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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday September 27th, 2023


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Good morning. Still dark outside and 74 degrees. Up early for no particular reason. Wasn’t planned but we both have appointments to see our doctor today. Routine checkups and we need to make sure he orders enough refills to get us through the world cruise. Our pharmacist said no problem getting an override on meds as long as they have enough refills. We haven’t decided how many suitcases yet but Azamara has $500.00 credit for any luggage fees.

@NickelpennyBon Voyage!

@Cruising-along Henry and Carolyn Happy Anniversary

Not sure what’s on today’s agenda as our appointments are three hours apart but I do have time to get my walk in if the rain stays offshore.

Good quote from Teddy Roosevelt. Just read Jeff Sharahs latest book on President Roosevelt. He was quite a man.

Always too many on our Care List and prayers go out to all. We sure have a lot of us going on a cruise soon. Traditionally we always seem to have a booking this time of year in the middle of hurricane season. We have had some cruises affected by them but have not had any direct hits on our home while on a cruise. 
Thanks for the Reports/List/Recipes/travel photos and of course wine and cocktail recommendations. Most importantly too all who share what’s going on in their world.

Have a grand Hump Day. Bruce





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Good Wednesday morning everyone!


Nice group of days - we are all tourists here, it is partially what keeps us together; forgiveness should be a given but is sometimes difficult to carry out; here in the state of MN voter registration can be done at the polling place on the election day so there should be no excuses!  😉

My thanks to all contributors!

Safe and fun travels to all traveling whether just starting your adventure, if it is currently ongoing and those who are on their way home after a time away. 

Hahaha........this is in my head right now regarding some stuff here. Can't help but laugh.


@Cruising-along, @durangoscots, @cruising sister and @richwmn (did I forget anyone, if so please correct me), I looked at the HAL website this AM; it is 97 days until our GV AUS/NZ! We have been waiting and planning a long time. I am still working on getting my stuff in a group but it looks better. My lists have lists....

@Cruising-along Happy Anniversary to you and DH!!


@rafinmd are you still on schedule to go? Hope so; your trip looks great!


Prayers for all of us, extras for those being challenged or are struggling. 🙏 📿

Celebrate all of your joys, we do deserve them.

Take care everyone and have a good day.



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A very early good morning from central Texas.  It is still dark outside and 70F which feels like 70F.  The humidity is 86% with a dew point of 66F.  The predicted high is 94F and sunny.  I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to get a few things accomplished before I start working on the car.  Once the new coils are installed, we'll need to test drive it and get gas.  I would like to get that done this morning if possible.


World Tourism Day should be celebrated, but sadly many places are now trying to discourage tourists.  If it wasn't for tourism and a love of travel, we wouldn't be here and enjoying each others company.  We are registered to vote.  Forgiveness is important, more for the one forgiving than for the transgressor.


I like the Theodore Roosevelt quote.


Vegetarian lasagna can be good, but my favorite has Italian sausage in it.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We were in Dakar in 2009 on Tahitian Princess.  I'll look for my pictures next.


Two good days in history.  The Model T made cars more affordable, and you could have any color as long as it was black.  William the Conqueror changed the history of England.


@Nickelpenny  Safe travels today, Penny.

@Heartgrove  Welcome home, Jack.  I'm glad the luggage showed up even if late.  I hope you are over the jet lag soon.

@ottahand7  Safe travels the rest of the way home, Nancy.  That veal chop looks as big as the Tomahawk steak in the Pinnacle.

@grapau27  Graham, I hope  you and Pauline remain safe during storm Agnes, and that you have no damage.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, since we'll need to leave a bit earlier than planned tomorrow, I doubt if I'll have time to post my pictures even if I get a chance for a quick post.  I would appreciate it if you could post them.














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In 2009 on the Tahitian Princess, we visited Dakar, Senegal.  Like @StLouisCruisers Sandi, we found the town to be fairly uninviting and were not comfortable walking around.  As soon as the shuttle dropped us off in the park, a "gang" of ladies selling trinkets descended on us.  We did walk up the street about two blocks toward the market, but we felt uncomfortable and turned around.  Just as we headed back to the shuttle drop off, the Call to Prayer was sounded.  All the men stopped what they were doing, unrolled their rugs on the sidewalk to pray.  We had to walk in the street the rest of the way back to the park, where we again were surrounded by the ladies selling stuff.


We were in town early afternoon, and we learned after many complaints by the passengers, ours was the last shuttle to let people off in town.  The rest of the day, the shuttle was basically an scenic tour of Dakar.


That morning, we took a ships tour to the I'Ile de Goree which we enjoyed, even with its sad history.  The I'Ile de Goree was where the slave traders held the slaves before putting them on a ship to the new world.  Most of the slaves were captured by enemy tribes and sold to the traders.  


These are my pictures of Dakar.  I'll post the ones from the I'Ile de Goree later.


Like Panama City, Dakar looks a lot better from the ship or in our case the boat to the I'Ile de Goree.



The two block walk and the local "merchants' wares"




The view from the park where the shuttle stopped.




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Good morning to all. It will get up to the mid sixties later and the sun is out for the first time in five days.

I will celebrate the days and have not been to the port.The recipe sounds good to me. Last night I made a spinach quiche to go with pasta fagioli.

@kazu,Jacqui, I was so sorry to hear of your BFF’s husband passing. Sending prayers and condolences to both their family and to you.

@Cruising-along, Happy Anniversary!


@NickelpennyHave a safe flight and Bon Voyage 


My BFF is coming for lunch today and helping me with the last closet I have to go through. I could not face it by myself.


Enjoy the day everyone 

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The history made the tour to the I'Ile de Goree interesting if somewhat somber.  The rest of the island is a residential and tourist area.  It was very hot that day.


Views of the island from our tour boat





Our walk to the slave prison




The slave prison



A couple of the cells.  Of course, there were no electric lights back then.




The cell you did not want to be placed in



The quarters for the prison guards/officials were a little better.



Finally, the saddest part of the prison, the Door of No Return.  The slaves walked through this door onto the ship that would take them to their new life.




Some of the equipment used in the slave trade



The rest of the pictures of the I'Ile de Goree are happier pictures.  This is their local "UPS".



A colonial building



Next we had a much needed and cooling refreshment break along with local entertainment.



These were covering many of the trees on the island, and I don't know or don't remember what they are called.



Our next stop was the Catholic Church built under the French rule.




The medical center run by the Ordre Souverain de Malte au Senegal



Our final stop on the island naturally, was the shopping stop.  We bought a beautiful carved mask that was stained dark brown and black, and is on the wall of our house in Quartzsite.




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Great to have another day of progress yesterday. The financial guy has been amazing. Then we each made our read of the trust final draft, still several little correction but we’re down to typos, middle initials, email addresses etc. It’ll be ready soon and in time for our financial review at the new retirement community. 

@kazu condolences on your loss!  Our friends are woven into our fabric. When we lose a friend a part of us is lost too. And we relive our own losses. I know you’ll be helping your friend but please be gentle with yourself too. I’m sorry your elbow is still problematic. I know you’ll keep at it and not let it stop you. 

Forgiveness is huge. Not forgiving is like take poison and expecting the other person to feel the impact. My book group read Desmond Tutu’s Book of Forgiveness.  It was a very tough read. My take-away in the end was that we can try to agree together to move on, but if one party can’t agree to that then it’s best to relinquish the relationship. Either is tough work. 


Thanks for the Fleet map. Having fun tracking friends on Eurodam! 

@grapau27 Graham, hoping the storm doesn’t creat lasting problems. You and yours: Take no risks, Stay safe!  

@rafinmd So happy for you Roy!  It’s all gonna happen!  

@Nickelpenny and @ottahand7safe travels! 

Welcome home @St Louis Cruiser and @Heartgrove

Happy Anniversary @Cruising-along Carolyn and Henry 🎉. Anniversaries are an accomplishment. 

Thanks @JazzyV for our lists. Hoping you can find relief very soon. Pain is exhausting. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Gentle hugs to @smitty34877 Terry, and miracles finding the right aide for Tana. Grieving is exhausting too. Remember to breathe!  

Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good 🌈. And to all our cruisers!  Safe travels all!  






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13 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Was making doctors appointments this morning and called to get my annual mammogram.  Due the first of November.  Got the first available appointment for JANUARY.  Really!!  Can't believe how much medicine has changed in the last few years.

That is crazy. I could walk in tomorrow and get a mammogram here. Maybe it is the center you are choosing. With October being breast cancer awareness month most centers offer walk in appointments. I would try for something sooner. 

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Good morning,

Another beautiful day here in Kansas. Maybe the landscaping company will get here today! 

I am getting fed up with Delta. They have changed my flight so many times I don’t recognize it.  I booked it using money I needed to use up by the end of the year. It now has me with a 6 hour layover in Dallas. I went ahead a booked a flight with United using points to have as back up. I can see Delta  canceling at the last minute and I need to make it to San Diego. 

I am off this morning to get some sun damage the dermatologist wants burned off. Does not sound like fun. I wanted to wait until fall since I am out watching the grands (with hat and sunscreen) in the summer. 

There is lots to celebrate today with anniversary’s and Bon voyages. 

Prayers for those on our list and others suffering.  I am working on forgiveness with my sister but I am not there yet. 

Have a great day. 

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Good morning, everyone!


It is going to be overcast and cool today with a high of 64F.  I'm hoping I can install the new outdoor post light today.  The one that is there is really ugly.  I have the new one, but need to paint the pole before I install it.  So, I'll stop by Lowe's after the gym and pick up the paint.  Nothing else on the horizon for today.  


I think I like all the different varieties of lasagna.  I used to eat lasagna made with zucchini instead of noodles.  It is the sauce and the cheeses that I like.  While I like to have meat in my lasagna, I could enjoy this one.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/creamy-spinach-tomato-vegetarian-lasagna/




The biggest difference between the recipes is in the seasonings used.  I tend to take from several recipes and combine what I like about each of them.  https://www.muirglen.com/recipes/creamy-spinach-tomato-vegetarian-lasagna/




This last recipe incorporates more vegetables along with the spinach.  I'm including it for my carrot loving friends.    https://cookieandkate.com/best-vegetable-lasagna-recipe/




@Cruising-along  Happy Anniversary to Carolyn and Henry!




Welcome home @Heartgrove Jack!   


Safe travels to @Nickelpenny Penny!  


Wishing all of my Dailyite family a wonderful day.  

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20 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. It will get up to the mid sixties later and the sun is out for the first time in five days.

I will celebrate the days and have not been to the port.The recipe sounds good to me. Last night I made a spinach quiche to go with pasta fagioli.

@kazu,Jacqui, I was so sorry to hear of your BFF’s husband passing. Sending prayers and condolences to both their family and to you.

@Cruising-along, Happy Anniversary!


@NickelpennyHave a safe flight and Bon Voyage 


My BFF is coming for lunch today and helping me with the last closet I have to go through. I could not face it by myself.


Enjoy the day everyone 


Terry, I'm glad your BFF will be helping with cleaning the closet.  You are a strong woman, but even strong women need help once in awhile.  I hope your BFF's help with make a difficult task a little easier.  ((((((HUGS))))))


6 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Another beautiful day here in Kansas. Maybe the landscaping company will get here today! 

I am getting fed up with Delta. They have changed my flight so many times I don’t recognize it.  I booked it using money I needed to use up by the end of the year. It now has me with a 6 hour layover in Dallas. I went ahead a booked a flight with United using points to have as back up. I can see Delta  canceling at the last minute and I need to make it to San Diego. 

I am off this morning to get some sun damage the dermatologist wants burned off. Does not sound like fun. I wanted to wait until fall since I am out watching the grands (with hat and sunscreen) in the summer. 

There is lots to celebrate today with anniversary’s and Bon voyages. 

Prayers for those on our list and others suffering.  I am working on forgiveness with my sister but I am not there yet. 

Have a great day. 


Lorraine, sorry about all the flight changes.  I don't blame you for getting a back up flight.  I've had some places burned off recently, while it hurts some at the time, it's better than what happens if you wait too long.  



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51 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

That is crazy. I could walk in tomorrow and get a mammogram here. Maybe it is the center you are choosing. With October being breast cancer awareness month most centers offer walk in appointments. I would try for something sooner. 

I waited three months for my appointment in New York.

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  While I read the posts in the morning yesterday, I didnt post.  My post simply would have read-I'm still alive.  


DH took a day off from work to meet with the tree removal people, and one of the driveway repair people, and then this morning starting at 8 his phone was ringing and we had another person give us a quote for the repair.  The tree guy wants 400 to cut and cart the tree away. that's a decent price.  The first driveway quote was an est. for 2200.00, the guy who came this morning said 4K. And with all money right now tied up in the trip, well, tree may go, but driveway will need to wait, unless they will finance.


I worked 8 hours on Monday, until 11 pm, and 7.5 hours yesterday until 10:30 pm, and today I start at 10 am. I'm beat.  DH said yesterday he had no energy, and I am at that point today. I was trying to only work for 4 days this week, and enjoy some time off to do things like vacuum, and dust, and get the house ready for our departure, but now I'm back to working 6 days this week, but only for a little while on Friday and Saturday.  My PT this week is only one day, because I hadn't scheduled far enough in advance, there were no spots, and they are down one therapist.



I did make meatloaf yesterday, and that was great for dinner, and today is left overs with a sweet potato.  I would eat veggie lasagna, but I no longer make lasagna.  DH does not enjoy left overs the way I do, and making a casserole dinner of any type has to be made for one meal only.




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2 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I waited three months for my appointment in New York.

I’m due in Dec for my mammo, and Dec for my colonoscopy. I think they’ll both wait till I get to NJ. I’m hoping they won’t slip more than 6 months. I’m way overdo for a dermatology screening so with the reminders here, that’ll also be on my list to discuss with my next primary care doc. 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I love playing tourist and would like to be one today.  We've always made sure to be registered to vote and have never missed voting in any election since we were eligible.  I do forgive, but I've got a memory like an elephant.  In Canada it's also Chocolate Milk Day which we will definitely celebrate later in the day.  


When I got up this morning I was surprised to see the streets were all wet and there were puddles everywhere - certainly didn't expect rain overnight!  We had a hot (for us) sunny day yesterday and actually had the windows open when we went to bed last night.  Apparently DH got up at some point and closed them; when he gets up I'll have to ask when it rained because I sleep like someone in a coma.


Re: mammograms, about 3 weeks ago I received a notice in the mail to make an appointment and when I called, the earliest I could get in was November 25.  I asked why it was such a long way off and was told that ever since Covid was over, women have been more conscientious about making appointments.


Not much on the agenda today - I was going to tackle the leaves in the yard, but with the rain, it's going to be tough going.  Yesterday after DH returned from his son's acreage, he blew the leaves off the front lawn into the street and they proceeded to fly off in the direction of our neighbour's lawns.  Very neighbourly!  LOL 


@Cruising-along Happy Anniversary to you and your DH; let the love and laughter continue!

@kazuI'm so sorry to hear your friend's DH passed away; he was on my prayer list.  She's fortunate to have you as a friend and I know you'll do what you can to support her, but remember to take extra care of yourself, too.

@smitty34877you and your family continue to be in my prayers as you deal with Lou's passing, Tana's health, and having to search for a new aide.

@SusieKIslandGirl I'm sorry you didn't get to go on your cruise but am glad you had the road trip with your friends.


I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, same with the wine, and probably wouldn't make a vegetarian lasagna, but would sneak in some ground beef to the mix.  For us, seeing as it's still nice out, I've got some burgers thawing that DH will grill tonight and we can enjoy them along with a Greek Salad on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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A question for Canadian Dailyites.  There was a Canadian Documentary called something like "You are here: A Come From Away Story" that has not been available for streaming in the US.  I'm wondering if I can still access it from a Canadian port.



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The history made the tour to the I'Ile de Goree interesting if somewhat somber.  The rest of the island is a residential and tourist area.  It was very hot that day.


Views of the island from our tour boat





Our walk to the slave prison




The slave prison



A couple of the cells.  Of course, there were no electric lights back then.




The cell you did not want to be placed in



The quarters for the prison guards/officials were a little better.



Finally, the saddest part of the prison, the Door of No Return.  The slaves walked through this door onto the ship that would take them to their new life.




Some of the equipment used in the slave trade



The rest of the pictures of the I'Ile de Goree are happier pictures.  This is their local "UPS".



A colonial building



Next we had a much needed and cooling refreshment break along with local entertainment.



These were covering many of the trees on the island, and I don't know or don't remember what they are called.



Our next stop was the Catholic Church built under the French rule.




The medical center run by the Ordre Souverain de Malte au Senegal



Our final stop on the island naturally, was the shopping stop.  We bought a beautiful carved mask that was stained dark brown and black, and is on the wall of our house in Quartzsite.




Interesting photos Lenda.

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Good morning Daily-ites. 


I had a terrible night's rest and a bit tired this morning. Sometime during the night we got a shower and all our deck pillows are wet. The deer came through last night and cleaned out our bird feeders, so Oliver helped me refill them and the hummingbird feeders.


Tourism is why we are gathered here on CC.









Forgiveness is difficult sometimes but we don't want to let the anger sit on our hearts, so I try to always say a prayer and let it go.




Today I have a neighbor coming over to take the ledger, paperwork, cash/checkbook, lockbox, etc as I turn over my Treasurer duties for our neighborhood.  I have had the position for 3 years, it's time to let someone else take it.


Tonight I'm making chicken in the air fryer, salad and herbed rice. Lasagna will be for cooler weather.


Prayers for each of you, Happy Anniversary and plenty of Bon Voyages! Have a great day!


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25 minutes ago, ger_77 said:



Re: mammograms, about 3 weeks ago I received a notice in the mail to make an appointment and when I called, the earliest I could get in was November 25.  I asked why it was such a long way off and was told that ever since Covid was over, women have been more conscientious about making appointments.




I guess I should count myself lucky, I got my notice about making an appointment to get a mammogram about 3 weeks ago and called that day.  I got an appointment for a week later.  It wasn't as painful as I remember, I think new technology makes the squeezing gentler.

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