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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 11th, 2023


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We visited Falkland Islands on Dec 15/22 on board the Oosterdam.


For us, having Falklands on a South American cruise itinerary was mandatory, and I’m sure we were not the only ones onboard who were concerned as to whether we would be able to make it ashore.


It ended up being a fairly nice day, with scattered clouds and an odd shower passing through.


Oosterdam at anchor, with Stanley in the background.



Of course, getting to see penguins was the main reason we wanted to visit the islands.


And we got to see them in all kinds of shapes and colours!!!!




A chick still wearing its winter coat.



We were very fortunate in being able to book Falkland Helicopter Services for a tour of the Islands, as it greatly enhanced our experience in seeing (and learning) about penguins and the Islands as a whole.


Bill & Tom beside the Robertson R44 helicopter.

image.thumb.jpeg.77cdaa24d2be498f55a00295eada126e.jpegFor reference in size, both Tom & Bill are well over 6 feet tall.


The helicopter tour meant, rather than taking over two hours by 4x4 vehicle to get to Volunteer Point, by helicopter it would only take about 20 minutes.


In addition, with our tour scheduled to leave at 10:30am, we didn’t need to be in any big rush trying to catch a tender. 


Plus, you get a different view of the landscape from above.




A picture of the helicopter sitting on the top of the rise at Volunteer Point.



You will also note the sheep grazing amongst the penguins, as Volunteer Point is part of a working sheep farm. Almost all of the land in the Falklands is privately owned and the owners charge the tour companies an access fees.  


We got to see three different species of penguins at Volunteer Point; King, Gentoo, and Magellanic.











With being able to visit Volunteer Point by helicopter meant we still had lots of time to see other sights, so we also took another helicopter tour out to see Rockhopper penguins – “the penguin with an attitude“.



A short video showing rockhoppers going down to and coming back up from the ocean.


There is also a fifth species of penguins on Falkland Islands, called the Macaroni penguin and unfortunately, we didn't see any. The Macaroni penguin is the most numerous of all the world's penguins, with an estimated world population of over 9 million breeding pairs, but very few nest in the Falkland Islands.



We did an extensive review of our 31-day SA cruise on the Oosterdam, which included our visit to Falkland Islands in more detail. The Falkland Islands portion starts at post #148.









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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

We remember those lives lost on 9-11 and all the subsequent health issues and deaths among first responders. We cannot praise emergency responders enough for all they do. Libraries are so important, especially for children and young adults (and us grown-ups too). I'll salute women baseball.

Good quote. I prefer potato salad over macaroni salad. Pass on the drink and wine. I was fortunate to make it to Port Stanley (at the time I didn't realize people often couldn't stop there due to rough seas).

St. Louis Blues is a great composition.


I'm just in on a break. It started off cloudy and foggy here, and in the 60's. Now it's humid and the sun is starting to come out. I went out about 2 hours ago to do the edging and it took almost 2 hours and I used up a whole spool of string. The grass is high! So now hydrating and I will go back out to mow. I hope my batteries hold out for the whole thing.


I remember being at work when the first plane hit one of the twin towers. I assumed a small plane accident. Then someone in the office said turn on the tv and we were all frozen in terror, especially later when told one plane was heading toward Pittsburgh. My friends from the UK called to see if we were ok. BFF was in Mexico for work, and couldn't get home. At home I just couldn't look away from the tv for days, often crying. A high school friend worked at the Pentagon, but had decided to work from home that day.


@Crazy For Cats Enjoy your day aboard Jake and I'm glad you got the maple syrup.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad DS and DGS are enjoying Portugal. Excellent photos from Stanley.

@HAL4NOW Enjoy Halifax.

@Lady Hudson I hope the hurricane doesn't alter you cruise course; I know many itineraries have changed lately due to weather. Maybe they need to call out the National Guard to help find that convict. Stay safe!

@rafinmd Continued prayers for your recovery, Roy. Thank you for your lists of heroes. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope you get some help with your pain. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos.

@marshhawk Wow on your friend. I don't blame you for letting him know just how his behavior is affecting you and him. 

@Seasick Sailor Thank you for the kind words. 

@ottahand7 Oh my on the brakes. I'm glad you got somewhere safely that it could be towed. Safe continued trip home.

@sailingdutchy Lovely photos.

@GeorgeCharlie Great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.





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Approaching the Falkland Islands, Jan 2, 2019, on the Zaandam



Tenders getting ready



Arriving at Stanley





On the slopes on the far side of Stanley Harbour is a monument to the Royal Navy vessels which have served in the Antarctic Ice Patrol or to protect the Falklands: HMS Beagle, HMS Endurance spelled out in stones, among others. 





Local tavern and British phone booth



Christ Church, most southern Anglican church in the world





Unique kneelers made by the church women



Whale bone arch outside the church, built 1933



Bluff cove penguin rookery

Gentoo penguins





King penguins





My Avatar



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58 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:


Hello Susan , 
I keep looking at your  CC name @durangoscots , reason being that I am a huge cycling races fan , yes I grew up on a bike , and have been watching for the last couple of weeks  “ The Man From Durango “ from the Jumbo Visma Team , Sepp Kuss  who has been doing amazingly well , he is from Durango ,  in the Vuelta of Espanja race and which he is leading. 
Hope he can win this race , another 6 tough days to go , if he wins it would be very deserving because for a few years now  he has supported and brought other riders of the team to be big champions .
This year Jumbo is amazing and 3 of the 8 in that team are in the first 3 spots over all  , that is 3 out of 176 riders who stared this race 2 weeks ago in Spain . 
Have you and people in your town been following what is happening ? 

Oh yes, we are all watching Sepp closely and are very proud of him both as a cyclist and as a person. His Grandfather was a colleague of mine years ago at the local college. Looks like Sepp takes after him in his personal life as well as his athletic abilities. This town, as you may know, is cycling crazy with our big local event being the Memorial Day ride against the narrow gauge train from Durango to Silverton.



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Good morning again from a cloudy central Texas with some sun breaks.  I hurried this morning and was finished with the yard by 9 am when the weather radar showed the rain would be here.  By then, the radar showed it wouldn't arrive until 10 am.  I started pulling more of the crabgrass, and today I was able to dig up some of the other variety that I hadn't been able to pull the last two weeks.  I was making good progress when the rain started about 9:40-9:45.  As it was getting harder, I closed the windows in the car that sits outside, and put the tools away.  I also got the remainder of the trash from the house ready to put in the garbage can.  When I went out with it, the rain had stopped.  Now, they are saying it will begin raining tomorrow night and continue through Saturday with slight chances of rain between now and tomorrow night.  We need the rain, but the forecast of rain for this area is a guesstimate at best.


There are certain things you never forget where you were, like the JFK assassination, the Challenger disaster, and 9/11.  On 9/11 I was on my way to my annual ob/gyn check up when I heard the first plane had stuck the twin towers.  My first thought really was terrorists, but then I thought, no, probably just a small plane.  I decided to keep the appointment since I also needed to stop at W-M on the way home.  By the time I got to the doctor's office, the second plane had hit the other tower.  That was the longest doctor's appointment I've ever had.  The doctor was glued to her tv and would pop into the exam room every so often to give me an update before realizing she needed to do the exam and let me leave.  By then W-M could wait since I just needed to get home.


It was heart breaking watching tv that day and seeing so many people dying including first responders.  Many of the first responders and those who helped in the aftermath are still paying the ultimate price for their work.  That was also a time when the world came together to support American citizens and the US.  We flew to Spain on 9/18, and the people we met there couldn't have been nicer.


3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

It will be a cool rainy day today. I am having a hard time getting motivated. I don’t have any news on Murphy. I am letting the family contact me to give them space. 

I remember what I was doing on 911 like I remember when I found out  about JFK’s death in second grade. Two defining moments in history during my lifetime. I don’t think they would announce things like death over a loud speaker in schools today. 

I tried the cheesy chicken recipe from last week. Thanks Debbie the family loved it. Looking up all the recipes is a lot of work. I wanted to let you know it was appreciated. 

Prayers for all those on our care list and for those grieving the loss of loved ones.

Take care and have a great day. 



Lorraine, I hope that since you have not heard anything about Murphy, she is holding her own.  I am still hoping for a miracle, and that given time she will heal and gain strength.


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  


On 9/11/01 I was working in a garden center.  My neighbor called me to tell me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, and I thought small plane, and thought nothing of it. I told my boss and he turned on his computer.  I went about working in the green house, and he came in and said another plane had hit, and he was going home, he'd be back.  He never came back. 


Not having seen anything, I kept the center open that day, I played classical and relaxing music, and one person came by all day.  She sat on the floor and cried.  We had a class that night, on What lives in your Pond, we didn't cancel.  We had a micro biologist speak, and about 6 people showed up. When the class was over, every one left, DH and I went to get dinner.  We sat outside and watched the helicopters fly over the south part of town near the airport.  


My father had worked in the building next to the trade center, and for once I was glad that he had passed so that he wouldn't have seen his work world destroyed.


I ran the garden center for another year without my boss.  His brother actually owned the business, and closed the center.


Have you ever known a person, who asks you for advise, and when you give it to them they give a thousand reasons, why they wont do what you suggest?  When my childhood friend's wife walked out on him 3 years ago, he started calling me.  And he can talk, and whine, and complain, and then ask what should he do, and I give him some helpful hints, and he doesn't like it, and then he calls another person until someone will tell him what he wants to hear.  He does the same thing with his medical people, he has medical issues, and when a doctor tells him what he needs to do, he calls another doctor (they don't even have to be in the same field) to get another diagnosis.  Well on Saturday he called, and since I didn't answer he emailed me.  He told me he was going to die, that he had kidney failure, that he was going into the hospital... and I called last night. He was not going into a hospital, he was going to have a test in an outpatient surgery center.  He has not been diagnosed with kidney failure, they are trying to find out what is wrong with a kidney.


I lost it with him.  And I told him that if he wants advise because he doesnt know what to do, then to talk to a professional because I was tired of being in his chain...He has done this with 2 other of our childhood friends,  and only one has any sympathy left.  I told him that if he does nothing, then nothing will change in his life.  You cant talk to every doctor until you find one that will give the answer you like, that you have to take care of yourself.  I told him I had to get off the phone.  He said he didnt have to get off the phone, and I said I do, because other wise I would slam the phone in his ear.  I got off the phone, and looked at DH, and said I'm sorry, I guess that wasnt very nice, and he said he would have done it 3 years ago.  Sorry I vented, and I hate to lose a friend, but this is not a friend, this is a leech.  And in life, you have to eliminate the negative.




And this is why  I love being here in the Daily.




Annie, no problem about venting here.  That is part of being part of this wonderful Daily family.  You can only try to be a friend to someone for just so long before you realize the friendship is not longer a real friendship.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! A day we should never forget!

We ended our day with an on the beach campfire and s’mores. I believe there was also a few wee drams of whisky being savored.

Today we are going to do some more sightseeing but that may be hampered with fog and drizzle. It’s early so maybe it will clear up.

Thanks for the Reports, List and Recipes.

Have a great day and week. Bruce




Bruce, thanks for more great pictures from Oregon.  After last week's discussion about Tillamook ice cream, it was on sale here.  I bought two varieties, and will pick up some more tomorrow and hope I can squeeze them into the freezer.  


1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning, late for me.  Sad day of remembrance for all of us.

We still aren't home. Something electronic caused our brakes to fail in a huge traffic jam waiting to get onto the Mackinaw bridge.  We limped over thankfully for lower speeds and it opened to 2 lanes on the bridge.  No rest stop open so we went slow in the right lane until we hoped to get to a rest area. One closed rest area then the next was close to a city so John got us to a hotel by the highway by crawling, downshifting and the tiny bit of brake.  We had it towed and spent the night.  We just heard it was repaired and we are waiting for a courtesy pickup. Good news no charge.   Back to normal, fingers crossed, for tomorrow. 


Nancy, I'm sorry about the brake problem, but was glad you made it safely to a town and that the brakes will be repaired at no charge.  Safe travels the rest of the way home.


1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good morning all after a very exciting weekend with family , today a few nice pictures of the Falklands with still more penguins than you already saw today . 
We were very lucky that the captain of the Zaandam in 2015 was able to get us into the inlet near Port Stanley which usually has a 1 in 3 chance due to wind and rough seas.
Ready and dressed for the occasion , including painters booties for the penguin dodo  ! 
Roughing it for miles and miles through the wet fields in a group of jeeps so they could pull each other out in case they got stuck.
And there they were waiting for us but than they turned their back on us ! 
Going in for a dive to get some lunch 
They chose the wading pool 
There were still a lot of mines to be found and to be cleared by experts coming from Africa , a result of the English - Argentine war .
Old cruise ship ….. NOT from Holland America ! 
Yorke Bay …..more penguins 
DW would like a cup of hot chocolate ……….
Next time I would like to go a little further to Volunteer Point where our friends went ………to see the  Emperor Penguins ……
Have a very nice start of the week everybody . See you in the next Port 
Tony 😁😁


Tony, thanks for the penguin pictures and the pictures of Stanley.  


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cooler here today. High forecast at about 72F. We did have some rain last night and showers and T-storms are forecast for now (off and on) through Thursday.  And the "S" word was mentioned for the higher elevations. I have turned off the sprinkler system as I can always turn it back on if needed.


I was teaching on 9-11 and I cancelled my classes (college level and mainly freshman that day). I turned on the TV in my lab and I had students coming and going all day. Some sat for hours just staring. Many came and went... mainly leaving to call home and then returning to sit with friends.


My score for Port Stanley is 2 out of 3. Missed with the QE2 which would have been her final call there. I am a great fan of penguins in their natural habitat so I really enjoyed both times we did get in. The 2nd time it got very rough on the tender ride back to the Amsterdam and Captain Mercer who was sitting just ahead  to me on the tender got soaked. I  was so glad he blocked me.


We are still looking for our most recent disappeared hiker but without much hope. I have several friends who with the Search team and they feel pretty helpless. The area, which is east of our local ski resort, is very rugged and it would be easy to fall into one of the ravines or gullies and not be visible. They are using search dogs which should help. And drones.


Best wishes to all.





Susan, it seems that like Texas, Colorado can use more rain and even the "S" word at higher elevations.  I hope they find the missing hiker.  Maybe if someone goes hiking alone in out of the way places they should invest in a personal location beacon or PLB.  We got one many years ago to take in our UTV when we would take rides way out in the desert.  Fortunately, we never needed to use it.


It has been interesting reading where every one was 22 years ago and what they remembered.  Sharing our 9/11 stories helps us never forget.



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As one who live in the NYC metro area, I have my own many remembrances of that day.

I wish I would have seen that 60 Minutes program on the NYC firefighters since a close friend lost her firefighter husband in the Towers.


If 9-11 is a terrible reminder of man’s inhumanity, then today is a good day to stream the movie Come From Away.
Based on a true story, it shows the wonderful generosity and caring of the people of Gander, Newfoundland who showed the world the goodness and humanity of man.

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Good afternoon everyone. Thanks for the daily report.  I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday, I hope that I never experience anything like that again.  I’ve been absent as we visited the mountainside pueblo town of Mijas and the beach here in Marbella. Tomorrow evening we fly to Barcelona for two nights before we board Oosterdam.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!IMG_1018.thumb.jpeg.0d3c71b9be5fcec3383be6eb118d1b22.jpegIMG_1015.thumb.jpeg.8921f24f5285c04003bc41e896efe4f3.jpegIMG_1014.thumb.jpeg.2115d685961f897961b0f27e5f0b9577.jpegIMG_1005.thumb.jpeg.e10603f88d62e95b883b7c172c2fd1d7.jpegIMG_1003.thumb.jpeg.93922633e81ca5df3292ecc94b954493.jpegIMG_0994.thumb.jpeg.5ba6f310e6bd333058dd170a6d4ae055.jpegIMG_0992.thumb.jpeg.8de11ed463606c4d392fb90c88c38298.jpegIMG_0983.thumb.jpeg.8822c93cf427113ffea940816349cb39.jpegIMG_0978.thumb.jpeg.68645f4239ea2445b7e860fb36ee922e.jpeg



Edited by Mr. Boston
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Had a great time today in Halifax. We dodged most of the rain showers by jumping back on the HoHo bus or ducking into a building. The fog continues to roll in and out.


Just seconds between shots of George’s Island from a deck chair on the promenade.





Went to the art museum with Maude’s house and art (and a lot more), walked the public gardens, stopped at the Fairview Cemetery and walked the area around the Titanic markers, had some Cow’s ice cream and Smoke’s Poutine, stopped into the Basilica, and walked the boardwalk . We had gone to the Atlantic Maritime Museum and the Citadel on the way up to Montreal a little more than a week ago (in the pouring rain).

Halifax is a wonderful city to explore.





















Edited by HAL4NOW
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26 minutes ago, trivia addict said:

As one who live in the NYC metro area, I have my own many remembrances of that day.

I wish I would have seen that 60 Minutes program on the NYC firefighters since a close friend lost her firefighter husband in the Towers.


If 9-11 is a terrible reminder of man’s inhumanity, then today is a good day to stream the movie Come From Away.
Based on a true story, it shows the wonderful generosity and caring of the people of Gander, Newfoundland who showed the world the goodness and humanity of man.

I have a lot on my plate but want to do that tomorrow or later in the week.  As they say it is not really a 9/11 story but a 9/12 story (and several days after that).



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6 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I have a lot on my plate but want to do that tomorrow or later in the week.  As they say it is not really a 9/11 story but a 9/12 story (and several days after that).



It’s a great, heartwarming and uplifting story. I hope you love it!

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I was still working in 2001. On 9/11 I was at a laundromat washing our sleeping bags after returning from our cross country trip to visit our new granddaughter in Vancouver. I watched in horror on the tv there. I worked for a transportation company and we moved air freight, too, so we had some sophisticated tracking programmes to monitor our planes. The day before, or really any day before, you could hardly see the map for the blips of light for each plane in the air, especially on the east coast of USA. On sept 12 and for days after, the screens were blank except for a blip when the fighter jets were scrambled. That has stayed with me all these many years. Basically, the world stopped.

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It bothers me when people describe Operation Yellow Ribbon as if it were solely about Gander. A few things to remember:


  • Although Gander is the easternmost airport on a regular transatlantic route and used to be a refueling stop for almost all flights, it received neither the first plane diverted to Canada, nor the most planes.
  • The first diverted plane to land in Canada went to CFB Goose Bay.
  • Halifax received the most planes, 40.
  • Vancouver received the most passengers.
  • Canada initially directed planes away from Toronto (Pearson), Ottawa (MacDonald-Cartier), and Montreal (Dorval) because they were in large urban areas and it wasn't known whether any other flights had been hijacked. Some flights did eventually land at each, because the airports in eastern Canada were becoming saturated.
  • They couldn't direct eastbound transpacific flights away from Vancouver, because many couldn't land at smaller airports. Some with sufficient fuel continued to inland airports such as Calgary.
  • Beverley Bass, who landed her aircraft at Gander, became the best-known of the captains because of Come From Away, but about 238 flights were diverted to Canada and others returned to Europe.
  • I believe that Gander had the highest ratio of passengers to residents. Two smaller communities in eastern Canada, Stephenville and Deer Lake, had planes land, but fewer: 8 at Stephenville, 1 at Deer Lake.



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On September 11, 2001, I was working in an office building at Dupont Circle in Washington, DC.  The terrace on the 9th floor looked west toward Virginia -- buildings in DC can't be taller than 130 feet on commercial streets so we had an unimpeded view.  After news got around about the terrorist attacks, most people in our firm ended up on the terrace.  And we could see smoke rising from the Pentagon with F16s flying so low that you felt like you could almost touch them.  And then the office shut down for the day.


I generally used the Metro's yellow line to get home, but since it crossed the Potomac River via an over-ground bridge, it was closed, so I walked several blocks to get the Blue line – a longer trip for me, but one that was still open since it was underground for the most part.  Every store front going down Connecticut Avenue to the Blue line station had a CLOSED sign on the door.  There was virtually no traffic, since the bridges used by automobiles going into Virginia were also closed.  Metro's Blue line stop at the Pentagon was also closed, and Pentagon employees had been bussed to the next closest stop – Arlington Cemetery – some of them with visible signs of injury, albeit minor.  The ride was almost in complete silence and we sped through the Pentagon stop virtually holding our breath.


The main thing I will never forget because my house was 2 miles south of National Airport and because I was raised in the Air Force, I was used to hearing planes take off and land day and night.  For the next two weeks, there was nothing -- just eerie silence.  On the Sunday that the airport opened long enough to let the private planes leave, I cried because things were finally returning to normal.  Except unfortunately they have never returned to normal.


I think everyone will remember exactly where they were at that horrible point in time.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good afternoon everyone. Thanks for the daily report.  I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday, I hope that I never experience anything like that again.  I’ve been absent as we visited the mountainside pueblo town of Mijas and the beach here in Marbella. Tomorrow evening we fly to Barcelona for two nights before we board Oosterdam.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!IMG_1018.thumb.jpeg.0d3c71b9be5fcec3383be6eb118d1b22.jpegIMG_1015.thumb.jpeg.8921f24f5285c04003bc41e896efe4f3.jpegIMG_1014.thumb.jpeg.2115d685961f897961b0f27e5f0b9577.jpegIMG_1005.thumb.jpeg.e10603f88d62e95b883b7c172c2fd1d7.jpegIMG_1003.thumb.jpeg.93922633e81ca5df3292ecc94b954493.jpegIMG_0994.thumb.jpeg.5ba6f310e6bd333058dd170a6d4ae055.jpegIMG_0992.thumb.jpeg.8de11ed463606c4d392fb90c88c38298.jpegIMG_0983.thumb.jpeg.8822c93cf427113ffea940816349cb39.jpegIMG_0978.thumb.jpeg.68645f4239ea2445b7e860fb36ee922e.jpeg




Thanks for the pictures.  Have a safe flight tomorrow.


2 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

Had a great time today in Halifax. We dodged most of the rain showers by jumping back on the HoHo bus or ducking into a building. The fog continues to roll in and out.


Just seconds between shots of George’s Island from a deck chair on the promenade.





Went to the art museum with Maude’s house and art (and a lot more), walked the public gardens, stopped at the Fairview Cemetery and walked the area around the Titanic markers, had some Cow’s ice cream and Smoke’s Poutine, stopped into the Basilica, and walked the boardwalk . We had gone to the Atlantic Maritime Museum and the Citadel on the way up to Montreal a little more than a week ago (in the pouring rain).

Halifax is a wonderful city to explore.






















Tony, I'm glad you had a good day in Halifax in spite of the weather.  Enjoyed the pictures.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

I was still working in 2001. On 9/11 I was at a laundromat washing our sleeping bags after returning from our cross country trip to visit our new granddaughter in Vancouver. I watched in horror on the tv there. I worked for a transportation company and we moved air freight, too, so we had some sophisticated tracking programmes to monitor our planes. The day before, or really any day before, you could hardly see the map for the blips of light for each plane in the air, especially on the east coast of USA. On sept 12 and for days after, the screens were blank except for a blip when the fighter jets were scrambled. That has stayed with me all these many years. Basically, the world stopped.


Eva, that must have been weird seeing the blank screens.


37 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

It was just announced that we will leave between 8 and 9 pm.  Divers are working on the ship.  It is expected that we will arrive in Bar Harbor tomorrow around 10 am.


Jake, thanks for heads up.  Any idea what the divers are working on?




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25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Thanks for the pictures.  Have a safe flight tomorrow.



Tony, I'm glad you had a good day in Halifax in spite of the weather.  Enjoyed the pictures.



Eva, that must have been weird seeing the blank screens.



Jake, thanks for heads up.  Any idea what the divers are working on?





When we were on Zaandam a few weeks ago, the Captain said they were going to be fixing a stern thruster over several weeks/ports using divers.

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