 .


Naha suffered extensive damage during the battle of Okinawa during WWII  and the entire city centre had to be rebuild . Civil administration was returned to Japan in 1972 but a large portion of the US forces  ( 26.000 ) are assigned to this prefecture.
On Okinawa the Ryukyuan people make up the majority of the population and the traditional culture and language are still alive and well.


We were in Naha on the Volendam and due to a storm they switched the date and we were very lucky that we arrived there on Nov 3rd , 2017 . Lucky because when the four of us walked to the monorail station to go to the Shurijo Castle we found out that a once a year special cultural event was to take place , the “ King of Ryukyu " was visiting the Shuri castle and going to pray at the different temples an amazing festival that only takes place once every year .






There is a little more to come ........

Tony 😁😁

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As promised here is part 2 of our day in Naha 


Here a few more pictures of Shurijo Castle 


The original castle was built in the 1400’s destroyed in 1945 rebuilt in 2000 and during a huge fire destroyed again in 2019 as of last February rebuilding efforts are under way after crowd funding campaign .
At the end of our visit we walked back along this 500 year old stone path , Kinjo-cho Stone path good thing we did it from the top down instead of climbing it it is quite steep and could be slippery . 


DSCN5216 2.jpg
DSCN5268 2.JPG
DSCN5283 2.JPG

So sad that beautiful castle with all it's history is gone 

Tony 😁

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51 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Sunday.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Dixie (and Happy Birthday) , Ann and Tina.  I loved Cowboy movies as a kid.  I think the best drowning prevention is learning to swim.  While I've never been into the hunger games I love the quote.  I've never been to Okinawa.  I wonder if there are any observations of this day in history in Ontario and Quebec.  Not convinced about the meal.  My alternative is Fresh Frut Cup, Beef Wellington, and Boeren Jongens Sundae as served on MS Rotterdam VI July 16, 2011, preferably using Vanilla Ice Cream,


AV duty at church this morning.  It will be relatively comfortable outside today.



Have never heard of any celebrations to mark this day. To be honest, I didn’t even know what date it happened on and history was one of my majors! As a side note, Newfoundland didn’t join confederation  until 1949. 

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Good morning? @summer slope Happy Birthday! Will be joining on line services this morning so this will be short.

Have been to Okinawa several times but on military missions and no pictures. Sleep, eat, fly.

Looks like they are having very strong storms East of us but it’s clear around here.

Thanks for the reports. Bruce



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Good morning Dailyites. Woke to a beautiful morning. Sat outside til the noisy neighbor gets on his speakerphone and gabs and smoke wafts over. 


Oliver has been such a good boy. We are already getting into his routine. I was happy to see Fancy on our celebration list. Hoping Jacqui's Ivan is back on schedule. 






Prayers lifted to all on our care list. Especially pulling for baby Murphy. 


When sweet husband gets up we are going to brunch. I have a puppy playpen but I don't know if I will put Oliver in it when we go. Yesterday he found a tissue and tore it to shreds. He loves to run over to his bed and bury his treat, run around the house and run to unbury it. He's a silly goose. His brother that was returned to the sanctuary will get another 2 week foster care run. Praying "Westy" gets a forever home. (Aren't we pet lovers chatty when it comes to our fur babies?)


When I was a kid my sister and brother would gather around the TV on Sunday nights to watch Bonanza. Also loved Gun Smoke, Virginian, Maverick.. well most all of the western's. Oh and Rifleman!




Wishing everyone a blessed Sunday and great week ahead. Know you are loved.

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Good morning everyone and thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  A late start this morning as I’m enjoying the peace and quiet and delicious breeze coming off the lake.  Hats off to cowboys and vanilla ice cream, my favorite.  I’ll pass on the meal and drink as we’re having barbecue tonight. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!


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I have a sunset today from a 2008 Rovos journey from Dar es Saleem to Cape Town.  On July 23 we had an overnight stop at Tau Game Reserve in South Africa right on the border with Zambia.





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Good Sunday morning to all!  I will gladly celebrate Cowboys, I only eat vanilla ice cream and as a previous swimmer and lifeguard and swim coach, drowning is preventable.  When I used to teach swimming (I was a WSI), I would teach babies how to survive in water (no water wings).  It was surprising how they instinctively rolled over onto their back and also held their breath.


Agree with the quote, yes on the meal, no on the drink, and the wine is too expensive.  Never been to Okinawa.


We had a slight shower last evening but definitely need more.  It just didn't seem to cool anything down.  Humidity is still up there (52% at 0600) and we are predicted to hit around 108 today.  I used to rarely use my air conditioner because I don't like forced air.  I have ceiling fans and portable fans that I keep on all the time.  But I have been keeping the AC at about 82 degrees; when it comes on, which seems lately to be frequently, I get cold and grab a cover.  Ok, I like heat!!


I think I am going to do some cooking today.  Not sure what.  


Happy Birthday @summer slope.  I am so sorry to hear of little Murphy's set back.  Thoughts for everyone and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     It is July, it is Florida, it is hot. Thats the way it is.  Crazy storms last evening, cancelling the launch.

        Drowning prevention is very important. People need to read the signs and pay attention. We do not have enough life guards, no one wants the job. Our local Rotary club has installed the life rings all down the beach. Plus they just purchased a rapid response vehicle that will be staffed by volunteers. But nothing will replace common sense.

       I really like good vanilla ice cream.  In fact, I prefer ice cream over cake.

We went to my friends 70th Bday Party last nite. Really nice event. Her 4 kids, spouses and grandkids all came from all over the US. Her mother who lives here was also there. Not to many 70 year olds have their mother at their party. She is 96 and still very active. 

       @summer slope a very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more.

       Continued prayers for Baby Murphy and her family and medical team.

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning from a sunny and still pleasant central Texas. It was 75F when I took my walk before 8am.  It is currently 78F, and the predicted high if you look at the hourly forecast is 98F.  If you look at the overall day's forecast, the high will be 100F.  I think I'll stick with the hourly forecast until proven wrong.  There is not much on the agenda today, so I'll probably continue to work on my pictures.


Being from Abilene in west Texas, I know a few cowboys.  A couple of my classmates owned ranches.  The brother of another classmate turned the family ranch into a steakhouse more than 40 years ago.  It is a favorite go to steakhouse in Texas, and they prepare cowboy steaks over an open fire.  I like vanilla ice cream especially if it's made with Mexican or Tahitian vanilla.  It is also good with fresh strawberries, peaches or chocolate sauce.  There are still too many drownings, and I hope many more can be prevented.  My parents gave me swimming lessons at a young age, and we also took the DDs to swimming lessons when they were young.  At the time, we lived in PA, and DH and I could not understand how they endured the cold pool water, which was about 72F.


The Suzanne Collins quote is true.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds lovely, but the price is a wee bit high.


We have been to Naha, Okinawa twice.  I'll post my pictures in a few minutes.


Today is another important day in Canadian history.


@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I hope you have a great day in Portland.

@mamaofami  Carol, please wish your DS a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY,  and your DD an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope the new round of physical therapy helps more than the previous one.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, this is a very welcoming and supportive thread.  I remember how nice everyone was when I joined.  Sending more positive thoughts for Murphy.  I hope she is resting and healing.  I also hope her parents are getting the support they need during this very difficult time.

@Denise T  Denise, I'm glad Fancy is settling into her new home and has many happy hours on the couch.

@Ichiban Nekko  I hope you have a great time in Charlottesville and enjoy whichever movie you see.

@ottahand7  Nancy, that brisket looks good, and I hope it tastes as good as it looks before cooking.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, that's such a cute picture of Oliver.  I hope his brother finds his furever home soon.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, I hope you can stay cool enough in this heat.  Tucson seems to be a little cooler than Phoenix.

@cunnorl  Charlene, your friend is indeed very lucky to have her mother at her party.  

@grapau27  Thank you for the information about the 1840 Act of Union.
















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We've been to Okinawa twice, (both times on Princess)., but I did not remember the port's name.  A little history, Okinawa is part of the Ryukyu Islands, which originally were part of China, until annexed by Japan in 1609.  It is the fifth largest island.  Naha is the capital.


A few pictures of the area.  The middle one was taken from the monorail station near the castle.





A couple of pictures of the tunnels used by the Japan during WWII.




A couple of pictures of Shurijo Castle.  It is easy to see the Chinese influence.




This just a small portion of the indoor market that covers almost a full block.



And finally, our send off as the ship sailed.  We enjoyed this performance on both visits.





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